In a failed attempt to paint me as a liberal open borders advocate, Greg Letiecq, blog owner of, has made quite a laundry list of incendiary charges against me in order to deflect voter attention away from the important issues of the upcoming primary on August 23. His ad hominem attack on me attempted to turn the focus off the importance of signing the Rural Crescent pledge and on to other issues.
This deflection becomes obvious when one realizes his candidate of choice, Peter Candland, did not sign the pledge and is one of only two candidates in the Gainesville Magisterial District who did not commit to the tenants of the comprehensive plan. Letiecq’s weak efforts to intimidate those candidates who did sign the commitment to guard the Rural Crescent will not go unchallenged. Greg also wants to down-play the fact that Chairman Corey Stewart not only signed the pledge in the past but also violated it. Therefore he was intentionally excluded from an opporunity to reaffirm his commitment.
Please allow me to provide background information on Advocates for the Rural Crescent. Advocates for the Rural Crescent (ARC) was started in a small community in Haymarket. Dominion Valley subdivision had proposed to put their water tank in the Rural Crescent rather than on their property. Thunder Oak community fought the water tank proposal because the water tank was intended to serve Dominion Valley and not any homes in the Rural Crescent. Irving Spitzberg, the founder of ARC, asked if I would be willing to take over the leadership role of the organization. I happily said yes because I felt it was one of the most important issues I could support as a resident of PWC.
ARC has never held regular meetings, it has always been an “electronic” organziation. We are connected to other local groups that have like- minded concerns about growth, taxes, county infrastructure and open space. Greg once again, has no clue about what he is falsely claiming.
John Stirrup had nothing do with ARC or its founding, and, in fact, when ARC fought Greater South Market, John was absent during the planning process in the community. That is not to say that Mr. Stirrup has not been very supportive of the Rural Crescent. He most assuredly has, but he was not a founder.
Greg’s unsuccessful approach to paint me as an extremist simply won’t fly with candidates who are interested in demonstrating their committment to lower taxes and an improved quality of life. His use of a video, made a couple of weeks ago, compares apples to oranges. Again, allow me to clarify that video. Reporter Ben Eisler asked Corey if ” all 4000 of those pose a public safety threat” (meaning those illegal immigrants turned over to I.C.E.). Corey’s response was, “Absolutely!” I was asked the identical question. My response was “No, some are dangerous, but many are not” and I then cited police statistics to the reporter to back up my point. Not all my response made it to the video, as often happens when talking with the media.
However, the above incident really has nothing to do with the Rural Crescent or people’s commitment to its preservation. Greg’s use of the video was simply a veiled attempt to mislead, side-tract and distort. Naturally, I have opinions on a variety of topics in my community. My beliefs on the Rural Crescent, as well as an elementary school built on a middle school site, the Dominion Valley Power line, the county resolution that dealt with illegal immigration, Math Investigations in elementary schools, Silver Lake ownership, or any number of topics I have taken a stand on do not necessarily overlap. As a resident of this community, I am as entitled to my opinions the same as any other citizen.
Link to ARC website
How many meetings does HSM have these days?
Who is still on their board?
Why is ARC a shell run by a few remaining radicals and HSM isn’t?
I get it. One standard for HSM and another for ARC. How typical.
Greg Letiecq is a proven liar. Hopefully he’ll lose his job when the defense cuts are passed.
Someone named anonymous posted the following on bvbl:
I wonder if I called Peter Candland and asked him if he said something this stupid if he would confirm or deny it?
The commitment to the Rural Crescent is part of the PWC Comprehensive Plan. The commitment is to Prince William County, not to Elena.
Been busy the past few weeks. However, I did make it to Martha Hendley’s Primary Countdown event on 8/4/11. I could NOT believe my eyes when I saw Corey there. I could hardly keep a straight face when he praised Martha for her fighting for smart growth over the years. He did speak the truth, but I wonder how much it pained him. I don’t think I was the only one taken back by this. I could NOT look at a couple of people in the room, in fear of busting out laughing. 👿
I’ll be reading up on this and have plenty to say later this afternoon.
