Things are heating up in the Gainesville Magisterial District over the attendance record of Peter Candland’s main claim to fame which is his service on Supervior John Stirrup’s budget committee. Candidate Ann Wheeler has called in to question Candland’s attendance record. Candland’s main opponent in the Republican primary, Martha Hendley, was first to mention questionable attendance despite the fact Candland claimed to have served on this committee for three years. Several county folks have said his attendance was sketchy as best.
Wheeler admonished Candland for missing the last Wednesday night’s Haymarket Meet and Greet the Candidates. Candland told the News and Messenger that he had notified the Haymarket town manager that he would be unable to attend because of a business commitment. News and Messenger reported:
Wheeler sent out a press release after the forum, saying it’s “a disservice to the voters and the community to not show up to forums such as these.”
In the same breadth, Wheeler’s campaign staff released a Freedom of Information Act request of Candland’s three-year attendance record for the budget committee.
The real issue that stuck in both Hendley and Wheeler’s craw seems to be that Candland cited that he served on Supervisor Stirrup’s advisory budget committee for three years. According to the News and Messenger:
A News & Messenger study of e-mails sent by Candland to budget committee staff suggested that he didn’t attend at least two of the four meetings in 2011. He also appeared to miss at least two meetings early in 2010 and then sent a letter on Feb. 26 of that year hinting that he didn’t have time to serve anymore the rest of the year.
“As you’ve seen the last couple of months, my schedule has become more inflexible than the one I had last year. …At this point, it looks like I will need to step down and make room for someone else,” wrote Candland in his email to fellow committee staff Scott Chambers and Bob Pugh.
However, on his campaign website, Candland said he has been a member of the committee for the last three years.
Candland stated the following in an email sent to the News & Messenger on Friday: “I can’t really comment on my opponent’s fabrications and misrepresentations, but this is nothing more than Ann Wheeler trying to hide her support of Obama-style economic policies and government ‘stimulus’ spending from the voters.”
Pugh, the former chair of the committee, said Candland was a well-liked member and regretted that his colleague couldn’t participate for most of 2010.
“He attended but several other members were more active,” Pugh said.
According to Pugh, the committee was comprised of some six individuals at any one time and that formal attendance and minutes were not taken at the meetings.
Ann Wheeler continued to question Candland’s sporadic attendance issues: “whether that be tackling traffic congestion, reducing classroom sizes, or recruiting jobs, voters want a supervisor who will show up.”
Local Republicans, speaking on condition of anonymity, have suggested that if Candland had more experienced campaign managers, he could have been steered away from hanging his hat on the budget committee, as a main reference, especially with attendance being a problem as well as a couple of other strategic missteps.
The attendance problem was brought to a head because Candland stated that he served three years on John Stirrup’s advisory budget committee and this issue doesn’t seem to want to go away.
Attendance is a “hot topic” with those that pay attention to the BoS meetings. Citizens elect candidates to represent them, not be absent from meetings. I for one am very concerned and have expressed this to Mr. Candland on my porch, about him being a father with young kids, full time job, president of the HOA, and then add to that supervisor. I question the amount of time he would really have available to devote to the elected position. He told me he had stepped down as president of the HOA, but the website reads that he still is(as of Friday). I don’t make a regular habit of checking up on the Candland Camp.
I for one hope that my neighborhood and those of us “in-town” people get the attention we deserve. Afterall, Mr. Candland stated in his original announcement to run for office that he wanted “to keep Gainesville and Haymarket a great place to raise your family”. Not, boo about the older established neighborhoods in Manassas. This did NOT set well with many of my neighbors. I’ve only seen Wheeler signs in WestGate.
Please, tell me Cargo wasn’t first. 👿
I don’t think Cargo was first. He probably isn’t as interested as we are in Gainesville District.
I need to go make a sign run. I will be the wheeless wonder for a few days though.
I feel certain Ann won’t dangle us out to dry.
I am still speechless over the bad advice Candland got. I still don’t know why anyone would advise him to start a smear campaign over a local blogger/activist. I can only think of 3 people capable of giving such stupid advice. One is too dumb to know any better and the other 2 simply don’t care.
