Whoooooooo Whoooooooo Whoooooooo Whoooooooo Whoooooooo
Today is Halloween and all the spooks and goblins will be out in full force tonight, when the veil is the thinnest.
Does everyone have enough candy? Should you get your house egged if you hand out raisins and dried fruit?
I find it quite insulting, Moon. As I have volunteered well over 50 hours to the City of Manassas for it’s Neighborhood Improvement Circles. One with Cindy for the Wildwood/Wellington area of the city. The one by myself with the resdients of Wellington. In fact, Mr. Way stopped one night I was facilitating the Wellington Circle. I believe Councilman Randolph checked the circles out too. He may have even participated in the one for GTS that Cindy did while I did the Wellington one on the same night in the same location.
Now, I’m very, very sorry to read of yet another airlift from OUR AREA. Per insidenova’s FB page the incident was at Ashton and Godwin. Hmmm..this should be very interesting. Godwin is the county/city line and Ashton Ave is in both the city and the county. It was reported there may have been a home invasion. Here’s what they are reporting on their FB wall at this time..
Medevac landing at Godwin near Ashton Ave for a stabbing victim. Reporter at the scene trying to get more info.
InsideNoVA.com Hearing this was a possible home invasion. Working on details.
Godwin Drive in Manassas. Sorry.
Excuse me that should be Wildwood/Baldwin School area..
I had to decrease the amount of candy I gave out toward the end. I’m pretty sure they bus kids into our neighborhood to go trick-or-treating. I don’t mind…..as long as the kids enjoy themselves. Mrs. Slowpoke thought it would be a good idea to take the two boys out while she had a 103.3 degree fever. Her mom thinks “the mind can overcome sickness”. Attitude, meet science!
I hope she is feeling better. We had very few kids last night. @ Pokie
Dudes, cool down on the Manassas thing. The City doesn’t “own” Manassas. I do….:) In fact I’m going to start charging royalties every time someone uses the word…
In all seriousness, it’s something that we’ve all lived with for a long time. As Laf points out, it can cut both ways but I do feel Mr. Way’s pain at least on a conceptual level. As far as people ignoring the borders or not even knowing the difference, I get about one to two emails/letters a month from someone grousing about something PWC did…:) Those are my favorites to answer!
A little more accuracy (and volume) in reporting on all fronts would be a welcome change but unlikely to happen as news outlets of all sorts are cutting down staff on a regular basis. The lack of timely, accurate information about what the government is doing limits the ability of the citizens to participate. I’m getting a bit afield here but it then forces the government into a position where they are, more or less, writing the news b/c nobody else is. Not a desireable state of affairs. The end result is that nobody knows what’s going on until it ends up on a Council (or BOCS) agenda and then all hell breaks loose. I sure do wish it was otherwise as it would be more efficient.
Andy, thanks for weighing in here.
I totally understand about writing the news….sigh…
Some of it does sound inhospitable and when you live where Laf and I do, it is like living in no man’s land. The Gainesville people don’t know we are here and the City makes a point of saying we don’t live in Manassas.
Where am I? I guess refusal to see why I say I am from Manassas is what pushes me over the edge. My address I have had for years says otherwise.
Glad to see you chime in. I have many thoughts on the issue, as you can well imagine. You have a much more realistic view of the situation than a few others. I just think it’s odd that this is such a “hot topic” with some. We are all one community, but I’m not sure the two men I spoke of early would even a agree on that point. You and I we WERE raised here and by parents that were raised here, and WE don’t seem to have this extreme line of city/county.
This very topic is further proof we needed an 8th district. An 8th district could have wrapped around the city consisting of mostly those with Manassas addresses. In-town people are indeed in no-man’s land these days. Pretty funny when a few politicians that represent(ed) us sure didn’t mind our outpouring of support when they needed it in 2007.
I should have stopped by this morning with your royaltie$.
Seriously, thanks for coming in as a voice of reason from the CoM.
Thanks, Lafayette, for all your help with those Neighborhood Improvement Circles, too!
