Lawmakers on the House and Senate Agriculture committees are trying to write a new five-year farm bill through the supercommittee process.
The legislators are using the supercommittee to avoid what would be a more public, election-year debate in 2012, when the current farm bill expires and new legislation would be scheduled for writing, according to critics of the effort.
“We call it the secret farm bill,” said one environmental activist, who worries that if the lawmakers succeed, it will prop up U.S. farm payments through 2017.
Those activists need to broaden their base by getting the Tea Party involved. Some of them, including me, don’t like the idea of a secret farm bill that has not been exposed to the public.
“Should a justice who participated in ObamaCare’s creation recuse herself from the court’s review of that law? Of course. But then a nominee who lies in confirmation hearings shouldn’t be on the court anyway.”
It is you who is incorrect. I sat on the Manassas City Futures Taskforce about 5 years ago, and we spent a fair amount of time on the subject of annexation. One of the barriers was the cost to compensate the county for county-owned infrastructure. Oh, things like courthouses, libraries, which are the property of the county government. One jurisdiction cannot annex the property of another, without compensation.
That is because it was a City/County issue and not a Town/County issue. The city has its own facilities such as a school system thus generally a need to transfer school facilities and such within an annexed area. Towns typically don’t have such circumstances. In this particular instance there is no county owned infrastructure to transfer. Not saying your premise is wrong in general, just in this specific instance.
Is anyone else confused about the latest revelation in the Penn State case that the assistant actually broke up the incident and also notified police. He supposedly also notified the person above the police who I believe was a man named Shulz, who resigned early on when indicted.
So, if police were actually notified and IF Penn State officials were told by the assistant that he had notified police, where does that leave this mess? I know that Penn State took away Mr. Sandusky’s privileges after the report and notified Second Mile. If all this is correct, what more should they have done?
I am just confused by what actually happened. It never made sense that the assistant virtually did nothing that evening if it was as serious as he said it was.
All I heard about was the email that was released by the assistant or the email recipient. It was Mr. Mcqueary who indicated that he himself notified the police after he broke up the incident.
Mr. Shultz was the financial guy but also the VP to whom campus police reported to. Campus police apparently have the same authority as state police in PA and they participated in the 1998 investigation that the local DA did not prosecute.
A 21-year-old man described as having a hatred for Washington and President Obama was arrested Wednesday in connection with rifle shots fired near the White House last week as authorities sought to link the gunfire to bullet damage discovered at the executive mansion, officials said.
Millionaires ask Congress to raise their taxes
By Jennifer Liberto @CNNMoney November 16, 2011: 5:36 PM ET
WASHINGTON (CNNMoney) — A group of two dozen millionaires stormed Capitol Hill on Wednesday, demanding lawmakers raise their taxes.
“We want to pay more taxes,” said California millionaire Doug Edwards, a former marketing director for Google (GOOG, Fortune 500). “If you’re fortunate, and you make more than a million dollars a year, you ought to pay more taxes.”
Interesting interview on NPR yesterday with Tim Dickinson on how the Republican perspective on spending and taxes changed over time. The bottom line is the American people may have to insist Grover Norquist release his death grip on our government (Sen. Tom Coburn’s chief of staff called Norquist “chief cleric of sharia tax law” in a backhanded slap at Norquist’s ties to Islam and his no new tax pledge that hog-ties signers). In any event, in the interview Dickinson said:
The top 400 taxpayers in the United States have seen their incomes increase threefold since 1997. In that same period, their tax rate has fallen by 40 percent. “Today, a billionaire in the top 400 pays an effective tax rate of about 17 percent,” he says. “That’s about 5 percentage points less than your average worker.” The income of the wealthiest Americans has also increased. Dickinson writes that “since Republicans began their tax-cut binge in 1997, they have succeeded in making the rich much richer. While the average income for the bottom 90 percent of taxpayers has remained basically flat over the past 15 years, those in the top 0.01 percent have seen their incomes more than double, to $36 million a year.” Dickinson tells Terry Gross that the revenue going to the wealthiest Americans is increasing. “This isn’t just about the broadest sweep of American society — this 90 percent — if it’s getting ahead, it’s getting ahead just at the margins,” he says. “The people at the very top of the income period are taking off like a rocket — $10,000 an hour raise for the people in the top .01 percent.”