What I would like to know is WHY did Peter Candland decide to run? Was he recruited by certain west end people interested in furthering their own agenda? I actually feel a little bad for they guy.
He appears very disinterested in county policy.
This all seems like a lot of “inside baseball” chatter among those who fancy themselves to be political movers and shakers (sorry, Elena, that likely includes you as the preeminent blogger that you are).
At the bottom line, what I want out of my Supervisor is to cut spending by the County until we get this monster under control; I want my taxes kept in check until and if the economy improves; and I want government to only get involved in things it should be involved in (i.e., fire and police, schools, and transportation).
Sorry, but Ann Wheeler has already said she wanted to establish some baseline for the number of Social Workers who should be hired as a proportion of the population, and she would have voted against the last budget because it failed to allow for additional staff to be hired. I want to be compassionate, but in this economy, I just cannot afford it right now.
That’s the honest voter speaking.
@Gainesville First – Politics 2nd
And let me be honest. How many kids can we have housed behind dry wall? How many kids do we have wandering the streets unsupervised? How many kids do we have fall victim to abuse? sexual abuse?
There are reasons for social workers. That’s an honest answer from someone who has seen cases of child abuse more years than she would like to admit.
As a long term resident of Prince William County, I have picked up the paper and I have seen lots of bad things happening to kids. Any time the extreme cases came up and were investigated, it always ended up being because there simply weren’t enough case workers to get to everyone in a timely manner.
I don’t think we can afford dead and abused kids.
You obviously have a bone to pick with Elena. Why don’t you email her and let her know. Otherwise, I just consider this a drive-by, since I am the one who wrote the article. Government has a responsibility to protect children and those who are vulnerable. Good for Ann Wheeler.
My taxes went down last year. Perhaps you can call the county and ask for a reassessment.
Moon Howler
@Gainesville First – Politics 2nd
You do remember the Lexy Glover story, don’t you? The system failed that child horribly. That’s just ONE case that got tons of publicity.
You want to cut spending. I’d like to see someone run for supervisor that was willing to work with less discretionary funds. That would be a pretty good start for saving some tax dollars.
Perhaps its just me and although deep down in my little black conservative heart I would love to find some justification to blame all of the worlds ills and mine own shortcomings on our current president, but Candland’s statement “I can’t really comment on my opponent’s fabrications and misrepresentations, but this is nothing more than Ann Wheeler trying to hide her support of Obama-style economic policies and government ‘stimulus’ spending from the voters”, really troubles me.
The problem he has is self-inflicted and should have been self-corrected during the primary. On his website and literature, he clearly touts three years of service on the popular sitting Supervisor’s budget committee as one of his principal qualifications for office. Equally clear is that said claim is not accurate. Both his primary and general election opponents have demonstrated that and the evidence has been reviewed and corroborated by a theoretically impartial reporter and to some degree publicly supported by comments from other budget committee members. The appropriate response would have been to explain the absences and, if indeed he withdrew for a year, correct the website and literature.
Instead of taking the responsible approach, he has adopted the positon that any question as to his qualifications and assertions is merely a fabrication or misreprentation by his opponent, perhaps as the direct reponse to instructions from the White House.
To echo Elena, I actually feel bad for him as well. I suspect that much of what has transpired has occurred as a direct result of his campaign team’s actions and not his own. Of course that brings into further question an apparent lack of personal responsibilty as ultimately he is responsible for all of his campaigns actions.
All that being said, at this point I guess we’ll just all have to wait and see what happens. I can promise him this however, if he is elected and chooses to act in a similar fashion when I come calling on the Supervisor’s office, you can look for me to be leading the group with torches and pitchforks.
@Gainesville First – Politics 2nd
Lets just set compassion aside for a moment, which, by the way, I loathe to do. How much does it cost to prosecute a child abuser? What are the fiscal impacts on NOT preventing child abuse. Well, first of all, jail is expensive, but what is even MORE costly is the cycle of abuse that statistically will ensue if you do not intervene.
In a civil society it is our duty to protect those among us who are least able to protect themselves.
Additionally, with Peter Candlands squishy support of the Rural Crescent and apparent lack of understanding how one prevents high density development, his leadership may very well COST taxpayers money if he allows development in areas that are least likely to have the infrastructure to support it.
