Perhaps the most awe-inspiring of all the National Parks, at least at first glance.  I will never forget the first time I saw the Grand Canyon.  It literally took my breath away that anything that magnificent existed.  No picture will ever do it justice.

I was always very resentful of the book on Grand Canyon proprty that said the Grand Canyon was only 6,000 years old.  GRRRRRRRRRRRRR.  While scientists have not agreed on the exact age of the Grand Canyon, those of the fighting takes place over how many millions of years old it is.  Scientists love to fight with each other.

128 Thoughts to “Open Thread………………………………………………..Friday, June 15”

  1. Need to Know

    Moon, let’s look deeper at the Wartime Museum. The link below is to Kipp Hanley’s article from last April.

    Allan Cors, the Museum’s Chairman and owner of the Nokesville tank farm, was also talking about having raised $32 million of “in-kind work and cash” just as Kathy Bentz wrote about in the link Moe provided. However, their latest available Form 990 shows that they had raised only a little more than $5.1 million, and most of that was in unpaid pledges.

    They are months behind in filing a Form 990. If they have been so successful at recent fundraising, why don’t they annouce it to the world, and why did their CEO quit? What kind of “in-kind work” has been going on that is worth tens of millions of dollars?

    When additional taxpayer funding comes before the Board this summer, I want to see detailed financial statements showing exactly how much they have raised, if it is cash or more pledges, exactly what they’ve done at the site, exactly what that $32 million of “in-kind work and cash” is, and documentation of any private donations known to be coming in the future.

    The Board can not keep pouring good money after bad, and picking the taxpayers’ pockets for the benefit of cronies, chums and campaign contributors.

    1. Totally agree, NTK. I think it is time to sack this dead horse. I will be furious if one more penny goes to the War Museum or to Reinbow Riding.

      Supervisors…stop wasting our money without our permission.

      The War Museum should not get another penny. I understand he is a major donor to people’s campaigns. tough crap. That isn’t my problem.

      Reinbow Riding needs to grateful for that they have. No other non-profit charity is getting 45 acres of rent free county property.
      As a resident, I don’t want paved over parking lots in at the lake. That building is already an atrocity and doesn’t fit into the architectural theme of the area. Haymarket even made McDonalds and other stores conform to theme.

      The county is so damn irresponsible they didn’t even know what was going in out there. They didn’t effen know! A barn? BS. Put in a couple of loading docks made in the form of ramps. A couple grand could do that easily. Wheel chairs do nicely on wooden ramps.

      And before I am accused of hating the disabled and horses, I myself am disabled and I also have spent more than a few years as a young person riding horses. I hate greed–not horses and the handicapped.

  2. marinm

    “I would think that your opinion might strike more of a personal chord with you.”

    It doesn’t.

    Was your mother pregnant with you?

    No. She was illegal when she had me. I *think* my dad had just gotten legal status. The time period is a bit fussy but legal status for him occured around my birth. My brother was born a year later and thats when she got her legal status.

    “If that happened today she would probably be denied entrance.”

    Yup. Sorry mom.

    “That fact brings up a critical point. Something that was legal one year was not legal the next. Did Congress change anything? No. Policy changed. The pen pushers and pencil sharpeners can change policy. It has nothing to do with the Constitution. It is policy formulated under these laws…how to make the laws work. It is closely related to how Ronald Reagan fired all the air traffic controllers.”

    Policy would be to say, “We will not go after illegal children unless they make their presence known to law enforcement.” That would be a policy consistent with the laws. Or, a policy that says “Because Congress hasn’t allocated enough money to let us do our mission our priority will be to deport gangbangers. All other illegal aliens that have not committed a felony or serious misdemenor will be released.”

    I think the American people can buy that. What they won’t buy is a President simply saying he’ll not only ignore the law but create an arbitrary amnesty program from thin air using a Presidential Edict. Sounds very bananna republic to me.

    Again, I think a lot of people may be inclined to keep the RIGHT kind of illegal alien children in country – especially those that show brilliant promise – but the way the edict comes off is as a blanket amnesty.

    “I am delighted that President Obama did issue orders not to deport kids with no record and who are in school or have good grades. It is long overdue.”