I wouldn’t hold my breath waiting for any backlash if the Republicans are able to comprimise on taxing the top 1%. Won’t bother me one bit. Now as soon as the Republicans allow new taxes on the middle class, then look for backlash. I don’t think people are listening to Mr. Norquist right now.
I had remained neutral on the OWLS. They actually bored me …until today. Now they are making me grouchy. (it doesn’t take much these days)
Don’t mess with the NY Stock exchange. They are trying to keep the bell from ringing.
That reminds me of 20-25 years ago that the coal miners or farmers or someone came to DC and thought they would garner sympathy from the locals by snarling up rush hour. yea…right.
Nobody is calling for taxes on the middle class. The increases called for areonly upon the very wealthy, and many of them, as demonstrated in the article I linked above, wouldn’t have a problem with it.
I came over Key Bridge about an hour ago. The TV satellite trucks were setting up [the crew placing their gear on top of Dixie Liquor got the best spot for a variety of reasons]. There was at least of full platoon of DC police stationed in the area with a fleet of cars, vans, and motorcycles. They were mostly standing around drinking coffee and waiting. Not even going to try to go that route on the way home tonight.
These “Occupy” protesters are acting like a bunch of entitled, immature creeps at this point. The Tea Party people yell their point, hold rallies, and then get on with life. The “Occupy” people aren’t content with that – they want people to be inconvenienced into aquiecense. They’re making fools of themselves.
Hates Obama with a passion, strong supporter of gun rights, personally tasked by God … White House shooter Oscar Ortega catapults to first place in Republican Iowa caucuses. [Romney ticked he didn’t think of it.]
Unpossible! Guns like that are banned in DC. Its illegal! Everyone knows that gun control laws makes that impossible! Just as the VPC and the Brady Bunch.
The local Occupy group was kicked out of the Kanawha plaza recently when the local Tea Party groups sued for their money back.
Now the city won’t give them a permit to camp out. Personally I say let them. Force them to have enough sanitation and police protection like they did the Tea Party. Charge them for it. Great income stream for the city.
Since then, the next door neighbor of the mayor, the owner of the Richmond Free Press, is allowing the Occupy group to camp out on his lawn.
I see some lawsuits setting themselves up from his neighbors….
First he declared that he wanted to bankrupt the coal industry and raise energy prices.
Second, there is the ongoing illegal drilling moratorium in the Gulf.
Third, he instructs the EPA to set up new regs that could have closed a large percentage of power plants.
Fourth, he kills the Canadian pipeline. That will send the oil to China and canceling thousands of jobs.
Fifth, moratorium continues on all other offshore drilling.
Sixth, he cancels this lease in Ohio. Kills 200,000 jobs. All to pander to his base.
Cargo, in the first place, this guy isn’t speaking for everyone in OWS. Secondly, why are you all so obsessed with these protests? Do you secretly wish you were there? I find it incredibly boring. You would have gone nuts during Vietnam War protests.
If I had been as obsessed with that as you all are, I would have never made it through college.
Furthermore, I fail to see why you are so attached at the hip to the extremely wealthy. Do you have a rich uncle or something. Don’t you find anything that any of the OWS are saying important? Does it bother you that middle class salaries have flat-lined the past 3 decades while the upper 1% salaries have grown exponentially?
Obsessed? One response to Starry’s post about the shooter being a “teajadi”? If I had been obsessing….there would have been alot about the OWS. Or are you talking about my local group?
I just thought it interesting that the neighbor to the mayor was allowing the OWS to camp out. If I was a neighbor…I wouldn’t want ANY group like that camping out in my neighborhood.
Why are you obsessing about someone else’s wealth or income? Did they steal it from you? I wasn’t talking about anyone’s wealth or the OWS’s message. Whichever message that was…they have so many.
Why does Starry’s comments about the shooter’s supposed membership in the Tea party not get a comment about his apparent obsession with the Tea Party. He even called another poster a liar.
Is this not a political blog open thread? Are they not a political topic? You find them incredibly boring but their message, actions, and PR are horrible. Yet you say nothing. Hmmmm, kind of like the mainstream media.
But supposed slights by the Tea Party got around the clock coverage and numerous blog posts. Why do you find an apparent national movement that has called for and committed violence boring?
