Now we see that it is the Foxies doing a dust up over the use of the term ‘Christian.’  Surprise! Surprise! Somehow the use of the Knights Templar in a  power point  just doesn’t make me assume Buddist.  
Then we have the GOP SVU.  Please gang.  No one is after Christians unless you are perhaps are not properly observing boundaries.  Then you might feel that way but it isn’t Christianity.  Its you.  Christianity is a pretty good thing.  Shoving it down the throats of others, not so good.  
Did Christianity cause Breivik to commit those atrocities?  Absolutely not.  A sick mind caused the carnage.  His obsession with the Crusades might have fed his zealotry.  I think we can all agree that the Crusades weren’t Christianity’s finest hour. 

5 Thoughts to “Jon Stewart weighs in on labeling Christianity”

  1. punchak

    That Fox news morning trio is something else!

  2. They definitely do victimization real well. I just don’t see what the big deal is.

    Every time the ‘Low the poor Christian’ starts up I wonder what they would do if they were Jewish.

  3. Elena

    This was the exact point I was trying to make yesterday actually, on the the O’Reilly thread you did Moon. I mentioned the misue of Islam by certain people. Jon Stewart clearly said it so much more succinctly than I ever could!

  4. Elena

    Well, those poor persecuted Christians are the largest majority religion, well over two billion. Jews, since the Holocaust, have yet to regain their number of 16 million, we are still hovering at 14 million.

    1. That has taken 2 generations are the Jews still haven’t caught up. That is significant. I could understand a persecution complex if someone is Jewish. Christians, not so much. I haven’t seen any lions cages lately with Christian bones lining the place. And that is not to say there isn’t isolated persecution of any member of a particular religion or sect. I am sure that Mormons felt fairly persecuted a hundred fifty years ago. However, it isn’t rampant.

      I have never felt it. The only thing I have ever felt is inner Christian heckling. You know….you aren’t a Baptist or you are a Catholic or a _____(fill in the blank). [not meant to single out any particular sect.]
      Probably the people who still feel the most shunning would be Jehovah’s Witnesses or even still today, Mormons, outside of Utah. Christians in America are far worst to each other than anything hurled from the outside, has been my experience.

      My husband said he felt it somewhat growing up Catholic and going to public school. However, he said it all switched when he went to mass or youth activities and he got told he wasn’t a real Catholic because he didn’t go to parochial school. He said it all evened out. Catholics are far more accepted and mainstream nowadays

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