I can send complete text messages with Siri. She’ll now remind me of Angela’s birthday. That reminds me. I have to have her remind me of my anniversary. Maybe the kid’s birthday.. So much…….
Now I can type/text less while I’m driving. 🙂
In other news. Jimmie Johnson crashed into the wall hard and dropped down in the points chase.. It was amazing outside.
Got a call on my answering machine asking me to vote for Jeff Frederick and his home number to call him with questions. I thought that was neat. He’s got my vote against that anti-gunner Toddy Puller.
Now that there’s been a heckuva lot more publicity and news about the OWS crowd, what do you think about them? I’ve been very restrained in not commenting on them. There’s SO MANY LINKS….so many……(pant pant)
ok…I’m better….I thought I’d leave it alone. Its just that I keep seeing evidence of bad behavior that’s documented and kept expecting you to denounce their behavior. You know, like the concern you had with the Tea Party.
Sorry, the iPhone 4S uses a software application for iOS 5 called Siri. She’s an ‘assistant’ that recognizes human speech and then does actions based on those requests.
Think of Watson during Jeopardy. You can ask Siri a question. What is the meaning of life?
…she’ll respond back with 42.
or another joke OR with a real response.. 🙂
A .45? I wish. With two kids I can’t afford any more firearms at this time. I’d love a Mossberg but it’s just not in the cards for me..
A member of the Occupy Wall St movement walks over a U.S. flag on that lies on the ground in Zuccotti Park near the financial district of New York October 13, 2011. New York mayor Michael Bloomberg, who called for the protesters to leave briefly on Friday so the park could be cleaned, has indicated he expects the area to clear out once the real cold sets in. REUTERS/Lucas Jackson (UNITED STATES – Tags: BUSINESS CIVIL UNREST)
what did 4s replace? Did you have another iphone, blackberry or droid? I was tempted but not enough to give up swype. I did upgrade my ipad 1 with ios 5. That was a bit of a pain in the tail. A little more involved than people thought. Apps didnt go back to original place.
I don’t suppose there is any way I can give you all some age and take you back in history a little. Why give something like that any attention? It is just some disrespectful jerk off. Lots of them around and not just out demonstrating.
If it isn’t confronting me in the face, nothing I say and do will change it anyway.
I grew up during a time of great social unrest, however. I just think I am used to it. Go in front of the White House any day of the week, any week of the year, any year of the century…same thing. There is always a plethora of jerks.
Not all of them are the same group. Some have bad behavior, some don’t. They have made their point. Now it is time for them to go home. I can’t see where staying contributes anything to solving the problem.
There is a great deal I don’t comment on, believe it or not. I haven’t really paid much attention to them. I have lost interest.
I grew up in the 60s and lived my adult life near Washington DC. I just don’t get real worked up over these things. I did hear on the news today some tea party woman talking about groups paying to clean up after a demonstration in DC. HuH? The groups don’t pay to clean up. You and I pay to clean up. She misspoke.
Personally, I want them to stay around for a loooooonnng time.
I think that they’re great publicity for the concerns of the left.
Anarchists, communists, socialists, union members, nazis, paid protesters, rude people, unpatriotic people, Democrats, Progressives, etc…all gathered together under one banner, in a group whose face has been tarnished by bigots and violent attacks…
all endorsed by our current leadership of the Democratic party.
That was an interesting set of pictures. It showed the variety of the crowd downtown. The part I found the most interesting was the ‘author’ of the material and his prejudice against everyone who he considered ”other.”
Several items–I don’t understand why folks cannot get it through their heads that the various socialist groups always show up at rallys and demonstrations. They don’t belong to anyone. They go and set up shop because there are crowds. Same with the LaRouchers. I have never been to demonstration when they were not there and that includes things for veterans.
Interesting that the author lumped teachers unions in with all the other riff raff. Maybe next large gathering I can go sell buttons on the mall about proud to be part of the riff raff. Oh excuse me…fleabaggers.
Al Sharpton seems to have a new, improved image. Is it my imagination or has he become to GoTo person?
DC today–was a very mixed group. OWS protesters, MLK celebrators, Job seekers. (African American community has the highest unemployment rate nationwide)
In the video I saw, there were some very sincere people from around the country.
I replaced my iPhone 3G. Not the 3GS, the 3G. My contract was up this month so I got the lower price on the upgrade. I’ve been wanting a faster phone now for awhile and the 4S was just a handy excuse to have a new toy.
Personally, I want them to stay around for a loooooonnng time.
I think that they’re great publicity for the concerns of the left.
Anarchists, communists, socialists, union members, nazis, paid protesters, rude people, unpatriotic people, Democrats, Progressives, etc…all gathered together under one banner, in a group whose face has been tarnished by bigots and violent attacks… all endorsed by our current leadership of the Democratic party.
Want some popcorn?
Do you have any idea how rude and offense your comments just were?
You really need to think about it and you need to apologize for trying to belittle those of us here that you seem to think are less than fit to be Americans.
With that kind of broadbrush, you need to perhaps start reexamining who is the bigot here.
I’m with AT&T. 15% plan discount and data/voice at the same time. We have the iPad 1. I bought that for the wife while she was prego so she could lay in bed and stay connected.
Warning if you are going to upgrade ipad 1. The apps all have to be put back in their folder by hand. Real pain in the tail. I guess its worth it. Jury is still out.
I got grandfathered in the last day on AT&T unlimited plan. That’s the only thing I have that is AT&T. I hate texting so badly I won’t go to iphone until they get something that resembles Droid SWYPE which is wonderful.
There have been a couple of TV shows about those Amish kids getting in to trouble during their spring week or whatever you call it but I am with Emma. I count on Amish to behave themselves.
Since none of the people here are in those groups, I did not lump them in with the OCCUPY group. So I was not belittling anyone here. NOR was I belittling anyone in those groups.
I described the types of people that are the faces presented to the public of the Occupy people. Every single label that I wrote is a group that has supported and attended the Occupy groups, either as volunteers or, as in the case of many of the union demonstrators, paid agitators. I said nothing that was not true.
Why do you feel that you are being belittled? What part of that list do you belong to? and if “your” group is supporting the Occupy people when those groups continue to commit violence and spew bigotry, why aren’t you objecting? Make those so-called fringe groups an actual fringe.
Or is this another case of, “nothing to see here. Move along.”