Still working on getting them into the schools, as schools are a microcosm of what is going on in our neighborhoods. C.A.S.E. (Citizens Advisory and School Engagement Counci) is sponsoring a one-time circle on Nov. 14 at the Boys & Girls Club of Manassas.
There are some REALLY cool Android devices coming out just in time for the holidays.
Also, there could very well be some sort of coup afoot in Greece, reporting is that all of the military service chiefs have been replaced.
What is coming out on android?
Just as I am telling myself no for a second cell phone.
Comes with Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich! Also the rumor is that they will also release a model halfway between a full sized tablet and smartphone, with a 6″ screen (MINE MINE MINE).
That is getting into ipad sized phones. almost.
So are you a droid or iphone person, cato, and why?
Wow…that Samsung looks sexy. Apple better get it’s poo together….no more 4s stuff. I love it when competition like this drives innovation. We will all benefit from the fight between Apple and Android. Sorry to the liberals here who would prefer the government subsidize one or the other and pick its own winner.
Who would you be talking to pokie? I hear an echo…….
re apple /droid
I have heard that 4S has really been down-played and that it is truly an amazing phone. The independent reviewers are giving it a much higher rating than its own parents did.
I’m so sick of the EU kicking the can down the road. If I were a German, I’d be pissed like you wouldn’t believe, bankrolling this gaggle of ………..losers is the only word I can come up with, but I wish I could think of a better one. Let’s get it over with, already!
On the other hand, how many people warned the EU about the Euro? And who listened?
GOP Doesn’t Care About Jobs
Democrats aren’t alone anymore in sounding the alarm about the paralysis gripping Congress these days. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood, a former congressman and the lone Republican in the Cabinet, says he believes his own party has put defeating President Obama ahead of creating jobs in America.
“I’ve been in Washington 35 years… and I’ve never seen a time when people have put their own personal political feelings over how we can get the economy moving,” LaHood told Newsweek and The Daily Beast in a wide-ranging interview.
Even in the wake of a national report declaring 200 bridges structurally deficient, including one that brings tens of thousands of commuters from Virginia into Washington each day, and one that spans the home states of Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and House Speaker John Boehner, Republicans are expected to maintain their wall of opposition to a new round of stimulus spending on infrastructure. The infrastructure bill would put thousands of people to work, says LaHood, “but because of their own personal political feelings against the president, they don’t want to hand him a victory.”
LaHood has been dropping hints for some time about his frustration, and last week he unloaded in the interview.
“The crowd that was elected the last time not only came here to do nothing, they also came to put down the president,” he says. “And the way to put him down is not to give him any kind of opportunity to be successful.”
He faults the Tea Party freshmen, but doesn’t let the GOP leadership off the hook, recalling McConnell’s remark that his No. 1 goal was to defeat Obama.
“Republicans made a decision right after the election—don’t give Obama any victories. The heck with putting people to work, because we can score points,” LaHood says.
The Repugs don’t care about jobs or our crumbling infrastructure. They put their political ambitions ahead of job creation and the safety and security of their fellow Americans. That is why they are sickening, disgusting, and morally repugnant.
Are big banks feeling pressure from Occupy Wall Street?
Today, in a move that the protest’s supporters will undoubtedly claim
as a big victory, Bank of America — under fire from consumers —
announced that it is nixing its plan to charge $5 a month for
purchases with debit cards.
…the anger over the proposed fees, combined with the protests, have
led to several companion movements, such as National Bank Transfer
day. Dayen speculates that the protests “revitalized a citizen’s
movement to take money out of the large Wall Street banks and to put
it into community banks or credit unions.”
…“It’s all connected,” the official said. “There are a lot of issues
out there that have added to the conversation. If you take a lot of
customer complaints, and you add on to it something along the lines of
the protest, it’s amplified the concerns. From our perspective it has
clearly amplified things. It has amplified the concerns our customers
have. It’s heightened the conversation. It has impacted all the banks.”
This was a great victory for the OWS movement.
Laf, Sorry that you are “insulted” by a request that crimes miles away from
the City of Manassas not be reported as “in Manassas”. We apparently will
have to agree to disagree on this issue.
