RICHMOND, VA (WTVR) – A Florida civil rights group is asking the U.S. Department of Justice to investigate civil rights abuse allegations against two Virginia state troopers.
The group claims the troopers used excessive force, racial slurs, ethnic jokes and vulgar language against a Hispanic doctor after she crashed her car on I-395 in July.
Want to know why we haven’t had middle class salary increases? Why the middle class is hurting?
Because the gov’t is lying to you. 3% inflation? or less? HA!
Go back to the original way of figuring inflation and its at about 17%. You know…include food and energy. Check out Shadow Stats on Google (saving a link…no moderation.)
@Cargo, you know, I had not been out to expo center for several years. I was amazed at all the fast food stores that have sprung up on fast food row. geeez. Your own artery blockers at every turn.
Someone tell me why all of a sudden flash doesn’t work on IE 9 and how do I fix it? I am going wild over it.
I don’t know what happened to set it off other than I went to another computer because of my RMI until I get my keyboard fixed.
It is causing a real problem. Something else knocked out my fingerprint detection on logon pages. I hate switching computers.
I am running windows 7 32 bit on this computer and IE 9. I have foxfire and chrome on it for back up but wordpress does best for me with IE. arggggghhhhhhhh
I want to go to Emma’s for Thanksgiving. I HATE turkey and attend a meal with my husband’s family. It’s all Yankee fare….sorry but NO thank you! The do let me bring green beans, but they don’t care for southern style green beans w/country ham bits. I also enjoy eating hot meal HOT, this does NOT happen with Mr. Laf’s family. This is something I strive for when I cook any meal.
I do have blueberry muffins in the oven for this morning though. 🙂
We’re not upholding tradition this year. All family members are on their own with some going to B&B’s, a few eating together, and DH and I eating a meal comprised of Wegmans treats on Sunday. It’ll be little work – cook a brined turkey breast, heat the veggies and stuffing, and make a pear salad.
Yankee fare? LOL I only hated the rudabagas. EWWWWWWW Oh and thre was some sort of nasty squash also.
My mother in law made some wicked sauerkraut and pork though to make up for it.
How else would you eat turkey dinner except hot? Now you have my curiosity up.
And why do you hate turkey? I have never heard of anyone hating turkey. Now that is Yankee!
Rudabagas are on the list, Indian Pudding, Creamed onions. I have grown to like the creamed onions, but they are pretty bland as is all Yankee fare to this Virginia girl.
Hot meals are just something they just can’t seem to throw down on the table. The turkey is cooked in a brown grocery bag. I’ll take my Reynold’s Oven Bags, thank you very much.
My mom would make a small ham for me. I like macaroni and cheese for Thanksgiving, that’s not on the menu. And if it were it would be the creamy kind, not southern style caserole mac & cheese.
And why do you hate turkey? I have never heard of anyone hating turkey. Now that is Yankee!
I can’t stand the smell of it, it makes sick to my stomach. I’m not eating a thing I can’t stand the smell of.
I think you would love my mac ‘n cheese, Lafayette–made with a creamy sharp-cheddar sauce. My Thanksgiving table is an odd blend of Yankee/Southern/Italian.
I probably would like yours, as you said sharp-cheddar. If these Yanks made it would be with the blandest of chesse. My babysitter growing up served you same mix for Thanksgiving. I grew up with an Italian Yankee babysitter, I ate very good at her house. I’ve loved artichokes for as long as I can remember.
I love how food is such a great uniter, when we can disagree so forcefully on so many other things. Well, except for barbecue, apparently, which is why I will never fully understand Southerners.
No thanks to my cyber buds ( you all) I got my flash problem fixed.
So Cargo, what did Mrs. Cargo say about you destroying a perfectly good turkey? I guess he is on the road now….I should go out there and startle him. It sounds like a good way to get shot to me.
Oh I agree regarding smell. I feel that way about lamb. I always have and I always will. I just think turkey smells wonderful. That’s half its attraction.
I can’t stand to be around things cooking when the smell makes me sick.