The only difference with OWS and TEA party is they are different political spectrums. One has older people that learned to restrain themselves from their experience in the 60’s!
I would add, I agree with the sentiment that our banking system has WAY too much power. We have had a paradigm shift of the money makes, and in the 21st century, people got greedy and thought they could make money grow on trees by selling faulty products. Only this time, their greed affected the world.
I am waiting to order my book Boomerang, as I believe it will shed a comprehensive light on the rot happening from the Top as opposed to the bottom.
Apparently some people on this blog have forgotten our near complete financial meltdown a mere three years ago. The problem is nothing has substantially changed to prevent such an occurance from happening again.
We had bail outs for banks and their execs who are still making multi million dollar bonus’s while the overall poverty level in this country is rising along with those who are losing their homes.
Teacher are villifed for being lazy and greedy while wall street bankers roll in dough? What the hell is wrong with that narrative!
Immigrants are villified for taking jobs while corporation ship more and more jobs over seas and yet people blame the poor immigrants?
WAKE UP is what I am telling you Cargo. Stop blaming the poor schmucks who hold the least power and start focusing upward to the lobbyist and politicans and 1% uber rich who don’t understand that without a strong middle and lower income economy, our democracy is not sustainable.
“somethin is rotten in denmark” the old saying goes.
“Apparently some people on this blog have forgotten our near complete financial meltdown a mere three years ago. The problem is nothing has substantially changed to prevent such an occurance from happening again.”
Haven’t forgotten. Disagreed with the bailouts which lead to —
“We had bail outs for banks and their execs who are still making multi million dollar bonus’s while the overall poverty level in this country is rising along with those who are losing their homes. ”
When a person doesn’t earn something they don’t appreciate it. It could be an investment banker, CEO or a welfare queen. Only the taxpayers got hurt on this not the investment bankers. We should’ve allowed for banks to fail and for the system to self-heal. Again, the bailout was a moral hazard.
The income wealth gap is a fictional number that doesn’t mean a hill of beans. Even with this ‘gap’ I’d rather live in our times of upward mobility than be a surf in the middle ages.
“Stop blaming the poor schmucks who hold the least power and start focusing upward to the lobbyist and politicans and 1% uber rich who don’t understand that without a strong middle and lower income economy, our democracy is not sustainable.”
The poor still have a right to vote. They used it and we got change that impacted our society in a negative way.
The lobbyist and politicians only hold power if we allow them to. Limit government and balance will be maintained. Allow government to be too strong and those in govt will do favor for those on Wall Street.
Some goals of the Occupiers are actually laudable. But, they are misdirected. It shouldn’t be about increasing govt to take on Wall Street but on decreasing govt to limit the reach of Wall Street.
Cargo, you have a very difficult time discerning between fact and opinion, especially when it is in your head. You claim that all those groups are what? supported by Obama? Let’s cut through the weasel words. You throw in Democrats with Nazis and communists as well as union members and progressives. You have probably insulted 60% of all Americans, at least.
Do you honestly have your blinders on so tight that you cannot see how you fit into the group you just described? I don’t need to comment on them. They are doing what they feel they need to do.
Who am I to criticize them? Can I smuggly sit on my ass from behind a computer and cast aspersions on people who at least have the gumption to get out there in the street and bellow like rhinos over those smug AHs who pulled all those fast money deals, real estate deals, and mortgage deals and threw the country into a financial tail spin?
What did the rest of us do? Moaned and groaned over our portfolios and 401ks from what I can tell. In my case, I kept a blog. BFD. Do I agree with all the street protestors? No. I think in many cases they are seriously misguided and lack the maturity and wisdom to see cause/effect and to understand perhaps how things really work in a jaded political world. Where they see corporate greed and wince, I see opportunity and buy stock. I am not 25 years old. Capitalism is the one thing that has remained constant during the entire economic free fall.
There doesn’t always have to be an enemy, someone to belittle. I worried when the Berlin Wall came down that some folks would have no one to hate and I knew that some other groups were next. How true that was. The world can continue without me having strong feelings one way or the other about those who have been demonstrating.
@Slowpoke Rodriguez
And the Gatway Pundit is a far right periodical that is going to say whatever it wants to prove its far right wing nut point of view.
Just because something appears in print doesn’t make it true.
Surely you don’t believe all that crap in Gateway do you?
The bailout was for us, not for the banks. We are making money on TARP and most has been paid back. I get frustrated every time I hear that the banks were bailed out. No. everyone got their paychecks and credit lines weren;’t frozen and we didn’t go into deep depression.
I totally supported Paulson and Bush on this TARP. I talked to people who understood what happened and what would have happened had the country not responded the way it did.
Dodd/Frank should have gone further. It didn’t because stronger measures were blocked by Republicans protecting their fat cat banker friends. And remember that my guru is a fat cat republican.
Occupy Wall Street is just like the Tea Parties. Really. (except for respect for law, love of country, hygiene, public defecation, drug use, and Marxism)
“I totally supported Paulson and Bush on this TARP. I talked to people who understood what happened and what would have happened had the country not responded the way it did.
Dodd/Frank should have gone further. It didn’t because stronger measures were blocked by Republicans protecting their fat cat banker friends. And remember that my guru is a fat cat republican.”
So, you talked to a person that has a vested interest in keeping the system insulated, protected and maintaining the status quo…
Do you not see that the person may be a tad impartial?
no, not really. The person I speak with is not in the banking business. He understands finances and is a well off Republican. And no he doesn’t win or lose by insulating the banking business. Don’t assume.
@Cato the Elder
Another bigoted remark? How do you know their level of patriotism? What is patriotism? By whose standards? I expect that the tories and the revolutionary colonials both had very different definitions of patriotism.
Any time people camp out there is going to be a serious hygiene level.
Why is it not possible for the Republicans who come here to discuss a situation or a movement without affixing negative labels?
I expect there are probably a great many people out there who aren’t marxist and who aren’t doing drugs.
OMG! I think you’re channeling my father when he was in his forties. I can hear the “dirty socialist hippies” tirade beginning to well up now! (When he was sixty-something, he had changed his tune and told me it was a pity that people had to grow up with their children. Hee hee – not dwell in the same house , but mature…)
Frankly, I’m delighted to see that Americans can still get pissed off. They’d been so quiet and accepting of everything for so long. As long as the house ATM still worked and they still worked, all was well in the world even if it wasn’t.
