There’s a city election on Tuesday, May, 1st, and it may well prove to be one of the most interesting city elections any of us can remember. This one might even out-do the ill-fated Steve Chapman challenge to Rep. Harry Parrish, about 7 years ago, as far as high political drama goes.
We here at Moonhowlings have been watching the developing political drama from the audience, rather than leaping into what is proving to be “Theater in the Round”. We did have a guest post, but that was not our observations, but theirs. We chose to observe, gather facts and opinions and wait until we had a clear picture of not only what is playing out on the public stage, but a good understanding of the “backstage dynamics” that are driving this political theater….and theater it is:
Current Mayor Hal Parrish is running unopposed for reelection. All of the excitement in this race was settled at the GOP convention, when Hal held off a challenge for the nomination from Andy Harrover. We like both of these public servants, as it is clear to us that they place the best interests of the entire community as priority, rather than bowing to the pressure of a very vocal few. Neither one of them carry pitchforks or torches.
The real excitement is in the city council race. Much more so than may be apparent to the casual observer…or even to those who consider themselves “informed.” We would like to present a clear picture of what appears to really be going on, and we promise that our dear (and not so dear) readers will not be disappointed. This “play” has intrigue and double-dealing, willing and unwilling and even unknowing participants. Basically, it’s a “play” about power and retribution, pure and simple. We here at ‘Howlings will narrate this from stage right (or left, depending on where you sit in the audience). So let’s get to it, shall we?
Prologue: The Players
Contending for three seats on city council are:
Jon Way: Republican. Originally appointed to serve out the remainder of Jackson Miller’s term on council, when Miller was elected delegate. Jon ran as a GOP nominee in his own right four years ago, and was reelected in a general election. His term is up this year, and he is seeking another.
Mark Wolfe: Republican. Mark was nominated and elected in the same general election as Jon. He is a GOP nominee seeking a 2nd term on council.
Ian Lovejoy: Republican. Ian was one of two non-incumbent challengers at the February GOP convention, and was successful in his bid for the nomination.
Jerry Carman: Independent uber-conservative, running for council
Sheryl-Bass: Republican. Former long-serving school board member, appointed to serve the remainder of Councilman Steve Smith’s term, when he was appointed to the judicial bench.
Marc Aveni: Republican uber-conservative. Currently serving his second term on council, and not up for reelection until 2014.
Andy Harrover: Republican. Currently serving as Vice-mayor and third term as councilman. Not up for reelection until 2014. Blogger who owns My Side of the Fence (MSOTF)
Jackson Miller: Republican uber-conservative. Currently serving as delegate to the HOD. Former Manassas council member.
Minor Players:
Patricia Ritche-Folks: Democrat, running for council
Steve Thomas: Newly elected Manassas GOP Chairman
The “Write-in Sheryl-Bass Campaign”: group of citizens staging a grass-roots write-in campaign
Doug Brown: Blogger. Owner of A Bridge Too Far (ABTF)
Dan Arnold: Founder of the Manassas Tea Party
The Greek Chorus:
BVBL Blog Posters
MSOTF blog Posters
Act I: Whispers of War
As near as we can tell, about six months ago, Jerry Carman quietly launched a campaign for city council, conducted through word-of-mouth and on social media. Something like this doesn’t stay secret for very long, in a small town. Tongues wag. There were questions asked. Who is Jerry Carman? Few seemed to have ever heard of him. He wasn’t known as any kind of activist or “mover and shaker” in Manassas politics. He put up a website, long on positions, and short on meaningful background. Clearly, his positions are extremely conservative, but someone this committed to conservative causes must have done something to further those causes in the past. (Translation: we doubt we would have much in common.) We (back when we were the Anti’s) hadn’t dealt with him on the immigration debate…we knew all the players in that realm.
