Is the GOP intentionally committing political suicide or does it really not realize what is happening? GOP, you have to run a real candidate. Right now the field is narrowed down to a few someones many people feel are either morally reprehensible, OR someone no one likes or relates to OR someone so religiously conservative that his positions are repelling most of the people in the United States.
The attack on women’s reproductive rights is going to bury the GOP. The Virginia legislature has made the Old Dominion the laughing stock of the nation. Every night we see another Marshallism ridiculed by Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert, or Rachel Maddow. Ed Schultz has probably gotten in the act also. While people are mocking the Virginia legislature and acting like the rest of us are all a bunch of bo-hicks, the nation now turns to Rick Satorum.
Santorum has left a paper trail of remarks that belong in another era long enough to bury the GOP and alienate most women. Remarks about contraception being harmful have turned off all but the most conservative of the pro-life community. Comments about convenience and aspirin from GOP backers are just feeding the fires of women’s ire. Not just the feminists are furious. Plain old normal women who don’t usually have political interests are pretty stirred up.