Moon-howler :
Cargo, you have a very difficult time discerning between fact and opinion, especially when it is in your head. You claim that all those groups are what? supported by Obama? Let’s cut through the weasel words. You throw in Democrats with Nazis and communists as well as union members and progressives. You have probably insulted 60% of all Americans, at least.
Do you honestly have your blinders on so tight that you cannot see how you fit into the group you just described? I don’t need to comment on them. They are doing what they feel they need to do.
Who am I to criticize them? Can I smuggly sit on my ass from behind a computer and cast aspersions on people who at least have the gumption to get out there in the street and bellow like rhinos over those smug AHs who pulled all those fast money deals, real estate deals, and mortgage deals and threw the country into a financial tail spin?
What did the rest of us do? Moaned and groaned over our portfolios and 401ks from what I can tell. In my case, I kept a blog. BFD. Do I agree with all the street protestors? No. I think in many cases they are seriously misguided and lack the maturity and wisdom to see cause/effect and to understand perhaps how things really work in a jaded political world. Where they see corporate greed and wince, I see opportunity and buy stock. I am not 25 years old. Capitalism is the one thing that has remained constant during the entire economic free fall.
There doesn’t always have to be an enemy, someone to belittle. I worried when the Berlin Wall came down that some folks would have no one to hate and I knew that some other groups were next. How true that was. The world can continue without me having strong feelings one way or the other about those who have been demonstrating.
Notice that I did NOT make any judgments about their claims.
Notice that I did not belittle their statements.
Notice that I did not do anything OTHER than list the groups that are attending and supporting the Occupy groups. And the unpatriotic people are the ones throwing a flag purported to be a US flag on the ground and walking on it.
I put Democrats and Progressives in the group because there are Democrats and Progressives publicly supporting and endorsing the group, ie Pelosi AND Obama. They publicly endorsed the group and their actions. And have NOT said anything about the actions that discredit the group.
I put union members because there are union members marching in accord with communists and anarchists that publicly state that they want to dismantle the American way of life.
I throw the nazis in there because the nazis have publicly supported the group.
Those that have are not raving marxists, etc and are just regular people that have angry concerns are associating with people that are doing the “bad things.” Those things are NOT helping the cause of those that want “Wall St. reform.” If you associate with idiots and thugs, you will be considered part of their group.
You are judged partly by with whom you associate.
Please show me where I belittled anyone in that paragraph. All I said is that the people involved are the public face of the left. No one on the left, including HERE, has denounce any of the actions of a group that has major Democrat supporters. You ignore them. Yet, you want the Tea Party to publicly denounce any that you feel should be denounced.
How do I fit into the group I just described? When I protest, I am polite. Loud but polite. I do not trash an area. I do not walk on the American flag. I do not allow nazis, anti-semites and racists to join with me. I do not defecate on police cars. I do not advocate communism or anarchy.
I advocate a return to the ideals of the Constitution.
I clean up the area I’m in.
I don’t do illegal drugs.
I don’t assault law enforcement.
The nazi’s and communists were”declared enemies” back in WWII because they had the same desired ends. They were competitors. National Socialists. Nazis ARE socialists.
So, again, how did I belittle them by saying I want them to be around for a long time so that THEIR face is the public one for the left? If you think that belittles someone, why don’t you get angry about the ACTIONS that are belittling “your” side? And yes, you may be an Independent, but the left, mostly, is YOUR side, because I know that you’re not going to vote Republican or Tea Party.
Apparently it is you that has blinders on. The left can do no wrong or, at least, none worth denouncing or even commenting on. But if a Tea Party member raises their voice….we must return to civility! You call yourself a moderate independent. But you lean farther and farther left, the more that the abuses by the left are pointed out to you.
Nothing done in the name of increasing government power seems to matter to you. Collusion between government and business seems to always be business’s fault. Business happens in a vacuum. Protests by the left involving violence, plans for violence and revolution, support by hate groups, and public bigotry are always just fringe, even when its those same revolutionary groups that ORGANIZE the rallies.
Yes, we know you grew up through 60’s. Hippies are harmless. There was no influence by terroristic groups. Bill Ayers never blew up anything. The Weather Underground and SDS do not have “descendants” today. #OCCUPY is just an innocent group of outrages citizens peaceably assembled to petition their concerns to Congress.
I wrote those things about OCCUPY because I felt that I was right, and apparently I was, that you DO NOT agree with what is being done by OCCUPY and its supporters. Yet, I see no criticism. I see no outrage that the groups I listed are tarnishing the image of YOUR group. While I don’t see a problem with that…I thought that you might.
Where’s your outrage against those that are truly belittling the concerns of the citizens? Where’s your outrage against those groups that are using the concerns of angry citizens as cover for THEIR agenda, turning them into “useful idiots”?
I did nothing wrong. If the Democrats and Unions want to not be associated with trash, then they need to DISASSOCIATE themselves from the Nazis, communists, anarchists, low-lifes, etc. I want them to take control of the group and bring civility back to their protest. Their VALID protest. I would LOVE to see Democrats protesting those that caused this economic meltdown, both in the government and on Wall Street. I actually like some of their demands while I find others to be ludicrous. I want the Democrats to take back the term Liberal before it is associated with those people.
If I found out that lowlifes like the communists, nazis, anti-semites were supporting a group, I would a) ask said group to publicly denounce that support, b) disassociate from that group if they didn’t, c)rather that group dissolve rather than be associated with them.
Communism kills. Naziism kills. Anti-semitism and bigotry is horrible. Why are people associating with groups that espouse these philosophies?
Elena :
The only difference with OWS and TEA party is they are different political spectrums. One has older people that learned to restrain themselves from their experience in the 60′s!
I would add, I agree with the sentiment that our banking system has WAY too much power. We have had a paradigm shift of the money makes, and in the 21st century, people got greedy and thought they could make money grow on trees by selling faulty products. Only this time, their greed affected the world.
I am waiting to order my book Boomerang, as I believe it will shed a comprehensive light on the rot happening from the Top as opposed to the bottom.
Apparently some people on this blog have forgotten our near complete financial meltdown a mere three years ago. The problem is nothing has substantially changed to prevent such an occurance from happening again.
We had bail outs for banks and their execs who are still making multi million dollar bonus’s while the overall poverty level in this country is rising along with those who are losing their homes.
Teacher are villifed for being lazy and greedy while wall street bankers roll in dough? What the hell is wrong with that narrative!