“his leadership may very well COST taxpayers money if he allows development in areas that are least likely to have the infrastructure to support it”
Wouldn’t that make him the perfect candidate for the majority of the current board?
Snark, snark
Actually, even I have to echo the comments by Mom and Elena. This situation has become so pathetic that I’m feeling somewhat sorry for Candland. However, the wounds are indeed self-inflicted.
Clearly, he lied about his work on Stirrup’s budget committee to pad an otherwise incredibly thin resume of public service and involvement in community issues. As Elena asked, where was he on the Dominion power line issue and many others? Time spent on budget committee work was obviously not his distraction.
Perhaps others told the lies for him, but when confronted with the truth he should have corrected the statements and been honest with his potential constituents. Instead, he turned that scumbag Jamie Zeigler lose to perpetuate and magnify the lies, and let his campaign staff continue the charade. Now he’s making idiotic statements trying to link Wheeler to Obama’s stimulus spending to cover for his campaign’s lies and missteps.
Candland obviously doesn’t have time to serve as supervisor. Maybe he was on a business trip, but if he really wants to serve (not just be elected) as supervisor, he should have rearranged his schedule to attend the Haymarket forum. He has made time to attend all of the Heritage Hunt meetings (behind closed gates). Given his choices over the past few months, SERVING as supervisor is clearly not his highest priority. Gen. Patton once said that excuses, however good, don’t win battles.
It’s time for Candland to put an end to this nonsense and salvage as much of his reputation as possible. I hope Wheeler can drive the final nail in his campaign’s coffin at tomorrow night’s debate. I’ll be disappointed if she doesn’t hold him accountable for all of this.
MoM you bring up an important issue and that is the candidate’s almost instant instinct to start associating his opponent with Obama. From what I know of her, she is pretty much of an independent thinker and nothing in her campaign literature, website etc leads me to believe she is really part of any Democratic or Republican agenda. Yet Candland instantly jumps to throw her in with ‘an agenda’ which to me is paranoid and not really thinking.
I would like to know how Candland differs from her position. He has never said that to my knowledge. Instead, he gets his message out via 2 particular blogs that seem more interested in bashing Elena (who isn’t running for office) or Ann via the electric company.
That isn’t leadership. Being likeable isn’t leadership. Having a nice smile isn’t leadership. Having a game plan is leadership and I have yet to see it. Knowing that the “in-town’ part of the district exists is probably a good idea also. Showing us all that he isn’t Corey Stewart’s lap-dog might be a good place to start.
Having no real substance to his candidacy and having drunk way too much Glen Beck concocted Koolade, the only recourse Candland has in an “R” leaning district is to try, however nonsensically, to link Wheeler to Obama. Nice try but not even close.
Did Ann Wheeler serve as a Stirrup Appointee on a board? Please, someone refresh my memory. She can’t be all bad if Stirrup appointed her, right?
Blue Moon,
The “R” is all that matters with many in the Gainesville District. Local politics should NOT be so party driven. imo
I cannot speak for his particular motivations, but what I can say is active and engaged people often over-estimate the amount of time a commitment takes, and underestimate the level of effort involved. I have done this to myself at times, realizing I have too much bread, and not enough butter. This realization usually comes in the form of Mrs. T speaking the truth in love, telling me I am spreading myself too thin. What happens then is I need to step back and assess my schedule and commitments. Perhaps Mr. Candland is experiencing the same. Again, I don’t know him personally.
Hi Steve,
Ann Wheeler has demonstrated that she is genuinely interested in county policy, I just don’t have the same feeling about Candland. What I do know is that he went after Martha Hendley and attempted to drag me down too. Martha has done more for the the Gainesville Republican Party and I am not EVEN a member for g-d’s sake, but I do feel like he accepted poor advice and now it is coming back to haunt him. It’s that pesky Karma thing ya know.
Steve, you are again, on the mark.
I agree, Steve is on the mark about people spreading themselves too thin. However, Elena is right also.