I haven’t asked her yet. She hasn’t seen the procedure. But she does giggle at the word.
You wouldn’t have been shot! Shame on you. Loaded guns carried by customers are not allowed in gun shows.
Darling daughter got a surprise. We made friends with a gun collector last time. He gave her a present of 2 boxes of .22 so that she can start shoot something bigger than a BB gun.
Found out that a non-regulation Model 1850 Foot Officer’s sword that we own is probably worth between $900 and $1650 (Desperation of buyer is paramount). And I was offered about $1500 for a Colt Model 1860 Army. Didn’t sell either…Darling daughter would kill me. Those are “hers!”….. As is the Walther Model 3 pistol. Its kind of neat owning things that are over 100 years old.
@Punchak, I looked it up. I stayed there too at Battletown Inn. I ate at the Gray Ghost Tavern rather than the dining room. It used to have a neat website with a Picture of Mosby that faded in and out.
This from a newspaper that will devote most of its advertising copy and reap bigger profits this week to black Friday sales. The irony is apparently lost on the WashPo.
same with Labor Day – a holiday for laborers to spend a day with there family – but it seems like the true laborers – store clerks, landscapers, etc were all working this year.
We are moving from a 24 hour news cycle to a 24 hour work schedule – where we are expected to answer emails and a cell phone at any hour or any day of the week.
And how has that gun regulation stopped nuts from acquiring guns? Cho? Loughner? That idiot that shot the White House?
Is there greater crime in DC or Arlington? The greatest amount of shootings are in cities with the greatest gun control.
Unless they have been adjudicated a danger to others, “crazy” people don’t show up on NICS. I’m not too worried about crazy people. Sane, evil people are common enough.
@Cargo, what gun regulation? you shooting me outside in the parking lot of expo center?
You cannot compare DC to Arlington.
I forget what I asked you if anything more than that. Oh about crazy people.
I have had my refresher course on all the NRA talking points. My problem is that 2nd amendment folks don’t see where there might be any conditions that might warrant some limitation. Do you feel the same way about the first? Obviously not.
I grew up in a home with guns my entire life and some gun limitation does not bother me at all. Operative word, some.
Will Obama be blamed for this too – he is not on the super committee and is not a member of Congress. How long will Congress talk about deficit reduction, and spending cuts and entitlement reform, and yet do nothing. They do nothing, we suffer and pay the consequences.
Every western PWC Thanksgiving family table should have symbolic
crescent rolls to be heavily buttered (representing large campaign donations)
and gobbled down followed by a rousing chorus of “Hail to the Asphaltians”!
I just don’t trust those (not you)that only “reasonable” gun restrictions. Then they can never identify what those laws might be. One has to define “reasonable” first.
What conditions should limit the first? What conditions do limit the first?
I have an unlimited right to free speech. I am held responsible for what I DO with it.
Those restrictions that we have are based upon ABUSE of the right, not possession.
Possession and carry of a firearm harms no one. Abuse of that right can.
From this fictional beginning we can imagine a series of events unfolding across five continents. There is China without any real food or real energy resources coping with the problem of growing fast enough to keep down internal unrest. We have the North Korea’s population moving with Biblical implacability across the border to the North and pushing, despite fearful losses to landmines, in desperate hungry numbers across the DMZ toward the lights of Seoul. There is a Europe, facing hunger for the first time in 60 years, convulsed with civil unrest as its political fabric, so long divided between the left and the not-so-left is torn, driven by desperation to rally around the banners of creeds which had been forgotten for decades.
This perception is a good example of why there is such hostility between the parties and the desperation of the Tea Party to get the GOP off of their butts and fight.
It is remarkable that Elena Kagan apparently plans to hear and judge the Obamacare lawsuits, although there is a documentary record of her acting as an advocate within the administration for strategies to get the bill through Congress.
Of course, many Republicans are calling for her recusal, which is absolutely required by the appropriate rules for judges.
It’s interesting that no Democrats agree. That they do not agree tells us much about who and what they are.