Immigrants are villified for taking jobs while corporation ship more and more jobs over seas and yet people blame the poor immigrants?
WAKE UP is what I am telling you Cargo. Stop blaming the poor schmucks who hold the least power and start focusing upward to the lobbyist and politicans and 1% uber rich who don’t understand that without a strong middle and lower income economy, our democracy is not sustainable.
“somethin is rotten in denmark” the old saying goes.
Actually some of the protesters in the OCCUPY group would fit in with the Tea Party. And there are greater differences between them besides politics. The ADULTS in OCCUPY are the ones causing the trouble. The other difference is that the Tea Party is blaming the growth of government and crony capitalism as the cause of the melt down. When you tell banks that they must make money in a certain way, they will make money THAT
I want to hear the president publicly denounce the violent, anti-American, anti-Semitic, insulting and destructive elements of the OWS movement. Otherwise, his affirmation of the movement could provide the impetus for more violent actions on their parts. You just never know when someone who is mentally unstable–like a Jared Loughner, for example–could be goaded into violent actions by such inflammatory words and actions from even a small element within such a movement, especially if that movement has the imprimatur of the President of the United States.
Cargo, it seems to me that the first recent departure from civility started with the tea party louts who disrupted town hall meetings. Then Move-on.org copied the tactics. Now it’s escalated. BUT…you don’t know any of these players that you condemn. You don’t know whether they’re socialists, nazis, run-of-the-mill-loons, or who they claim they are. They could be the opposition’s plants, undercover police, professional tag-alongs.
The right is scared. They’re afraid that the average Joe or Jane in the crowd will strike a sympathetic note with many voters. And they’re afraid that that sympathy won’t be with the right. So they paint, paint, paint with that broad brush in an attempt to discredit the movement (even though it isn’t clearly defined).
way. The banks, etc played by the rules that were in place. Who made the rules? Who is favoring certain banks over others now? Who is bailing out whom? Who is favoring some businesses over others?
The bailouts for the banks is applauded by many on the left. If we hadn’t bailed them out, there would have been NO bonuses…etc. The overall poverty rate is climbing. Part of that is due to inflation. If you measured inflation today as you did in the 90’s, we would have an 10+% inflation rate. The government is lying to you. Now you know where your money is going. If the GOVERNMENT keeps the declared rate of inflation down, they don’t have to make COLA’s to government payouts and citizens don’t get upset about gov’t mismanagement.
I’m not “blaming the poor schmucks who hold the least power”, I’m blaming the politicians who got us here. 1% “uber rich” aren’t just sitting on their money. They got “uber rich” because they believe in business. Warren Buffett, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, etc, are all the uber rich. But they’re heroes…..why? What makes these “uber rich” any different?
There is something “rotten in Denmark.” But protesting Wall St. does nothing that provide street theater for the most extreme which use the “regular” folks as cover. I WANT a Democrat version of the Tea Party to form. I want the Democrats to get away from the extreme elements that ORGANIZED #OCCUPY and get realistic.
I don’t think you agree with many of the more extreme demand mixed in with common sense ones like “Bring back the Glass-Stegall Act.” I was not blaming ANYONE at the #OCCUPY rallies. I WAS pointing out that the Democrats have allowed the more extreme elements to become their public face. As a conservative, I break out the popcorn when that happens.
Actually, as a CLASSIC LIBERAL, I break out the popcorn. And, as per the definition of that term…I are one.
Emma, did you want the Republican party leaders to denounce the tea party members at the DC rally where someone spit on a representative? I don’t remember any apologies there – instead just encouragement to the crowd from the balcony.
Are you responsible for the actions of all your fellow church members or leaders or of fellow employees? Why the hell do you expect Obama to be responsible for every Joe Shmo at the protests? It’s just an attempt to paint Obama as wrong.
The protestors may not want to extend their sympathies to the Democratic party and Obama as much as you guys try to paint it that way.
Unless I have been reading the wrong papers, the ows folks aren’t real happy with the democrats or the republicans.
Strange that it was ok to comment on the free speech in Egypt, Libya, and various places in the middle east but when people do that here, they are excoriated.
I even remember Obama being criticized for not ‘encouraging’ the Iranians when they took to the streets.
Censored bybvbl :
Cargo, it seems to me that the first recent departure from civility started with the tea party louts who disrupted town hall meetings. Then Move-on.org copied the tactics. Now it’s escalated. BUT…you don’t know any of these players that you condemn. You don’t know whether they’re socialists, nazis, run-of-the-mill-loons, or who they claim they are. They could be the opposition’s plants, undercover police, professional tag-alongs.
The right is scared. They’re afraid that the average Joe or Jane in the crowd will strike a sympathetic note with many voters. And they’re afraid that that sympathy won’t be with the right. So they paint, paint, paint with that broad brush in an attempt to discredit the movement (even though it isn’t clearly defined).
Keep on thinking that the right is scared by this. Actually we applaud it, for the reasons I’ve stated. And being loud in town halls……you say that we started it? Reeeaaally? So, I take it that you’ve completely ignored the anarchist riots and the anti-war demonstrations. MoveOn.org ESCALATED? HAHAHAHAHA! Um..ok, then.
We are not “painting with a broad brush.” I, and many others, are REPORTING AND QUOTING THEM. The Communists, anarchists, and socialists ORGANIZED this demonstration. We are not labeling or tarring anyone. THEY are the ones admitting it and proudly declaring themselves.
We on the “right” don’t care. Let them march until the cows come home. See my statement to Elena.
But, lets say that ALL of these low-lifes ARE plants. THERE STILL HAS BEEN NO DENUNCIATION BY THE LEFT or any attempt to isolate them.
And if these are all agitators…they’re gooood. Real good. Because then they ORGANIZED this whole demonstration.
@Cargo, am I to assume that low life is a compliment? Why are they low lifes. Lets discuss that.
You speak as though you were there when you say you and others are reporting and quoting them. Don’t you have to be there in person to report and quote them?
No denunciation by the left? Get over it. Why should the left or the right denounce them? They are exercising their right to free speech, whether we like what they say or don’t.
If people bothered me that much, I would go Monday morning and try to get on medication. Jesus. Live and let live. They aren’t hurting you.
Again, please don’t spread false rumors. NO ONE spit on anybody. There was a cop RIGHT THERE.
