SuperCommittee Admits Failure

The Super Committee, charged with shaving $1.2 Trillion dollars off the federal debt, failed to answer their mandate and now admits defeat.  The committee was comprised of 6 Republicans and 6 Democrats.  They have met since August, 2011.

I haven’t followed them.  I saw that all 6 Republicans chosen for the committee were tied to Grover Norquist pledges so the entire committee became a joke.  Committees should consist of people who have a willingness to compromise.  Those committed to a pledge won’t be able to do that.  Why were people chosen who were bound to  a pledge that technically could not involve any outcome that involved taxes being raised anywhere?  Do we all just look stupid?

Hold on to your 401k and other investments today.  The ride should be like a roller coaster….all going downhill.  The pledgers are bound to destroy us to save us. 

No person committed to a pledge should have ever been chosen for a committee that by definition will require compromise.  Thanks R’s.  Thanks for nothing, again.  And you want my Independent vote because?   Yea, I want to be broke.  I want my social security, my medicare and my other retirement funds broke.  That just gives me a warm fuzzy feeling.  Let’s protect the rich from any tax increase at all  and stick it to the senior citizens and the middle class.  

 Our system is morally corrupt.