He’s desperate for traffic – he had to resort to picking on someone running from VA Beach then wallowing in the ‘attack’ from their attorney’s. As predicted years ago with him, when you’re simply against everything and not for anything, you die out.
Ignore him, everyone else does.
My hope is that the candidates who signed the pledge, promising to uphold the tenants of the Comprehensive Plan, are not overly concerned by Greg’s baseless attack on me personally.
The value of the RC for all PW citizens, no matter where they live in the county, is as relevant today as it was when the RC was created in 1998.
This is the year that “pledge” has been given a bad name, given the recent events on Capitol Hill with the Grover Norquist “pledge”, I understand the concern. However, the RC promise upholds the Comp plans specific guidelines and nothing more. Call it what you want, pledge is only word, the intent is to understand, with some semblance of certaintly, where a candidate stands on the principals of balanced growth.
Wally Covington says he “supports” the Rural Crescent and we all know what a joke that statement is! The Avendale development wasn’t even supported by the school board and they were being offered a school site to sweeten the deal, what does that tell you.
What has immigration got to do with the rural crescent? Maybe in Greg’s world people aren’t allowed to have independent views on a variety of issues. Or maybe Greg is trying to divert attention from the attack he made on a candidate using her personal info. Even most conservative blogs wouldn’t stoop so low – and their posters have said as much – but you could bet that Greg’s blog would.
Peter Candland is Corey’s and Wally’s stooge candidate to take over John’s seat. They’ve been working hard behind the scenes to get him elected, and to help him raise campaign funding. Corey could never control John Stirrup and he wants someone there now who will take orders.
Martha Hendley, who signed the Rural Crescent pledge and would be no Stewart stooge, is running strong. Candland and company are scared.
Both Corey and Wally (and also Marty, but I don’t know what his role here is) have big debts to pay to the developers who are providing their campaign funds (for all four; Stewart, Covington, Nohe and Candland). Add Jenkins to this mix and you’ve got a guaranteed developer-friendly Board of County Supervisors. Caddigan has no spine and will follow the leader, so count her as a sixth vote. That leaves Mike May and Frank Principi as the only two supervisors who are not developer puppets. Two votes out of eight accomplish nothing. I don’t know much about Royse, but he did not sign the Rural Crescent pledge, and avoids that issue. That leads me to believe that if he beats Principi, the developers control our board 7 – 1.
A board with Hendley (or Wheeler), Lawson, Pugh, May and Principi is the developers’ worst nightmare ( five of the eight votes they can’t buy). Corey, who I am assuming will win reelection, would be isolated and able accomplish nothing. So much for building his political career.
None of the four developer candidates facing opposition (Stewart, Covington, Nohe and Candland) can sign the Rural Crescent pledge because their handlers won’t allow it. Therefore, the plan is to attack Elena and the pledge to discredit them, especially to help Candland beat Hendley. Lawson and Pugh signed it also, but Corey, et. al. want Lawson to lose so Wally can come back. Even as much as Corey hates Nohe personally, he probably prefers him to Pugh because Pugh isn’t going to support their developer schemes.
Remember Pottersville in “It’s a Wonderful Life?” That was the nightmare version of the town when the good, civic-minded Jimmy Stewart was no longer there to have an influence. Roll Prince William County forward a few years after this election if Corey gets what he wants and Pottersville will be the future of our community. By the way, Corey does not plan to be around here anymore by then.
About a week until the primary and the B*** S*** detector is running in overdrive. This one is getting worn out from overuse and I may have to buy a new one for the general election.
So I’m a bit confused about something… we LIKE pledge-signers or DISLIKE pledge-signers. We’ve spent an awful lot of time bashing certain pledge-signers, haven’t we?
Slowpoke, you bring up an interesting point and one that we have all been discussing. Frankly, the Grover Norquist type pledges have left a rotten taste in my mouth to the point that there needs to be another word to indicate commitment to something.
