105 Thoughts to “Open Thread…………………………………………..Friday, October 7”

  1. Slowpoke Rodriguez

    Let’s see….what’s good today. How ’bout this. The head of GE calls for lower corporate taxes. Meanwhile, GE paid ZERO in taxes last year.

  2. If I take that mathematically, that means the govt would pay GE. Surely he isn’t suggesting that?

  3. Pokie, you getting the new iphone 4s with the personal geisha girl in a jar in it?

  4. Cargosquid

    The gov’t already paid GE in tax credits. They made a profit on their tax rate.

    Anyway, for all of you gun lovers up there, the Nation’s gun show is this weekend.

    Dulles Expo Center

    4368 Chantilly Shopping Center
    Chantilly, VA 20153

    22 Miles from Washington, DC – Directions: I-66, Exit 53B, go 3 miles Rt. 28 N, turn right onto Willard Rd., take 2nd left into the Chantilly Shopping Center, Follow signs to Expo Center

    Remember, Christmas is coming. Get something nice for a friend.

  5. Slowpoke Rodriguez

    Moon-howler :
    Pokie, you getting the new iphone 4s with the personal geisha girl in a jar in it?

    I don’t honestly see the need for Siri, but I get that it’s popular….it’s cute. This is how it will happen with iPhone 4s. I won’t go after it, but if I wait a month or so, Verizon will contact me and say “hey, you’re eligible for an upgrade!” and I’ll say “no joke? you got any white iPhone 4s hanging around?” and that’s how it will happen. I won’t stand in line or anything like that. It works nice and smooth when I wait for them to come to me. Do I NEED 4s? Hell no. Will I get it? Hell yes, as my tribute to Steve Jobs. Like I said, it’s what he would have wanted.

    1. That’s right. He will want you to have it. However, if you go to http://www.verizonwireless.com, you will see that you can pre-order either one if you hurry.

      My problem is, I cannot give up swype on the Droid. I am a real fumble fingers.

  6. Slowpoke Rodriguez

    You’re killin’ me with the gun show. After I got the new Springfield XDM 9mm 5.25, I can’t afford to go to the gun show, and I don’t wanna go if I can’t buy anything. I’m throwing an internal temper-tantrum over it. That my boy’s 4th birthday party is tomorrow, so I can’t go tomorrow. I wonder if the kiddies would like to go to the gun show for the birthday party? 🙂

  7. Cato the Elder

    4 years old is about the time to start ’em pokie

  8. Cato the Elder

    They always have a moon bounce at those things anyway

  9. Morris Davis

    Cargo said:” Remember, Christmas is coming. Get something nice for a friend.”

    I agree with you that a nice gift for a friend is wonderful, but I doubt they’ll have a “good sense” booth at the gun show. Maybe you can order it here: http://www.bradycenter.org/

  10. Cargosquid

    I’m going to try and make it with Darling Daughter. It’s a 2+ hour drive each way.

    Slow, take your son on Sunday. Darling daughter attended her first one at the age of 3. She’s been a 2nd amendment enthusiast ever since.

    Of course there’s a good sense booth. Its those booths teaching gun safety and CCW classes. And every firearms dealer there. Because the Brady Center sure isn’t handing out common sense in wanting to restrict my rights. In fact, they can’t even define “reasonable” or “common sense”, or “honest” in any way that will make them a popular cause.
    Thanks for caring, though. I know you mean well.

  11. Slowpoke Rodriguez

    So now polygamists are demanding marriage rights. First gay marriage, then polygamist marriage, and next thing you know we’ll have people marrying robots, camels, and various forms of gelatin-based deserts.

  12. Slowpoke Rodriguez

    Cato the Elder :
    They always have a moon bounce at those things anyway

    That would be AWESOME!! We’ve got a moon bounce for tomorrow in our back yard for a couple of days now. Funny thing, my son won’t get into the moon bounce at first unless I go in with him. I weigh so damn much that you can hear the blower motor choking. There’s a moment of pride, hearing a blower motor scream in agony at your mass. 🙂

  13. Cargosquid

    We need to alert the First Lady. There is a food desert that needs filling and the city powers are rejecting the company that wants to fill it.


    I thought the Democrats were all about helping the poor.

    Guess unions are more important.

  14. Cargosquid

    @Slowpoke Rodriguez
    Cats, dogs…living together. People living in sin……

    “and next thing you know we’ll have people marrying robots, camels, and various forms of gelatin-based deserts.” So….how was your recent trip to San Francisco?