How can one have job creation without solid business creation? Employees don’t employ other employees. One doesn’t create jobs, but creates a business that then requires workers to accomplish the tasks at hand. As the business grows so does the need for more workers. A successful business is self sustaining whereas government created jobs are only kept alive on the backs of the already working tax payers.
@Big Dog
It’s not I’m insulted by the city wanting clarification. Those us in the county want the same, believe it or not. There will never be a clear distinction between the two in the media. I know you’ve tried to get the paper to use Manassas area which they do sometime, but not all of the time. I’ve called and emailed insidenova on several occasions when they’ve had county/city wrong in their stories. I do believe with social media and the web that they have people putting the heat on the them to get the story out as fast as possible, adding to the possibility of getting the jurisdiction wrong.
The insult really is more about don’t confuse us with those people in the county. It really does kind of leave a bad taste in your mouth. Especially for someone like me, who sees NO distinction in the fact that we are one community with two different boards to run the jurisdictions. I grew up visiting my grandmother in the city and NEVER once in my life did I hear her neighbors bok about me living in Manassas in the county. Mr. Way is a newcomer in my book. Folks born and raised here don’t seem to have that air about them.
It’s like Andy said he gets emails for county problems. I know when I’ve been door knocking for a couple of a candidates a met a couple of in WestGate that thought they lived in the city. This is concerning to me that even residents don’t know where they live.
We can agree to disagree on this. When’s the next city council meeting?
For media and entertainment I like the iPad, for work stuff I like Android devices because I need more flexibility than Apple is willing to provide within their walled garden.
Some good news. Sears supports the troops!
Shop Sears for Christmas!
Sears is voluntarily paying the difference in salaries and maintaining all benefits, including medical insurance and bonus programs, for all employees who are serving.
@Big Dog and Laf
I am insulted because this issue keeps coming up. My address is MANASSAS.
My address was MANASSAS before the City was a City. I have ever right to say I live in Manassas. If the PO switches me, then I lose that right.
The City had no problem capitalizing on the Sequecentennial and all its events. First Manassas was fought several miles past my house, past the City of Manassas. No one drew a line of distinction or got into a pissing contest over who had rights. Good for the City. They probably did as much or more than the County.
We are a community who really doesn’t look at bounary lines unless we are enrolling our kids in school or paying a utility bill. When Georgetown South trouble spills over into my neighborhood, I don’t automatically want to bill the city. Crime doesn’t look at boundaries either.
I also didn’t see the City turning away the big tourist attraction billing they got from the Bobbitt situation. [cough-sputter-choke]
I just think people need to be careful about who they are alienating when they go all elitist about boundaries. I think you gain far more from the spirit of community and good will than you lose from a few misplaced crimes. We all use the same court and jail.
Good on Sears. Many people have been really set back by being recalled into active duty. Its good that an employer thinks of them.
As to your site, I am growing increasingly horrified that Herman Cain would be plastered all over the place on every conservative site you all leave here.
It is no longer funny to be supporting an unqualified candidate. This dude makes Sarah Palin look Phi Beta Kappa. He doesn’t know major countries in the world. He wasn’t aware that China has had nuclear weapons for the past 50 years. This is getting embarrassing and scary.
You have some perfectly qualified people out there but too many of you all are turning up your noses. It might be good to have a presidential candidate who knows something about China. Certainly the ability to speak Mandarin Chinese is impressive.
I am afraid I am going to have to put aside any semblance of good manners on this one.
Herman Cain might be fine for Godfathers Pizza which hasn’t been around for 20 years but he cannot represent the United States of America as a president.
I would like to voice my support for the strike in Oakland today, from my Occupy Oakland brethren!! Shut down the ports! Shut down the schools! Make yourselves poorer and dumber!!
That’s a valid opinion. In fact, many Republicans share it. But….he’s popular because he does the one thing that many want…he speaks plainly. And forthrightly.
Of course, we can blame electing an unqualified black man to the Presidency as “force of habit.”