That being said, The Rural Crescent “Pledge” has been called that over several election cycles. Its difficult to change wording. The Rural Crescent commitment actually is a vehicle for the candidates to indicate that they uphold the the Rural Crescent, as described in the Prince William County Comprehensive Plan.
It is an adherence to something that already exists rather than a new creation. Either you support what exists or have the courage to dismantle it as part of the plan, rather than whittling away at it with continual exceptions.
link to ARC, the rural crescent pledges, and explanation:
You can see the pledges for yourself:
Pokie, also, it is I who has been beating the drum againt those who signed Norquist’s pledge serving two masters, not Elena. We do function independently at times. In fairness to her, she has been not been hammering away at pledges like I have done.
I think her point is that you can’t say I support the Rural Crescent, as a supervisor, and then vote to put in a 200-unit housing development. Some of the supervisors have supported a parade of exceptions and even used kids’ athletic organizations to garner community support for such actions. The question becomes, what do supervisors get in return for turning their backs on a Rural Crescent Commitment.
Keep in mind that this is not about Elena or ARC. It’s an underhanded attempt to provide cover for Stewart and Candland.
it is also without regard to anyone else who might be hurt by such accusations.
Lots of good and decent people who are committed to the smart growth of PWC could very well get caught up in this. Actually, the person who also might suffer is Candland. He won’t be getting any votes out of the Howler household and I usually provide 4 votes.
“Keep in mind that this is not about Elena or ARC. It’s an underhanded attempt to provide cover for Stewart and Candland.”
You’re close but slightly off the mark. It’s a blatant attempt to provide cover for the bungling of Candland’s “campaign manager”. Yes she’s Corey’s stooge as is Candland (who is probably a nice guy but is no more than Corey’s puppet) but it is her miscalculation with regard to not signing the pledge that likely led to Greg’s post. Having only lived in the Gainesville District for a relatively short period, she isn’t politically astute enough or well enough informed to fully grasp the impact of the Rural Crescent nor is she mature enough to separate disparate issues from personalities.
That being said, it would appear that Greg didn’t think this out very well. Although in his mind the post helps Candland (a paying client), if you apply his reasoning it hurts another paying client in another district. It truly is a twisted piece of outright hypocracy (and poetic license with the facts) on many levels as the intent was likely damage control for the Candland campaign, a strategy that may backfire as badly as the advice to not sign the pledge (although I can’t believe Candland is personally so naive as to confide that he didn’t sign it because of Elena, I can absolutely believe his campaign manager said it on his “behalf”).
If one extrapolates Greg’s stated reasoning, it would appear that (despite numerous postings to the contrary) he is now supporting Marty over Bob and Wally over Jeanine. I guess it really points to the need to think about what one writes before hitting send.
MoM, I think you are right on the money. The campaign manager is giving some real bad advice on this one and we know why.
New kids on the block should do the right thing and sit back and watch and learn for a long time before attempting to playing in the big leagues.
I wondered the same thing myself. Is Greg now supporting Marty over Bob and Wally over Jeanine? Has he apologized to Wally for calling him a bag of you know what? Will he be saying that same thing to Jeanine, should she be elected? I suppose Greg is living proof that chivalry is indeed dead.
The chances of Greg apologizing to Wally or Jeanine (or anybodyelse) are about as good as Candland firing his entire campaign staff, publicly distancing himself from Greg and (if he didn’t say it) publicly refuting the quotes attributed to him. It would likely be in his best long-term interest and might give me pause for thought but I won’t hold my breath.
Isn’t it funny that Elena (and I) support the same resolution that the entire board of supervisors voted unanimously to enact which has remained unchanged since probable cause was removed.
If the blacks velvets are to be believed, then the entire boards of supervisors, including John and Corey, are an entire board of ultra liberals.
The ‘heard’ [sic] of RINOs I read about made me howl with laughter. The mental image I got will remain with me forever. Who says blogging isn’t high entertainment?
