Is it bye bye Coburn?

WASHINGTON — Sen. Tom Coburn played a more active role than previously known in the negotiations between ex-Sen. John Ensign (R-Nev.) and his former aide, Doug Hampton. The extent of the Oklahoma Republican’s involvement is made clear in a report released Thursday by the Senate Ethics Committee that accuses the former senator of serious criminal violations.

Senator Ensign resigned in disgrace, under a great deal of pressure.  People were led to believe that it was to save the Hamptons from having to testify before the Senate Ethics Committee and to avoid embarrassment.  Now it seems that there is another reason–

Senator Tom Colburn knew much more about his friend’s infidelity and pay off to the Hamptons.  According to HuffPost:

Coburn, a friend of Ensign’s who confronted him about the adultery, became involved as an intermediary in negotiations between Ensign and Doug Hampton. The former aide sought money from Ensign in spring 2009. Coburn negotiated the payment to Doug Hampton down from $8 million to about $2.8 million, according to the report.

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Fox News, Report the Facts! Jon Stewart Calls Out Their Blatent Hypcorisy.


Please, before you comment, watch the clip.   Fox News goes after socially conscious rapper Common who has been invited to the White House by First Lady Michelle Obama.  Now, rap is not my choice of music, but Common is a two time Grammy award winner and apparently is trying to reach out to young people with a transformative message about creating a better future.    He urges them NOT to fall into the violence that surrounds them, and instead,  make a change for the better in their lives.

Sean Hannity is called out by Stewart for being two faced.  On one hand Hannity belittles the Obama’s for inviting a rapper who has “violent” lyrics, but then defends Ted Nugent for calling Obama a “piece of shit” in a concert ?  To make it even worse, Nugent suggests Obama “suck on this”, and what is “this” you may be wondering, “this”,  is a pretty large gun.  

Fox News creates incendiary stories when, every day,  there are enough real stories for the American public, they don’t need to fabricate.  

The ending to this clip is a riot, the only Jewish rappers I know are the Beastie Boys, so Beastie Boys, move over,  here comes Rapper Jon Stewart.