The decision to not invite the clergy to ceremonies at Ground Zero on 9/11/11 had frosted many an American. Mayor Bloomberg has defended this position and has stressed that there is a separation of church and state. He has cited limited space and controversy over who would get invited as reasons to invite no clergy.
Michael Brown, director of FEMA on 9/11/01, who.was involved with clean up efforts at the government level, just reminded us that we have don’t have freedom from religion. We have freedom of religion.
I am not so sure “Brownie” is correct. The Supreme Court has ruled time and time again that people in America are free from religion. Perhaps the best illustration of someone being free FROM religion is the Madalyn Murray O’Hair case, Murray vs. Curlett, that banned school prayer. In America, we are pretty much free to be no religion whatsoever if that is our choice.
Regardless, should the clergy automatically be included in 9/11 remembrances? Which clergy? Only Christians and Jews? How about Muslims? Hindus and Buddhists? How many members of the clergy are even in NYC? Should clergy from surrounding areas be included also? At what point would clergy start taking the spots of family members and first responders?
The clergy has never been included in city 9/11 observances. Why is it becoming an issue now? Who are the observances and remembrances really for?