More iris from Howler acres, last year’s batch. My iris come out at different times so the show lasts several weeks.
The pollen comes back with a vengenance tomorrow. It will be in the ten range.
Who has sprung for the new ipad? Does anyone own the ipad 3? So far I have resisted.
I have an iPad 3… it. The display is wild. Trying to find out more about the “liquidmetal” stuff the iPhone 5 will be made of.
Tell me what I will be getting in ipad3 that I don’t have in ipad 1.
Also, did you upgrade from 1 to 3 or from 1 to 2 to 3?
When does iphone 5 come out, supposedly?
Rick, come back and give your opinion of J. Edgar. I think my earlier message to you went too far down.
Moon, you’ve got mail. Another loss in WestGate this evening. 🙁
John Boehner says ‘one-in-three’ chance GOP loses House
Posted by Aaron Blake at 05:00 PM ET, 04/23/2012
Speaker John Boehner is officially worried about losing the House majority this fall.
The Ohio Republican said in an interview with Fox News Channel that will run on Tuesday that there is a “one-in-three” chance that Democrats will win the House in November — a headline that will surely catch people’s attention.
“I would say that there is a two-in-three chance that we win control of the House again, but there’s a one-in-three chance that we could lose,” Boehner said in the interview. “We’ve got a big challenge, and we’ve got work to do.”
Well….. the war is over. I wonder when the President is going to announce it instead of sending up trial balloons through the State Department. I’m sure he’s testing to see which gets more votes, ending or continuing the war.
“The war on terror is over,” a senior official in the State Department official tells the National Journal. “Now that we have killed most of al Qaida, now that people have come to see legitimate means of expression, people who once might have gone into al Qaida see an opportunity for a legitimate Islamism.”
This new outlook has, in the words of the National Journal, come from a belief among administration officials that “It is no longer the case, in other words, that every Islamist is seen as a potential accessory to terrorists.”
Let’s just hope that someone tells the Jihadists.
No shortage of “Pander Bears” in Washington.
Kudos to Rep. Wolf for pointing them out.
Gun safety classes might not be so safe after all.–ar-1864686/
We are having one of those astrological line ups. Moonhowlings and BVBL both take exception to Rainbow Riding wanting over $200,000 from the county coffers. Both blogs say NO.
Stay tuned. New thread is on its way.
Moon, I’m glad to see the agreement and the public rallying around opposition to wasting our tax money. The claims of fiscal conservatism from some members of our BOCS is akin to North Korea claiming to be a peace-loving state. Actually, if you exclude immigration- and reproductive-related issues there might be more common ground between MH and BVBL, and other seemingly at-odds people in the community than many would assume.
Meanwhile, over in the city the far-right has officially lost their minds over this election. I hope Aveni and Miller are pleased with all of the destruction they have wrought. They should be ashamed at what their supporters are writing on bvbl and bridgetofar, all in the name of getting their annointed sons Carman and Lovejoy elected. They aren’t attacking the democrat and must assume she has no chance at winning. They are attacking elected republicans and the party itself.
Hello Oy Vey and welcome. It was pretty rough last time I checked the City blogs, for sure. Miller needs to back off. He USED to present himself as a Republican that appealed to all City people. Now he seems to be catering only to the tea party and extreme values types….you know, the pitchforks and torches crowd–the Uber-cons.
I know he wants Senator Colgan’s seat. He needs to start ACTING like Senator Colgan and the late Rep. Harry Parrish who represented ALL the constituents, rather than just a few.
The chest thumping and devouring their own party might work this go-round but it will not keep them in office. Miller needs to remember that the 29th Senate District includes a larger area than the 50th and he will be dealing with US again if he runs. I have seen some things I sure don’t like and will spend lots of money on ink letting him know when he runs.
Mr. Aveni needs to stop stirring up his church. That’s a good way to get an IRS visit–
Mr. Carmen is not a Republican and some of the Republicans need to remember that. I am no Republican but I have all the respect in the world for playing by the rules. If you don’t like the rules, last time I looked, no one is forcing a political party on anyone. It would serve a lot of them right if the Republicans refused re-entrance into the party.