They don’t agree because they believe it would be wrong of her to follow the rules. They think it would be wrong because, for them, the purpose of Presidential appointment and Senate confirmation is to overthrow the republican system of a government with limited powers.
For the Democrats in Congress, it would make no more sense for Kagan to recuse herself that it would for her to appear in purple underwear and deliver her opinions in Norwegian.
The electoral system only works when both parties are playing the same game. That is, in our country, no longer the case.
LA replies:
Well put. The two parties are not playing the same game. They play different games, under different rules. What are these different rules? The Republicans more or less follow the laws and constitutional procedures, the Democrats deliberately and consciously break them. But the Republicans, while they complain incessantly about the Democrats, never identify this underlying fact. Why? Because that would show that the system is no longer legitimate. And the function of the Republicans, as “patriotic, conservative Americans,” is to uphold the goodness and legitimacy of the system, a legitimacy which rests on the belief that everyone in American politics shares the same basic principles and loyalties. So the Republicans, as defenders of the system and its presumed basic unity, cannot expose what the Democrats are. If they exposed it, politics would be replaced by open war between two radically incompatible parties and America as we know it would come to an end.
Thousands rally against Wisconsin Republican governor
Reuters – Sun, Nov 20, 2011
MADISON (Reuters) – Thousands of people gathered at the Wisconsin capitol on Saturday to demand a recall of Republican Governor Scott Walker, whose controversial and successful drive to limit public unions last winter sparked the biggest protests in the state since the Vietnam War.
Former U.S. Senator Russ Feingold, a Democrat, signed a recall petition during a morning meeting with about 300 recall volunteers and pledged to help the effort through his political action committee.
With the crowd chanting “Run, Russ, Run,” Feingold repeated that he would not run against Walker in any recall election.
Its real interesting. All Democrats are bad. End of discussion.
That’s what it all says. This coming from a party that went on a spending spree during the last decade and now digs its heels in to protect the rich. The disparity is huge. Corporate taxes are hiding in the Caman Islands and other such places.
We are rapidly running out of money taking care of the rich paying 15% income tax and the normal folks paying a way higher percent. How far off are we from having a non- functioning government?
While my blood is boiling….what is wrong with the same people who elected the fools that were on the super spending spree last decade? You screwed up–big time. And you are still trying to screw up by bringing about ‘leaders’ who entertain you and really have no leaderstip ability past entertainment. They have no real solutions. ” Stop spending” is a sound bite, not a solution. In the modern world, our government which is complex has to function.
Start getting out of bed with big pharmacuetical, the health care corporations, and the defense contractors and then let’s see what we have. Why would I believe that the people who brought us to the brink have a solution for the rescue?
This time it IS the Democrat that gave up on their duty. They even refused to give a counter-offer, to cut a deal. It was all or nothing for them. Or is it only brinkmanship when you think that the Republicans are doing it?
Yes….Bush went on a spending spree. And the conservatives didn’t vote for those guys. We put in the Tea Party as much as possible, to cut that spending spree. So….Obama should increase it? You have a problem with the Tea Party that wants Congress to get their act together and stop spending? If “Stop Spending” is just a sound bite, is “More Spending” the solution? How’s that working out for us? We’re screwing up by bringing about leaders that have no leadership ability? Have you seen Obama’s leadership style? Or, more accurately, his “LACK of leadership style?”
We are not running out of money taking care of the rich paying 15% income tax. For one thing….that’s not an income tax. Second…where’s your complaint about Democrat funders like GE….they made a PROFIT off the tax code. And STILL sent more jobs overseas. We are running out of money because our government keeps spending it on things like corrupt green loans to those rich people. But THOSE rich people are ok. Those are Democrat donors. We’re broke because the Democrat Congress spent trillions in stimulus money that supported cronys. We’re broke because, in the face of the “debt reduction”, Democrats still wanted to spend almost half a trillion in NEW “stimulus.” How is “taxing the rich”, which for the Democrats actually consisted of over $1 trillion in NEW taxes, going to keep up with the spending? We’re broke because ACR costs 900 billion. We’re broke because current policies are killing the economy. How much tax money would that pipeline that Obama canceled get us? Or increased drilling in the gulf? Or offshore natural gas drilling in Virginia?