Candland might be a very nice guy. He looks like a great dad. However,, he got some real bad advice. He has engaged in politics of personal destruction and that is just bad for our community. Martha Hendley is well-loved by almost everyone who knows her. They know she is dedicated to the county and that she is competent and works in a bi-partisan way. When she was attacked and Elena was used as the strawman destractor,, that was just bad politics. Very bad. It set the tone and has many people questioning the type of leadership Candland would demonstrate.
Candland’s opponent is another very competent woman, well-liked, and very involved in county issues. She, too, has served on one of Supervisor Stirrup’s advisory councils.
Camp Candland came out swinging again with the politics of personal destruction at Ann Wheeler also.
Candland would fare better now if he simply fired those around him. The brand of advice he is getting from his campaign managers and from his swamp blogger buddies is just horrible for western Prince William County.
Ann Wheeler is the one with the experience and the know-how about the county.
How long has Candland even lived in PWC? Is he a Johnny come lately like some of the others? Chris should have a word or 2 about that.
It seems you have to agree with the “herd” on this posting board or you get thrown into the ilk of being a follower of that “scumbag” (really, is that the level of intellectual depth we have here) Jamie Zeigler.
It seems to me, and I admittedly do not have the requisite sophistication to understand that Moonhowling and Elena are two different people, the Moonhowling and Jamie Zeigler each could have independent thoughts that they express without being accused of being “attack dogs” for one candidate or another.
Politics is by nature a contact sport.
It should not be so personal just because we take one side or the other.
Having said that, should Peter Candland have handled the controversy on the Stirrup budget committee differently — probably so.
But the final arbiter of that issue is John Stirrup himself.
Did John Stirrup feel cheated by the lack of attendance by Candland at budget committee meetings?
Apparently not. Stirrup endorses Candland.
Stirrup was going to endorse which ever REPUBLICAN candidate that won the primary. Unfortunately for the good people of the Gainesville district, that’s Candland. Martha was by far the superior candidate on many fronts. She was known to people in the district and has worked tirelessly for decades for the good of the Gainesville District. It’s too bad Stirrup took a shot at the new 13th state senate. Otherwise, we would not have been having this discussion. Maybe, he’s just ready for bigger and better things than the ‘lil ole Gainesville District, but I don’t thinik so.
@Gainesville First – Politics 2nd
Now there’s a shocker! John Stirrup, Mr. Republican-is-my-religion himself, endorsing the Republican nominee in Gainesville. Stop the presses!!
Uh, GVL First, that would your presumtion assumes some measure of linear cause and effect, ie: Stirrup didn’t feel cheated thus he endorsed Candland.
Perhaps I’m a bit jaded, but that line of thinking doesn’t consider Wally’s influence in Candland’s “decision” to run, a certain level of quid pro quo among our local elected leaders regarding support for other campaigns, deep pocket developers opposed to Martha at all costs (Candland readily admits they gave him substantial contributions to help insure Martha’s loss), Candland bigfooting Stirrup by announcing his candidacy two days before Stirrup announced his run for Senate, Candland bigfooting Stirrup on the Smith Farm issue (this was likely Haddow’s doing), the influence of Candland’s campaign manager who was Wally’s chosen candidate until she got cold feet and Candland announcing his candidacy two days after pledging his support to Martha.
Its quite a convoluted mess and quite frankly as one of the resident “R”s here, one I find troubling. I suspect what is giving me the most pause for concern is a disturbing trend exhibited by Candland (I refuse to lay it on Camp Candland as ultimately their actions are his responsibility, a lesson he should have learned before seeking office). If you review some of his actions of the past months, reneging on his pledge to Martha (and then denying he made one), Bigfooting Stirrup with his candidacy (really poor form), assuming credit for the Smith Farm (which was a project Stirrup worked on for two years and which Candland had nothing to do with), touting a Budget Committee resume that he admits doesn’t exist (yet he refuses to correct on his website), I get the sense of someone (who although he may be a “nice” guy) who has entitlement and ego issues and may be “facts challenged”. Not the kind of package I’m looking for in a Supervisor.
On top of all of that, all I have heard is tax cut and spending cut soundbites (ala Capt. Soundbite) and precious little, no strike that, no substance.