We searched and searched and couldn’t find any time where he had been part of the public debate on any issue. So who exactly is Jerry Carman? Beyond being a committed husband and father, you’d think someone living in Manassas for a decade would have done something, anything to fight for causes in which he believed in so strongly– Strongly enough, in fact, to inspire a run for council. You’d think his name would have come up at least once over the years. This dude hadn’t even caused a fight anywhere that we could tell. We don’t think this guy even has any enemies. Our local reporters didn’t find out much either. (Our reporters have a keen sense of smell for sniffing out activism.) Also, if having the endorsement of the Manassas GOP is beneficial in election success (as history would indicate), why would Jerry Carman want to run as an independent? Very puzzling. It couldn’t be all about not wanting to have to primary.
Not long thereafter, a site appeared on the local political blog scene: A Bridge Too Far (ABTF). The owner, Doug Brown, first appeared to take issue with Vice-Mayor Andy Harrover’s chastising some of the posters on Andy’s own blog, My Side Of The Fence (MSOTF). Andy’s blog has been around for years, and he has consistently used it as a conduit for communications with his constituents. Andy’s blog is the place to go when you are tired of dealing with crap on your own blog. He brings order and sanity to blogging. Andy only has a few rules on his blog, but one he insists on is civility. The Moonhowlers and many of our own contributors have participated in many a spirited debate on MSOTF, and we respect and admire the way Andy runs his blog. People can have their say, but Andy wouldn’t hesitate to step in and tell everyone to “cool it”, when the debate became super-heated. Any number of issues have been discussed at MSOTF, such as zoning, the budget, certain retail stores, and taxes. Andy has given us his views on these topics, and has asked for ours. Who could take issue with that? Apparently, Doug Brown does, and continues to do so.
[More ale, wench!]
So what about Doug Brown and his ABTF site? Taking issue with Andy’s management of MSOTF would only provide material for a few posts, and we Howler ladies know that a blog requires steady content to remain relevant. So, what else would Doug Brown write about, and why would he write about it to begin with? Why would he moan and groan about what Andy does on Andy’s blog?
Brown claims to be a conservative republican, who has nothing but disdain for the Manassas GOP and the current Manassas School Board. His early posts were attacks on council members Bass and Wolfe. When (then) Vice Chairman Steve Thomas questioned how Doug could claim to be a ardent republican and yet viciously attack the GOP, there was quite a spirited discussion [translation: the fur flew.].
Now, we know Steve over here. While we don’t often agree with his politics, he does present his positions respectfully and civilly. Every once in a while, the earth grinds to a halt and we do agree. He has defended the GOP numerous times here, against those who make no bones about their issues with the party, but are not republicans (looking sheepish here). He knows we are party-less here and that no party is sacred in our minds.
Doug is different. He’s a bully, in our opinion. Steve stood up to him, and their fight continues to this day. Every chance he gets, Doug takes swing at (Now Chairman) Steve. It seems like it’s almost an obsession with Brown.
Steve hasn’t responded to these provocations, since a thread where it appears that Steve took issue with republican elected officials who were potentially and quietly supporting independent Jerry Carman, over the rightful nominees of the GOP. Support of non-republicans, which if true, would be a serious breach and potentially politically damaging and regardless of one’s opinion of Republicans, the Republican Party or MGOP, Steve has every right and obligation to insist that folks play by the rules. (Rule of Law, in unison!). Political parties are funny about stuff like that and it is our main reason for being independents. As a matter of fact, it appears that Steve has pretty much gone silent on the blogs since then. Doug, and a certain councilman’s family member, reacted rather strongly to Steve’s comment. Was he on to something, or did he accidently uncover a conspiracy? Wethinks the baroness and her jester, doth protest too much. Read it here, and draw your own conclusions:
Ah, there’s the rub. The facts. But after all, ” All the world’s a stage”
Tomorrow, Act II: The Convention.
Wow….You go girls!!! Take no prisoners.
The tower is full. No prisoners shall be taken. Care for a mug of ale?
The moat is full of alligators and other reptilean varmits.
