D-Day: 67th anniversary of Operation Overlord

June 6, 2011 marks the 67 anniversary since Allied Forces crossed the English Channel and invaded occupied Europe via the French coast.  250 thousand were involved in the invasion and any vessel that wouldn’t sink was deployed in the  effort  to get allied troops, mainly from the Great Britain, Canada and the United States into France to begin the invasion that would ultimately win the war.


The D-Day Memorial in Bedford, Virginia is a non-profit museum dedicated to preserving the history of D-Day.  More men from Bedord lost their lives during that invasion than any other locality in the United States, per capita. 

The D-Day Memorial has struggled since the crash of 2008.  Additionally, WWII vets are dying at a rate of over 1000 per day.  Let’s not let this memorial go to the ages along with those who fought and those who died for our country.

Contributions can be made at the D-Day Memorial website.

Palin: Ignorant and proud of it

LA Times:

“He who warned, uh, the British that they weren’t gonna be takin’ away our arms, uh, by ringing those bells, and um, makin’ sure as he’s riding his horse through town to send those warning shots and bells that we were going to be sure and we were going to be free, and we were going to be armed.”

Sarah Palin and her family visited the Old North Church and apparently wanted to dazzle her fans with her knowledge of American history.  The above is Sarah Palin’s version of Paul Revere’s ride.  I guess they don’t have history books in Alaska because she sure is off the mark.  


Sarah Palin now tells us she didn’t mess up.  From USA Today:

Sarah Palin defended her account of Paul Revere and his midnight ride, insisting that his warning essentially represented a message to the British that the revolutionaries weren’t going to back down.

“I didn’t mess up,” the potential GOP presidential candidate said this morning on Fox News Sunday. “I answered candidly and I know my American history.”

It really isn’t that Palin doesn’t know squat about the American Revolution.  If she were president she would have an entire staff of educated people around her to make up for her woeful ignornance.  It is, however, her arrogance and inability and unwillingness  to do something about these weaknesses that makes her an unfit candidate.