Sunrise or full moon set? Hard to tell.
Isn’t this January warm weather divine? Are we in for a bitter spell?
For those who like the BBC sagas, don’t forget Downton Abbey season 2 starts tonight. 9 p.m. PBS. It isn’t just a chick flick.
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For Cargo:
Climatologist Mann to speak in Charlottesville on Tuesday
Measure would require diploma or GED to get license until age of 21
Here is a bill doomed for failure. Why do these delegates continue to waste time?
So, will Cuccinelli be there to ask him pointed questions about his allegedly fraudulent work? I mean, if he’s willing to sue to get the info, why not ask the source?
Did Huntsman get the Camera 3 treatment on Stewart? *chuckle*
Yes but he did it gently.
Dunno. Didn’t say.
Why do you assume he is a fraud?
I can in part agree with the Delegate’s intent to place an incentive for graduation or GED…although it goes far afield when he says “for economic reasons”. Seems he does not consider those in HS who may work part-time thereby drawing a salary and paying taxes.
@Ray Beverage
I don’t. Not at all. To me this is just another feel good bill that won’t solve anything and further pushes the idea that adults aren’t adults at 18 but at 21.
HJ17 irks me off as well. If you’re going to restore a persons civil rights (to vote) then why not restore them all – let felons have firearms. If there is no hidden agenda here why not?
Wouldn’t it depend on the crime? I am not so sure that a person convicted of felony with a weapon should get their gun rights back.
Forcing a student to graduate ultimately will cheapen the diploma. That’s how things get watered down. Right now, graduation rates in VA are around 80% on average.
Because the evidence is mounting that his climate science is fraudulent. From emails, the lack of peer review by independent scientists, the inability of other scientists to recreate his results, the “hockey stick” scam, the idea that there is a consensus that CO2 is A driving force, much less THE driving force for any global warming…..etc
Evidence is also mounting that is is right on. Too bad science is so embroiled and quagmired in politics.
Science is never absolutely definitive. Scientists battle with each other and have since time began. I certainly think carbon emissions have an impact on our environment. To think that man has no impact scientifically on the earth is simply denial.
I get angry when I hear it doesn’t. I don’t think anti intellectualism is cute. I think it is harmful to our country. Most people involved in the arguement simply don’t have the scientific background or training to jump into the conversation. I am one such person. However, common sense tells me that billions of human beings with their technologies will have some impact on the earth.
I also have lived long enough to know that spring comes earlier and fall goes later than when I was a child. I don’t discount human impact. I wouldn’t rule it outl.
Hell has just frozen over. I agree with Bill Maher.
Well….at least THIS part:
“If they were real Taliban, if they were people who burn down girls’ schools you know, and do honor rapes, threw acid in people’s faces, I’m not that upset about pissing on them, dead or alive.”
I have not watched the Miss America Pageant in years. My wife just called me in, “Come quick!” So, I did.
DAAAAAAAAAAAAYUUUUM! When did they start wearing bikinis? Go Miss Virginia!
Its nice to see the contest has gotten no less sexist.
My wife loves me.
That distinction is currently made by the governor. The GA is looking at also having the power to do so based on whatever criteria they establish.
But, if not for all felonies why not? I understand you put forth felony use of a firearm but if you don’t trust them with a gun why would you trust them with a vote? Or to sit on a jury? To sign as a notary public? To run for office?
Why is HJ17 needed? What purpose does it server to me as Enrique Q. Public, Taxpayer.
I haven’t read it to be honest. I was just responding to what you said. A gun is going to hurt me a lot worse than someone’s vote. That’s just a right you lose when you are convicted. There is a way around it. Don’t commit felonies.