“Now the city won’t give them a permit to camp out. Personally I say let them. Force them to have enough sanitation and police protection like they did the Tea Party. Charge them for it. Great income stream for the city.”
Did you see anything negative in this? I even supported their effort to camp out. I hope that the OWS is allowed to protest peacefully wherever they legally can. And I want the press to report everything they say and get their assorted messages out. I don’t have a problem with any of that.
What I do have a problem with is the ongoing problem of filth, health problems, violence and the general sense of lawlessness found in many of the camps. Shouldn’t that be making bigger news? Or the fact that the shooter may be attached to the Occupy movement? Isn’t that only fair/ I mean…CNN and MSNBC tried mightily to attach any number of shooters to the Tea Party and the conservative movement.
Funny how ALL of the violence seems to come from the left.
Yup, all the violence must come from the left, in particular the violence directed at reproductive clinics. Then there is the violence that I have been subjected to. It was at the Leftist Republican convention that nominated that old stalinist Ollie North. I haven’t had much to say this week. I have repetitive motion injury pain in both hands. The origin of this recurring chronic pain is from that incident and exacerbated by computer use.
Oh well, that was then and this is now. I do see a kinder, gentler America out there.
Why do you keep comparing the OWLS to the Tea Party? The Tea Party appeared to be comprised of middle aged and older Americans whose only dress up was colonial period clothing like tri cornered hats. I see the OWLs as a much younger crowd who wants to see that they get their own slice of the pie and who begrudge the 1% protections that are out there. I also didn’t see the tea party folks out living on the street. I don’t think most of them could have taken it. I know I couldn’t. I love my creature comforts.
Yes, I do see something negative about how you discuss the OWLS. That’s ok if you don’t broad brush. You know how you hated that anyone might assume one person in a crowd spit on a black congressman or that one person in a crowd used bad language or promoted violence? You are willing to use that broad brush at a whole bunch of people.
When you take to the streets you rub elbows with a whole bunch of people, as you well know. I don’t think all of the OWLS are slimebags who lack sanitation. If I had to pin a label collectively on them I would say they are idealistic and trying to accomplish something undo-able. I would also say they need to make their vision clearer. Then I ignore them. They have as much right to speak as anyone else.
Why is it that you were willing to broad brush the Tea Party back then as uncivilized but you ignore riots, murders, rapes, drug use, deaths, trespassing, filth, and advocating of bigoted ideas by the OWS? What do you say about groups that don’t want rape victims to contact the police? What do you say about groups that attack cops, defecate on cars, and make weapons to be used against cops.
Again, I wasn’t comparing the OWS to the Tea Party, at least this time. Starry tried to tie the latest shooter to the Tea Party. I responded. MSNBC, etc tried to tie the previous shooters to the Tea Party. But they ignore the reality right now, unless its rubbed in their faces.
Are some of them civilized? Yes. Are some of their concerns valid? Yes. They have the same concerns as other Americans about the crony capitalism going on. Its horrendous that corporations and Fannie/Freddie keep getting money because of their connections. That Congress gets rich off of their connections. But, as I’ve said before…..if the group to which I am associated was doing the things that the OWS crowd is doing…..I would not be a part of it. One is known by the people you associate with. If you march with them, then you support all of it.
But, at the same time….I’ve yet to see any solutions coming from the OWS. I keep seeing signs about abolishing banks and supporting communism. I keep seeing marches and riots. I keep seeing everything except solutions. If they want to keep camping out….more power to them. Nothing is preventing those “young kids” (most of these guys are mid to late 20’s.) from getting their slice of the pie except their own actions, a poor economy, and gov’t restrictions. As the owner of Home Depot has stated….he could not start Home Depot today, under these laws and regulations. Many of those “kids” seem to want their loans paid off by the taxpayer. Too much loan…their fault. They want a job?….hey..the Navy’s hiring.
I completely agree with you that they have a right to speak and I’ve said so. Now…if we can get them to stop breaking laws…..
And I’ll stand corrected. You were the victim of violence. So only 90% of the violence is coming from the left. You’re right. There are some radical anti-abortion groups. But the violence LATELY. The recent shootings have been nut jobs that have left statements supporting the left. The violence and intimidations have come from the unions and OWS.
I don’t need to compare the Tea Party and OWS. There is no comparison. I am comparing the hypocrisy of the media and others to how they report and cover the two groups.
