Sunrise or full moon set? Hard to tell.
Isn’t this January warm weather divine? Are we in for a bitter spell?
For those who like the BBC sagas, don’t forget Downton Abbey season 2 starts tonight. 9 p.m. PBS. It isn’t just a chick flick.
Rick Santorum has a serious problem that has no answer. He must appeal to the conservative base. He must strike a chord with the values people. He needs to appeal to those who are known as the 3 G’s” God, guns, and gay (anti). That should not be difficult for Santorum. His reputation in the U.S. Senate definitely fits the bill as he was very anti-gay rights, pro gun, wanted school vouchers, school prayer and those sorts of things. He opposed anything having to do with reproductive rights. He was anti abortion, even the hard cases. He eschewed contraception and anything that smacked of Title X to include Planned Parenthood.