A reporter from the Daily Caller heckled President Obama during his speech in the Rose Garden about lifting deportations on young illegal immigrants with good grades. This policy clarification changes no laws, it just prioritizes immigration policy and defers deportation for young folks who meet certain criteria.

Meanwhile, what is wrong with society and with press decorum? When would it ever have been acceptable to heckle the president of the United States? Hopefully the Daily Caller will lose all of its press privileges at the White House. The man’s behavior was rude, crude, and socially unacceptable. Any president, regardless of who is in office, should not be treated rudely.

40 Thoughts to “Daily Caller reporter heckles President”

  1. SlowpokeRodriguez

    And now we’ve come to the real test for Republicans. Let’s see what they’re made of.

  2. SlowpokeRodriguez

    Munro should’ve thrown a shoe instead.

  3. Why would you encourage anyone to be disrespectful to the President of the United States?

    It is truly a sign of a society with low standards.

    I hope this Munro is banned from the White House press corp.

  4. It might have been interesting to watch the secret service throw Munro to the ground and kick his face in also…..I might have enjoyed that.

  5. Emma

    “It might have been interesting to watch the secret service throw Munro to the ground and kick his face in also…..I might have enjoyed that.”

    That would be an extreme reaction to speech the President disapproves of. Not the kind of government I ever want.

    This bill is a congressional end-run, because the President is meeting late next week with Hispanic leaders and needs to toss them some cookies for votes. It’s his own personal Dream Act all wrapped up in an executive order.

    1. Throwing anything at the President would be considered a threat on his life and should be treated accordingly. It has nothing to do with speech.

      Emma, I see that you don’t have the benefit of seeing what I was responding to. I was working from the back room when I responded to someone throwing a shoe at Obama. I agree, just saying something isn’t grounds for getting your lights punched out. Throwing anything at the POTUS is grounds for an extreme reaction…I hope that clarifies.

  6. Emma


    I’m always disturbed by these Friday-afternoon White House revelations, when people presumably aren’t paying as much attention. How is it even legal to issue an Executive Order that basically says the government is not going to enforce an existing law? Yet we’re focusing on the manners of a reporter who basically asked a question out of turn.

  7. George S. Harris

    You obviously didn’t listen to this or understand what Moon is saying. Nd you did not hear Janet Napolitano’s statement. The upshot of this is that the deportation will be given the lowest priority– the law is NOT being tossed aside, this is NOT a path to citizenship; however, it is a recognition of the benefits these people can and will bring to this nation.

    Slo– your comments are further proof that a$$holes can exist with no other visible means of life support. Get a friggin’ life or go somewhere where your can of conduct is acceptable. The president is the president–respect the office if nothing else.

  8. Emma

    The blog cop is on duty again, telling us all where to go. Good night, then.

  9. SlowpokeRodriguez

    George S. Harris :
    Slo– your comments are further proof that a$$holes can exist with no other visible means of life support. Get a friggin’ life or go somewhere where your can of conduct is acceptable. The president is the president–respect the office if nothing else.

    Here is your textbook liberal hate-filled name calling, and of no higher caliber than kindergartners, and likely applauded by folks around here. Pathetic. George, you and your liberal protectors here have my sympathy.

    1. @slowpoke, I was going to come give a reminder about manners but…you have decided to take a swipe at Elena and me for really no reason. That isn’t discussion, that is just being crappy to elena and me. I think George would be the first person to tell you he really isn’t very protected around here.

      Perhaps you haven’t been listening/reading? Duke it out with him and leave me out of it.

  10. There is a giant misunderstanding going on here. Emma and I have it cleared up. I sometimes go into the dashboard, (behind the scenes) to answer people or comment on comments. I can see things in order, not separated by the different threads. What I see is time order.

    So if I answer from there, I often don’t @ someone. Sloppy habit on my part. I was responding to throwing a shoe at the president. From where Emma was reading, through no fault of her own, it looked like I was saying to just bloody the guy up for what he was saying.

    She snarked at the idea of ss beating up people based on speech. I saw why she thought I had said that because when I read her comments, I was on not behind the scenes. I clarified to her what had happened.

    She understands now that I was referring to throwing something at the president, not saying something he didn’t like.

    I hope this clears up what happened to everyone else. I assume Emma and I are on the same sheet of music since she said “gotcha.”

  11. SlowpokeRodriguez

    Moon-howler :
    @slowpoke, I was going to come give a reminder about manners but…you have decided to take a swipe at Elena and me for really no reason.

    But I’m sure you classify juvenile name-calling as conversation, don’t you? You’re right, though, this isn’t about you or Elena, it’s about the simple fact that a liberal is ALWAYS the first to resort to name-calling, because that’s about the only way they can make a point. Didn’t anyone go to school and learn how to communicate without resorting to 1st-grade name-calling tactics? I just want to point out how typical the behavior is.

