The Foo Fighters decided to do a little pay back when Westboro Baptist haters decided to protest at their concert in Kansas City.
Foo Fighter fans all over the internet were furious at Westboro and acted like this was the worst thing they had ever done. Not even close. The Foo Fighters are entertainers and can take something like this in stride. Those who have lost loved ones and are trying to lay them to rest are a different matter.
I’ve already shared my thoughts on WBC showing up at military funerals. That’s what biker-gangs are for.
FAbulous, Foo fighters are a class act.
Oh, oh. The Westboros are protesting against the Foo Fighters?!!! Next thing you know, the Westboros could show up at a Moonhowlings gathering. Elena and Moon would have to don faux-trucker gear and give a street rendition of that song. And Moe would look very cute in that long gray wig. Your pick on who draws the “stache” assignment.
Good thing the Westboros didn’t show up in Kansas City today. After that beating the Chiefs took from the Detroit Lions on Sunday, there wouldn’t be too much “tolerance” around that place. The Westboros would probably get ridden out of town on a rail.