@ Moon
Is the moat surrounded by Carmen yard signs?
Teases!!! Now we have to wait until tomorrow!!! I was ready to sit back with a good glass of stout and watch the fireworks.
My intuition tells me that Wolfe, Bass, and Ritche-Folks might waltz away with victories. (The Council needs more women and more Dems to better represent the City.) The Teabaggers and moderate Republicans will slug it out and split the vote. I see that the spouses are up in arms too! What fun!!!
It looks like some spouses threw their mates under the bus too, doesn’t it. OOOPS.
For all I know, they are all out there sucking up to the alligators…you know, bringing them treats etc.
We can throw you a life line if you want to come in.
I think I’ll just sit back and enjoy the early July 4 fireworks for awhile.
I raise my stein of Monty Python’s Holy Ale (tempered over buring witches) to the authors!
Wench! More ale for the lords!! Chop chop!!!
Local politics is where all the real action and drama unfolds!
Elena, I forgot to ask you… mind playing the role of wench while the play is in town?
😉 why not!
Wonder if Vstart Crow would perform it?
Only if the City Council restores their funding.
Tutus, leotards, pitchforks and torches, all on bikes. My kind of performance!! Bring it on.
That’s funny IVAN! I am sure if Manassas Ballet decided to perform it, the Tea Party would call for a riot.
……the plot thicken (ominous piano in the background plays softly)
Since Carmen works at night as a musician, perhaps you could turn this into a musical with Carmen writing the score. It would open with the”Bike trail Overture” and continue with some chanting in the background led by Marc Aveni and finish with a rousing rendition of “Carry Me Back to Old Virginnie in 1956”. Of course this would have to be performed at the Hylton Center with “whites only” in the orchestra section and “others in the balconies; seperate bathrooms of course.
“Tutus, leotards, pitchforks and torches, all on bikes.” That’s funny. Throw in expensive battle reenactments, lavish parties for the establishment at taxpayer expense, and a nutcase flying communist flags across the street from the train station and you’ve got Manassas.
“Since Carmen works at night as a musician, perhaps you could turn this into a musical with Carmen writing the score.’
Is this why he missed the candidates forum? He had a gig? If he gets elected, will he miss all kinds of council meetings and work sessions because he’s out on tour? Are Doug Brown and GregL his roadies?
Regarding something completely different – insidenova is reporting that three horses were slashed at a non-profit therapeutic riding center in Herndon. First, that’s a dispicable act and I hope the police catch whoever is responsible for harming defenseless animals. Second, I knew about the large therapeutic riding center in Clifton, but was unaware that Herndon had one too. How many of these centers are there in Northern Virginia? We do PWC citizens have to cough up so much money to subsidize the one run by Wally Covington’s wife? There seems to be a plethora of places offering this service around.
You all have me hysterical!!!!
I am having enough trouble breathing between the week long cold, my allergies, and howling with laughter. The roadie remark finished me off.
Anyone who injures an animal should be buggy whipped in the public square. I hope they are caught. And I don’t know how many theraputic service there are. My brother said they are the in thing as far as chariities go, whatever that means.
It makes me wonder why the guy who came begging at our bocs meeting didn’t take that story to Fairfax.
Back to our story in a few….elena and I are just putting the finishing touches on part 2.
Back to the main theme of this story – alternate universes. I’m happy today because FOX announced yesterday that they are picking up “Fringe” for a fifth and final season to wrap up the story. In a world of reality tv shows and other rubbish not even at the kindergarten level of intelligence, “Fringe” has been a breath of fresh air with intelligent writing and creative story ideas. I suppose when they wrap up the fifth season next year, we’re back to nothing but brain-dead reality shows, run-of-the-mill cop dramas and intelligence-insulting sitcoms.
I guess the guessing games start now. Anyone who has ever posted here will be accused of something. Just think of the Inquisition.
You have the built in “Inquisitor” complete with pitchforks and torches to do the inquiring.