And no, I don’t expect the President to be responsible for a group’s actions. But I also expect him to NOT PUBLICLY SUPPORT groups that have these bad actors. Nor are you responsible for the actions of others in your group. But you are responsible for YOUR actions in continuing to associate with said groups. You are responsible for supporting or denouncing bad actors in a group.
Stop making excuses for those that are tarnishing YOUR side, Censored. We have seen the actual evidence of these things. And when the Tea Party finds objectionable bigots in our rallies, we expose them and isolate them.
Maybe its time for the Left to grow up and do the same.
Ok, maybe not so much.
Also, I for one, welcome our Apple Robot overlords.
Cargo, I got the 4S on Friday and have been toying with Siri. Fun lil toy. I’ll ask Siri off the wall questions just to see what she’ll say.
MH, apologies for the link language.
I can send complete text messages with Siri. She’ll now remind me of Angela’s birthday. That reminds me. I have to have her remind me of my anniversary. Maybe the kid’s birthday.. So much…….
Now I can type/text less while I’m driving. 🙂
In other news. Jimmie Johnson crashed into the wall hard and dropped down in the points chase.. It was amazing outside.
Got a call on my answering machine asking me to vote for Jeff Frederick and his home number to call him with questions. I thought that was neat. He’s got my vote against that anti-gunner Toddy Puller.
What is Siri?
Remember…I’m a luddite that still thinks phones should “dial”….
Is it some sort of phone …assistant app?
And does this pass the Turing test?
What kind of .45?
Now that there’s been a heckuva lot more publicity and news about the OWS crowd, what do you think about them? I’ve been very restrained in not commenting on them. There’s SO MANY LINKS….so many……(pant pant)
ok…I’m better….I thought I’d leave it alone. Its just that I keep seeing evidence of bad behavior that’s documented and kept expecting you to denounce their behavior. You know, like the concern you had with the Tea Party.
Sorry, the iPhone 4S uses a software application for iOS 5 called Siri. She’s an ‘assistant’ that recognizes human speech and then does actions based on those requests.
Think of Watson during Jeopardy. You can ask Siri a question. What is the meaning of life?
…she’ll respond back with 42.
or another joke OR with a real response.. 🙂
A .45? I wish. With two kids I can’t afford any more firearms at this time. I’d love a Mossberg but it’s just not in the cards for me..
Posted to my FB wall today.
A member of the Occupy Wall St movement walks over a U.S. flag on that lies on the ground in Zuccotti Park near the financial district of New York October 13, 2011. New York mayor Michael Bloomberg, who called for the protesters to leave briefly on Friday so the park could be cleaned, has indicated he expects the area to clear out once the real cold sets in. REUTERS/Lucas Jackson (UNITED STATES – Tags: BUSINESS CIVIL UNREST)
Take another look at that flag.
Yes. They are being disrespectful. Their intentions are insulting.
But that’s NOT an American flag.
That flag has 12 stripes. It has one large central red stripe. A white stripe is below the blue field on the US flag.
Either they are stupid or they are trying to provoke a reaction.
And the caption is just more evidence of those “layers of editorial oversight” that the MSM says that blogs need. US flag? Where?
Apparently one sees what they want to see……
I’m planning to hit the Chantilly gun show in November. Hope to see you. Maybe you can make it in…..
It is Marin’s new sex slave.
what did 4s replace? Did you have another iphone, blackberry or droid? I was tempted but not enough to give up swype. I did upgrade my ipad 1 with ios 5. That was a bit of a pain in the tail. A little more involved than people thought. Apps didnt go back to original place.
But do you love 4s?
I don’t suppose there is any way I can give you all some age and take you back in history a little. Why give something like that any attention? It is just some disrespectful jerk off. Lots of them around and not just out demonstrating.
If it isn’t confronting me in the face, nothing I say and do will change it anyway.
I grew up during a time of great social unrest, however. I just think I am used to it. Go in front of the White House any day of the week, any week of the year, any year of the century…same thing. There is always a plethora of jerks.
Btw…did you know Sharpton was up your way for a MLK memorial this weekend?
Yeah, neither did he. But he had a nice Obama campaign rally.
Royal Navy finds 61 bombs in two day sweep at nudist beach
Bet that got a rise out of people!
Not all of them are the same group. Some have bad behavior, some don’t. They have made their point. Now it is time for them to go home. I can’t see where staying contributes anything to solving the problem.
There is a great deal I don’t comment on, believe it or not. I haven’t really paid much attention to them. I have lost interest.
I grew up in the 60s and lived my adult life near Washington DC. I just don’t get real worked up over these things. I did hear on the news today some tea party woman talking about groups paying to clean up after a demonstration in DC. HuH? The groups don’t pay to clean up. You and I pay to clean up. She misspoke.
Personally, I want them to stay around for a loooooonnng time.
I think that they’re great publicity for the concerns of the left.
Anarchists, communists, socialists, union members, nazis, paid protesters, rude people, unpatriotic people, Democrats, Progressives, etc…all gathered together under one banner, in a group whose face has been tarnished by bigots and violent attacks…
all endorsed by our current leadership of the Democratic party.
Want some popcorn?
That was an interesting set of pictures. It showed the variety of the crowd downtown. The part I found the most interesting was the ‘author’ of the material and his prejudice against everyone who he considered ”other.”
Several items–I don’t understand why folks cannot get it through their heads that the various socialist groups always show up at rallys and demonstrations. They don’t belong to anyone. They go and set up shop because there are crowds. Same with the LaRouchers. I have never been to demonstration when they were not there and that includes things for veterans.
Interesting that the author lumped teachers unions in with all the other riff raff. Maybe next large gathering I can go sell buttons on the mall about proud to be part of the riff raff. Oh excuse me…fleabaggers.
Al Sharpton seems to have a new, improved image. Is it my imagination or has he become to GoTo person?
DC today–was a very mixed group. OWS protesters, MLK celebrators, Job seekers. (African American community has the highest unemployment rate nationwide)
In the video I saw, there were some very sincere people from around the country.
I replaced my iPhone 3G. Not the 3GS, the 3G. My contract was up this month so I got the lower price on the upgrade. I’ve been wanting a faster phone now for awhile and the 4S was just a handy excuse to have a new toy.
I’ll find a good home for the 3G.
I’m very happy with the purchase.
Do you have any idea how rude and offense your comments just were?
You really need to think about it and you need to apologize for trying to belittle those of us here that you seem to think are less than fit to be Americans.