Is hating Obama leftist? I expect that shooter was so nuts he couldnt tell you who or what he was.
I expect the navy isn’t hiring. The military will be downsizing now that our wars are grinding down. I don’t know why everything has to be a pissing contest. So those old dudes who wanted to kill the prez were also leftist? The recent shooter with Israel tattooed on his neck and who thought he was Jesus was a leftie? Ok. I was just going to say they were nuts.
I think we are far better off letting the OWLS (and yes, I know it is really OWS) have their say. I neither support nor condemn them. I expect a great many of them are street people. It sort of stands to reason that they would be. Street people camp out all the time. Many of the are mentally ill.
I just don’t think they can be compared to the tea party movement. Different demographics. Cargo, you would have more credibility if you would stop trying to hang political labels on folks. The OWLS aren’t bothering me one way or the other. You seem to be going out of your way to discredit the entire movement. I think some of the people out there need discrediting but certainly not an entire movement.
Cargo, giving it a once through, two things caught my eye in particular: the emphasis to shift to Patient Centered Care and also Tort Reform. Patient Centered Care is part of the larger movement toward Consumer Directed Care within Human Services for home & community-based services. Consumer Direction is also key to the Veteran Directed Home & Community-Based Services, although it is a challenge teaching the Veterans Administration about Patient-Centered Care & Consumer Direction. Thanks for the posting….will take time later to look down through the numbers. Already had dinner, so not in mood yet to go “number chrunch’n 🙂
“Cargo, you would have more credibility if you would stop trying to hang political labels on folks. The OWLS aren’t bothering me one way or the other. You seem to be going out of your way to discredit the entire movement. I think some of the people out there need discrediting but certainly not an entire movement.”
Ok. I won’t try to hang a political label on the White House shooter. Too soon. Probably a nut job. His rantings about wars for oil are probably just crazy talk.
As for my comments about the OWS…I’ve already stated those. And when you speak about the entire movement…of whom do you speak? See…that’s the question. It’s the main members of the OWS that are rioting and planning attacks on cops. Homeless people don’t build grenades. Homeless people don’t defecate on cop cars. Uninterested members don’t organize to trespass, riot, disrupt the peace, and tell rape victims not to go to the cops. Responsible citizens work with the police to control crime within the community.
Most of the OWS seems to be misguided, uninformed, young adults that don’t like the idea that reality sucks. Oops…they have to actually pay back that student loan…..
And yes…the Navy is hiring. The military is ALWAYS hiring. You just have to be motivated enough to make them want you.
As I said before….I don’t take them seriously…..yet. But any organization that seems to promote and advocate revolution, violence, and consists of paid protesters bears watching….even if I’m eating popcorn and laughing at most of them while doing it.
Secret farm bills…..being worked as deficit reduction by the sooper committee….?
Lawmakers on the House and Senate Agriculture committees are trying to write a new five-year farm bill through the supercommittee process.
The legislators are using the supercommittee to avoid what would be a more public, election-year debate in 2012, when the current farm bill expires and new legislation would be scheduled for writing, according to critics of the effort.
“We call it the secret farm bill,” said one environmental activist, who worries that if the lawmakers succeed, it will prop up U.S. farm payments through 2017.
Those activists need to broaden their base by getting the Tea Party involved. Some of them, including me, don’t like the idea of a secret farm bill that has not been exposed to the public.
“Should a justice who participated in ObamaCare’s creation recuse herself from the court’s review of that law? Of course. But then a nominee who lies in confirmation hearings shouldn’t be on the court anyway.”
Heck, I don’t need to add anything to that.
Batman fan?
Bruce Wayne’s medical report: http://ordinary-gentlemen.com/russellsaunders/2011/11/14/patient-bw-dob-2161971/
Heard in the Goldman Sachs elevator: #1: Congress is allowed to trade on insider information. #2: And only half of them are millionaires. #1: Losers.
@Corey’s Accountant
It is you who is incorrect. I sat on the Manassas City Futures Taskforce about 5 years ago, and we spent a fair amount of time on the subject of annexation. One of the barriers was the cost to compensate the county for county-owned infrastructure. Oh, things like courthouses, libraries, which are the property of the county government. One jurisdiction cannot annex the property of another, without compensation.
