Jon Stewart looks to see how some of the new arch conservatives are doing.  He suggests they are like the new guy your divorced mom brings home, but the honeymoon is soon over.

This is possibly the funniest Jon Stewart I have ever seen.  He calls the hypocrites out.  I have never seen more blatant self-serving elected officials in my life.  Some of these guys ought to just be ashamed of themselves-

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c
Gov Hurts
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 There seems to be a common theme here– Worthless public teat-sucking leaches trying to steal from the public coffers—-Why is there a war on the public employees?

Will the public stand for this war?  The polls don’t look so good in Wisconsin.  The polls won’t look so good anywhere once people see how badly some of these newly elected officials are stepping on their…..ooops….

15 Thoughts to “Jon Stewart: The Newly Elected Republican Step-dads”

  1. Its as simple as this…..if the Republicans don’t live up to their rhetoric, if they don’t make cuts…REAL cuts…they will be challenged in the next primary. The Democrats had better get on the ball to reign in THEIR spendthrifts.

    “The United States federal budget has, since 1968, been in the black only five years according to this Congressional Budget Office report (PDF): 1969, and 1998-2001. Those last four years the budget was black only because the Social Security surplus was used to buy our debt. It’s always used to buy our debt (and the IOUs are put in AlGore’s “lockbox” and forgotten), but those five years the combination of overall revenue versus overall expenditure produced a bit of a surplus.

    Over that 40-year period, the national debt climbed from $285.5 billion to $5.035 trillion, an increase of 1,763%. During that same period the expenditures of the federal government as a percentage of Gross Domestic Product hovered at about 20.6%, and tax revenue as a percentage of GDP hovered around 18.3%.”

    1. So do you really think tea parties can pull it off again? I do not. I have seen what tea party has to offer and I do not like it.

      I don’t think I am alone. It really is about beating up public employees and offering up candidates that are bringing religious right issues into policy making. That usually only flies around once before the sheeple decide it isn’t for them. The sheeple love sound bytes and get seduced by them about every 15-20 years or so. I don’t think it will play in Peoria next time around.

      Both parties need to offer up mainstream centrist candidates and let those at the far ends of the spectrum piss bitch and moan. The bottom line is, there is more middle than there are ends.

  2. All I can say is….


  3. @Pinko

    That was one of the funniest Jon Stewart skits I have ever seen. Apparently you agree?

  4. Wolverine

    How convenient that Jon left out his own Democratic “step-dad” — Andrew Cuomo. $132.9 billion in proposed cuts to the state budget, mostly out of schools, state government, prisons, and the state Medicaid program. A possibility of as many as 10,000 layoffs of state workers. Probably a lot of teachers will have to go as well, including many, many in New York City. Even if the state legislature succeeds in current plans to put some of the school funding back, it will be the deepest educational cut in New York history. The main opposition? Teachers unions. Public employee unions. Some stubborn Dems in the legislature. The Governor has said that, if his budget is not passed on schedule, the state government may well shut down. Moreover, he has rejected an opposition call for a temporary income tax surcharge on millionaires because it will send a wrong signal to employers and drive even more of the wealthy out of the state.

    It certainly looks to me like efforts to lower deficits and restore fiscal sanity to state governments is not quite “extremism” after all. Why, long-time liberal Andrew Cuomo looks almost — shall I say it? — “conservative” in his fiscal approach. And then there is Jerry Brown out in California, now facing heavy criticism for proposing huge cuts along similar lines in an effort to save California from a fiscal disaster. I guess that, when it comes to staring those huge deficits in the eye and the consequences of not doing something about them, the labels of liberal and conservative both fall to the wayside. An empty wallet can do that to you.

  5. Andrew Cuomo isn’t an arch conservative. Kudos to Stewart for sticking to topic and not trying the deflection thing as a justification for bad behavior.

    Stewart was pointing out hypocrisy. If Cuomo has been a hypocrite then his turn might come next week. Wolverine did you skip the video??????? 🙄

    I think cutting public employee salaries and giving pet plum jobs paying nearly $200 k is just pure hypocrisy.

  6. Wolverine

    I watched the video. Personally, I thought it was not one of Jon’s better performances. It looked to me like a stick it to the conservatives deal when you have liberal governors doing many of the same things because they are facing the same fiscal problems. When conservative governors refuse to balance the budget by raising taxes on business and the wealthy, they get accused of all sorts of sins. When Cuomo does the same thing for the exact same reasons, not a friggin’ peep from the same critics. When those conservative governors tell you that they are going to cut back on the cost of public services and public employment, they are accused of being disrespectful and unfair to public employees. When a liberal like Cuomo proposes the same thing, once again not a peep from the critics.

    I agree that the increased salaries for appointed aides at that level at this particular time was a political gaffe by Kasich. Cuomo bested him on that by cutting his own pay by 5%. But one gaffe by Kasich hardly warrants a blanket Daily Show accusation of hypocrisy against an entire phalanx of new conservative governors struggling with very real fiscal problems.

  7. El Guapo

    In pieces like this, Jon Stewart uses the same tactics used by Hannity and other hacks. They carefully select what they report so as to support their pre-drawn conclusion. He using the same tactics for which he criticizes Fox News

    1. @El Guapo–the major difference is Stewart is a comedy skit and Hannity thinks he is for real.

      The real issue is that some of these clowns who are in office ARE picking on public employees and using them as the scapegoat for much of what is wrong in our country. Wall Street gets a pass and public employees get the axe. Now who caused the economic meltdown?

      Anyone seen the bit on GE? At least the cops and teachers pay taxes. GE does not.

  8. Cato the Elder

    Well, to be fair Jon does do it with considerably more panache than most. Overall a well-done piece of agitprop from Comrade Leibowitz.

  9. @Moon-howler
    Oh yeah. I was laughing so loudly you would have thought I was seeing him live. The guy sitting backwards in the chair was the best!!

  10. El Guapo

    Jon Stewart mimics Fox News on that too. Fox News broadcasts biased political commentary and calls it “news”. Jon Stewart broadcasts political commentary and calls it “comedy”. So on two points he is guilty of the same violation as Fox News.

  11. @El Guapo, then I suggest not watching him if he offends you.

    I think he is funnier than all Hell most of the time.

    I would say that Jon Stewart is a comedy whose routines are often based on political commentary and satire. I suppose it is all a matter of perspective.

  12. El Guapo

    Oh! He doesn’t offend me. I love the show. It’s hilarious. I like his political bias too. But I know what I’m watching.

    1. @El Guapo

      Those who turn on the Daily Show are expecting to get a good laugh at the expense of current events. And yes, they know that their laugh will have at least a centrist to left ring to it.

      Those turning on Hannity are often turning on the show to get their daily dose of red meat.

      Now if you pulled 100 Hannity watchers and 100 Stewart watchers and asked them to truth meter the shows’ segments, who do you think would be most accurate? The Hannity watcher or the Stewart watcher?

      I believe the hyperbole exists for different reasons.

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