  15. Cargosquid

    @Slowpoke Rodriguez
    “There’s a moment of pride, hearing a blower motor scream in agony at your mass.”

    There’s a really dirty joke in there somewhere……….but I’m not going to go find it.


  16. @Slowpoke Rodriguez

    Actually most of them want polgamy decriminalized. I am not sure it is a crime as long as they stick to church ceremony rather than legal ceremony. What is the difference in polygamy and just shacking up from a legal point of view?

  17. punchak

    I suppose marrying, getting divorced, getting married, getting divorced,
    getting married, getting divorced etc. etc. could be considered linear polygamy.
    And that’s perfectly legal. In this country anyway.
    Great source of income for certain lawyers besides.

  18. Cargosquid

    Any man that want to be married to more than one woman at the same time, gets what he deserves.

  19. Cargosquid

    So, is anyone else heading up to Chantilly on Sunday? Anybody know of a good place for lunch? I’m planning to leave here about 7:30/8 am. Since its the 150th anniversary of the Recent Unpleasantness, aka the War of Northern Aggression, they will be having a Civil War exhibit.

    I plan on bringing an 1860 Colt for someone to look at, along with a Walther Model 3, the mystery gun of the internet.

    1. There is an Eggspections and a Texas Road house in Westone Plaza right before you get to Expo center. It is on the left if you are coming from Centreville.

      There is also some fast food place (maybe burger king) right there in the parking lot area after you turn in to expo.

      If you all want me to broker phone numbers and email addresses I will if you all want to hook up for the Great American Shoot out.

  20. Censored bybvbl


    There’s an Anita’s nearby which is usually popular with the DC Big Flea crowd.


  21. Cargosquid

    Thanks everybody!

  22. DB


    As for polygamous marriages, I suppose that those here that practice it want all of their wives to be seen as their legal wives. As it is, the man can only be legally married to one wife, and the others are his mistresses. Have you watched Sister Wives? It’s a reality show about a polygamous family. They’re AUB I think. Basically it features 1 man, 4 wives, lots of kids, lots of strife, and not enough money to go around. Not my idea of a marriage.

  23. Cato the Elder



  24. marinm


    Plenty of places in that area. Mo’s offers a pretty good value for the dollar. They have a Hooters in that same parking area if you want to provide tips to empowered women.

    Hope you get something nice. I’ve not gone out and shopped or shot (at the target range) in awhile because of the mini-me’s.

    The Brady Center, supporting the rights of rapists over armed women since 1974.

    It’s soooo nice outside!!

  25. Cargosquid

    Y’all are the best! Thanks!

  26. punchak


    Totally unnecessary comment about “rights of rapists”. For shame!

    Nice outside and a nice moon also.

  27. Ray Beverage

    Moon, thank you for posting the CNN video…enjoyed it. Found it balanced right from the front when Mr. Clinton said the banks have to hold back some of their funds for the bad mortages, and tied that to his second point on the onging mortgage crisis. And then tying his thrid point to the other two – just brillant! Liked his historical references too.

  28. Cargosquid

    I don’t see a Clinton video.

    1. The Clinton video had issues. It had to come down for a while.

  29. Big Dog


    No doubt, “all of the above” for a few folks on this blog.

    1. @Big Dog

      That was a totally wonderful op-ed. Thank you for sharing it. How utterly perfect.

  30. Censored bybvbl


    I second what Punchak said. I know a close friend who was raped after being held at gun point and find your remark totally tactless.

  31. marinm

    @Censored bybvbl

    Your issue is not with me but with the position of the Brady Bunch. I stand by my statement.

  32. Censored bybvbl


    I hardly see how it’s an issue with the Brady Bunch. Some thug opened the door to his house, invited his date inside, pulled out a gun, and raped her. Imagine that that had happened to one of your friends, co-workers, or family members and see if you’d dare make the same flippant response in her presence.

  33. Morris Davis


    Every Republican candidate has to say “Reagan” at least once every 5 minutes to maintain conservative cred, yet Reagan was a union presidnet who had Jim Brady as his press secretary (who supports regulating guns), David Stockman as his budget director (who says we need to reverse the tax cuts), and Joan Quigley as his astrologer. Doesn’t that make you guys flip-floppers?

  34. marinm

    Mo, I prefer to think of it as.. it demonstrates how far left the Republican party has gone and that it had to be saved from itself.