    If the kid drops out do you then support deporting them? What if they dropped out because the family needed more money? Has this policy change been factored in to our current spending plan? What if Americans we’re now asked to sacrifice a little bit more in terms of government assistance because more people will be on the dole?

    “I also feel certain that your Mom didn’t intend to come here to do nefarious things., I am sure she wanted a better life for her kids and to be with your father.”

    My mother was kicked out from her home and had no where to go. She wasn’t wanted by her family.

    I have friends who have married immigrants who got a status change. Other friends were not so lucky. Twinad has never gotten a status change on her husband. At what point do you take the risk. A child needs his father. They cannot risk deportation.

    An American child can request citizenship for his alien father/mother. From my understanding the process for moms goes a lot faster than for dads. I have not applied for legal status for my parents as I don’t trust who’d they vote for.

    1. Marin, I hope your mother slaps the crap out of you. She gave you a good life. I am sitting here with tears running down my face for your parents, especially your mother. How sad to be an unwanted child. She doesn’t deserve to be kicked by the country also. I saw them on facebook so I can attach faces to names. The least you can do is help them where you can since you are a citizen.

      Actually, they can apply for citizenship on their own. Give them my name. I would help them. I feel I have a connection to them.

      President Obama didn’t say or do what you said he did. We should be deporting gang members and criminals. I have no problem with that at all. Obama has deported more illegal aliens than any other president. Most have been criminals.

      Listen again to what he really has said, last week and earlier. I don’t think George Bush would have disagreed with him. It is expensive to deport. It involves transportation and manhours and court time.

  3. Censored bybvbl

    In the Independent Hill area Dumfries Road is already difficult to access during rush hour. It could use a few more smart lights already at cross intersections. Now that we’ll have more traffic with this proposed new developers’ dream, I wonder if more lights will finally be added. This area is semi-rural residential and now it will be expected to accept a super highway. Maybe the mid-county civic association needs to get on the ball and approach the various home owners associations along this proposed route and let them know that they can expect beltway traffic and noise in their communities.

    1. It will just be dreadful. I think if that happens we ought to demand it be turned in to a toll road.

  4. Morris Davis

    Mitt Romney is fond of claiming his love for American Exceptionalism stands in contrast to Obama apologizing for America (which he doesn’t). I didn’t realize until I read an article in Foreign Policy that the term American Exceptionalism comes from a speech in 1929 by former Soviet Union leader Joseph Stalin. I guess Romney prefers Stalin over Alinsky.

    1. I didn’t realize that either. I have always associated the expression “American Exceptionalism” with arrogance and false pride. Unlimited resources and a population that either grew strongr through survival or died didn’t hurt the good of the cause either. It is easy to be proud of the accomplishments of your country without the arrogance.

  5. Herman Toad

    Quit beating around the bush and call it as it is. These are blatant conflicts of interest and both Stewart, Junkins and other supervisors backing this scam on one hand, and Bentz and the other should be called to account. Have a look at this from that stupid tank museum’s website.

    This Bentz woman is its Director of Operations, presumably a paid position.


    Bentz Communications is her own company. She’s a paid executive of an organization funded mainly by taxpayers and is also hiring her own company to do work for that organization. Anyone else have a problem with this?

    1. It sort of leaped off the page at me, Herman Toad. Sorry I didn’t approve your comment right away. Welcome to moonhowlings.

      It did appear that there is conflict of interest but I am just not sure. The goal posts keep moving on this one. Since Mr. Jenkins went so orbital over a campaign vendor what does this do to his blood pressure? He approved it apparently and he is a supporter of the tank farm museum.

      I now oppose any PWC funds going into this endeavor. It is not self sustaining. To quote Corey, Stop Spending.

  6. marinm

    “Marin, I hope your mother slaps the crap out of you. She gave you a good life.”

    She did and I’m very grateful. She’s of legal status so she has a lot of rights, benefits and privileges. However I, as a citizen, feel uncomfortable with her getting Citizenship if she doesn’t understand the awesome power that comes with it.

    “The least you can do is help them where you can since you are a citizen.”

    I will if I can get assurance that they understand the honors and obligations of citizenship.

    “Actually, they can apply for citizenship on their own.”

    They can and have not. See above with respect to understanding the obligations of citizenship.

    “President Obama didn’t say or do what you said he did.”

    What did he say? What do you think he said?

