The Candland Mystery Challenge Continues

I have been checking out the blogs and picking up information.  I thought today we could just kick around a few ideas.

According to the Sheriff, Supervisor Pete Candland has submitted a second letter to the county attorney  asking for clarification.  Meanwhile, Chairman Stewart has stated that County Attorney Horan is under no obligation to answer Supervisor Candland.  Why have a county attorney if not as a resource for all supervisors?

Let’s put a few things in perspective.  Ms. Horan is an employee of the  BOCS.   She is hired to legally  advise the county.  I would surmise that her first obligation is to advise the Board on legal matters.  First off, I suppose, as an  employee, she has to do what she is told.  If following directives comes into conflict with her sense of legal ethics, then she can resign.  I think this is a long way around saying they are her boss.  She is not their boss. County Executive Peacor, same deal.  She is the BOCS’s employee.  She, in turn, is the ultimate boss of all county employees who are not school board employees.  The school board employees answer to Dr. Walts, the superintendent.  His bosses are the School Board.  He serves at their pleasure.

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