Not all the flags and coats of arms have been planted outside the right tents yet. There is still subterfuge going on. The alligators are still being bribed.
Just don’t believe everything that is being said.
I think that Marc Aveni should have a little more support from you all instead of bad mouthing him and his wife. He’s had nothing but the best interests of the city in mind ever since his election. The very tea bagger crazies you mock on this forum are the same people who are trying valiantly to restore some sort of order and integrity into this city. Floozy ballet shows are nice but not what keeps a city going. Furthermore, do you all have nothing better to do than attack your local city councilman Marc Aveni and his family? “You beastly knave…have you no reverence?” If anyone of you actually met Marc’s wife I am sure “baroness” is the last word you would ever think to use to describe her! This woman of all people being dubbed a baroness is almost laughable! If that’s how you treat a self sacrificing woman who stays at home raising her children than you really should be ashamed of yourselves. The fact that you show outrage over horses being slaughtered at an equestrian center but then on the same thread show no remorse for bad mouthing upstanding Manassas citycouncil members and their wives is reprehensible. You all are enjoying throwing Shakespeare around lightly here so let me throw this one out to you….”Thinkest thou that duty shall have dread to speak when power to flattery bows? To plainness honor’s bound when majesty falls to folly. Reserve thy state, and in thy best consideration check that hideous rashness.” I would like to applaud Marc Aveni for making this city a better place to live in by NOT bowing to flattery or letting “majesty fall to folly”. He and his wife are trying to make this city a better place; and you, my dear spectators, are viewing the happenings of your city as if it were one of Wolf’s plays… Nice to watch but you never would want to be actually be part of one. But I guess if the happenings of our city are nothing more than entertaining acts on a stage for you, then as Shakespeare himself once said, “The fool will stay and let the wise man fly.”
@ManassasGal Welcome.
No one has been attacked here. Nor has it been our intention to “bad mouth” anyone. Baroness is not an insulting term. Calling someone’s ballet “floozy” might be considered insulting, however.
The “play” is a satire on the political antics in the City of Manassas. We have not said anyone is an evil or bad human being. We are laughing at the foilables of the body politic and its players. Perhaps the most amusing component of all of this is how so many folks want everyone else to play by the rules but they aren’t willing to play themselves. For instance, it’s ok to insist that people voting at the Republican convention be Republican. BUT…its also ok to support candidates who aren’t Republican because …well…they like them. They disbandon the rules for themselves but not others.
You, Manassas Gal, are perfectly willing to take a few less than flattering swipes at Mark Wolfe, yet insist I have somehow bad-mouthed your friends by referring to the lady as a ‘baroness.” Oh the irony. You want me to play nice but you don’t have to go by the same rules.
Not all agree on what is the best political course of action for the City. Hopefully, we are free to disagree on politics still. I feel certain the Avenis are mature enough to realize that not everyone agrees with the world through their glasses.
The Avenis aren’t running for office this cycle. What is being questioned is the fact that Mrs. Aveni jumped down the throat of your GOP chair when the chairman mentioned NO one by name. It was like a public confession. That truly was a caught caught caught moment.
I have read some real nasty stuff on the blogs and I have listen to some real nasty talk around town. (loose lips sink ships?) You won’t read those kinds of character assassinations here about those running and those involved in the political process.
Lastly, I think most of us are concerned that thugs would intentionally harm animals. I don’t see that as a character flaw to be outraged over the fact that 3 animals were slashed. Some of the wounds were life-threatening.
“The fool will stay and let the wise man fly”…interesting quote considering, across the broad range of Ole Bill’s plays, the fool is usually a common person or one very clever who uses his wit to outsmart those of higher social standing. Often, they are the commentators; bringing a counterpoint to the events unfolding in the play. The fools – think of Touchstone, Falstaff or Puck and their like – all do an excellent job of such. Folly is the philosophy of the fool, and the role allows for expressing repressed sentiments – in a rationalized way of wisdom.