    “Listen again to what he really has said, last week and earlier. I don’t think George Bush would have disagreed with him. It is expensive to deport. It involves transportation and manhours and court time.”

    Which Bush? GW was a liberal.

    “I didn’t realize that either. I have always associated the expression “American Exceptionalism” with arrogance and false pride.”

    You weren’t a fan of TEAM AMERICA: WORLD POLICE? 🙂

    1. Translation, if they vote the way you tell them to vote. I actually think that is really horrible on your part. Maybe they understand a whole lot more than you do. They are the people who took the risks. They really don’t need your help to become citizens. I believe they can do it on their own. If they need someone to sign off on them, they have other children.

      Part of being a citizen is also being able to excercise free will. What you seem to want is some sort of overlord system.

      The lady didn’t slap you hard enough.

      GW was not a liberal. Geez. And his father was more progressive than GW was. marin, anyone is liberal compared to you.

      Mrs. Marin Senior. Please come beat your son.

  7. Need to Know


    This County operates on the three Cs – Cronies, Chums and Campaign Contributors (maybe that’s four Cs). If you are the Wartime Museum, Manassas Ballet, Rainbow Riding, etc., just email how much you want and you’ll be taken care of. If you are a teacher, policeman, firefighter, etc., you’re out of luck.

  8. @Moon-howler
    Other than being right to life….how was GW NOT a liberal. The current liberal is continuing ALL of Bush’s programs. GW was a big spending, big government, liberal. Two of his programs were popular with the Democrats….NCLB, and the Prescription subsidy. He was also very “open border.”

    1. RX was popular with everyone. NCLB was popular with no one.

      You can do those kinds of plans and not find funding for them. Bush surrounded himself with conservatives. They were who held the power.

  9. Herman Toad


    Thanks for the welcome Moon. I don’t like blogging but consider myself a sort of bright guy. I’ve been watching this “expletive deleted” Corey Stewart and the “expletive deleted” he and Jenkins have been trying to get away with and can’t stand it anymore.

  10. Herman Toad

    Oh, and I’m a Republican who has lived in Prince William County for over 30 years. I’ve seen republicans and democrats come and go around here, but have never seen anything as sleazy as what’s happening now.

  11. marinm


    “Translation, if they vote the way you tell them to vote. I actually think that is really horrible on your part. Maybe they understand a whole lot more than you do. They are the people who took the risks. They really don’t need your help to become citizens. I believe they can do it on their own. If they need someone to sign off on them, they have other children.”

    Yes and no. Like the government, I need to have a clear belief that the person applying for Citizenship would be a good citizen. That they would take the obligations freely and with a full understanding of the meaning. I don’t see that yet. Now, I’m not saying that I expect ‘service earns citizenship’ but I at least want to know a recognition of how our government works (or doesn’t) and a commitment to excercise the rights they’d be given (even if it means a vote in the wrong direction).

    And you are right. I’m one of 4 siblings. And as you pointed out they don’t even need us to sign off on it – us doing so just accelerates the process.

    “Part of being a citizen is also being able to excercise free will. What you seem to want is some sort of overlord system.”

    I would say that I’m providing them a real world example of free will. They can seek citizenship if they desire without my aid. If they want it; they’ll do it. If they don’t; they won’t. I’m free to decline and they are free to persue.

    “The lady didn’t slap you hard enough.”

    Mom is great. She taught me a lot about life and family. When she retires if she wants to live with me she’ll always have a place in my home – assuming she’s of legal status.

    “GW was not a liberal. Geez. And his father was more progressive than GW was. marin, anyone is liberal compared to you.”

    This guy Barry Goldwater seemed like he was clicking on all cylinders. We need more people like THAT.

  12. The president is “out of touch” for “tastelessly” playing golf while trying to convince voters that the economy is improving.”

    He “tastelessly did it, often from the ninth hole,…”

    “The impression you got was that he was out of touch.”

    “you cite these statistics that say the economy is improving, you almost do political damage to yourself.”

    “If you stand up and claim great progress, you are only frustrating this alienated middle class more,” he said.

  13. punchak

    If I were your mother, I don’t believe I’d want to live with you.
    Your attitude towards her is really hard to understand.

    Because you aren’t sure how she’d vote, you don’t want her to become a citizen?
    Is that what you mean? Really? Can she read?

