In fourteen hundred and ninety two
Columbus sailed the ocean blue
Today is real Columbus Day–the day the Columbus voyage first landed on the island in the Caribbean, southeast of Florida. Columbus was a great visionary. He imagined what others did not see. Unfortunately, his discovery marked the beginning of the demise of the native people of North and South America. Today’s Columbus Day celebrations are often quiet and low key. Are we correct to keep Columbus Day low key or should we be shouting from the roof tops? Just something to consider…..
Meanwhile…have at it on whatever topic you want.
Americans, unlike the Senate, approve of Obama’s jobs bill, poll says
By Rachel Rose Hartman | The Ticket – Wed, Oct 12, 2011
Senate Republicans Tuesday may have blocked President Obama’s jobs bill, but a new poll suggests that’s not what a majority of Americans want.
Nearly two-thirds of the respondents to a survey from NBC/Wall Street Journal voiced their approval when pollsters were told them the details of the president’s “American Jobs Act”– including that it would cut payroll taxes, fund new road construction, and extend unemployment benefits. NBC reports that 63 percent of respondents said they favored the bill, with just 32 percent opposing it.
Looks like the Repugs are on the wrong side of this issue. They’re going to pay a severe price come election time.
The House Republicans had enough time to pass a very restrictive anti abortion amendment. Apparently it is more important to pass redundant anti abortion legislation than it is to pass jobs acts. 🙄
Steve Doocy just clarified an announcement they made yesterday. He said that there was never a plan for President Obama to apologize to Japan. So that is where that garbage came from. Why am I not surprised.
At least they clarified. Now I wonder what was said in the first place.
@Starryflights And I’m sure you hold the Democrats who voted against the bill, including Senate MAJORITY Leader Harry Reid, accountable as well. What’s your pet name for them–“Demthugs”?
“including that it would cut payroll taxes, fund new road construction, and extend unemployment benefits. ”
Cut payroll taxes….so you’re in favor of bankrupting Social Security?
Fund NEW road construction?…..what about all these bridges that are falling down that Obama is so concerned about? You know, the ones that he was supposed to have fixed from the LAST STIMULUS.
Extend unemployment benefits? a)its already at 99 weeks. b) states are already having to borrow money to pay for those. c)pay them with what money?
We can’t afford his 453 billion in INCREASED spending. We just went through that farce to raise the debt ceiling and then two months later, they had to do it again. Where is THIS money supposed to come from?
When the DEMOCRATS call it a tax bill, and refuse to support it, it SHOULD be dead.
Obama did not want to pass this bill. He wanted to try and use it as a club against Republicans, expecting them to be unwilling to compromise.
Well, they did and are. Where’s HIS compromise? All we hear is “Pass this bill!” You know, the one he took two weeks to even write AFTER he started touting it. Can’t pass something that doesn’t exist. At least he finally did that at least.
This is just same of the SOS in a different bucket.
@Need to Know
NTK – yes, the top 1% pays a large amount of taxes, but they also have the largest amount of the wealth in the US – so, should they not pay their fair amount? The top 1% owns 34.6% of the private wealth in the US, the next 19% owns 50.5% – so the top 20% own 85% of the wealth.
Not that I want higher taxes, but there is a concerted effort to create the have’s and the have’s not, and the middle class has had stagnant wages for some time now, and are creating a two tiered structure of the have’s and the have not’s.
Somehow, the tax system always gets distorted into a position where the wealthy somehow figure out a way of not paying there taxes – the reason why the AMT was created – which has its own faults.
They ARE paying their fair amount and more.
They are citizens of the US. All should pay the same rates. Equal protection under the law.
Cargo, do you have a rich uncle or something? Why are you always trying to protect the millionaires and billionaires?
What do the people do who are still unemployed? Do they just lie down and die/
We need to put people to work and we need to repair roads, etc.
One reason for stagnation, the inflation rate is hidden. If you go back to the system from 1990 – its about 11% and from 1960 – its about 14%
So…..the gov’t is lying to us. Shocking!