No one is exempt from being a RINO or the dreaded LIBERAL. {best gravel voice} Oh the insults are so horrible. {giggle}
Yeah, the black velvets’ insults are so witty, so clever and so stinging! I’ve got to take one of those logic courses where I could learn to equate the rural crescent and its supporters with illegal immigration.
The Repubs need to start examining where they’re pouring their support and money. At one point according to VPAP they channelled a few thousand dollars to HSM. To what end? I don’t think Manassas (or Gainesville) is crying out for its own Lee Atwater. Most parents try to instill better manners and values in their children. I doubt that they want their local politics to become GregL-like. The candidates should choose a staff that reflects their values. Hmmm. Perhaps they have. Let’s hope they haven’t.
As I read most of the black velvet sludge, I am amazed. First off, we haven’t said anything horrible about any of the supervisor candidates. The trashing is going on over there.
Another thing occurred to me. If Peter Candland is so opposed to signing Elena’s pledge because of Elena’s political beliefs, real or imagined, then he can simply put his own pledge in writing. Facebook works. He could simply say he will honor the county compromise plan as it stands or he will vote to amend it as he feels it is needed. That pretty much tells the voters where he stands.
Some one said something very odd on that blog. There was some statement made about Corey being used by Elena before she became “Elena.” Is someone implying she was abducted by aliens?
I don’t suppose the person who made such a preposterous statement understands that Corey mislead Elena. She had a fund-raiser for him in her own home, based on what he said about land use and the Rural Crescent–promises made.
He let her down. He was not offered the ARC pledge again. He didn’t honor the one he signed. He got no second chances. He, like Peter, is free to make up his own if he has had a change of heart.
“Supporting the Rural Crescent” doesn’t really cut it though. That can mean anything, so don’t be mislead.
I just figured out that Peter Candland is a Grizzly parent. He boasts it on his facebook page. That should tell us all something. He traded a football field for Avendale which is going to be built in the Rural Crescent.
I guess that tells us that he is indebted to Corey.
As usual, Greg’s numbers and stories are far from the truth. Apparently he has naver met a number or a statistic that he could screw up. He apparently sides with Corey Stewart who would have you believe that all alleged 4,000 immigrants who have been turned over to ICE are hardened criminals when the PWC police criminal statistics simply don’t support these insanely false allegations. From the 2010 PWC Crime Statistics Report:
• Of the arrestees suspected to be illegal aliens, 91.1% were arrested on misdemeanor or traffic charges.
• Of the arrestees suspected to be illegal aliens, 8.4%
[were charged with a felony] See: (pages 15-17)
From the same report for 2009:
• Of all persons arrested or summonsed in Prince William County, 2.2% were
determined to lack legal status.
• Overall, 6% of all criminal arrests were determined to be that of a person lacking
legal status.• In 2009, a total of 40,931 traffic charges were issued in PWC. It has been determined 255 of these infractions were committed by a person who lacked legal status. The following is a partial breakdown of these charges:
> No Operator’s License 205
> Hit & Run 20
> Reckless Driving 18
See: (Pages 15-17)
So don’t let Greg lie and twist the truth–insist on the facts not his biased opinions.
I’ve kept pretty quiet on this race until now because I think five way races are generally cluster fu… well you know. But consider the following:
1. Candland bigfoots Stirrup by announcing his candidacy two days before Stirrup announces he’s seeking a different office (thanks to inside info. from Stirrup’s staff that goes to his church).
2. Candland bigfoots Stirrup on the Smith Farm issue, claiming credit for it.
3. Candland (and Botello & Miller) litter the roads with illegally placed signs.
4. Candland boasts of service on Stirrup’s budget committee, but records show that he rarely attended having missed several meetings this year and every meeting last year.
5. Candland (Someone with alleged close ties to Wally and conveniently a Grizzly parent) refuses to sign the Rural Crescent Pledge.
Does it demonstrate anything more than either a healthy ego or poor choice of campaign staff, that’s for you to decide but the decision making to this point certainly makes me uncomfortable. Many on this blog have their issues with Stirrup, me not so much but I always found him easy to approach and willing to at least listen, even to those he didn’t agree with, I’m not getting that same sense from the Candland campaign.