How much money did we spend on the illegal war in Libya?
Yes…lets get the government out of big pharm, health care corps, and defense contractors. But increasing gov’t control via ACR wasn’t going to get the gov’t out of health care. All that did was interfere even more with the market. And yes…we need to get the defense pork out of the bills. But at the same time, we need to cut sensibly. The military budget is being used as a whipping boy because Congress is inept.
Why is it that you can’t bear to criticize the Democrats when THEY are screwing up? I criticize the GOP all the time. No compromise? Yep. And this time, it was the Democrats….oh…wait…it was the Democrats the last time too. You just didn’t like the compromises that the GOP offered and so ignored the Democrats in the Senate.
I am not a democrat. However, I don’t see most of them as destructive to the nation. I don’t see Obama as totally lacking leadership. If I faulted him, it would be for being too decent to his opposition.
I don’t use the royal we. I can’t get past protecting the rich. And yes, the taxable income from dividends is an income tax. So what if its on a 1099 rather than a 1040. It all gets paid on the same check.
So just what do you think it is? This money that investors and hedge funders all pay out at a 15% rate?
I can’t deal with an opinion dump that is meant to abvoid the issue on the table which is why you or anyone else would want to protect the rich. I don’t approve of GE either. I am not sure why GE gets to be a Democrat rather than a Republican though.
I still don’t understand why you think that increasing taxes is going to do anything to help? The way you go on about “protecting the rich” sounds like envy or class warfare. The Democrats want to kill the “Bush tax cuts” or as it is more properly known….the current tax rates. So…they want to increase taxes on all above $250,000.00.
You have said that you want to increase taxes on the “millionaires” by only 1-3% points. What, exactly, is that supposed to accomplish, other than giving the Democrats a political victory and a precedent stating that the way to deal with out of control spending is higher taxation?
The problem is spending and a bad economy, not a lack of taxation.
The most recent fake jobs bill being touted by Obama would have wiped out your 1% tax increase. So then where would we be?
What we need is real tax reform that lowers taxes across the board, lessens the power of Congress and the President to pick winners and losers, simplifies the tax code, and increases economic growth.
But that won’t happen. The Democrats are insistent on demonizing the “rich,” blaming business, and increasing taxes, so that they can continue spending and paying off their supporters with graft.
We’re having 10-12 people over for Thanksgiving. I’m thinking about a new way to cook it….Spatchcocked.
🙂 Yeah…that word wasn’t in the spell check dictionary…..
Basically, cut the back bone out and butterfly it. Supposed to cook in half the time and more evenly.
Now I just have to convince the wife.,0,335029.story
RICHMOND, VA (WTVR) – A Florida civil rights group is asking the U.S. Department of Justice to investigate civil rights abuse allegations against two Virginia state troopers.
The group claims the troopers used excessive force, racial slurs, ethnic jokes and vulgar language against a Hispanic doctor after she crashed her car on I-395 in July.
Hey Marin…..
I’m heading up your way to the gun show tomorrow. I’ll wave as I drive through…
I wonder what these two things have in common?
Want to know why we haven’t had middle class salary increases? Why the middle class is hurting?
Because the gov’t is lying to you. 3% inflation? or less? HA!
Go back to the original way of figuring inflation and its at about 17%. You know…include food and energy. Check out Shadow Stats on Google (saving a link…no moderation.)
@Cargo, you know, I had not been out to expo center for several years. I was amazed at all the fast food stores that have sprung up on fast food row. geeez. Your own artery blockers at every turn.
Someone tell me why all of a sudden flash doesn’t work on IE 9 and how do I fix it? I am going wild over it.
I don’t know what happened to set it off other than I went to another computer because of my RMI until I get my keyboard fixed.
It is causing a real problem. Something else knocked out my fingerprint detection on logon pages. I hate switching computers.