With that kind of broadbrush, you need to perhaps start reexamining who is the bigot here.
Happy Boss Day!
It sounds like your timing was exactly right. So which company? And do you already have an ipad?
Big Dog, my husband probably wouldn’t like you wishing me a happy boss day. LOL
sssshhhhh we won’t tell him.
I’ll tell him. I’m sure to see him at that damn Giant again today. 👿
Yes, he told me he bumped in to you over there. Make sure he knows!
I’m with AT&T. 15% plan discount and data/voice at the same time. We have the iPad 1. I bought that for the wife while she was prego so she could lay in bed and stay connected.
Warning if you are going to upgrade ipad 1. The apps all have to be put back in their folder by hand. Real pain in the tail. I guess its worth it. Jury is still out.
I got grandfathered in the last day on AT&T unlimited plan. That’s the only thing I have that is AT&T. I hate texting so badly I won’t go to iphone until they get something that resembles Droid SWYPE which is wonderful.
These are sad times when you can’t even count on the Amish to behave themselves. This story somehow got by me unnoticed this week:
There have been a couple of TV shows about those Amish kids getting in to trouble during their spring week or whatever you call it but I am with Emma. I count on Amish to behave themselves.
Since none of the people here are in those groups, I did not lump them in with the OCCUPY group. So I was not belittling anyone here. NOR was I belittling anyone in those groups.
I described the types of people that are the faces presented to the public of the Occupy people. Every single label that I wrote is a group that has supported and attended the Occupy groups, either as volunteers or, as in the case of many of the union demonstrators, paid agitators. I said nothing that was not true.
Why do you feel that you are being belittled? What part of that list do you belong to? and if “your” group is supporting the Occupy people when those groups continue to commit violence and spew bigotry, why aren’t you objecting? Make those so-called fringe groups an actual fringe.
Or is this another case of, “nothing to see here. Move along.”
The fact that you even have to ask bothers me. There are union members here, progressives and democrats for sure.
The entire statement was meant to belittle. Who gets to decide who is patriotic or not? Is that sort of like deciding who is Christian and who isn’t?
The only difference with OWS and TEA party is they are different political spectrums. One has older people that learned to restrain themselves from their experience in the 60’s!
I would add, I agree with the sentiment that our banking system has WAY too much power. We have had a paradigm shift of the money makes, and in the 21st century, people got greedy and thought they could make money grow on trees by selling faulty products. Only this time, their greed affected the world.
I am waiting to order my book Boomerang, as I believe it will shed a comprehensive light on the rot happening from the Top as opposed to the bottom.
Apparently some people on this blog have forgotten our near complete financial meltdown a mere three years ago. The problem is nothing has substantially changed to prevent such an occurance from happening again.
We had bail outs for banks and their execs who are still making multi million dollar bonus’s while the overall poverty level in this country is rising along with those who are losing their homes.
Teacher are villifed for being lazy and greedy while wall street bankers roll in dough? What the hell is wrong with that narrative!
Immigrants are villified for taking jobs while corporation ship more and more jobs over seas and yet people blame the poor immigrants?
WAKE UP is what I am telling you Cargo. Stop blaming the poor schmucks who hold the least power and start focusing upward to the lobbyist and politicans and 1% uber rich who don’t understand that without a strong middle and lower income economy, our democracy is not sustainable.
“somethin is rotten in denmark” the old saying goes.
Last I checked, both the Nazi and the Communist Party are supporters of OWS:
“Apparently some people on this blog have forgotten our near complete financial meltdown a mere three years ago. The problem is nothing has substantially changed to prevent such an occurance from happening again.”
Haven’t forgotten. Disagreed with the bailouts which lead to —
“We had bail outs for banks and their execs who are still making multi million dollar bonus’s while the overall poverty level in this country is rising along with those who are losing their homes. ”
When a person doesn’t earn something they don’t appreciate it. It could be an investment banker, CEO or a welfare queen. Only the taxpayers got hurt on this not the investment bankers. We should’ve allowed for banks to fail and for the system to self-heal. Again, the bailout was a moral hazard.
The income wealth gap is a fictional number that doesn’t mean a hill of beans. Even with this ‘gap’ I’d rather live in our times of upward mobility than be a surf in the middle ages.
“Stop blaming the poor schmucks who hold the least power and start focusing upward to the lobbyist and politicans and 1% uber rich who don’t understand that without a strong middle and lower income economy, our democracy is not sustainable.”
The poor still have a right to vote. They used it and we got change that impacted our society in a negative way.
The lobbyist and politicians only hold power if we allow them to. Limit government and balance will be maintained. Allow government to be too strong and those in govt will do favor for those on Wall Street.
Some goals of the Occupiers are actually laudable. But, they are misdirected. It shouldn’t be about increasing govt to take on Wall Street but on decreasing govt to limit the reach of Wall Street.
Cargo, you have a very difficult time discerning between fact and opinion, especially when it is in your head. You claim that all those groups are what? supported by Obama? Let’s cut through the weasel words. You throw in Democrats with Nazis and communists as well as union members and progressives. You have probably insulted 60% of all Americans, at least.
Do you honestly have your blinders on so tight that you cannot see how you fit into the group you just described? I don’t need to comment on them. They are doing what they feel they need to do.
Who am I to criticize them? Can I smuggly sit on my ass from behind a computer and cast aspersions on people who at least have the gumption to get out there in the street and bellow like rhinos over those smug AHs who pulled all those fast money deals, real estate deals, and mortgage deals and threw the country into a financial tail spin?
What did the rest of us do? Moaned and groaned over our portfolios and 401ks from what I can tell. In my case, I kept a blog. BFD. Do I agree with all the street protestors? No. I think in many cases they are seriously misguided and lack the maturity and wisdom to see cause/effect and to understand perhaps how things really work in a jaded political world. Where they see corporate greed and wince, I see opportunity and buy stock. I am not 25 years old. Capitalism is the one thing that has remained constant during the entire economic free fall.
There doesn’t always have to be an enemy, someone to belittle. I worried when the Berlin Wall came down that some folks would have no one to hate and I knew that some other groups were next. How true that was. The world can continue without me having strong feelings one way or the other about those who have been demonstrating.
@Slowpoke Rodriguez
And the Gatway Pundit is a far right periodical that is going to say whatever it wants to prove its far right wing nut point of view.
Just because something appears in print doesn’t make it true.