That is because it was a City/County issue and not a Town/County issue. The city has its own facilities such as a school system thus generally a need to transfer school facilities and such within an annexed area. Towns typically don’t have such circumstances. In this particular instance there is no county owned infrastructure to transfer. Not saying your premise is wrong in general, just in this specific instance.
Is anyone else confused about the latest revelation in the Penn State case that the assistant actually broke up the incident and also notified police. He supposedly also notified the person above the police who I believe was a man named Shulz, who resigned early on when indicted.
So, if police were actually notified and IF Penn State officials were told by the assistant that he had notified police, where does that leave this mess? I know that Penn State took away Mr. Sandusky’s privileges after the report and notified Second Mile. If all this is correct, what more should they have done?
I am just confused by what actually happened. It never made sense that the assistant virtually did nothing that evening if it was as serious as he said it was.
Schultz was Gary Schultz who is the financial guy isn’t he?
If he called the police, then everything we knew before was false.
Clinton, have you learned more?
All I heard about was the email that was released by the assistant or the email recipient. It was Mr. Mcqueary who indicated that he himself notified the police after he broke up the incident.
Mr. Shultz was the financial guy but also the VP to whom campus police reported to. Campus police apparently have the same authority as state police in PA and they participated in the 1998 investigation that the local DA did not prosecute.
Will this link put me in moderation?
Another account said that the email added that he notified the civilian head of police for Penn State., so I assume that was Mr. Shultz.
@Clinton S. Long
No, that link shouldn’t put you in moderation. 3 links in the same post usually does. WordPress rules, not mine.
White House Shooting Suspect Arrested in Penn
A 21-year-old man described as having a hatred for Washington and President Obama was arrested Wednesday in connection with rifle shots fired near the White House last week as authorities sought to link the gunfire to bullet damage discovered at the executive mansion, officials said.
He was probably a teahadi. They like to walk around with their big guns drawn to overcompensate for other shortcomings.
Millionaires ask Congress to raise their taxes
By Jennifer Liberto @CNNMoney November 16, 2011: 5:36 PM ET
WASHINGTON (CNNMoney) — A group of two dozen millionaires stormed Capitol Hill on Wednesday, demanding lawmakers raise their taxes.
“We want to pay more taxes,” said California millionaire Doug Edwards, a former marketing director for Google (GOOG, Fortune 500). “If you’re fortunate, and you make more than a million dollars a year, you ought to pay more taxes.”
I agree. Rich people should pay more taxes so that we can reduce our budger deficit.
Interesting interview on NPR yesterday with Tim Dickinson on how the Republican perspective on spending and taxes changed over time. The bottom line is the American people may have to insist Grover Norquist release his death grip on our government (Sen. Tom Coburn’s chief of staff called Norquist “chief cleric of sharia tax law” in a backhanded slap at Norquist’s ties to Islam and his no new tax pledge that hog-ties signers). In any event, in the interview Dickinson said:
The top 400 taxpayers in the United States have seen their incomes increase threefold since 1997. In that same period, their tax rate has fallen by 40 percent. “Today, a billionaire in the top 400 pays an effective tax rate of about 17 percent,” he says. “That’s about 5 percentage points less than your average worker.” The income of the wealthiest Americans has also increased. Dickinson writes that “since Republicans began their tax-cut binge in 1997, they have succeeded in making the rich much richer. While the average income for the bottom 90 percent of taxpayers has remained basically flat over the past 15 years, those in the top 0.01 percent have seen their incomes more than double, to $36 million a year.” Dickinson tells Terry Gross that the revenue going to the wealthiest Americans is increasing. “This isn’t just about the broadest sweep of American society — this 90 percent — if it’s getting ahead, it’s getting ahead just at the margins,” he says. “The people at the very top of the income period are taking off like a rocket — $10,000 an hour raise for the people in the top .01 percent.”
Thanks for this info, Moe. I just have no idea why the top 400 are being protected by some in the middle class.
Jobs creators my butt!
@Clinton S. Long
Again…if only he had taken appropriate action.
Its hard to bury a case when ambulances are called…..
Is Benneton TRYING to have Obama lose the election?
Ewww is right, Cargo.
OWS are making me grouchy. Don’t try to shut down businesses, esp. the stock market.
