Allen “McCarthy” West?

Allen West sound just plain foolish.  Good lord, are we now going to revert back to the “red scare” and start having hearings on rooting out the “communists”!

Solidad handled this beautifully.  West is smart enough to realize that actually individually naming names of his colleagues may look untoward so thinks better of taking that final step, which really, in my opinion, solidifies the inanity of his communist blather.

Was Teddy Roosevelt a Communist?  I hope not, but he sure was a Progressive!  He was President during a very contentious period in American history.  Remember the “square deal”?  He was a strong advocate for fair labor contracts and busting up corporate monopolies.   He created the first federal department to ensure the health of food products and safety of drugs.

Lets not forget our first National Parks also and push to protect our natural resources.  Not sure how progress became a dirty word, but shame on West for scraping the bottom of the barrel to insult his fellow congressmen and congresswomen.

Thomas Jefferson was a progressive. Does anyone here really believe the Declaration of Independence was not a “progressive” forward thinking document?

Read about the Progressive Caucus here.


Holocaust Rememberence Day

Yesterday was was the day that Jews and others around the world honor the memory of those who were murdered in the Holocaust.

My Bubbie’s cousin, Izzy, survived the death camps, he is an Auchwitz survivor along with his wife Anna.  My Grandmothers father was from Poland, his brother never emmigrated.  Of Izzy’s entire family, only his two brothers survied, Anna, unfortunately, was the only survivor of her family.

My father created this video.  It tells an amazing story of perseverence, love, bravery, and luck.


Izzy and Anna’s Love Story from A Cut Above The Rest Productions on Vimeo.

The password is izzy.