Grant Lattin, Occoquan School Board Representative, resigns

Mr. Grant Lattin, Occoquan School Board Representative has resigned just 4 months after being reelected to the Prince William county School Board.   What a loss.  Mr. Lattin was a voice of reason and moderation on the board.  According to the Washington Post:

Lattin, a father of nine, said in a telephone interview that having a full-time work load in the District overseeing U.S. Navy lawyers and then rushing home to deal with School Board activities came “at the expense of my family.”

After almost nine years on the board, Lattin said, it was “time to adjust my priorities and spend some more time with my family.”

“We’ve kept the cost of public education at a manageable rate while at the same time providing a high-quality education,” Lattin said of his tenure. At the same time, he said, the school system’s budget situation is troublesome, and more funds are needed.

I expect that at some point, school board members grow weary of dealing with jerks.  Mr. Lattin  deserves a much needed rest from it all.  PWC doesn’t have enough money to operate a Nothern Virginia school system.  Having the lowest per-pupil spending is nothing to brag about. 

Prince William County has a problem.  Every time it pulls itself out of the cow pasture, the BOCS does does something to make sure it lands right back in the middle of the cow pie.  PWC prides itself on  operating on the cheap.  You can’t run a school system on the cheap.   All the slogans in the world aren’t going to make PWC Schools provide a  World Class education with over 30 students in a classroom and the most underpaid teachers in Northern Virginia. 

Unfortunately, this Board of Supervisors, like many who have gone before it, wants to get reelected on saving the tax payers a few bucks.  Rather than adding the couple of cents to the tax rate needed for schools, it cheaps and struts around like a barnyard rooster who is missing a few tail plumes, bragging and blowing about keeping taxes low.  Honest dialogue is needed.  There is an old expression about chicken salad….the BOCS needs to learn it real fast. 

Meanwhile, thank you for your 9 years of service, Mr. Lattin.  You deserve a break.  Enjoy your family.