As for turning up our noses….to whom, other than Huntsman and Romney…oh…are they the only qualified ones? Oh I know…..Santorum. Yep. I bet he’s the one that came to mind. Or was it Ron Paul?
HAHAHAHA!!!! And Obama CAN???
And now for something completely different!
20 year old woman demands that Justin Beiber support her child, claiming that he fathered the child backstage when she slept with him. She was 19. He was…..underage.
Hmmm….if true…he should support the child. And she should be arrested.
Fair’s fair.
I want one. I had a big wheel as a kid and this is the closest to that, that we can come.
Cargo, regarding Justin Beiber, I agree. 100%.
The race card has been dropped. That didn’t take long. The parallel to Clarence Thomas has been drawn. Same words–high tech lynching.
Yawn. Old news. How many times can we trot that one out.
Cain can speak, his accuser can’t. Let’s drag that ‘fair’ out a little more.
Of course, no one has explained how they are going to hide Obama in the attic while we air this high tech lynching.
I maintain that Cain has far more serious concerns than a little sexual harassment. His knowledge base is woefully empty and all the advisors in the world can’t help with some of this. The empty knowledge base simply disqualifies him.
Don’t even start about unqualified. Obama held state office and federal office before coming to the presidency.
Cain has not held public office. He is knowledge base is very light. He is proud of his ignorance.
Ron Paul is a joke. Santorum is qualified, although I think he is far too into the church base to be electable. Gingrich is qualified. Romney is qualified and Huntsman is very qualified.
Of course, the last 3 are more establishment Republicans. Maybe the conservatives should start their own party.
I know you don’t want to believe this, but Palin was the deal breaker. Had McCain selected a mainstream Republican, perhaps even Romney, I expect he would be in the White HOuse today.
@Cato the Elder
I have ipad and I have an adroid phone. 4 inch screen. SWYPE. I don’t know why iphone doesn’t go with swype or swype-like. That is what is holding me back.
SIRI is a huge hit.
“I’ve been in Washington 35 years… and I’ve never seen a time when people have put their own personal political feelings over how we can get the economy moving,” LaHood told Newsweek and The Daily Beast in a wide-ranging interview.
I’ve been in Washington 35 years…
Well…there’s your problem.
And Cain held executive positions and was a deputy chairman of the Fed. But I will agree that he is a gaffe machine. He MAY not be ready for prime time.
Obama has not held an executive position, his state election was handed to him and he was an junior senator for a very short time. His academic history is hidden.
Please tell me what qualifications he has…especially since Palin is supposedly unqualified to be VICE PRESIDENT. He has no experience in economics other than what academic Keynesians and marxists have taught him. His world view of foreign politics has him abandoning our allies while kowtowing to enemies.
And you can believe all you want that Palin caused McCain to fail. I believe that MCCAIN caused McCain to fail. He belittled his base. He was too enamored of his reputation as a maverick and believed that the press would support him. He is an establishment “go along to get along” Republican. His campaign was tanking before Palin. That was the only thing that brought out the volunteers and the crowds. Moderates and independents alone do not get Republicans elected.
I’m “insulted” that you apparently think it is OK for the news media
to identify all crimes in western Prince William County as “in Manassas”
and unfairly contribute to a negative image of the City of Manassas and its
citizens. It is understandable that people often use Manassas and western PWC
interchangeably and that is fine most of the time, but not when reporting
the “where” of crimes (or when voting, paying taxes or utilities, sending a child
to public school, etc.). “Accurate” and “elitist” are not synonyms.
@Big Dog,
That is just going to happen with out-of-town reporters. Do you think it is worth spoiling community good will to make a big deal of it?
How often does some of the city problem spill over into the county? Quite often actually. I would think you gained more from the sense of community than you do from having a little county crime rub off by an unwitting reporter. Perhaps the problem is in the delivery system.
Did you actually type that with a straight face?
Cain was previously a ballistics engineer (AKA a rocket scientist), a regional Federal Reserve Chairman, and a CEO many times over. If you’re going to call him ignorant, you need to bring specifics.