Why are you always interested in penalizing fellow Americans because they are successful? Why do you persist is believing that ANY amount of taxation of the “rich” would alleviate the out of control spending taking place in DC?
A flat tax is fair. It treats ALL citizens equally. A citizen’s wealth should not allow them privileges or penalize them.
How is demanding 15% of income, no tax breaks, protecting the rich? Buffet pays that much in dividends taxes. GE made a profit in tax breaks.
OR we can have a national sales tax and no income tax. Get the gov’t out of our private business. Take that power away from Congress.
(Everyone is invited – you don’t have to be a resident of the City of Manassas)
I wonder how many more of this type of person is in the #Occupy crowd and why is it that these people feel comfortable in that crowd? Notice, I am not saying that #Occupy people all support this….but…birds of a feather…..
Excerpt from the Twitter:
-@anarcosocialist You guys want to tax “the rich” 90% of what they make. So what happens when “the rich” stop generating revenue?
-@GunFreeZone the vast majority will fall in line the others will be forced to keep working. its very simple
Oh, look….anarcosocialist has other tweets. He sure is entertaining:
And to think…he says that he has a Masters……
I hope he’s not a teacher.
Why would you even think he is a teacher? Teachers can’t take that much time off.
I have a real problem with group stereotyping. I have no problem calling out individuals or even sub-groups of individuals over bad behavior. I have no problem arresting bad behavior or discussing it. I have a real problem with broad-brushing.
I just find the tweets of an idiot boring. I would like my 120 seconds back. What’s the point. He is obviously an A-hole. If you had known as many in your life as I have, I doubt you would find it entertaining. I question your interest. Yawn.
I wonder if they objected to the service member for being in the service, being female or both?
“The Coast Guard in Boston confirmed that a woman in uniform was harassed and spat upon near Occupy Boston protesters.
The woman was walking to the train and said protesters spit on her twice, called her foul names and even threw a water bottle at her.”
Since we aren’t really sure who ‘they’ are, who knows. The leader, addressed the issue in a mature way and while not thinking the spitters were part of his organization, apologized anyway.
Whoever is spitting on anyone should be arrested and removed, without equivocation. Spitting is a dirty, nasty habit.
I come from the school of thought that tells me any crowd like that has potential danger. Of course, I came of age in the Kent State era. That made a believer out of one.
Now might be the time for Peter Candland to man up and do his own woman-bashing rather than having his surrogates Greg and Jamie do it.
Is Candland hiding behind Greg and Jamie’s ‘skirts?’
There seems to be a lot of obsession over a certain local church today.
You know…you’re right Moon. We SHOULD have rich people pay their fair share. Let’s raise taxes on the millionaires and billionaires.
This guy would probably pay his taxes if you just raise them….
Or we could lower the rates and get rid of the loopholes….THEN how much would this guy be paying….
“It’s too bad Obama never rails against Kaiser, because the well-connected Oklahoma billionaire reported zero taxable income during five years of his rise to the Forbes 400 list of the wealthiest Americans. In another year, he claimed on $11,699 in taxable income, which works out to $5.62 per hour.
Bill Allison of the Sunlight Foundation reports that Kaiser has not exactly been bursting with enthusiasm to pay his “fair share” over the years…:
Horrors, he’s also part of (dun DUN dun….) Big Oil!
I just think that if we simplify the tax rates, cut out the loopholes, we all benefit.
And its a swing and a miss…..nice deflection though. I guess you simply aren’t going to answer about that rich uncle and why you are protecting millionaires and billionaires. That was the question. You avoided it entirely.
Instead, what I got was an article, heavily laden with right wing bias, that went on and on about why Obama should go after someone named Kaiser who cheats on his taxes. My question was rather simple. The answer was …my eyes glazed over. I want neutral answers. If I want to know the answer to something, a paper that advertizes its bias is the last place I would look.
If you only read stuff that confirms what you already think…where is the personal growth?