I am running windows 7 32 bit on this computer and IE 9. I have foxfire and chrome on it for back up but wordpress does best for me with IE. arggggghhhhhhhh
Hot wings and pizza at our house on Thanksgiving Day. The real deal will be celebrated next Saturday, when all family members are present.
Best turkey ever: Watch the accompanying video. Brining is key. This was a huge hit in our house last year.
I want to go to Emma’s for Thanksgiving. I HATE turkey and attend a meal with my husband’s family. It’s all Yankee fare….sorry but NO thank you! The do let me bring green beans, but they don’t care for southern style green beans w/country ham bits. I also enjoy eating hot meal HOT, this does NOT happen with Mr. Laf’s family. This is something I strive for when I cook any meal.
I do have blueberry muffins in the oven for this morning though. 🙂
We’re not upholding tradition this year. All family members are on their own with some going to B&B’s, a few eating together, and DH and I eating a meal comprised of Wegmans treats on Sunday. It’ll be little work – cook a brined turkey breast, heat the veggies and stuffing, and make a pear salad.
We’re also making pig candy……baked bacon dredged in brown sugar and spices.
Yankee fare? LOL I only hated the rudabagas. EWWWWWWW Oh and thre was some sort of nasty squash also.
My mother in law made some wicked sauerkraut and pork though to make up for it.
How else would you eat turkey dinner except hot? Now you have my curiosity up.
And why do you hate turkey? I have never heard of anyone hating turkey. Now that is Yankee!
Rudabagas are on the list, Indian Pudding, Creamed onions. I have grown to like the creamed onions, but they are pretty bland as is all Yankee fare to this Virginia girl.
Hot meals are just something they just can’t seem to throw down on the table. The turkey is cooked in a brown grocery bag. I’ll take my Reynold’s Oven Bags, thank you very much.
My mom would make a small ham for me. I like macaroni and cheese for Thanksgiving, that’s not on the menu. And if it were it would be the creamy kind, not southern style caserole mac & cheese.
And why do you hate turkey? I have never heard of anyone hating turkey. Now that is Yankee!
I can’t stand the smell of it, it makes sick to my stomach. I’m not eating a thing I can’t stand the smell of.
I think you would love my mac ‘n cheese, Lafayette–made with a creamy sharp-cheddar sauce. My Thanksgiving table is an odd blend of Yankee/Southern/Italian.
I probably would like yours, as you said sharp-cheddar. If these Yanks made it would be with the blandest of chesse. My babysitter growing up served you same mix for Thanksgiving. I grew up with an Italian Yankee babysitter, I ate very good at her house. I’ve loved artichokes for as long as I can remember.
I love how food is such a great uniter, when we can disagree so forcefully on so many other things. Well, except for barbecue, apparently, which is why I will never fully understand Southerners.
Both here and in person at our meet ups! Good notice, Emma.
No thanks to my cyber buds ( you all) I got my flash problem fixed.
So Cargo, what did Mrs. Cargo say about you destroying a perfectly good turkey? I guess he is on the road now….I should go out there and startle him. It sounds like a good way to get shot to me.
Oh I agree regarding smell. I feel that way about lamb. I always have and I always will. I just think turkey smells wonderful. That’s half its attraction.
I can’t stand to be around things cooking when the smell makes me sick.
Emma, southern or northern mac and cheese and what’s the difference? It sounds yummy if sharp cheddar! Do you make the sauce?
@Moon-howler I sent Lafayette the recipe, and she can share it with you if you like.
It’s Battletow Inn in Berryville for me, daughters and son-in-law.
Old fashioned T-dinner. Nice old inn. No cooking or botheration!
Battletown, of course.
One of my favorites. Enjoy!
I hope those fascist pig troopers get fired.
I love Berryville, Punchak. Is that the Gray Ghost Inn? I mean did it used to be? I have stayed and eaten there.
Lafayette, shoot me over that recipe please.
I think this Irishman just might be on to something. No kids in earshot please:
Maybe the OWLS should hire him as their spokesperson to articulate what they are trying to say.
I haven’t asked her yet. She hasn’t seen the procedure. But she does giggle at the word.