  14. Morris Davis

    Congratulations to Rafalca Romney for making the US Olympic team! Growing up in rural NC, there was nothing we enjoyed more than NASCAR, professional wrestling, and watching a horse that cost more than a house on 10 acres dance the ballet with a person in tweed britches and a velvet helmet on its back. I’ll be stocking up on PBR and pork rinds so I’m ready to watch the Romneys go for (more) gold.

  15. marinm


    I think she has about an 8th grade education. She can read but does much better in her native language.

    If she can’t pass the citizenship test I don’t want her as a citizen.

    If she can’t vote correctly I’d prefer if she didn’t vote. 😉

  16. Morris Davis

    West Virginia’s senior elected Democrats are going to boycott the Democratic National Convention this summer in Charlotte, North Carolina. It’s good to see the West Virginia Dems making a unified and demonstrable statement in opposition to North Carolina’s recent constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage. Way to go, Proud West Virginia Dems!

  17. @Morris Davis
    I’m surprised that this take isn’t being spun in more media outlets. Brilliant! 😉

  18. @marinm

    Most Americans can’t pass the citizenship test. Listening to you, it is amost like slavery never ended…that paternalistic, colonial attitude.

    Let me tell you how badly I would kick my son’s ass if I even had a hint he felt that way towards me. How about let’s hooking Mama Moon and Mama Marin up for a lunch date. I will return her a miltant mother, I promise.

  19. @Morris Davis

    I was in West Virginia the night before before the 2010 elections. After seeing that guy’s commercial I am not surprised at anything. The only thing I question is why any of them are Democrats. I would give them their walking papers.

    What’s to spin? They are obviously West Virginia’s finest. Notice the expression I am avoiding?

  20. marinm


    That’s probably a good thing but keep in mind that citizenship not granted by birth must be earned. I believe in that. While most American’s can’t pass the test – they are citizens by birth and not required to do so.

    “The only thing I question is why any of them are Democrats.”

    Maybe they’re DINOs?

    1. Democrats don’t have the negative distinction. Blue Dog Democrat is not a perjorative expression.

  21. Chris

    While at the graduation ceremony for Stonewall, I learned two of my favorite teachers both with over 4 decades of teaching at Stonewall were also “graduating” (retiring). I know what a huge loss this will be for Stonewall. Then this morning, I’ve learned of a HUGE loss for the school system as a whole. Ms. Gail Hubbard will retire at the end of the month. Anyone can read this article and see what an impact she’s had on our schools and see the county grow by leaps and bounds. Best of luck to Ms. Hubbard!

  22. Steve Randolph

    Things could be worse.

    Remembering Hurricane Agnes – 40 years ago this week.

  23. Chris

    @Steve Randolph
    I have all of the newspapers from the event. I have them posted on FB. Anyone here back in ’72 will NEVER forget Agnes. Even my dad with Alzheimers remembered Agnes to the end of his life. She made quite an impact on the county.

  24. Steve Randolph

    And twenty years ago this month:

    Virginia Railway Express – Manassas Line
    June 12, 1992
    Inaugural Ceremony and Train Ride

  25. Manassas City Schools have hired a new superintendant named Catherine B. Magouyrk. Dr. Magouyrk hails from Georgia.

  26. marinm

    The economy is doing just fine!

    “Mr. Obama could honestly take credit for this jobs program, economic boost and the reduction in violent crime that has followed the spike in gun ownership on his watch. Instead, he’s silent about his greatest positive accomplishment.”

    “Last week, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) announced that violent crime decreased 4 percent in 2011. The number of murders, rapes, robberies and aggravated assaults all went down, continuing a pattern.

    “This is not a one-year anomaly, but a steady decline in the FBI’s violent-crime rates,” said Andrew Arulanandam, spokesman for the National Rifle Association. “It would be disingenuous for anyone to not credit increased self-defense laws to account for this decline.


  27. Morris Davis


    If a 5 year trend is what it takes for you and the NRA to declare a clear cause and effect relationship then I guess you’re ready to concede that climate change is real and the Bush tax cuts failed. Bourbon sales are up too. Maybe folks are passing out rather than firing off.

  28. Steve Randolph

    – (Asians) “place more value on marriage, parenthood, hard work and success.”