It’s sad to watch some of those folks devouring their own. I might go check things out again….and come back.
@Need to Know
I agree. Some people would never admit to agreeing with a person they are “seemingly at-odds people in the community than many would assume.” It’s our tax dollars and our community, we all better care about some very core issues.
Frank is right. They are haggling over the most minescule amounts of money.
Pete wants his cake and to eat it too.
I could care less if I pay 10 more dollars in taxes. BFD. I will take it off my fed income tax.
Tenths of cents is mere pennies in the big picture. Mr. Lafayette, says this showboating is not needed.
Recess? Let’s talk behind closed doors, boys. Wink, wink..
@Need to Know
There’s a lot more fundamental difference. Stay tuned. We will not agree on the War Museum.
A recess 45 minutes after they start. Highly unusual. It sounds like someone is getting taken to the woodshed.
Lafayette–you have mail.
How are folks doing over on your street? Everyone accounted for?
It’s a sad day over. A couple of old neighbors have been in contact and stopped by to check on things. 🙁
Reply on it’s way.
I bet there is lots of yelling and screaming right now and that Mrs. Caddigan is ringing her hands and crossing herself as we speak.
How red is Corey’s face?
Candland is tenacious…like a bulldog.
Sure are tax bills are lower, Corey. Our houses aren’t worth near what they were in 2007. Get real, man.
err, OUR tax bills.
Do they think we are just stupid?
Did Candland say he was threatened? With what? Recall?
@Oy Vey
It appears that Andy has put My Side of the Fence in maintainence mode for a while, things got so out of hand over there.
I saw some of the blogs. They are devouring for sure. We were accused of blasting Jerry Carmen. I quickly stepped in and said we hadn’t mentioned him. WE hadn’t but a guest poster did mention that he had missed a couple of meetings so I corrected. I had forgotten about the guest post since I didn’t write it and it didn’t have anything to do with us.
Hopefully all misunderstandings have been cleared up.
It sounds like some of my favorite Manassas folks are really catching hell. That’s too bad. I am a big fan of Steve Randolph, Andy Harrover and Hal Parrish. I see them as responsible city “legislators” who give hours upon hours to make their city a better place. This isn’t time on the clock. They are at every event. Nothing escapes their watchful eye. They are council for all, even those with whom with disagree. They work with county people also because the city isn’t an island unto itself.
I am sure there are others there who are good people. But when Steve R, Andy and Hal start catching it, MH stands up for them.
These cowardly trolls did a full-fledged mob attack on mysideofthefence. So much so that the owner had to take it down. Judging from what I read there and on other blogs, it appears they are angry about a trail and school vouchers. Here’s the note you get when you go to harrover’s blog:
“The blog was just getting out of hand (wasn’t hacked), so it’s been put on hold. I don’t have time to moderate the garbage that people are posting (using usernames of other people) so it’ll just stew for awhile. The voucher discussion after a relatively sedate exchange this morning just blew apart. Not sure why but it was really out of control and almost all at once. It was no accident. Fortunately, it almost all went into the spam filter. I’m sick of it. Time for a break. Check back in a couple of weeks”
posters were impersonating other posters, and didn’t think a man who runs an IT firm wouldn’t figure it out? These people are shameful. Carman, Lovejoy, Aveni, and Miller…Are you happy now? I hope karma visits each and every one of you. She’s a fellow bitch.
@Oy Vey
I am not sure why Jackson Miller would want to be in it. Hasn’t he moved on to bigger and better things than City Council? i thought he wanted Colgan’s seat.
@oy Vey
That was pretty cruddy behavior…to use someone else’s username.
This sounds worse than the old Chapman days back …when was it? 2005? Lies, lies lies were told. I could be wrong about the year.
It makes me wonder about that kind of dirty politics.
Cowardly trolls….what a fantastic name.