Obama is the president. I don’t need to tell you his credentials. I felt his Democratic opponent was stronger by far than he was but that is neither here nor there now.
You could have just said he held state office. You don’t know if it was handed to him or not.
It isn’t about Obama, as I said. Its about a person who doesn’t reallize that China has had nukes for 50 years of the name of middle eastern/Asian Countries.
Cain feels his advisors will take care of things like this.
He doesn’t have the cred.
@Cato the Elder
Absolutely a straight face. Rocket scientist? I doubt it. He was a math major. That doesn’t qualify him for office.
He hasn’t held public office. He has been a public employee….you know…one of those rodents if you listen to Scott Walker. His knowledge base is very light. He might be great at pizza and ballistics. How does that translate?
He’s not presidential. I would feel better about Bachmann or Palin, and I never thought I would hear those words out of my mouth.
Meghan McCain will be joining the MSNBC as a contributor. Krystal Ball is being seen on more and more shows. Should she send Greggie a thank you note?
Well, you and I are definitely drinking from different kegs. I’d take the math major every day of the week and twice on Sunday.
Maybe it is my over-exposure to math majors…..
I was a math major, don’t be hatin’
Have to agree on the problem in delivery system – even in MCPD it had to be asked that when doing Press Releases, be better at identifying street and related neighborhood. For instance, that strip mall over by GTS is not physically in the housing area known as GTS, but when a MCPD Press Release came out, the crime at that strip mall was identified as such. SGT Riveria over at MCPD has done a great job “in the delivery” of giving the geographical location.
I think when it comes to Western PWC and “Manassas Area”, part of it is without big map, you have no idea where the lines for districts Brentsville, Gainesville, Coles is, and whatever that little piece of Manassas is down east across Hoadley Road. However, there is a real quick map courtesy of the USPS which shows the “Manassas Area”.
“Obama is the president. I don’t need to tell you his credentials.”
Exactly…..because he doesn’t have any. He was able to convince enough people to vote for him because of “hope and change.” That’s not credentials. That’s sales.
“You could have just said he held state office. You don’t know if it was handed to him or not. ”
Hmmm.. Democratic candidate in Chicago…..other primary opponents disqualified.
In the March 19, 1996 primary election, Obama, running unopposed on the ballot, won the Democratic nomination for state Senator for the 13th District.[14] In the November 5 general election, at the same time that U.S. President Bill Clinton soundly defeated Bob Dole to win a second presidential term, Obama was elected state Senator for the 13th District, winning 82% of the vote; perennial unsuccessful Harold Washington Party candidate David Whitehead received 13% of the vote, and first-time Republican Party candidate Rosette Caldwell Peyton received 5% of the vote.[15]
He was picked to run for the seat by the previous office holder. He won. And then was unopposed in primaries. 2nd time…was against ANOTHER token Republican. And the 3rd time…unopposed.
Then, his Senate opponent withdrew after seal records were revealed. Alan Keyes replaced him……really? Alan Keyes is supposed to beat Obama, against the Chicago machine….
Handed to him.
Wait, Wait, Wait…Hold on a minute! Cain is “unqualified”, because the MSM is perpetuating a false narrative? Obama is “qualified” because he IS president? , Hipocrisy, Number 1 on the Defense. 10 yard penalty. still first down.
Your right. This isn’t about Obama. Whether or not he met the statutory requirements to be president has been debated between the birthers and the media. Herman Cain is qualified to be President, by virtue of his age and citizenship. The real debate is whether or not he’s prepared to be President. First he must secure the nomination. While I hate to harp on this, this decision is within the purview of the GOP, and its constituant members. Not Democrats, Independents, Libertarians, etc. Now if in your opinion, Herman Cain isn’t prepared to be president, we can say the same about Obama. He wasn’t prepared, and he’s still not prepared (results matter, and he hasn’t any worth running on). Romney, Huntsman, etc. are equally qualified as Herman Cain, again by virtue of meeting the statutory requirements. What I believe you are really saying is you think that only those whose positions are acceptable to moderates and independents are qualified. Lastly, it is rare that I get offended, but I am really offended by your offhanded dismissal of the comparisons to Clarence Thomas, and “the race card has already been played”. The left has been playing that card for the entire Obama presidency. What is even more disturbing is the narrative being spoken by the left (heard with my very own ears): The only reason why Herman Cain is ahead in the polls is because he’s black, because it give the GOP cover from what they really are, racists.
