Being Jewish in a “Christian” County

Allow me to share my perspective living in this County.  On a regular basis, I find myself having to explain I am not a Christian and  it is always  very uncomfortable.

As I have shared in previous posts, having suddenly felt as though I was being “evangelized”, I made the  decision to leave my hairdresser because the owner of Tranquility chose to spread her faith in her Salon, Tranquility Day Spa.

Here is a story I did not share.  My kids had picked raspberries on our property and sold them on the corner of our property. Our street intersects a main road.  A very nice woman stopped and wanted to buy some berries.  I shared that a portion of the money the kids raised would go to the Wounded Warrior Project.  This very nice woman replied how wonderful  it was that the kids we donating a portion of their hard earned money to a charity.

She then continued on to share her church,  had recently done a fundraiser for Wounded Warrior also.  I told her I thought that was fantastic.  The conversation should have stopped there in my opinion.  It didn’t.  Let me interject, at this point in the story, that I  always wear my Star of David.  In this county, I almost feel like I have to in order to deflect the religious overtures I feel on a regular basis.  Anyway, I digress.

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