9/11 and the Clergy



The decision to not invite the clergy to ceremonies at Ground Zero on 9/11/11 had frosted many an American.  Mayor Bloomberg has defended this position and has stressed that there is a separation of church and state.  He has cited limited space and controversy over who would get invited as reasons to invite no clergy.

Michael Brown, director of FEMA on 9/11/01,   who.was involved with clean up efforts at the government level,  just reminded us that we have don’t have freedom from religion.  We have freedom of religion. 

I am not so sure “Brownie” is correct.  The Supreme Court has ruled time and time again that people in America are free from religion.  Perhaps the best illustration of someone being free FROM religion is the Madalyn Murray O’Hair case, Murray vs. Curlett,  that banned school prayer.  In America, we are pretty much free to be no religion whatsoever if that is our choice. 

Regardless, should the clergy automatically be included in 9/11 remembrances?  Which clergy?  Only Christians and Jews?  How about Muslims?  Hindus and Buddhists?  How many members of the clergy are even in NYC?  Should clergy from surrounding areas be included also?  At what point would clergy start taking the spots of family members and first responders? 

The clergy has never been included in city 9/11 observances.  Why is it becoming an issue now?  Who are the observances and remembrances really for?

Lt. Heather Lucky Penney


From the Washington Post

by Steve Hendrix

Late in the morning of the Tuesday that changed everything,  Lt. Heather “Lucky” Penney  was on a runway at Andrews Air Force Base and ready to fly. She had her hand on the throttle of an F-16 and she had her orders: Bring down United Airlines Flight 93. The day’s fourth hijacked airliner seemed to be hurtling toward Washington. Penney, one of the first two combat pilots in the air that morning, was told to stop it.

The one thing she didn’t have as she roared into the crystalline sky was live ammunition. Or missiles. Or anything at all to throw at a hostile aircraft.

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NYC poor neighborhoods have highest abortion rates

New York Times:

A study released by the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene reveals Chelsea to have the highest abortion rate in New York City, with 67.23 percent of pregnancies ending in abortion.

Jamaica, Central Harlem, Greenwich Village, and Bedford-Stuyvesant also ranked high on the list. The neighborhood with the lowest abortion rate is the Upper East Side, which also happens to be Manhattan’s safest neighborhood as well.

Many of us will recognize the areas with high abortion rates as the neighborhoods that have the greatest poverty in New York City.  This data  tells us that high abortion frequency is closely tied to poverty and the dysfunction of poverty.  The statistics are staggering.  So are the stats for crime, high school drop out, welfare, prostitution, government assistance  and drug use. 

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Meet Up Time for Moonhowlings

Moonhowlings will have its second annual Meet Up on Sunday, September 11 @ 1 pm at Mama Mia  in Gainesville.

Hopefully everyone will be able to make it.  Thanks again to Steve Thomas for making the arrangements. 

Last time we got together, we pretty much took over the place and a good time was had by all. 

Steve and I will be your Goto people if you have questions/concerns/etc.  See you there!

Mama Mia

7669 Limestone Drive

Gainesville, Va