Moon–Candland has made his position clear on his campaign page:
We need to protect the Rural Crescent while encouraging measured growth initiatives. I will support a balanced approach between conservation of our great natural resources and meeting the needs of our residents. As our county grows, we need to be mindful of the issues that affect our quality of life when new homes are built.”
In my humble opinion, pledges should be printed on toilet paper so they have an alternative use.
I don’t think there is a war going on here with John Stirrup’s office. If there is, everyone forgot to tell Elena and me. We have a relationship with that office that I believe one could call mutual respect. Does that mean we have always agreed on county issues? No, of course not. However, we have probably disagreed with nearly everyone, including each other at one time or another.
@George, thanks for including your research.
As for Peter Candland, I suppose that a balanced approach means that exceptions will be made to the comprehensive plan as it involves land use in the RC?
The “When new homes are built” part sort of says it all.
That is sort of like being a little bit pregnant. ADvocates of the Rural Crescent feel that you will either uphold the components of the comprehensive plan or you will vote to dismember it. There should be no whittling away.
As far as I know, Peter Candland is not a Grizzley parent. The facebook site connected to his site isn’t even the real Gainesville Grizzleys facebook page so I think he was just trying to be supportive. I believe his kids play soccer and basketball so he can’t be blamed for the Avendale mess. I doubt he even knew it was going on as I have never noticed him to be involved in local land use politics.
His statement “We need to protect the Rural Crescent while encouraging measured growth initiatives.” is very confusing. What does that mean when you use the words “Rural Crescent” and “growth initiatives” in the same sentence? How can you expect people to not be nervous. Where is this measured growth initiative supposed to take place?
Has anyone ever just asked him what exactly he means?
gmom, he says he is a grizzly parent on his facebook site. I am taking him at his word. I cannot imagine why he would fabricate something like that.
You may go to the ARC website and read his comments for yourself. I haven’t used Rural Cresecents and growth initiatives at all other than quoting him. I would think one contradicts the other.
Elena sent him the information he requested.
Afraid I don’t know the answer to your questions. I guess he would be the one to answer. If I were Peter Candland, I would not like to have this issue dragged out like it has been. I cannot imagine that he spoke ill of Elena to a potential voter. I feel he has been used actually. However, unless what I have read is corrected, I will give my support and vote to another candidate.
I really had no intentions of getting involved in the primary from a blog point of view. Nor did Elena.
Lets remember, this county has almost 40,000 thousand homes that have been approved but not built yet in the “development” area. A lack of homes is not an issue for PWC. In fact, one of my biggest concerns with the RC, along with many other citizens, is that “death by a thousand cuts” will most likely be the future for the Rural Crescent. Developers don’t WANT to do away with the RC, its cheap land.
Calculate the assessed value of land land zoned A1 (agricultural) one house per 10 acres or R-6 (suburban residential) which allows for 6 family single homes, detached or attacched PER acre! there is no comparison.
Not only is this an issue of balanced growth, but one of fairness. Some developers buy land on the cheap and make a windfall profit while others buy at premium? Does that sound like good government policy?
Reality and facts continue to elude Greg L.
Greg is simply full of crap. Just to clarify a few points:
1. Elena never opposed the 287(g) program.
2. Elena supports the Immigration Resolution that exists now that was voted on unanimously by all 8 supervisors.
3. Elena has never opposed deporting criminal illegal aliens nor publically argued against doing so.
A person’s word should be worth something. Greg has some real catching up to do. He could start by telling the truth. He is no more correct in his short bio of Elena than he was in wrongly stating that John Stirrup founded ARC.
Pssssstttt–this is an act of deperation. Just a heads up. Elena isn’t running for office.
Greg needs to go back on his meds. The bloggers are laughing at him and so are the candidates. At him, not with him.
You know, that Norweigan shooter wrote in his manifesto that spending too much in front of a computer turns one into a “miserable old goat.” Gret Letiecq is one of those miserable old goats.