Wally’s chosen candidate. LMAO! I find that one very interesting. I guess they made nice with each other. I remember a few years back she was ready to rake him over the coals.
Great assessment as always.
Moon said….How long has Candland even lived in PWC? Is he a Johnny come lately like some of the others? Chris should have a word or 2 about that.
Well, some of us of higher standards as to what is a Johnny come lately. I admit my standards are very high. Candland’s not even close. He’s been in the county about a decade. Only the past six years have been in the Gainesville District. I guess Brentsville got too built out for him, where he was and wanted the peacefulness of the Rural Crescent area. Who knows. I sure don’t and can’t say I care to either.
^HAVE higher standards…
So Lafayette has “higher standards”, hmm, may have to change that moniker to Snobette.
Hmmm. Perhaps you might not meet those high standards. Thus, suggesting a new moniker. 🙂
Ah, snarkiness and higher standards, oh how far our little “Eliza Doolittle” has come from her run-ins with the fashion police. Perhaps the fashion police will turn their attention from those wearing concert tee to BOCS meetings to those wearing faux leopard skin blouses in the hope of a similar outcome. I just can’t help wondering if there is Kevlar under that fake leopard print, it may come in handy.
My greatest concern is having a Board that is completely subservient to the developers and that takes orders from a certain powerful land use attorney and his circle of friends. The pro-developer faction started by attacking Elena and the Rural Crescent pledge, even though everyone, including Candland, knew that ARC has nothing to do with illegal immigration or abortion. From there, the goal was to defeat any candidate who was perceived as not willing to vote however development interests might wish. VPAP provides ample proof that the residential development lobby was willing to pony up however much was needed to ensure that no one who supported the Rural Crescent, or in any way would hinder their plans for turning a profit at the cost of our quality of life, made it even past the primaries. At this point, the objective is to defeat anyone opposed to free-reign for the developers who faced no primary opponent.
Peter Candland is a nice guy, but has been lead astray by others who do not share the values taught in his church. He thinks now that it’s great that these people are helping him get elected. However, payback day will come. If he’s elected, he’ll be instructed how to vote, and to attack anyone who might disagree. There are literally billions of dollars at stake with this, and ruthless people are willing to do whatever it takes to get them.
I ask Peter to think before it’s too late if he really wants to be in their debt. Some on the Board have already sold their souls, but he can still back off from where he’s gone with his personal integrity intact. Soon, however, it will be too late.
No concert tee on me at BoS. I believe it was a tee with a flag on it. I have been known to wear leopard down there on one very looooong night. I think dusters seem to have some sort of effect on the BoS. I’ve seen men and women try that look out.
I am in no way trying to justify his choice of campaign tactics. As I said, I do not know the man personally, and you’d have to point him out to me in a crowd for me to know who he is. I was offerring a possible explanation as to his spotty attendance on the budget council.
@Gainesville First – Politics 2nd
Moonhowlings is the name of the blog. I am Moon-howler. You may call me Ms. Moon-Howler if you are more comfortable.
I haven’t attacked dogged for any candidate. I have found shown great disgust for the attack on Elena. There was no reason for it and she is not running for office. I have also not called anyone a scumbag lately.
At least people may comment on this blog and it gets published, unlike Mr. Jamie’s blog. I also try to be truthful. Can you think of anything I have said that isn’t true? Please let me know. If you can verify what I have said is wrong, I will gladly correct it.
@Gainesville First – Politics 2nd
One more thing. I have no problem that Peter Candland had to cut back on time spent doing community work like Stirrup’s budget. That has happened to everyone before. I believe that family and job have to come first. However, he should not have listed that he worked on the committee 3 years and he shouldn’t have allowed his pit bulls to go after Martha and Ann. Now that I do have a problem with.
I have a problem with any candidate who says that he won’t agree to a Rural Crescent pledge because he doesn’t like Elena because she is pro choice (true) and because she doesn’t support the PWC resolution. (false). Elena worked very hard, as did everyone involved with this blog to get the Resolution to where it is now.
Now what do either of those things have to do with the Rural Crescent? If he doesn’t agree with the concepts in the comprehensive plan, fine. Say so. Not all the supervisors do. But to not agree because he doesn’t like Elena who he doesn’t know is just plain old ignorant.