  35. Cindy B

    According to Census Bureau figures released Thursday, the renter occupancy rate in Manassas Park jumped by more than 13 percent during the last decade. That was the second-largest increase in the country, trailing just Loving County, Texas, which saw a nearly 20 percent increase in renters during the same period.

    Read more at the Washington Examiner: http://washingtonexaminer.com/local/dc/2011/10/manassas-park-rental-growth-second-highest-nation#ixzz1aL2G384I

  36. Morris Davis


    So, should real conservatives be disavowing Reagan rather than giving him an awkward bro-hug? I’m confused. Baggers invoke his name like he’s the Prophet … may peace be upon him … but then the things he did and the things he stood for and the people he surrounded himself with prove to be the oppositie of today’s TBag mainstream. I am not that enamored with Obama and his team of ethical dwarfs, but the other choice is from amongst a boat load of crazies. Give me a Colin Powell or a Hillary Clinton and I would be enthused.

  37. Cargosquid

    Well, the trip to the frozen north, ie, Chantilly was great. Traffic going both ways was ok. Except for the 911 call I made, it was uneventful. 3 people on motorcycles were weaving through traffic at about 100mph, two of them cut me off by slipping between me and a truck off my front right headlight of about 6 feet. They were passing people on the shoulder. Then, they all slowed down to 45 mph in the right lane to wait for a 4th. This idiot, though driving more slowly and staying in the left lane, waved to them with both hand off the grips.

    You guys up there drive like its DC. Until I realized that and adjusted, it was a little crazy.

    Anyway, the show was great. Two people made offers on some guns. One guy said that he would buy my Walther Model 3 for $500. However, another collector told me that he would help me sell it for up to $1000 or buy it for $650, if I decided to sell it. Another man offered to buy my Model 1860 Army Colt for $1500, with a caveat to sell it back to me within 10 years if I wanted it back for an additional $500. All of these were good deals.

    But the Civil War gun is going to my daughter. As another collector there said, “If you’re going to sell guns to someone, sell the ones that they are not making anymore….LAST.”

    I’m still thinking about the Model 3. I’ll probably hook up with the Walther collector that offered to help me. Maybe…..it is a very rare 100+ year old gun…….Maybe the start of my own Walther collection.

    Darling daughter got a rubber band gun. And I got a T-shirt that says “COEXIST” made from the trademarks of firearm companies.

    I’ll be back up in November.

  38. Cargosquid


    One of the reasons why Reagan is the model.

    No, he wasn’t perfect. But he was the best thing going.

    Brady wasn’t involved in gun control until he was shot.
    Stockman, like any politician/bureaucrat has his own political opinions.

    Reagan also signed an amnesty for illegal aliens. He also was a former Democrat. And he signed the 1986 Gun Control Act.

    It was a different world.

    Since then, the gov’t has grown larger and the US more statist, so the counter action has to be stronger and sharper.

  39. marinm

    I think I differ from my conservative brethren on this. I view him (mind you I was *young* when he was in office) much like I do Dubya. He meant well. He did a lot of good things. But, then either because of compromise or a shift towards the center enacted policies that I don’t agree with.

    Lewis Black said, “The only thing dumber than a Democrat or a Republican is when those pricks work together. You see, in our two-party system, the Democrats are the party of no ideas and the Republicans are the party of bad ideas. It usually goes something like this. A Republican will stand up in Congress and say, “I’ve got a really bad idea.” And a Democrat will immediately jump to his feet and declare, “And I can make it shittier.” (MH feel free to edit language if req’d)

    Some say compromise is a good thing. I disagree. When the left and right wing agree on something it’s always the People that get screwed.

    Hillary would’ve been a more effective President. I’m neutral on Mr. Powell.

    Baggers are an interesting lot, aren’t they? I’ve made mention before (maybe not here) that while there is a loose consensus on the major topics (more personal liberty, accountability and responsibility along with smaller govt) some topics differ. Some TP groups support immigration (or not), some want a smaller military (some hold it as the only function govt does well), etc.

    They’re all ice cream but the flavor is different.

    Except the dems. They’re all fruits, nuts and assorted flakes. 😉

  40. @Morris Davis

    And since Colin Powell and Hillary Clinton weren’t even an option, then I went with plan B. In many ways it has exceeded my expectations. But even if it had not, It didn’t have a McCain.Palin ticket. McCain just turned out to be a creature of the wind and the thought of Palin anywhere near the presidency nauseates me.