Is it just me or does the image of Greg and his band of 1 remaining HSM member chasing (his words, not mine) Mexicans without Borders anywhere just bring a smile to your face. Chase? CHASE? The visual…too much. 😈
If I am not mistaken, the video that was shown on channel 7 was the very first time Elena was called to speak regarding Corey Stewart and illegal immigration.
The press generally calls Nancy Lyall who is with Mexicans Without Borders. While Nancy is certainly free to speak to the press, that organization is more of a single issue group.
Certainly the Martinelly case involves more issues than just illegal immigration. There is the issue that an habitual offender was once again on the road. The habitual offender aspect of this case has gone unmentioned.
Generally, since withdrawing from the Chairman’s nomination race, I have tried to stay out of political discussions, convinced that each candidate should have the chance to establish his or her own bona fides. On this topic, however, I feel compelled to comment.
First, and perhaps most importantly, Advocates for the Rural Crescent (ARC) is a genuine grass roots organization that over the years has been constant, consistent, and at times almost heroic in its advocacy efforts. Without any motivation other than serving the good of the community, ARC has seflessly and tirelessly worked to educate the public as to how the entire county benefits from the protection of our rural areas from sprawl development. Hand in glove with this issue is the assessment of candidates who run for public office on the county board and are seeking to place themselves in position to actually control what the county’s future will look like. Protection of the Rural Crescent is a keystone issue for the county’s future.
Having worked closely with Martha Hendley on the Planning Commission for the last five years, and for many years before that as fellow citizen activists, I can attest that her understanding of the importance of this issue, and her committment to protection of the Rural Crescent is beyond question. As a Democrat, I will be supporting Ann Wheeler in the Gainesville race General Election. I think she understands this issue well and will be trustworthy on it if elected. But, among the Republicans vying for nomination for this seat, there is no question in my mind that Martha Hendley is head and shoulders above the other candidates on this and many other issues. “MOM” seems to have it right with respect to Marta’s closest challenger. Over the years I have learned that the measure of a candidate can often be fairly judged by who his or her supporters are and which issues the candidate “tap dances” around. Those who care about protecting the rural areas of the county, regardless of party loyalties, should vote on August 23rd to support Martha’s nomination.
We live in Gainesville off of Catharpin Road and I originally posted a sign for Peter Candland. My wife informed me of Candland’s refusal to sign the Rural Crescent pledge and we uprooted our sign and replaced it with one for Martha Hendley.
According to an individual on, Peter Candland would mandate as a prerequiste that we agree on ALL issues before finding common ground to work on an individual issue?
On August 14, at 7:17 PM, someone known as “Anonymous wrote:
“I spoke to Peter Candland at the Chamber of Commerce meeting and asked him why he didn’t sign the pledge. He said that he believed in protecting the rural crescent, but that he didn’t feel comfortable signing a pledge from someone who’s views on abortion and illegal immigration were so different than his. Candland was surprised that the other Republican candidates lined up so easily to sign Elena’s pledge.”
I wrote to Candland and asked him if he actually said this. This is his reply:
Peter Candland for Supervisor wrote: “George, I did say this at the chamber event. I was very surprised that the other republican candidates would sign the pledge from Elena when her views on so many issues run against traditional conservatives values. Plus I think pledges tend to be cheap political tricks. Elena has posted my letter to her on the RC. I think my own words are more relevant than some pledge someone else has written. I support and believe in the RC.”
So this apparently means he is anti-abortion, xenophobic, for Corey’s “Rule of Law, and perhaps homophobic. He will bring a nice “balance” to the BOCS–NOT!!!
The issue that bugs me about Greg and the Martinelly case is that Greg uses the nuns as fodder while disregarding what they’ve had to say about the accident. But…that’s Greg.
I also find funny his use of old political issues against Elena and Katherine. He seems to have forgotten about being labelled a “nativist” himself by a couple organizations around the same time period. Should his employer -if he has one – worry about that? Is his employer or any potential employer tinged by Greg’s reputation? I would think not, but using Greg’s logic, perhaps so.
