Since the formation of Advocates for the Rural Crescent in 2000, each electoral season the candidates have been invited to sign a pledge supporting the Rural Crescent.
This election cycle has begun and the pledges have been sent to all certified candidates to date. Although several candidates do not have formal websites, I have sent the pledges via the VPAP published addresses.
Bob Pugh, republican running for Coles District Supervisor, has swiftly returned the pledge with an extensive cover letter:
June 22, 2011
Elena L. Schlossberg-Kunkel
Advocates for the Rural Crescent
[address redacted]
Dear Elena:
I sign the Rural Crescent pledge with great pleasure.
Many Prince William County residents question why the Rural Crescent is needed, and some believe that it represents nothing more than tree-huggers pursuing an anti-growth agenda. Neither of those views reflects the value of this innovative land use policy to our community.
The Rural Crescent is one of the best tools we have to keep taxes low. Runaway residential development in areas where no roads, schools, firehouses, etc. exist imposes an enormous burden on taxpayers. This infrastructure is incredibly expensive to build, and what limited proffers developers do pay barely scratch the surface of the capital and operating costs their projects create. The difference is subsidized by current taxpayers. If anyone has any doubt, they should just look at how much faster than inflation property tax bills have been rising over the past couple of decades.