The stock market is how the middle class gets even or at least buys into a little rich person territory. What are they thinking!!!!
I wouldn’t hold my breath waiting for any backlash if the Republicans are able to comprimise on taxing the top 1%. Won’t bother me one bit. Now as soon as the Republicans allow new taxes on the middle class, then look for backlash. I don’t think people are listening to Mr. Norquist right now.
Is that a trick question?
I am glad that Norquest is being marginalized.
I had remained neutral on the OWLS. They actually bored me …until today. Now they are making me grouchy. (it doesn’t take much these days)
Don’t mess with the NY Stock exchange. They are trying to keep the bell from ringing.
That reminds me of 20-25 years ago that the coal miners or farmers or someone came to DC and thought they would garner sympathy from the locals by snarling up rush hour. yea…right.
They need to occupy Rikers Island.
One of the oldest political tactics is to seek votes from the poor
and money from the rich by promising to protect them from each other.
Nobody is calling for taxes on the middle class. The increases called for areonly upon the very wealthy, and many of them, as demonstrated in the article I linked above, wouldn’t have a problem with it.
Note: I would be pleased to provide “historic insight”
for a quarter of Newt’s monthly fee of 24K!
I came over Key Bridge about an hour ago. The TV satellite trucks were setting up [the crew placing their gear on top of Dixie Liquor got the best spot for a variety of reasons]. There was at least of full platoon of DC police stationed in the area with a fleet of cars, vans, and motorcycles. They were mostly standing around drinking coffee and waiting. Not even going to try to go that route on the way home tonight.
The good old Dixie Liquor Store. It brings back fond memories of my youth. What was going on?
Getting chilly outside — may want to bring your 401(k)’s inside before they
come down with a nasty case of euro contagion.
I looked briefly, turned a ghastly color of green, and closed the window, Big Dog. BARRFFFFFFF!!!
These “Occupy” protesters are acting like a bunch of entitled, immature creeps at this point. The Tea Party people yell their point, hold rallies, and then get on with life. The “Occupy” people aren’t content with that – they want people to be inconvenienced into aquiecense. They’re making fools of themselves.
They made their point. Its probably time to go home now. @Rick
I just watched the old Rebecca today. What a great classic. Are you sticking with Netflix?
Hates Obama with a passion, strong supporter of gun rights, personally tasked by God … White House shooter Oscar Ortega catapults to first place in Republican Iowa caucuses. [Romney ticked he didn’t think of it.]
The tea baggers like to walk around with big guns. It helps them compensate for their other shortcomings.
Yeah…you said that already. Look! A squirrel!
Wait…..someone fired a rifle at the White House?
Unpossible! Guns like that are banned in DC. Its illegal! Everyone knows that gun control laws makes that impossible! Just as the VPC and the Brady Bunch.
The local Occupy group was kicked out of the Kanawha plaza recently when the local Tea Party groups sued for their money back.
Now the city won’t give them a permit to camp out. Personally I say let them. Force them to have enough sanitation and police protection like they did the Tea Party. Charge them for it. Great income stream for the city.
Since then, the next door neighbor of the mayor, the owner of the Richmond Free Press, is allowing the Occupy group to camp out on his lawn.
I see some lawsuits setting themselves up from his neighbors….
Occupy San Diego holds a moment of silence…..for the White House shooter.
Apparently….Occupy supports shooting at the White House.
Possible backups on I-95 at Fredericksburg?
Wow, who would have known?
By the way….I’ll wave to all of you as I drive up to the Chantilly Gun show tomorrow! Look out your window and wave!
Hey look! President Obama is creating more jobs!
Oh..sorry….nope. Never mind.
First he declared that he wanted to bankrupt the coal industry and raise energy prices.
Second, there is the ongoing illegal drilling moratorium in the Gulf.
Third, he instructs the EPA to set up new regs that could have closed a large percentage of power plants.
Fourth, he kills the Canadian pipeline. That will send the oil to China and canceling thousands of jobs.
Fifth, moratorium continues on all other offshore drilling.
Sixth, he cancels this lease in Ohio. Kills 200,000 jobs. All to pander to his base.
“Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. The third time it’s enemy action.”
Cargo, in the first place, this guy isn’t speaking for everyone in OWS. Secondly, why are you all so obsessed with these protests? Do you secretly wish you were there? I find it incredibly boring. You would have gone nuts during Vietnam War protests.