“When asked simply if Congress should pass the legislation or not, 30 percent of respondents answer yes, while 22 percent say no; 44 percent have no opinion,” according to NBC.”
Soooo, over 50% oppose/don’t care.
If you’re going to blow 400+ million dollars, you really should have a FIRM 51+% approval.
Push polls are wonderful, aren’t they?
For general info, not attached to any discussion above. I like the description of Bush as a Southern Democrat.
Here’s a succinct recap of why many conservatives DISLIKE Bush and the rise of the Tea Party was gestating under his watch while we sat home instead of voting for the GOP.
But when president Bush supported TARP, he got a great deal of support
from Democrats. No Child Left Behind got plenty of support from
democrats. The energy bill that includes the light bulb standards got
democratic support, etc.
Yes, Bush’s liberal domestic legislation got a lot of Democratic support (you can throw in the Medicare Part D, and a bunch of other ones here), and he was able to use party influence to get Republicans to vote for it. That’s a big part of why I disliked him as a President. He was like a Southern Democrat, an LBJ. Guns and butter.
No Child Left Behind got more Democratic vote in a Republican House than Republican votes. The 2007 Energy Bill got near unanimous Democratic support in both House and Senate, but half the House Republicans voted against. In fact, all the major bills after the Democrats took Congress- the 2008 stimulus, the TARP, the housing bill in 2008– were signed by Bush after receiving far more Democratic votes than Republican votes. Bush also signed McCain-Feingold, despite most Republicans being against.
Actually, having lived under both presidencies, George Bush and LBJ have absolutely NOTHING in common other than both coming from Texas. That’s were it stops. George Bush would have never been accepted as a Democrat. What are you smoking down there in Rich-mond???????
This also doesn’t explain why so many of you all turned out to vote George Bush back into office in 2004. Interesting who must have stayed home. Bush got 12 million more votes in 2004 than in 2000.
Medicare Part D was NOT supported by the majority of democrats. I watched the entire senate debate on CSPAN. The Dems thought it was legislation meant to fill the pockets of rich pharmecuetical companies, who, by the way, were actively lobbying in the halls of congress DURING the debate. Instead, they suggested a progam like the veterans had for medicare. Decrease the cost of medicine with bulk bargaining power.
May 1961
President Kennedy approves sending 400 Special Forces troops and 100 other U.S. military advisers to South Vietnam. On the same day, he orders the start of clandestine warfare against North Vietnam to be conducted by South Vietnamese agents under the direction and training of the CIA and U.S. Special Forces troops. Kennedy’s orders also called for South Vietnamese forces to infiltrate Laos to locate and disrupt communist bases and supply lines there.
And here we go again………
October 2011
Two days ago President Obama authorized the deployment to Uganda of approximately 100 combat-equipped U.S. forces to help regional forces “remove from the battlefield” – meaning capture or kill – Lord’s Resistance Army leader Joseph Kony and senior leaders of the LRA.
The forces will deploy beginning with a small group and grow over the next month to 100. They will ultimately go to Uganda, South Sudan, the Central African Republic, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, with the permission of those countries.
The president made this announcement in a letter to House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, Friday afternoon, saying that “deploying these U.S. Armed Forces furthers U.S. national security interests and foreign policy and will be a significant contribution toward counter-LRA efforts in central Africa.”
He said that “although the U.S. forces are combat-equipped, they will only be providing information, advice, and assistance to partner nation forces, and they will not themselves engage LRA forces unless necessary for self-defense.”
John Kerry explains why we turned out to vote for Bush. The alternative was to have a traitorous fool as President. Al Gore would have been better than Kerry. However, we DID NOT elect Republicans back to office in 2006 and 2008. We stayed home. THAT’s what I meant by that.
It was the totality of Bush’s and the GOP’s domestic policies that started the Tea Party’s outrage. And then it was the out of control spending starting in 2008 with the Pelosi/Reid team that was the catalyst.
Oh, btw, I forgot to put quotes around everything “south” of the link.. THAT writing is from the link as an excerpt, not me.