You wouldn’t have been shot! Shame on you. Loaded guns carried by customers are not allowed in gun shows.
Darling daughter got a surprise. We made friends with a gun collector last time. He gave her a present of 2 boxes of .22 so that she can start shoot something bigger than a BB gun.
Found out that a non-regulation Model 1850 Foot Officer’s sword that we own is probably worth between $900 and $1650 (Desperation of buyer is paramount). And I was offered about $1500 for a Colt Model 1860 Army. Didn’t sell either…Darling daughter would kill me. Those are “hers!”….. As is the Walther Model 3 pistol. Its kind of neat owning things that are over 100 years old.
I was planning on accosting you in the parking lot. That might have done it, Cargo.
Oh…and I just wanted to say….
Traffic up there SUCKS! Where did those people learn to drive?! And who built a freaking 4 lane road, 55mph limit, and put STOP LIGHTS ON IT?!
You must have been on route 28? People here drive for survival.
Did you guys do your part? Today is National Ammo Day. Go buy 100 rounds or more.
Wal-Mart is still open.
I don’t know. Was there nine years ago, and it was Battletown Inn at that time.
@Punchak, I looked it up. I stayed there too at Battletown Inn. I ate at the Gray Ghost Tavern rather than the dining room. It used to have a neat website with a Picture of Mosby that faded in and out.
Forgot the main link!
Remember! If you missed it today…you have the rest of the week.
Join the Buycott.
I am in the middle of watching the HBO documentary, The Gun Fight.
I have one question….how do I know that you are not nuts and vice versa? We don’t. That’s my problem with having no gun regulation.
Has anyone else watched the film? It is on HBO_Go. Free.
This from a newspaper that will devote most of its advertising copy and reap bigger profits this week to black Friday sales. The irony is apparently lost on the WashPo.
same with Labor Day – a holiday for laborers to spend a day with there family – but it seems like the true laborers – store clerks, landscapers, etc were all working this year.
We are moving from a 24 hour news cycle to a 24 hour work schedule – where we are expected to answer emails and a cell phone at any hour or any day of the week.
Recipe has been sent. I think us Virginia girls will enjoy it. 🙂
And how has that gun regulation stopped nuts from acquiring guns? Cho? Loughner? That idiot that shot the White House?
Is there greater crime in DC or Arlington? The greatest amount of shootings are in cities with the greatest gun control.
Unless they have been adjudicated a danger to others, “crazy” people don’t show up on NICS. I’m not too worried about crazy people. Sane, evil people are common enough.
@Cargo, what gun regulation? you shooting me outside in the parking lot of expo center?
You cannot compare DC to Arlington.
I forget what I asked you if anything more than that. Oh about crazy people.
I have had my refresher course on all the NRA talking points. My problem is that 2nd amendment folks don’t see where there might be any conditions that might warrant some limitation. Do you feel the same way about the first? Obviously not.
I grew up in a home with guns my entire life and some gun limitation does not bother me at all. Operative word, some.
here we go – – talk about a looming knock to our credit rating.
Will Obama be blamed for this too – he is not on the super committee and is not a member of Congress. How long will Congress talk about deficit reduction, and spending cuts and entitlement reform, and yet do nothing. They do nothing, we suffer and pay the consequences.
Every western PWC Thanksgiving family table should have symbolic
crescent rolls to be heavily buttered (representing large campaign donations)
and gobbled down followed by a rousing chorus of “Hail to the Asphaltians”!
Bwaaahahahahahahaha!!! Too funny, Big Dog. Very creative also.
@ Big Dog 🙂
Hilarious!!!!! True and sad………………..
Oh…I agree….
I just don’t trust those (not you)that only “reasonable” gun restrictions. Then they can never identify what those laws might be. One has to define “reasonable” first.
What conditions should limit the first? What conditions do limit the first?
I have an unlimited right to free speech. I am held responsible for what I DO with it.
Those restrictions that we have are based upon ABUSE of the right, not possession.
Possession and carry of a firearm harms no one. Abuse of that right can.