If I had been as obsessed with that as you all are, I would have never made it through college.
Furthermore, I fail to see why you are so attached at the hip to the extremely wealthy. Do you have a rich uncle or something. Don’t you find anything that any of the OWS are saying important? Does it bother you that middle class salaries have flat-lined the past 3 decades while the upper 1% salaries have grown exponentially?
Obsessed? One response to Starry’s post about the shooter being a “teajadi”? If I had been obsessing….there would have been alot about the OWS. Or are you talking about my local group?
I just thought it interesting that the neighbor to the mayor was allowing the OWS to camp out. If I was a neighbor…I wouldn’t want ANY group like that camping out in my neighborhood.
Why are you obsessing about someone else’s wealth or income? Did they steal it from you? I wasn’t talking about anyone’s wealth or the OWS’s message. Whichever message that was…they have so many.
Why does Starry’s comments about the shooter’s supposed membership in the Tea party not get a comment about his apparent obsession with the Tea Party. He even called another poster a liar.
Is this not a political blog open thread? Are they not a political topic? You find them incredibly boring but their message, actions, and PR are horrible. Yet you say nothing. Hmmmm, kind of like the mainstream media.
But supposed slights by the Tea Party got around the clock coverage and numerous blog posts. Why do you find an apparent national movement that has called for and committed violence boring?
“Now the city won’t give them a permit to camp out. Personally I say let them. Force them to have enough sanitation and police protection like they did the Tea Party. Charge them for it. Great income stream for the city.”
Did you see anything negative in this? I even supported their effort to camp out. I hope that the OWS is allowed to protest peacefully wherever they legally can. And I want the press to report everything they say and get their assorted messages out. I don’t have a problem with any of that.
What I do have a problem with is the ongoing problem of filth, health problems, violence and the general sense of lawlessness found in many of the camps. Shouldn’t that be making bigger news? Or the fact that the shooter may be attached to the Occupy movement? Isn’t that only fair/ I mean…CNN and MSNBC tried mightily to attach any number of shooters to the Tea Party and the conservative movement.
Funny how ALL of the violence seems to come from the left.
Yup, all the violence must come from the left, in particular the violence directed at reproductive clinics. Then there is the violence that I have been subjected to. It was at the Leftist Republican convention that nominated that old stalinist Ollie North. I haven’t had much to say this week. I have repetitive motion injury pain in both hands. The origin of this recurring chronic pain is from that incident and exacerbated by computer use.
Oh well, that was then and this is now. I do see a kinder, gentler America out there.
Why do you keep comparing the OWLS to the Tea Party? The Tea Party appeared to be comprised of middle aged and older Americans whose only dress up was colonial period clothing like tri cornered hats. I see the OWLs as a much younger crowd who wants to see that they get their own slice of the pie and who begrudge the 1% protections that are out there. I also didn’t see the tea party folks out living on the street. I don’t think most of them could have taken it. I know I couldn’t. I love my creature comforts.
Yes, I do see something negative about how you discuss the OWLS. That’s ok if you don’t broad brush. You know how you hated that anyone might assume one person in a crowd spit on a black congressman or that one person in a crowd used bad language or promoted violence? You are willing to use that broad brush at a whole bunch of people.
When you take to the streets you rub elbows with a whole bunch of people, as you well know. I don’t think all of the OWLS are slimebags who lack sanitation. If I had to pin a label collectively on them I would say they are idealistic and trying to accomplish something undo-able. I would also say they need to make their vision clearer. Then I ignore them. They have as much right to speak as anyone else.
Why is it that you were willing to broad brush the Tea Party back then as uncivilized but you ignore riots, murders, rapes, drug use, deaths, trespassing, filth, and advocating of bigoted ideas by the OWS? What do you say about groups that don’t want rape victims to contact the police? What do you say about groups that attack cops, defecate on cars, and make weapons to be used against cops.
Again, I wasn’t comparing the OWS to the Tea Party, at least this time. Starry tried to tie the latest shooter to the Tea Party. I responded. MSNBC, etc tried to tie the previous shooters to the Tea Party. But they ignore the reality right now, unless its rubbed in their faces.