And just to correct another bit of the narrative: Herman Cain was a balistic engineer, within the US Navy’s Aegis program. Do you know what the Aegis program is? It’s an anti-missile program. Guess what they use to shoot down enemy missiles? The use missiles. What’s a missile? It’s a rocket that has the ability to change its course in flight, to intercept a moving target. Balistic Engineer who worked on a US Navy Missile Defense Program. Hmmmm? Sounds like a “rocket scientist” to me. Also sounds like he might know a bit about missiles, and who has them, and who has the nuclear ICBM variety. Also might know the difference between a “Blue” water and “Brown” water navy… I’ll take Herman Cain over 4 more years of “Hope & Change” any day of the week. At least Herman Cain doesn’t cavort with unrepentant domestic terrorists…
I never said Obama was qualified or not qualified. I said I wasn’t discussing him (I used the word tell). He is the president. Its a done deal.
I am speaking of Herman Cain and offering my opinion. You can agree or disagree.
You are assuming a lot. I said that Newt was also qualified to be president. I wouldn’t vote for him on a bet but that is because of his beliefs and platform, not because of his knowledge base. I would also put Johnson (NM) in that category. He is qualified. I would assume that all meet the Constitutional criteria. That was never in question.
@Steve again.
I didn’t compare anyone. I said I heard/read it.
Someone used the same words as stated by Clarence Thomas. Yes, I do dismiss that. I don’t think that people who find Cain unacceptable do so because of his race. I have heard all the insults hurled by everyone at everyone. Why are you insulted and I am not?
Why do you think Cain is ahead in the polls? I suggest the door knob theory. Everyone gets a turn. First it was Bachmann, then Perry, then Cain. Somewhere in the mix Romney had a turn. I think Perry and Cain are unacceptable. Others may disagree with me. That’s ok. That’s what makes horse races.
Why do I think the ballistics paragraph was meant to insult me or demean me? I don’t know jack about the Navy. My dad was Army and the BFS were marines. I doubt that you will take Herman Cain for 4 years. I don’t think you will have the numbers, but thats just a hunch. I am certainly no rocket scientists.
A very interesting debate, no not here, although the debate here is interesting – here – http://www.c-spanvideo.org/program/PresidentialRemarks31 Robert Gibbs, Larry Summers, Karl Rove and Alan Simpson. What is very interesting, is how much they all have in common, and largely agree with the state of the American economy. Simpson is a trip, as he does not hold back. Rove remains a little partisan at times, and wants to point to the past before moving forward.
@Steve Thomas
That’s exactly what I was going to say….
Except that I wasn’t able to articulate it. Thanks.
Interesting website:
The UN reported that the world’s population just hit 7 billion. Enter a little data into this website and it will tell where you rank. I discovered that I am the 2,850,489,265th person born among those now living.
What’s your number?
@Steve Thomas
Which left? One person? Some party spokesman? Gee….I’m definitely to the left on social issues and haven’t gotten the e-mail. Waaaah.
@Censored bybvbl
“Which left? One person? Some party spokesman? Gee….I’m definitely to the left on social issues and haven’t gotten the e-mail. Waaaah.”
No denying that you are on the left on social issues, especially when on a previous thread where you assert your life-long “independent” status, then proceed to list all the pro-abortion causes you donate to. I would not debate your contention that you are indeed on the left. “Where your treasure is, your heart will be also.” I also note that you do not deny that this is narrative is being perpetuated on the left, only your smarmy comment that you didn’t get the email.
@Steve Thomas
Sorry, but you do not get to define whether a person is an independent or not. We come in all political bents.
I don’t have to confirm or deny what some unnamed person or persons are saying. I didn’t make that statement. You did.