Here’s an interesting discussion. And the comments are interesting. And some make me think scary thoughts.
Cato might like it.
First paragraph:
From this fictional beginning we can imagine a series of events unfolding across five continents. There is China without any real food or real energy resources coping with the problem of growing fast enough to keep down internal unrest. We have the North Korea’s population moving with Biblical implacability across the border to the North and pushing, despite fearful losses to landmines, in desperate hungry numbers across the DMZ toward the lights of Seoul. There is a Europe, facing hunger for the first time in 60 years, convulsed with civil unrest as its political fabric, so long divided between the left and the not-so-left is torn, driven by desperation to rally around the banners of creeds which had been forgotten for decades.
And here’s something to start off the week……
This perception is a good example of why there is such hostility between the parties and the desperation of the Tea Party to get the GOP off of their butts and fight.
James N. writes:
It is remarkable that Elena Kagan apparently plans to hear and judge the Obamacare lawsuits, although there is a documentary record of her acting as an advocate within the administration for strategies to get the bill through Congress.
Of course, many Republicans are calling for her recusal, which is absolutely required by the appropriate rules for judges.
It’s interesting that no Democrats agree. That they do not agree tells us much about who and what they are.
They don’t agree because they believe it would be wrong of her to follow the rules. They think it would be wrong because, for them, the purpose of Presidential appointment and Senate confirmation is to overthrow the republican system of a government with limited powers.
For the Democrats in Congress, it would make no more sense for Kagan to recuse herself that it would for her to appear in purple underwear and deliver her opinions in Norwegian.
The electoral system only works when both parties are playing the same game. That is, in our country, no longer the case.
LA replies:
Well put. The two parties are not playing the same game. They play different games, under different rules. What are these different rules? The Republicans more or less follow the laws and constitutional procedures, the Democrats deliberately and consciously break them. But the Republicans, while they complain incessantly about the Democrats, never identify this underlying fact. Why? Because that would show that the system is no longer legitimate. And the function of the Republicans, as “patriotic, conservative Americans,” is to uphold the goodness and legitimacy of the system, a legitimacy which rests on the belief that everyone in American politics shares the same basic principles and loyalties. So the Republicans, as defenders of the system and its presumed basic unity, cannot expose what the Democrats are. If they exposed it, politics would be replaced by open war between two radically incompatible parties and America as we know it would come to an end.
Thousands rally against Wisconsin Republican governor
Reuters – Sun, Nov 20, 2011
MADISON (Reuters) – Thousands of people gathered at the Wisconsin capitol on Saturday to demand a recall of Republican Governor Scott Walker, whose controversial and successful drive to limit public unions last winter sparked the biggest protests in the state since the Vietnam War.
Former U.S. Senator Russ Feingold, a Democrat, signed a recall petition during a morning meeting with about 300 recall volunteers and pledged to help the effort through his political action committee.
With the crowd chanting “Run, Russ, Run,” Feingold repeated that he would not run against Walker in any recall election.
Its real interesting. All Democrats are bad. End of discussion.
That’s what it all says. This coming from a party that went on a spending spree during the last decade and now digs its heels in to protect the rich. The disparity is huge. Corporate taxes are hiding in the Caman Islands and other such places.
We are rapidly running out of money taking care of the rich paying 15% income tax and the normal folks paying a way higher percent. How far off are we from having a non- functioning government?
No compromise? How unAmerican.
While my blood is boiling….what is wrong with the same people who elected the fools that were on the super spending spree last decade? You screwed up–big time. And you are still trying to screw up by bringing about ‘leaders’ who entertain you and really have no leaderstip ability past entertainment. They have no real solutions. ” Stop spending” is a sound bite, not a solution. In the modern world, our government which is complex has to function.
Start getting out of bed with big pharmacuetical, the health care corporations, and the defense contractors and then let’s see what we have. Why would I believe that the people who brought us to the brink have a solution for the rescue?
Where is the tin foil hat?
Where IS your tin foil hat?