I apologize.
But, its mostly accurate. Except Elena is right. In the House, there was little support for Medicare D from the Democrats. Mainly because it was a GOP idea.
Bush expanded many government programs…and don’t get me started on the Dept. of Homeland Security Theater……
You Know That Your City Has Become A Hellhole When …
a few potential “red flags” are posted below….
You know that your city has become a hellhole when most of the street
lights get repossessed because of unpaid electric bills.
You know that your city has become a hellhole when it announces that
it will no longer prosecute domestic violence cases in order to save
You know that your city has become a hellhole when it simply stops
sending out pension checks to retired workers.
You know that your city has become a hellhole when it rips up asphalt
roads and replaces them with gravel because gravel is cheaper to
You know that your city has become a hellhole when it eliminates the
entire public bus system.
You know that your city has become a hellhole when nearly half of all
the people living there can’t read.
So is this where “deficit reduction” leads?
Who exactly do you mean by WE? I notice that use of first person plural frequently.
It would seem to me that 2006 would have been a good time to put in an R congress. 2008 also. To me, staying home from the polls is never acceptable. If nothing else, write in your favorite politician.
Traitorous fool? Geez. So much for his first amendment rights. Did he cavort with the enemy? no. End of defamation. You may not like his opinion regarding the Vietman war but that doesn’t make him traitorous. Walk a mile and all that….
Good news just in from CNN
A federal appeals court has blocked enforcement of parts of a controversial immigration enforcement law in Alabama.
The injunction issued Friday from the 11th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals in Atlanta came after the U.S. Justice Department — supported by a coalition of immigrant rights groups — requested the legislation, known as HB 56, be put on hold until the larger constitutional questions can be addressed, a process that could take some months at least.
The Obama administration says the Constitution does not permit states to deter illegal immigration, saying an issue with foreign policy implications is the exclusive mandate of the federal government.
Alabama’s law, passed by the legislature this summer, would allow state and local officials to check the immigration status of public school students; to detain suspected illegal aliens without bond; and make it a crime for immigrants who lack proper documents to conduct busine ss with the state for things like driver’s licenses.
I support Medicare D but it could have been done much smarter.
We means us conservatives. We got tired of voting for Democrat-lite. The GOP were not living up to THEIR rhetoric, ie, they were lying to us. So we held them accountable.
As for Kerry being a traitor….while still a Naval Reserve Officer, he met with North Vietnamese and advanced THEIR peace treaty demands.
So, its not about the 1st Amendment. Its about providing aid and comfort to the enemy. He is a disgrace to the uniform of the US Navy. At the very least, he should have been courts martialed and thrown in prison and then dishonorably discharged.
He wasn’t so obviously not everyone agrees with that story.
Actually, the Republicans have been what they always have been if you look at old school Republicans. I think folks came in to the party and attempted to mold it to their own wants. That is about the time I left it. Solid conservative principles became extreme.
Its not that they don’t agree, its that, at the time, it was thought better to ignore it and it would all go away. The “authorities” felt that there was enough political drama going on.
So, can the states refuse to assist or help enforce any OTHER federal laws? If the federal gov’t refuses to enforce a law, any federal law….the states must just live with it?
I think not. I see increasing constitutional crises on the horizon.
Unless, of course, you are teaching in Wisconsin, then you can get a liberal Dr. To write a phony sick note for you!
Pretty neat trick, isn’t it!!!
Actually he and his first wife were at the Paris Peace Talks. Lets not turn this into something it wasn’t. He did nothing illegal. His main concern was over missing POWs. Many of our guys are still unaccounted for.
From Paul Galanti – POW
And then in 1971 we started hearing about “Vietnam Veterans Against the War,” whose leader was a former Naval officer. From various sources I’ve since learned that the most senior leader of VVAW was LTJG John Kerry, a U.S. Naval Reserve officer. Kerry claimed Vietnam was “ravaged equally by American bombs and search-and-destroy missions as well as by Viet Cong terrorism . . . .” Hunh? Hadn’t I been shot down because we were required to fly close to the targets to minimize civilian casualties?