Surely you don’t believe all that crap in Gateway do you?
psstttttt Nazis and socialists are declared enemies. They are like…..opposite ends.
And finally, who gives a rat’s ass. I guess Nazis and socialists can have opinions also and I have the right to not list to them.
I would be willing to bet that very few tea party members were 60s kind of folks if you are speaking of demonstrations. Just a hunch.
Other than that, I agree 100%. Children of the 60’s always have to disagree with something.
Censored, weigh in here. What is your opinion:?
The bailout was for us, not for the banks. We are making money on TARP and most has been paid back. I get frustrated every time I hear that the banks were bailed out. No. everyone got their paychecks and credit lines weren;’t frozen and we didn’t go into deep depression.
I totally supported Paulson and Bush on this TARP. I talked to people who understood what happened and what would have happened had the country not responded the way it did.
Dodd/Frank should have gone further. It didn’t because stronger measures were blocked by Republicans protecting their fat cat banker friends. And remember that my guru is a fat cat republican.
Occupy Wall Street is just like the Tea Parties. Really. (except for respect for law, love of country, hygiene, public defecation, drug use, and Marxism)
“I totally supported Paulson and Bush on this TARP. I talked to people who understood what happened and what would have happened had the country not responded the way it did.
Dodd/Frank should have gone further. It didn’t because stronger measures were blocked by Republicans protecting their fat cat banker friends. And remember that my guru is a fat cat republican.”
So, you talked to a person that has a vested interest in keeping the system insulated, protected and maintaining the status quo…
Do you not see that the person may be a tad impartial?
no, not really. The person I speak with is not in the banking business. He understands finances and is a well off Republican. And no he doesn’t win or lose by insulating the banking business. Don’t assume.
I apologize. The use of the phrase ‘fat cat’ made me assume he was different than us.
@Cato the Elder
Another bigoted remark? How do you know their level of patriotism? What is patriotism? By whose standards? I expect that the tories and the revolutionary colonials both had very different definitions of patriotism.
Any time people camp out there is going to be a serious hygiene level.
Why is it not possible for the Republicans who come here to discuss a situation or a movement without affixing negative labels?
I expect there are probably a great many people out there who aren’t marxist and who aren’t doing drugs.
@Cato the Elder
OMG! I think you’re channeling my father when he was in his forties. I can hear the “dirty socialist hippies” tirade beginning to well up now! (When he was sixty-something, he had changed his tune and told me it was a pity that people had to grow up with their children. Hee hee – not dwell in the same house , but mature…)
Frankly, I’m delighted to see that Americans can still get pissed off. They’d been so quiet and accepting of everything for so long. As long as the house ATM still worked and they still worked, all was well in the world even if it wasn’t.
Notice that I did NOT make any judgments about their claims.
Notice that I did not belittle their statements.
Notice that I did not do anything OTHER than list the groups that are attending and supporting the Occupy groups. And the unpatriotic people are the ones throwing a flag purported to be a US flag on the ground and walking on it.
I put Democrats and Progressives in the group because there are Democrats and Progressives publicly supporting and endorsing the group, ie Pelosi AND Obama. They publicly endorsed the group and their actions. And have NOT said anything about the actions that discredit the group.
I put union members because there are union members marching in accord with communists and anarchists that publicly state that they want to dismantle the American way of life.
I throw the nazis in there because the nazis have publicly supported the group.
Those that have are not raving marxists, etc and are just regular people that have angry concerns are associating with people that are doing the “bad things.” Those things are NOT helping the cause of those that want “Wall St. reform.” If you associate with idiots and thugs, you will be considered part of their group.
You are judged partly by with whom you associate.
Please show me where I belittled anyone in that paragraph. All I said is that the people involved are the public face of the left. No one on the left, including HERE, has denounce any of the actions of a group that has major Democrat supporters. You ignore them. Yet, you want the Tea Party to publicly denounce any that you feel should be denounced.
How do I fit into the group I just described? When I protest, I am polite. Loud but polite. I do not trash an area. I do not walk on the American flag. I do not allow nazis, anti-semites and racists to join with me. I do not defecate on police cars. I do not advocate communism or anarchy.
I advocate a return to the ideals of the Constitution.
I clean up the area I’m in.
I don’t do illegal drugs.
I don’t assault law enforcement.
The nazi’s and communists were”declared enemies” back in WWII because they had the same desired ends. They were competitors. National Socialists. Nazis ARE socialists.
So, again, how did I belittle them by saying I want them to be around for a long time so that THEIR face is the public one for the left? If you think that belittles someone, why don’t you get angry about the ACTIONS that are belittling “your” side? And yes, you may be an Independent, but the left, mostly, is YOUR side, because I know that you’re not going to vote Republican or Tea Party.
Apparently it is you that has blinders on. The left can do no wrong or, at least, none worth denouncing or even commenting on. But if a Tea Party member raises their voice….we must return to civility! You call yourself a moderate independent. But you lean farther and farther left, the more that the abuses by the left are pointed out to you.
Nothing done in the name of increasing government power seems to matter to you. Collusion between government and business seems to always be business’s fault. Business happens in a vacuum. Protests by the left involving violence, plans for violence and revolution, support by hate groups, and public bigotry are always just fringe, even when its those same revolutionary groups that ORGANIZE the rallies.
Yes, we know you grew up through 60’s. Hippies are harmless. There was no influence by terroristic groups. Bill Ayers never blew up anything. The Weather Underground and SDS do not have “descendants” today. #OCCUPY is just an innocent group of outrages citizens peaceably assembled to petition their concerns to Congress.
I wrote those things about OCCUPY because I felt that I was right, and apparently I was, that you DO NOT agree with what is being done by OCCUPY and its supporters. Yet, I see no criticism. I see no outrage that the groups I listed are tarnishing the image of YOUR group. While I don’t see a problem with that…I thought that you might.
Where’s your outrage against those that are truly belittling the concerns of the citizens? Where’s your outrage against those groups that are using the concerns of angry citizens as cover for THEIR agenda, turning them into “useful idiots”?
I did nothing wrong. If the Democrats and Unions want to not be associated with trash, then they need to DISASSOCIATE themselves from the Nazis, communists, anarchists, low-lifes, etc. I want them to take control of the group and bring civility back to their protest. Their VALID protest. I would LOVE to see Democrats protesting those that caused this economic meltdown, both in the government and on Wall Street. I actually like some of their demands while I find others to be ludicrous. I want the Democrats to take back the term Liberal before it is associated with those people.