This time it IS the Democrat that gave up on their duty. They even refused to give a counter-offer, to cut a deal. It was all or nothing for them. Or is it only brinkmanship when you think that the Republicans are doing it?
Yes….Bush went on a spending spree. And the conservatives didn’t vote for those guys. We put in the Tea Party as much as possible, to cut that spending spree. So….Obama should increase it? You have a problem with the Tea Party that wants Congress to get their act together and stop spending? If “Stop Spending” is just a sound bite, is “More Spending” the solution? How’s that working out for us? We’re screwing up by bringing about leaders that have no leadership ability? Have you seen Obama’s leadership style? Or, more accurately, his “LACK of leadership style?”
We are not running out of money taking care of the rich paying 15% income tax. For one thing….that’s not an income tax. Second…where’s your complaint about Democrat funders like GE….they made a PROFIT off the tax code. And STILL sent more jobs overseas. We are running out of money because our government keeps spending it on things like corrupt green loans to those rich people. But THOSE rich people are ok. Those are Democrat donors. We’re broke because the Democrat Congress spent trillions in stimulus money that supported cronys. We’re broke because, in the face of the “debt reduction”, Democrats still wanted to spend almost half a trillion in NEW “stimulus.” How is “taxing the rich”, which for the Democrats actually consisted of over $1 trillion in NEW taxes, going to keep up with the spending? We’re broke because ACR costs 900 billion. We’re broke because current policies are killing the economy. How much tax money would that pipeline that Obama canceled get us? Or increased drilling in the gulf? Or offshore natural gas drilling in Virginia?
How much money did we spend on the illegal war in Libya?
Yes…lets get the government out of big pharm, health care corps, and defense contractors. But increasing gov’t control via ACR wasn’t going to get the gov’t out of health care. All that did was interfere even more with the market. And yes…we need to get the defense pork out of the bills. But at the same time, we need to cut sensibly. The military budget is being used as a whipping boy because Congress is inept.
Why is it that you can’t bear to criticize the Democrats when THEY are screwing up? I criticize the GOP all the time. No compromise? Yep. And this time, it was the Democrats….oh…wait…it was the Democrats the last time too. You just didn’t like the compromises that the GOP offered and so ignored the Democrats in the Senate.
Here…since I’ve been hard on Dear President…
Credit where credit is due….a success.
I am not a democrat. However, I don’t see most of them as destructive to the nation. I don’t see Obama as totally lacking leadership. If I faulted him, it would be for being too decent to his opposition.
I don’t use the royal we. I can’t get past protecting the rich. And yes, the taxable income from dividends is an income tax. So what if its on a 1099 rather than a 1040. It all gets paid on the same check.
So just what do you think it is? This money that investors and hedge funders all pay out at a 15% rate?
I can’t deal with an opinion dump that is meant to abvoid the issue on the table which is why you or anyone else would want to protect the rich. I don’t approve of GE either. I am not sure why GE gets to be a Democrat rather than a Republican though.
I still don’t understand why you think that increasing taxes is going to do anything to help? The way you go on about “protecting the rich” sounds like envy or class warfare. The Democrats want to kill the “Bush tax cuts” or as it is more properly known….the current tax rates. So…they want to increase taxes on all above $250,000.00.
You have said that you want to increase taxes on the “millionaires” by only 1-3% points. What, exactly, is that supposed to accomplish, other than giving the Democrats a political victory and a precedent stating that the way to deal with out of control spending is higher taxation?
The problem is spending and a bad economy, not a lack of taxation.
The most recent fake jobs bill being touted by Obama would have wiped out your 1% tax increase. So then where would we be?
What we need is real tax reform that lowers taxes across the board, lessens the power of Congress and the President to pick winners and losers, simplifies the tax code, and increases economic growth.
But that won’t happen. The Democrats are insistent on demonizing the “rich,” blaming business, and increasing taxes, so that they can continue spending and paying off their supporters with graft.
“I am not sure why GE gets to be a Democrat rather than a Republican though.”
The head of GE is on many Obama advisory boards and is a big Democrat donor.