    Everything is relative. Obama/Biden looks like the dream team compared to anything else I see out there.

  41. punchak

    You must see the video at Virginia Virtucon covering the “occupy Atlanta” rally.

    Rep. John Lewis and friend are being ushered out – kicked out.
    The masses are like a herd of imbeciles. The speaker, an emaciated man in a red shirt, says something and everybody repeats his words. They raise their arms just like its done in evangelistic tent meetings. It’s plain scary.

  42. @Cargosquid
    Something about getting half your head blown off gives you one of those come to Jesus moments. I would suggest that we really don’t know much about what Brady thought before he was shot but he had some pretty conservative street cred. There’s just something about getting shot in the head…..

    The Reagan speech was like a bad flashback. He groused about having to raise the debt ceiling 3 times in ten years. I guess it was ok that he had to raise it 17 times? He used many of the same old tired tactics that you guys still use.

    Of course, he fooled lots of people with the soft spoken fatherly talk. I thought he was wonderful back then also. Of course I was young and still a kid during AUH2O days.

  43. Morris Davis

    Someone shared the picture of the “Sharp as a Marble” guy holding a sign saying he’s the 1-percent who “bust my ass so you can sit around and complain.” Here’s a link to one of those worthless left-wing radicals who claims he’s the 99-percent that the real American and patriot Sharp as a Marble so eloquently skewered. Makes you want to yell at the 99-percenter “why don’t you grow up, get off your butt, and act responsibly for a change.”


  44. Cargosquid

    Sooooo….his idea is to join with the group that states….”Corporations control the government, so lets give the government MORE power.”

    He has very valid complaints. And if his idea is to get the government to fix it, then he’s badly delusional. Its the collusion between government and corporations that is exacerbating this problem.

    Second, if the shoe doesn’t fit, it doesn’t apply to him.

    Gov’t should be a referee. Referees do not interfere with the game. They just make sure that everyone plays by the same rules.

    Oh, which Wall Street apparently did. So if there are abuses and problems, I hope that man is as angry at the gov’t as he is a Wall St.

    He wants good paying jobs for his children.

    He won’t get it if we continue to follow Obama’s agenda.

  45. Cargosquid

    Reid’s tax plan to save or create jobs.

    49% Top Rate, 29% Capital Gains Rate

    Not counting state and local taxes.

  46. Cargosquid

    Anybody in New York need a job?


    I wonder if they have health benefits and overtime for anarchists…..

  47. Cargosquid

    Since we are on the subject of firearms, etc….

    For all my friends, male and female, who may not be aware of “danger zones”. Please take what you need from this.


    And a comment in thread:
    Professor Hale said…

    The training you described is useful in determining how far your danger circle should be based on how long it takes you to identify and react to a threat.

    Based on my own age, girth and response time, my danger circle is about 150 yards. It makes being at Walmart challenging.

    I have noticed here in Northern Virginia that the number of people attached to their Iphones and updating their facebook/myspace/email, lots and lots of people have no awareness of their surroundings any more. Total device focus, even while walking.

    As an aside, if you are in the habit of looking for predators, you begin to resemble them. It can be awkward when to people who are practicing their awareness spot each other being aware and misidentify each other as predators. Oddly enough, thee are so few people doing this that the chances of two such people meeting is low.

    My sister, years ago, was attacked and nearly abducted. The attacker tried to get her into her car. Because she fought like a trapped wildcat, he failed. She knew that to enter the car was to die. He fled. I don’t think they ever caught him.

  48. Cargosquid

    I have a question for the independents here.

    Since the cry is “We need moderates.” all the time, is Romney a viable candidate for your vote? He’s pro-choice, pro-gov’t health care, pro-illegal alien amnesty, comes from one of the most liberal states and was a popular governor.

    1. No he is not pro choice and he has said he will appoint conservative judges.

      Who cares where he comes from? What difference does that make.

      If I had to vote Republican he or Huntsman would be the only ones I would consider. I still have a slow burn on from this summer so the likelihood I would vote Republican is not so good.

      I answered you on that one before.

    2. Who is crying ‘we need moderates and why?’

  49. Cargosquid

    Oh, and if you’re tired of politicians in general….there’s this guy.


    I mean, we’ve already elected one political novice who’s a minority to the White House. We can just blame “force of habit.”

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