If I found out that lowlifes like the communists, nazis, anti-semites were supporting a group, I would a) ask said group to publicly denounce that support, b) disassociate from that group if they didn’t, c)rather that group dissolve rather than be associated with them.
Communism kills. Naziism kills. Anti-semitism and bigotry is horrible. Why are people associating with groups that espouse these philosophies?
Actually some of the protesters in the OCCUPY group would fit in with the Tea Party. And there are greater differences between them besides politics. The ADULTS in OCCUPY are the ones causing the trouble. The other difference is that the Tea Party is blaming the growth of government and crony capitalism as the cause of the melt down. When you tell banks that they must make money in a certain way, they will make money THAT
I want to hear the president publicly denounce the violent, anti-American, anti-Semitic, insulting and destructive elements of the OWS movement. Otherwise, his affirmation of the movement could provide the impetus for more violent actions on their parts. You just never know when someone who is mentally unstable–like a Jared Loughner, for example–could be goaded into violent actions by such inflammatory words and actions from even a small element within such a movement, especially if that movement has the imprimatur of the President of the United States.
Cargo, it seems to me that the first recent departure from civility started with the tea party louts who disrupted town hall meetings. Then Move-on.org copied the tactics. Now it’s escalated. BUT…you don’t know any of these players that you condemn. You don’t know whether they’re socialists, nazis, run-of-the-mill-loons, or who they claim they are. They could be the opposition’s plants, undercover police, professional tag-alongs.
The right is scared. They’re afraid that the average Joe or Jane in the crowd will strike a sympathetic note with many voters. And they’re afraid that that sympathy won’t be with the right. So they paint, paint, paint with that broad brush in an attempt to discredit the movement (even though it isn’t clearly defined).
(Somehow I hit submit.)
way. The banks, etc played by the rules that were in place. Who made the rules? Who is favoring certain banks over others now? Who is bailing out whom? Who is favoring some businesses over others?
The bailouts for the banks is applauded by many on the left. If we hadn’t bailed them out, there would have been NO bonuses…etc. The overall poverty rate is climbing. Part of that is due to inflation. If you measured inflation today as you did in the 90’s, we would have an 10+% inflation rate. The government is lying to you. Now you know where your money is going. If the GOVERNMENT keeps the declared rate of inflation down, they don’t have to make COLA’s to government payouts and citizens don’t get upset about gov’t mismanagement.
I’m not “blaming the poor schmucks who hold the least power”, I’m blaming the politicians who got us here. 1% “uber rich” aren’t just sitting on their money. They got “uber rich” because they believe in business. Warren Buffett, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, etc, are all the uber rich. But they’re heroes…..why? What makes these “uber rich” any different?
There is something “rotten in Denmark.” But protesting Wall St. does nothing that provide street theater for the most extreme which use the “regular” folks as cover. I WANT a Democrat version of the Tea Party to form. I want the Democrats to get away from the extreme elements that ORGANIZED #OCCUPY and get realistic.
I don’t think you agree with many of the more extreme demand mixed in with common sense ones like “Bring back the Glass-Stegall Act.” I was not blaming ANYONE at the #OCCUPY rallies. I WAS pointing out that the Democrats have allowed the more extreme elements to become their public face. As a conservative, I break out the popcorn when that happens.
Actually, as a CLASSIC LIBERAL, I break out the popcorn. And, as per the definition of that term…I are one.
Emma, did you want the Republican party leaders to denounce the tea party members at the DC rally where someone spit on a representative? I don’t remember any apologies there – instead just encouragement to the crowd from the balcony.
Are you responsible for the actions of all your fellow church members or leaders or of fellow employees? Why the hell do you expect Obama to be responsible for every Joe Shmo at the protests? It’s just an attempt to paint Obama as wrong.
The protestors may not want to extend their sympathies to the Democratic party and Obama as much as you guys try to paint it that way.
Unless I have been reading the wrong papers, the ows folks aren’t real happy with the democrats or the republicans.
Strange that it was ok to comment on the free speech in Egypt, Libya, and various places in the middle east but when people do that here, they are excoriated.
I even remember Obama being criticized for not ‘encouraging’ the Iranians when they took to the streets.
Double standard I guess.
Keep on thinking that the right is scared by this. Actually we applaud it, for the reasons I’ve stated. And being loud in town halls……you say that we started it? Reeeaaally? So, I take it that you’ve completely ignored the anarchist riots and the anti-war demonstrations. MoveOn.org ESCALATED? HAHAHAHAHA! Um..ok, then.
We are not “painting with a broad brush.” I, and many others, are REPORTING AND QUOTING THEM. The Communists, anarchists, and socialists ORGANIZED this demonstration. We are not labeling or tarring anyone. THEY are the ones admitting it and proudly declaring themselves.
We on the “right” don’t care. Let them march until the cows come home. See my statement to Elena.
But, lets say that ALL of these low-lifes ARE plants. THERE STILL HAS BEEN NO DENUNCIATION BY THE LEFT or any attempt to isolate them.
And if these are all agitators…they’re gooood. Real good. Because then they ORGANIZED this whole demonstration.
@Cargo, am I to assume that low life is a compliment? Why are they low lifes. Lets discuss that.
You speak as though you were there when you say you and others are reporting and quoting them. Don’t you have to be there in person to report and quote them?
No denunciation by the left? Get over it. Why should the left or the right denounce them? They are exercising their right to free speech, whether we like what they say or don’t.
If people bothered me that much, I would go Monday morning and try to get on medication. Jesus. Live and let live. They aren’t hurting you.
@Censored bybvbl
Again, please don’t spread false rumors. NO ONE spit on anybody. There was a cop RIGHT THERE.
And no, I don’t expect the President to be responsible for a group’s actions. But I also expect him to NOT PUBLICLY SUPPORT groups that have these bad actors. Nor are you responsible for the actions of others in your group. But you are responsible for YOUR actions in continuing to associate with said groups. You are responsible for supporting or denouncing bad actors in a group.
Stop making excuses for those that are tarnishing YOUR side, Censored. We have seen the actual evidence of these things. And when the Tea Party finds objectionable bigots in our rallies, we expose them and isolate them.
Maybe its time for the Left to grow up and do the same.
By the way…did anybody here roll their eyes when Glenn Beck predicted European style demonstrations here……
I know the right is scared by the amount of commenting and smears.