Are some of them civilized? Yes. Are some of their concerns valid? Yes. They have the same concerns as other Americans about the crony capitalism going on. Its horrendous that corporations and Fannie/Freddie keep getting money because of their connections. That Congress gets rich off of their connections. But, as I’ve said before…..if the group to which I am associated was doing the things that the OWS crowd is doing…..I would not be a part of it. One is known by the people you associate with. If you march with them, then you support all of it.
But, at the same time….I’ve yet to see any solutions coming from the OWS. I keep seeing signs about abolishing banks and supporting communism. I keep seeing marches and riots. I keep seeing everything except solutions. If they want to keep camping out….more power to them. Nothing is preventing those “young kids” (most of these guys are mid to late 20’s.) from getting their slice of the pie except their own actions, a poor economy, and gov’t restrictions. As the owner of Home Depot has stated….he could not start Home Depot today, under these laws and regulations. Many of those “kids” seem to want their loans paid off by the taxpayer. Too much loan…their fault. They want a job?….hey..the Navy’s hiring.
I completely agree with you that they have a right to speak and I’ve said so. Now…if we can get them to stop breaking laws…..
And I’ll stand corrected. You were the victim of violence. So only 90% of the violence is coming from the left. You’re right. There are some radical anti-abortion groups. But the violence LATELY. The recent shootings have been nut jobs that have left statements supporting the left. The violence and intimidations have come from the unions and OWS.
I don’t need to compare the Tea Party and OWS. There is no comparison. I am comparing the hypocrisy of the media and others to how they report and cover the two groups.
Is hating Obama leftist? I expect that shooter was so nuts he couldnt tell you who or what he was.
I expect the navy isn’t hiring. The military will be downsizing now that our wars are grinding down. I don’t know why everything has to be a pissing contest. So those old dudes who wanted to kill the prez were also leftist? The recent shooter with Israel tattooed on his neck and who thought he was Jesus was a leftie? Ok. I was just going to say they were nuts.
I think we are far better off letting the OWLS (and yes, I know it is really OWS) have their say. I neither support nor condemn them. I expect a great many of them are street people. It sort of stands to reason that they would be. Street people camp out all the time. Many of the are mentally ill.
I just don’t think they can be compared to the tea party movement. Different demographics. Cargo, you would have more credibility if you would stop trying to hang political labels on folks. The OWLS aren’t bothering me one way or the other. You seem to be going out of your way to discredit the entire movement. I think some of the people out there need discrediting but certainly not an entire movement.
I’ll take the OWS seriously…heck, I’ll take the Democrats and Republicans seriously, when they start presenting ideas like this:
Cargo, giving it a once through, two things caught my eye in particular: the emphasis to shift to Patient Centered Care and also Tort Reform. Patient Centered Care is part of the larger movement toward Consumer Directed Care within Human Services for home & community-based services. Consumer Direction is also key to the Veteran Directed Home & Community-Based Services, although it is a challenge teaching the Veterans Administration about Patient-Centered Care & Consumer Direction. Thanks for the posting….will take time later to look down through the numbers. Already had dinner, so not in mood yet to go “number chrunch’n 🙂
“Cargo, you would have more credibility if you would stop trying to hang political labels on folks. The OWLS aren’t bothering me one way or the other. You seem to be going out of your way to discredit the entire movement. I think some of the people out there need discrediting but certainly not an entire movement.”
Ok. I won’t try to hang a political label on the White House shooter. Too soon. Probably a nut job. His rantings about wars for oil are probably just crazy talk.
As for my comments about the OWS…I’ve already stated those. And when you speak about the entire movement…of whom do you speak? See…that’s the question. It’s the main members of the OWS that are rioting and planning attacks on cops. Homeless people don’t build grenades. Homeless people don’t defecate on cop cars. Uninterested members don’t organize to trespass, riot, disrupt the peace, and tell rape victims not to go to the cops. Responsible citizens work with the police to control crime within the community.
Most of the OWS seems to be misguided, uninformed, young adults that don’t like the idea that reality sucks. Oops…they have to actually pay back that student loan…..
And yes…the Navy is hiring. The military is ALWAYS hiring. You just have to be motivated enough to make them want you.
As I said before….I don’t take them seriously…..yet. But any organization that seems to promote and advocate revolution, violence, and consists of paid protesters bears watching….even if I’m eating popcorn and laughing at most of them while doing it.