A friend sent me a copy of what LB is talking about from his facebook page:
You know, I am pro choice. Does that mean that none of the Republicans want my nasty old pro choice vote in the upcoming primary? Elena and I both support the existing laws of the county regarding immigration now that probable cause was removed from the resolution. We have always supported the 287(g) progam. We did NOT support trashing the police chief in as a political ploy.
I just wonder what it is that makes us the ‘great unwashed?’
I have 4 votes coming from my house. All of us are pro choice. It shouldn’t matter in a Supervisors race. They will certainly go to another candidate unless she calls me and advises me not to vote for her. That would be a first. (and a hint)
I didn’t realize that we all had to feel the same on every topic. How on earth is Mr. Candland going to function on a Board of Supervisors that has people from both parties and who are members of other religions?
Finally, what on earth does the Rural Crescent have to do with abortion or illegal immigration? Its about land use!!! Mr. Candland, please start thinking for yourself. I have read your statement. I am not sure you have covered it. Let me put things another way….If you had been sitting on the board of supervisors when the Avendale vote came up, would you have sided with Wally and Corey and pushed through a 200 unit development, using a kids’ football league as the props or would you have done the right thing and voted NO.
Its either rural crescent or it isn’t. That is what people want to know. Either support it or vote to do away with the RC and its restrictions. Don’t whittle away at it.
Moon – I agree. We’ll concede that Peter does not have to sign the ARC pledge. However, I want to see a statement from him that he will support the current zoning throughout the Rural Crescent, and oppose sewer throughout the Rural Crescent.
I want to hear Peter state clearly, yes or no, would he have voted for Avendale? Most other candidates have gone on the record on that matter.
Peter is free to make these declarations on BVBL or some blog other than Moonhowlings if he chooses, or on his own Facebook page or website. All I ask is that he informs Moon where he posts it so we can all go read it.
In the absence of these statements from him, I will assume that the B*** S*** detector is not malfunctioning as I watch the lights flash and the bells ring in this matter, and that, if elected, Peter will join Corey, Wally and Marty as a developer stooge.
@B*** S*** Detector
I hear all sorts of bells and whistles, whirls going off and I see flashing lights on that BS detector. Straight up yes or no is what I want. I live in the district so I don’t think I am being nosey in asking for a more definitive answer. “I support the Rural Crescent” really doesn’t tell me jack.
We saw how Corey supported it. NOT.
I doubt candidate Candland will visit this blog and answer your question. His statement posted from Face Book really says nothing. The question posed by Moon-Howler, is one that he should be answered. Mr. Candland how would you have voted on Avendale?
Mr. Candland is sure to alienate voters with his agree with all or nothing attitude. Are we sure this candidate really has a campaign manager? Mr. Candland should do the right thing and not be such an elitist and alienate potential voters. He’ll just have to learn his lesson the hard way, next week at the polls. The votes are what count. I don’t know of single soul that’s voting for him.
I do appreciate the comments from mom and Mr. Friedman greatly.
gmom said
gmom is right. I went back and looked and he said the grizzleys are an interest. He does not say he is a parent. My apololgies.
There are some real decent people running for office. Prince William is better served when there is a large field of candidates from which to chose. It would be nice if, after the primary, these people could all be friends and continue to work towards the betterment of the county.
There are people out there who profit, in some way, from devisiveness, contention, and having everyone at each other’s throats. That should not be what this is all about. I should be able to go out and vote for the person in the Gainesville District who I think has the best ideas on issues that are important to me. I shouldn’t have to go to a blog to get told how to think. I hope after all these years, I am not a mindless bimbo.
I don’t think anyone is a chump. I do think one candidate is misguided and has been given bad information. That’s too bad. He lost a few votes but I do respect his honesty in admitting that he said what he said. He probably doesn’t want my vote anyway. I am pro choice and I also opposed the original immigration resolution because of the probabe cause component. I just didn’t realize that how voters felt about select issues was that important to some candidates.
None of the other 4 candidates have called me yet to tell me they don’t want our votes over here at Howler Acres.