Since the War on Terror is over, can we abolish the TSA and DHS now?
Real men don’t troll. They sing Doo Wop at Arts Alive on May 6 at the Hylton Center (free, family friendly event) – here’s a rehearsal with the New Dominion Choraliers. The guy in the red shirt kicks it.
New Dominion Choraliers are at the Hylton Center this weekend – Sat. April 28 at 7:30 pm and Sunday April 29 at 3:30 pm. (adults $10, seniors and students $5, children under 4 free) AND on May 6 from 2:45 – 3:15 during Arts Alive! 2012 (free).
News media to go ballistic over the violent hyperbole about cutting off heads in 3…..2…… (crickets)
This is what we mean by the double standard.
What is the question, Cargo? Do I think it is good to talk about cutting off the heads of our political enemies? No. I discourage that kind of talk.
On the other hand, How do you think this union talk is like the union talk of the NRA given by Ted Nugent? I had never thought about the NRA as being a union but i guess so.
The David and Goliath imagry doesn’t really bother me. Did the union members say that Walker was evil and vile?
I don’t think that union represents the far left.
Frontline on pbs:
The story of the 2008 crash. A must see for everyone.
Yes… in previous events, the union has called Walker evil, vile, nazi, etc. But THAT isn’t what I’m talking about.
I’m saying that Nugent’s words inflamed the press to daily coverage and this gets nothing. And this was an actual “Cut of HIS head.” statement. That is the double standard. When the “right” says the same things that the “left” does, its an “outrage”.
You might want to say which union. Walker has generated hatred from lots of unions. Unions generally aren’t “far left.” Unions are generally just people who want their piece of the pie. Calling them “far left” invalidates any point you want to make. Far Left, at least to most people, are those crazies who follow the world monetary meetings. You know, the people who want to trade peanut shells rather than deal with real money. They break up things and are always the ones who end up being tazered and arrested when the money boys come to town.
I think you need to accept that comments made about Scott Walker don’t carry the same degree of scrutiny as they do when made against the president. A union rally is a far cry from the NRA centerpiece convention. Ted Nugent, even as much of a has-been as he is, probably has a little more notoriety than whoever that was doing the David and Goliath speech at that rally.
The two events aren’t even in the same ball park. How can you compare a remark made against the President of the United States to an on-going battle with the governor of a mid-western state? As long as the Walker vs unions wars have been going on, I am surprised that there was any press there at all.
Where is Pokie? Pokie? Ipad talk time. Please come back. You won’t hear those words too often from me…..
@Steve Randolph
Talk about Schizo bulls–Apple had been in a free fall for the past several days. I think it was down to $560 per share. At any rate, after the earnings report yesterday it went up $55 bux a share during the night.
This is way too much vertical movement for me! If I must deal with vertical, i want UP to be the only direction.
So, to put the scrutiny into perspective…. the State Police should investigate that man’s threats, right?
All of the unions have put out hit pieces against Walker.
And I didn’t say “far left.” That’s Jim Hoft’s position. However, anytime a collectivist group wants free money….. sounds leftist to me.
I’m surprised that there is any press at all either, because the press is on the side of the unions. Can’t publicize all the crap that they spout, the intimidation tactics used against local businesses, the hateful words on their signs……
They probably have investigated him. How should I know. I really don’t care. I hope they run him out of town. I don’t even care much for unions and I am still on their side against him.
I am on the side of the unions against Scott Walker. Not so much with Boeing. I am on Boeing’s side and I support right to work here in the south.
I throw that out there just so you will know it has everything to do with how odious Scott Walker is rather than rah rah union.
The cops have probably dogged the union leaders for months now. I know who they work for. Unions play rough. I wouldn’t go all paranoid over it. That’s just what they do. Have you been to coal mining country? They play for keeps there also.
I would hope the cops are on it. I still hope Walker gets recalled though.
It still has nothing to do with the Ted Nugent flap. I wonder what Obama thought about the suck on my gun remark?