I am also pro choice. Does that mean if he is elected, Peter Candland won’t represent me? What about others he disagrees with?
You are in blue duster country now, cowboy.
And none of the code escaped my careful snooping ears.
When one gets to be a salty old dog, one doesn’t worry about the fashion police.
snark snark.
@Steve Thomas
She doesn’t know him either, Steve. And what’s worse, he doesn’t know her. He has listened to gossip and not very accurate gossip. Frankly, I think it is just jealousy.
Oh dear God, get out of my head. I didn’t see your duster comment.
I know one duster that sure won’t be trotted down to the podium.
Yup. And it ain’t blue or on the move.
I don’t doubt for a second that life got in the way of good intentions for Peter Candland to be on the budget committee. It happens to all of us, our goals our bigger than our time allows. What I dont’ respect is that he pretended his government experience was built around his service on the budet committee for three years. Which, as it turns out, was minimal at best. Had he not used that as his springboard to Supervisor, we wouldn’t be talking about it.
“Had he not used that as his springboard to Supervisor, we wouldn’t be talking about it.”
A valid and legitimate point of debate, in which I will not participate. Not because I disagree with you. Quite the contrary, I agree that it is a legitimate point. Any assertion is subject to challenge and scruitny. Your logic used in the argument is also sound. Therefore I will stay off of the debate floor, as I have no skin in this race, beyond the fact that Candland is the G’ville Republican nominee, and I too am a Republican.
From Peter Candland’s Facebook page:
Has anyone seen him in Westgate Sudley? I know Patty was fired up over trying to get him over here before the primary, to no avail I might add.
Candland is going to have trouble if he hits the ground running because he singled out one resident in particular to pick a fight with, when she had no fight with him. The reason given was because she was pro-choice (true) and because she opposed the current immigration resolution (false). How many others will Candland pick a fight with because of their real or perceived beliefs?
I’ve not seen him but once in WG and that was one afternoon just before the campaign.
Patty was not the only one fired up over it. Of course many of us knew the Martha was the candidate to support. However, some of us took heat for supporting her and not their candidate of choice. Excuse me, it’s a free country. Is it not??
There are many issues facing the WestGate Sudley area and have been for years. Currently we are under a “clean sweep” via Neighborhood Services at the request of Supervisor Stirrup. If Candland were elected, is going to be so supportive of the residents of our older NON-HOA neighborhood. It seems if he’s only lived in a community with HOA’s since being in PW, he hasn’t the foggiest clue of what living in a non-HOA community means in PW. He’s got a lot learning to do on that front would be my guess. Especially, since he’s not really reached out to those in WestGate that are willing to walk the walk with neighborhood issues. He’s focused on the newer HOA and gated communities.
What say you, candidate Candland?
Why thank you Steve 🙂 It is hard work being a good supervisor and it requires more than a part time job committment in my opinion. If Candland found it difficult to muster up the time for a committee that only met several times a year, what does he expect as a possible Supervisor?
I understand your point regarding supporting whatever republlican is running for office. Let me ask you, do you ever feel like you don’t have a “vote”? Like your candidate is predetermined because you only vote R? Could you ever see yourself voting for an Independent?
“Could you ever see yourself voting for an Independent?”
Probably not, the sources for invitations to events with open bars would dry up.
“I understand your point regarding supporting whatever republlican is running for office. Let me ask you, do you ever feel like you don’t have a “vote”? Like your candidate is predetermined because you only vote R? Could you ever see yourself voting for an Independent?”
You must be clairvoyant. For the past couple of days, I have been engaged in a running discussion on this subject, with several Tea Party/Ron Paul Supporters. This is much more rational and civil than my run in with “Joey”, as I have known most of these folks for at least a few years, and we agree on most issues. But we are disagreeing on the most fundamental issue: what it means to be a Republican, and whether Ron Paul represents the Republican party.