So does the new “Chicken Zoning” cover Howlers over at Howler Acres or do we need to have another set of hearings and compromises to determine the minimum acreage required or if they will be allowed only in the Rural Area or in Woodbridge Townhouses with or without porches? Have any of the candidates expressed an opinion on Howlers, Lycans or Pot-Bellied Pigs?
City girl over here. Well…almost a City Girl. I don’t live in the RC. Are Lycans people that turn in to animals?
We cannot have chickens over here, although my son did see one over on King George Street in Westgate. 2 actually. They were in the driveway. I know a couple ladies who called in the big guns when I told them. Illegal chickens often disappear fast once they are discovered–in the stew pot.
If that was a cryptic message…I missed it.
You better not let Big Dog catch you saying your a city girl. I see you did catch it. 🙂
Now, as for those chicks on King George. I think they were gone in less than a few hours of the notice. Luckily, it didn’t take a call to Neighborhood Services to get them out of the driveway and in the stew pot.
@Lafayette, you are darn right I caught myself. I don’t need an upbraiding for falsifying my credentials. I was originally a city girl. Well, technically back then it was town, not city.
Those chickens became tempting morsels I expect. No one has seen them since.
When my mother lived in Sudley Manor House, all the seniors loved it when a beautiful game cock came to visit. He had spurs and gorgeous feathers. He was a fighting cock and would not end up in a stew pot.
this is a response I posted on BVBL which Greg has apparently not been allowed to be seen for public consumption. It is a response to a veiled litigious threat made to George Harris.
If Greg would like to meet me at a coffee shop to discuss his feelings towards me, I would be willing to do so.
Elena said on 16 Aug 2011 at 5:26 pm:
Allow me to inform “be careful what you say”. As I stated on my blog, IT IS A FACT that John Stirrup had NOTHING to do with the genesis of ARC. Greg is telling a complete fabrication which can be easily proved. The rest may be his “opinion” about me, but the facts regarding ARC cannot be disputed.
Anytime you want to meet in person and have a discussion about your feelings towards me, just let me know.
I would be more than glad to join you Elena.
So will I. I am sure Greg would want to bring his peeps. His posse.
I hope you’re not holding your breath. I can understand you’re offer to meet with him, but to what avail? I really see no purpose in you meeting with him. It would just give him more “ammo” to use against you and his convinience.
I find it interesting George gets a “threatened” with a law suit for his comments. However, people are free to trash you and others, that don’t march to the beat of their drum. Can you say HYPOCRITES!
I would be interested in Mr. Thomas’ thoughts on a meeting. He has stayed away from this discussion, and I can’t say I blame him one bit. However, I do live in Gainesville, and I most definately have a dog in this fight. Therefore, I’ve shared a very few of my thoughts on this matter.
Are you sure he even has peeps and/or a posse these days? I’ve seen some of his once biggest supporters speak out against him lately, and on his blog to boot. 👿
It would just give him more “ammo” to use against you *AT* his *convenience*.
Steve is smart. I don’t see Big Dog either. Unsolicited advice: 1. Don’t feed troll behavior. 2. Don’t meet with stalkers. And, only because it turned up in my daily meditation:
That’s what happens when you’re angry at people. You make them part of your life.
–Garrison Keillor
Now, how about a face-to-face meeting with friendly folks? Mamma Mia’s? It’s been too long.
Morning Laf 🙂
I appreciate your thoughts on meeting with Greg, and I imagine you are correct. I know Greg has no interest in meeting with me and my intent is not to change his mind. It is to ensure that Greg understands I am happy to challenge him, personally, on the complete fabrication of ARC. I have invested almost a decade in the preservation of the Rural Cresent because I believe that it is the most effective and unique land use tool in all of Northern Virginia, it IS what sets us apart from our sister counties. He can hate me all he wants, but I refuse to allow him to blatently spread blatent mistruths.
My work on the RC in addition to a multitude of other land use and conservation issues has nothing to do with my stance on reasonable immigration enforcement.