I bailed out of apple stock about $150 ago. Feels like it has run a bit too far….
“The cops have probably dogged the union leaders for months now.”
Actually the cops have assisted the unions. They stood by while the unions trashed the capitol building.
The Washington Nationals are 13-4, the BEST record in the
National League this morning!!
Far too early in the season for an old “sickness” to return,
but stll felt a twinge of it last night listening to a late
game from the west coast – Pennant Fever. Go Nats!!
M-H, not sure I deserve them, but thank you for your kind words.
Can the center-right hold in Manassas? We will find out Monday.
The 3rd gen iPad is cool, but there are some “interesting” things you notice. First, it feels either a hair thicker or denser or heavier than the Ipad2. It gets hot! I don’t do any gaming, but I’m betting that during a intense game, the thing would get blazing hot.
The dictation thing is pretty cool (remember that Apple uses its own machines to do the voice-to-text).
The display is the draw. I don’t notice the faster processor or better graphics chipset so much because I don’t do a lot of graphics-intensive stuff. You really do notice the display though. the increased resolution is something else. Might want to remember that with increased resolution, you are downloading more data than before, so the big problem I hear about it with the 4G models, where people wind up blowing through 5Gb in 3 days, then either have to pay through the nose or not use it for the rest of the month.
Sooooo… the Ipad-2 is the way to go then…. thanks.
So the Obama administration is looking to limit what kids can do as far as chores on the family farm. The goal here (you have to figure) is to keep that work for illegals, expecting that illegals will vote for Democrats. I like it. They’ll be using drones to look for kids bailing hay on family farms! I think the administration’s got a winner here. Do they think we’re not watching?
I had an iPad 2, and I’ll be totally honest with you, I liked it just as much as the 3. You get a higher-resolution rear camera on the 3 (who cares?), and a wicked display, but I didn’t have any real problem with the 1024×768 display, either.
Oy Vey,
GREAT moniker! Do you know the entire phrase?
OY VEY: “Oh, how terrible things are”. OH VEZ MEAR means “Oh, woe is me”.
Reading this list brings back wonderful memories of my Bubbie 🙂
It’s a shame really, Yiddish is a dying language.
What else is going on? In Buffalo, taxpayers bought 9 million in cosmetic surgery for teachers (provided for in union contracts), and meanwhile Buffalo is so broke, they’re about to vote to not have summer school. How long do you lefties feel you have before people really start waking up?
The the governor isn’t doing his job. The state police work for him. It sounds like that is old news. It would only happen once if I were the governor of any state.
@Steve Randolph
Steve, maybe its like malaria, you will just have the reoccurrence every so often.
Nothing like actually discerning the facts from fiction.
You folks bailing out of AAPL need to fire your financial advisers 🙂
When it closed yesterday at 560ish, it was actually trading at a discount to MSFT and IBM. Raise your hand if you believe that MSFT has more growth potential than AAPL.
So did you upgrade from ipad 2 to ipad 3?
I have ipad 1 and it is on an unlimited plan. I was told I could keep the plan as long as I draw breath. I mostly use the wifi part of it. Are the people with download problems the people who travel alot and don’t use hotel wifi?
@Cato the Elder
I didn’t bail out of apple. I am hang right here. In fact, I bought just a little more with some dividend money.
My guru told me profit taking before the earnings report. My guru isn’t my financial advisor.
So if you were moving on up from a 1 to a ? would you chose 2 or 3?
@Oy Vey
You know, I just came back from making the blog rounds and there are some nasty folks out there. Damn! I think I am going to add Mark Wolfe and Sheryl Bass to the FOMH list (that would be Friends of Moonhowlings) I especially don’t like why Wolfe is being bullied. I have heard wonderful things about Mrs. Bass so I am going to put both of those people right up here with Andy, Steve R and Hal.
What I find so sad is that a lot of the ugly is coming from the family values crowd. That’s really too bad that some don’t see that disrespecting others really isn’t a family value.
I have a couple of friends over in the City who I know will be glad when all this is over.