Asked for a recommendation as to possible courses of action for Congress to pursue, Kerry said he had spoken to representatives from Hanoi and from the PRG (Viet Cong) at the Paris peace talks, and mentioned his support for “Madame Binh’s points.” At that time Madam Nguyen Thi Binh was the Viet Cong foreign minister. These meetings took place in the spring of 1970, apparently before Kerry joined the VVAW. Hunh? It’s illegal for U.S. citizens to do this, much less commissioned officers.
Kerry was the most prominent leader in the VVAW, but many of the others in it were phonies who fabricated atrocities and war stories to convince the American public the average GI Joe was a psychopath.
While in Reserves, Kerry met with Communists
Sunday, September 5, 2004
My fellow veterans, the debate over whether John Kerry earned or deserved any medals or ribbons is for others. What is most concerning is his behavior while still an officer in the U.S. Naval Reserve. Let me try and put this in perspective.
According to publicly available records, Mr. Kerry was released from active duty and transferred to the Naval Reserve (inactive) in January 1970. In January 1972, he was transferred to the standby Reserve (inactive). While a commissioned officer in the inactive Naval Reserve, Mr. Kerry traveled to Paris, France, and met with official delegations from the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (North Vietnam) and the Provisional Revolutionary Government (the Viet Cong). The Vietnamese Communists eagerly met Mr. Kerry and benefited directly from the obvious propaganda victory.
These acts are clear violations of the legal prohibitions on individual citizens negotiating with foreign powers and the constitutional prohibition against giving support to our nation’s enemies in wartime. Additionally, as a commissioned officer of the Naval Reserve, Mr. Kerry was subject to the Uniform Code of Military Justice and likely violated it ("aiding the enemy") through his actions with the North Vietnamese/Viet Cong delegation.
Mr. Kerry returned from his private negotiations with the Vietnamese Communists to Washington, D.C., and held a news conference. At the press event, he advocated a Vietnamese Communist "peace proposal" calling for a U. S. withdrawal from Vietnam and payment of war damage reparations to the communist government. Mr. Kerry engaged in this advocacy on behalf of a foreign power with which we were at war while continuing to hold a commission as an officer in the U.S. Naval Reserve.
The record is clear on his testimony to the Senate on U.S. war crimes and his advocacy of the North Vietnamese position.
Again, the medal debate is for others, although I know of a lot of brave men who did much more and got no recognition for their bravery under fire.
James Laux, Lt. Colonel (Retired), U. S. Army, Buffalo
Should have been arrested, courtmartialed
M-H, The Market looks good in black!
I certainly hope so. I have had a pretty good week. Not great but good. Good works for me. Did you have a good week?
Blue Virginia (on M-H’s blogroll) reports today:
“3 Weeks Before Election Day, Virginia Blog Traffic Indicates
Little if Any Enthusiasm”
Which means a status quo election result next month?
That wasn’t such good news, Steve. I like the stock news better.
Apple brought mine along alot. At one point it was up 14 a share.
Now where is Pokie? Has he slinked off to the iStore to buy himself a new iphone 4s?
I continue to resist. it doesn’t have swype. Swype rules.
As for Kerry, it just depends on who you talk to. Because of Kerry’s political career, there will always be a he said/she said to all of this. Do you think that the people you are reading are neutral? i would say no.
Regardless, if Kerry had done anything wrong, he would have been prosecuted since he did it vey openly and in front of everyone. There will always be great division over the Vietnam War. You have no idea what it was like then, to be just a civilian. It was a very divisive war that rattled our country to the core.
This has all been 40-50 years ago. What difference does it make now? You are playing the role of divider. I see no point in it. I can’t see any point in calling someone a traitor who isn’t even a current event.