    – “They are the highly skilled workforce of the 21st century.”

    1. @ Steve, and they are also our fastest growing immigrant population, according to the news today. Our closest huge Asian enclave is Centreville, isn’t it? The old shopping center where Copelands used to be is almost exclusively Korean businesses.

  29. marinm

    @Morris Davis

    C’mon. I actually said something NICE about The Pretender and Chief. Don’t I get partial credit?? I’m giving Obama credit for having the lowest homicide rate in 40 years….. That’s pretty big.

    I think I’ve said before. Even assuming the myth of ‘global warming’ is real. Who cares? Does it stop anyone here from doing the exact same things they’re doing already – using AC, driving cars, having iPads, etc.

  30. @Chris

    You are absolutely right. Mrs. Hubbard is the absolute best and there is no greater advocate of kids.

    Often smart kids are left to find for themselves because people think that smart kids will learn in spite of whatever else is happening. that really isn’t true and Mrs. Hubbard never let that happen.

  31. I’ve always thought that one of our largest missed opportunities was the fall of Hong Kong. I thought that we should have pulled up with numerous ships, told everyone with a British ID or passport, etc, that they were now political refugees, and if they wished, to come on board for a trip to the US.

    Two benefits.

    1) There’s nothing wrong with this economy that 3-6 million industrious Chinese could not fix
    2) Giving Communist China a bare rock.

  32. @marinm

    re: global warning

    Yes, I think it does. some of those things you don’t have a choice.

    1. Why do you take such great delight in all of this? I can honestly say, I have not seen anything like it. I think the Obama book by Obama was written to be true and he knew it.

      Most people don’t take such great delight in thinking someone is going to ve proven wrong. I don’t think there is any proof by the way.

      Family story come down different ways.

  33. Second Alamo

    Belief comes down to what side of the political fence you’re on. Do you really believe a person who blows up innocent people is rewarded with 72 virgins? (or whatever the going rate is now days)

  34. SA, not sure I know any Americans who believe its ok to blow people up–even for 72 virgins.

    What brought that up???

  35. Blue

    The vetting of Obama that should have been done over years and years of professional public and private service seasoning has only now begun. My sense is that the contrasts between Obama’s own book and this vetting will not be kind from both a psycological or historical perspective. His need to be black and the realities of his experience explains the historical family disconnects, his relationship with the Rev Wright and his advocacy of redistribution socialism, all of it political. Pick an ism from the left and Obamas fits the mold for centralized manangement, government’s management – even ownership of industry, collective government authority and an ever expanding reach of government into every percieved problem. Not bad for a guy who ran for office in order to sell a book to pay off some debts and now found himslef in the White House because of it.

    1. I am humming the bull crap song. @Blue

      Most people wouldn’t agree with your analysis. Where did you get that one from?

  36. @Moon-howler
    Um…these are family stories…He’s admitted to making a lot of it up.

    1. What are family stories. Where did HE make it to making it up?

  37. AREN’T family stories….need more coffee.

  38. Elena

    Republicans crack me up! Clinton was hounded for being a govenor from a “chicken” state, his record of public service was ignored, but wait, his record of infidelity, now THAT was public policy that republicans could sink their teeth into. Now that President Obama can’t be taken down over morals and ethics, people like you attack him on lack of experience.

    Bush and republicans redistribute wealth via the military complex and that is fine, but to ensure fair tax policy, to ensure big banks don’t screw the average hard working americans out of their retirement funds, to ensure that kids can have affordable college loans, to ensure that people have access to healthcare, THESE are “isms” to people like you. What a joke!

    Why does Northern Virginia not suffer like so many other states in the country…….because we have the Federal Government as a major employer. Not just directly, but indirectly.

  39. Blue

    Thanks Elena. There is really no comparison between Clinton and Obama and modernist attempts to create one only serve to accent their liberal views. Clinton was and is an open book and was a good President on policy. What he did would have gotten any other Federal employee fired, with loss of pension. That liberals closed ranks there too and saw no evil is the only comparison.

    In a broad sense I kinda agree with you re: the difference between republican versus Obama wealth redistribution; the difference being one encourages work, innovation, self reliance, responsibility and patriotism and the other does not.

    1. I seriously doubt if other federal employees would have been fired. Not sure why you would say that, Blue.

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