Andy Schmookler on Global Warming

The August Free  Press:

Is global warming a real reason for concern? Sixth District Democratic congressional candidate Andy Schmookler doesn’t pretend to be an expert in climate science. He is smart enough to look at what those who are have to say.

“There are people who have been told that the way science works is that we have essentially a conspiracy of scientists from all over the world who are drumming up this hoax in order to frighten people so that they can get more research grants. That isn’t the world as it operates,” Schmookler said.

Read more. I also am smart enough to go to people who know more answers than I do.

Bob McDonnell, VP (That’s Vaginal Probe, not Vice President)


According to pundits like Larry Sabato, McDonnell has pretty much cratered any chances of obtaining the Vice Presidential nomination.  Others agree.  Stick a fork in him, he’s done.  The stupid part is, he knew better and his advisors knew better than to sign the bill he is about to sign.


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Being the anti-birth control party is really not the way to win elections.  The Blunt Amendment was defeated in the Senate today.  The Democratic controlled Senate didn’t have to allow the bill to come to a vote, but…why not let folks shoot themselves in the foot if that is what they want to do.