It should come as no surprise that I supported Kerry in 2004. I wasn’t wild about him. But I think what was done to him as a veteran was horrible. I also stood up for McCain when the rat bastards started in on him as a POW and those who said he had milked that enough. I don’t think those were Dem ocrats doing all that but Republican opponents during primary season. I also remember his illegitimate child question done to him by South Carolina Republicans. That was also shameful.
We can oppose people politically without destroying them.
Excuse me, but what does Kerry have to do with today’s problems?
I don’t think he does. I just took exception to him being called a traitor. I don’t think young people understand how divisive the Vietnam War really was. History books just can’t do it justice.
Cargo – they SHOULD pay the same freight – but they are not. I pay more of a percentage of my income in taxes than do many is pay grades way above mine.
The Verizon Wireless store in Union Station had a 50-person line when I walked by at 8:30am. I’m not eligible for an upgrade, so I have to wait. I stopped in the same store on the way home and played with the white 4s for a minute. I don’t know…’s really not different than what I have already. I like iOS 5…upgraded the other day. Like I said….Verizon will want 300 bucks from me in a month or two and call me offering to upgrade out-of-cycle. We’ll see then. My money is going to clothes these days. Trying to rebuild my wardrobe after five years and 70 lbs of post-cigarette blubber. I’m keen to try made-to-measure dress shirts with Brioni pants at a nice fat discount from eBay. I can also afford eBay ties from Kiton, Oxxford, and Brioni. ‘Bout the only things from those names I’ll ever be able to afford. $985 for a pair of slacks?? WOW!!
Oh, and I’m no clothes snob, either. I loves me some Wal-Mart Wranglers!!
Moon and I were discussing why Bush got conservative votes back during his second election. I made a comment about Kerry being a traitor to his country and a disgrace to the US Navy and it went off on a tangent from there.
@Cargosquid How many sovereign nations do you have to invade, and how many assassinations do you have to carry out in order to qualify for a Nobel Peace Prize? I’ve lost count.
Ouch. Keep it above the belt. This is a family-style blog. 😉
Truthfully, I hope this isn’t a family style blog if that implies children coming here. I don’t want to clean up my act. I want to remain a salty old dog.
I don’t want politics being so vicious and one sided that adults from most parts of the political spectrum feel unwelcome. But you knew that. And feel free to debate Uganda. That is fair game. It is current and should be discussed. But you knew that also.
Why are we in Uganda now? Are we going to spread our troops around the entire world going after every evil dictator? And if Uganda sparks our moral outrage, how about we tear up the Chinese credit card and go after their human-rights abuses, too? Oh, wait, tear up the credit card, can’t pay for the troops, can’t deploy them…round and round we go, in endless, pointless wars, year after year after year until–what? We will never learn.
Blame Nixon for our friendly relations with China.
Uganda is filled with rapists and murderers. Children are taken and turned into citizen soldiers trained to come back and kill their parents. Uganda has always sheltered totally evil dictators. On the other hand, they are not alone. The world is full of evil regimes. Why this one? Cluess here. Maybe they were the epicenter.
I mentioned the amount of crime in our area the other day. It didn’t capture anyone’s attention due to the bickering over Obama comments. Looks like the City of Manassas has a murder on it’s hands in Georgian Hamlet last night.
It caught my attention however, I wasn’t at a stopping place where I could respond.
That Braxted area had another murder or beating the past year, didn’t it?
I guess Corey can ignore that one. It isn’t in the county limits. He can still taut that crime is down.
I did read about him still endorsing Candidate “dick” Speakman for sheriff in Loudoun County. I looked though and didn’t see his name on the list.
Ben said it was there on
Full story from Washington Post:
Its pretty sleazy.
Don’t forget today is Sweetest Day!
@Steve Randolph Now that’s something I can embrace today!
And now for something completely different….
At first you think you’re reading an actual science article until your realize that the author really is blaming COLUMBUS for the LITTLE ICE AGE…….
Then you realize that its an AGW theorist that’s grasping at very slim straws to back up his religious faith……
Little Ice Age began about 1250…….