First off, my comment regarding Mr. Candland and I sharing only a party affiliation, was intended to illustrate that this is not enough for me to leap to his defense, pick up his banner, and defend him in this forum. However, if I lived in Gainsville, and he, being the nominee of my party, Mr. Candland would be entitled to whatever support I am prepared to render. He could expect at minimum for me not to publically oppose him. I am a Republican. Now we can slap any number of qualifiers in front of the indentifier, but that does not change the indentifier. Conservative Republican. Moderate Republican. Christian Republican. Constitutional Republican These are all qualifications of “Republican”. Since we don’t have registration by party in VA, I point to the fact that I am the current Vice Chairman of the Manassas Republican Committee, as a sign of my commitment to the GOP. Whether it is a local, state, or federal election, the Republican Party has a defined nomination process for selecting nominees for office, as defined in the cognizient Republican units Party Plan, or “charter”. So, if there are multiple candidates for a particular office, seeking to be the nominee of the Republican Party, there are defined methods of nomination. At our local level, these methods are: Mass Meeting, Convention, and Party Canvass (sometimes referred to as a firehouse primary), all financed, organized and managed by the party itself, or if for State or Federal Office, an official Primary, funded and overseen by the RPV. Regardless of the method, if there is more than one candidate, there is a defined process. I can choose to publically support and campaign for one primary candidate over the rest, or I can just wait for the event and vote. I usually choose the later, because as a member of the party executive, I do not want to unduly influence the process by publically endorsing one candidate over another. This does not mean that I don’t have views and opinions. I do. I just feel that by virtue of being the Vice Chairman, and for the good of the party, I must appear publically neutral.
During the actual voting, at the convention, primary, etc., I have a vote, just like every other participant. My preferred candidate may win, or he may lose. Either way, someone wins my party’s nomination. The Republican nominee deserves the support of the Republican party. Me, being a member of the party, will support the nominee. Now this support may take many forms. I could invest time and treasure, door knocking, phone-banking, making campaign donations, etc. etc., or they’ll just get my vote on election day. I can say, without equivacation, that I would never vote for an opposing candidate. I would not vote for an Independent or the nominee of another party, if there is a nominee from my party on the ballot. We have a process, and I have had my vote as to who our nominee is. I am a Republican, regardless of whatever qualifier someone would chose to place infront of the identifier. If there ever came a time where I could not support my party’s nominee for office, I can make a moral decision. I can choose not to cast a vote for anyone in that race, or I could leave the party and become an independent.
You can also go vote for quietly for someone else. Who would know?
A few Republicans I have talked to feel very creepy about this election, mainly because of how Martha Hendley was treated by Pete Candland. I am not going to ask them what they are going to do behind the voting curtain. However, some really don’t want Candland signs in their yard or to be expected to support him in public.
Back when I was a Democrat, (after I was a Republican) I was a formal Democrat sitting on committee. I had to abide by those rules. One of them (Democrats) pissed me off real badly (over someone dying as a matter of fact) so that killed that off. I decided to become independent. Back then, once you aren’t sitting on committee, the restrictions were lifted. I don’t know how it works now.
I am not sure what it means to ‘be a Republican.’ Can you sign up as one without being on the committee? No, please don’t bring me the paper work. 😉
I am most happy being an Independent. No one is out there expecting me to support people who I think are simply jerks. Let’s face it. Both parties have them.
“if for State or Federal Office, an official Primary, funded and overseen by the RPV.”
Correction: Should read “funded and overseen by SBE”.
Just got a flyer on the HOA that Candland was President of – not too good.
the HOA had to sue the COA over $300K. I had heard from someone in the neighborhood that the HOA will pay for services for the homeowners, but not offer those same services for the condo owners – and double billing for services. I think it was more of a management company issue, but Candyland was on the board, and should have paid more attention.
I was taken aback from the RPV when there was talk of having any primary voter sign a declaration, that if they voted in the primary, then they would vote for the R candidate. I will and have crossed party lines – there are some people that should not be in office, but somehow they get there, or want to get there.
Thanks for sharing Steve. I appreciate your candor. I understand the premise of being a party member and I guess that is why I am not one. Having had fundraisers for both R’s and D’s, that pretty much disqualifies me I guess 😉 No one would probably want me in their party!
Maybe not Republican Party, Democrat Party or Communist Party but what about Stag Party?
Elena, you’re welcome to my party any place anytime.