  12. Elena

    Why is common sense so elusive these days? The idea that this is about unemployment because the immigration hysteria began when unemployment was low, back in 2007. Nah, this is about what it’s always been about since Franklin was concerned about the Amish not being “real” Americans. Shall we talk about the Johnson-Reed Act of 1924? Pa-Leez! Forever and a day people in this country have bitched about the new wave of immigrants! I wonder when the story will get boring, cause its the same recycled one generation after generation after generation.

    It is more money to deport these motivated young people than it would EVER be to just pass the DREAM act and move forward for G-ds sake.

  13. Except that now…the illegal immigrants are being granted work permits, when before, it was illegal to hire them and for them to get work.

    The DHS does NOT have the authority to do this. Selective enforcement of the law is wrong. The Democrats defeated the Dream Act. Its up to Congress to decide if illegal aliens get benefits, work permits, etc. The law states…deport illegal aliens. DHS is giving them work permits, RENEWABLE, every two years. Which means that the DHS expects them to stay, without fear of the law, in this country.

    They can spin it all they want. But they don’t have the Congressional authority to do this. Congress should defund any department that cooperates with this.

    1. I am going to be real bold here and say that I am not sure people not directly involved know what is and what is not allowed with ICE and immigration. Work permits are given out legally. that was the issue with Martinelly….he had a work permit. All of these things, times, what you can do and cant do are aprt of a policy that has been set up by the various agencies. Congress doesn’t control every little detail. Congress doesn’t do much of anything actually. What has congress done lately?

  14. Bubberella

    Sometimes you just gotta call a troll a troll, or an asshole as the case may be.

  15. SlowpokeRodriguez

    Bubberella :
    Sometimes you just gotta call a troll a troll, or an asshole as the case may be.

    Sometimes you gotta piss and moan about “civil discourse”

  16. “This is not amnesty — it is an exercise of [prosecutorial] discretion so that these young people are not in the removal system,” said President Barack Obama’s immigration deputy, Janet Napolitano, the secretary of the Department of Homeland Security. “Effective immediately, young [foreign] people who were brought to the United States… will no longer be removed from the country,”

    And, apparently, neither will their parents.
    But those 30 and older, without kids….those don’t fall under this program, so, the kid that had a birthday last week and turned 30,….. oh well.

    So its NOT an amnesty. But they won’t ever be deported. Napolitano and Obama should consult a dictionary.

    de fac·to
    In reality or fact; actually.
    1. Actual
    2. Exercising power or serving a function without being legally or officially established

    If Romney is smart, he will take the videos of this and paste them into an ad pointing out that the Black unemployment rate is hovering, according to gov’t statistics, around 12-13%. And now, Obama is GIVING illegal aliens…work visas.

    1. Most people, even the hardest nose, doesnt find fault with kids who were brought here by parents and who have done well in school and don’t have a criminal record.

      At what point does this all become abstract?

      Now there will be howling about jobs. Many of them have jobs anyway. Many have TNS cards.

  17. @Elena
    Except that this is NOT about immigration and new immigrants. This is about ILLEGAL immigration. Yes, the past had bills and prejudice against LEGAL immigrants.

    In fact, this isn’t even about illegal immigration. We’re getting sidetracked from the real problem. This is about the President and DHS overstepping their authority and refusing to obey their constitutional oaths of office. This is the DREAM ACT by Presidential fiat. If Congressional authority wasn’t needed, they would have done this WITHOUT it. Bush was a big fan of amnesty too. Obama would have done this during the first two years of his term instead of allowing the Democratic Congress to defeat the Dream Act.

    This is nothing more than pandering and setting up the structure for vote fraud.

    1. Oh dear God, where did voter fraud come from? Give me a break. You all are grasping at straws.

      It means that kids can plan somewhat of a future. Why deport them. We have an investment in young people who have done a good job with their studies.

      Seriously, why would you put all that money into educating someone and then send them out of country? How forever stupid to do that.

  18. Elena

    Blah blah blah Cargo, if people can’t see that children brought here by parents, hopeful for a better life, are now a valuable resource, working hard to fulfill what IS the American dream, there is nothing I will say that can change that. I feel sorry for those people. Yes, I mean you Cargo. To punish innocent children is simply not in my frame of reference.

    I love how FAIR, when they were here meddling in our business spent alot of time “selling” their wares of being an organization interested in ILLEGAL immigration. BS! Their end goal is to stop all immigration.

    exhibit A http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eQhkdz2rV8o

  19. Elena

    voter fraud? Huh? Is this another conspiracy theory? Guess what Cargo, in another two decades, this will be a minority majority country, what then?

    My favorite new bit on the false hysteria regarding voter fraud.


    BTW, you do know that there are plenty of people on the left that believe the deibold voting machines are rigged to vote republican don’t you.


  20. Elena


    Just to clarify, the DREAM act failed because Republicans use the fillabuster to stop ALL legislation they don’t agree with 100%. Imagine if the dems had used that for Medicare Part D?


    “The bill failed on a 55-41 vote. It would have required 60 votes to overcome a filibuster.”

  21. George S. Harris

    As has already been pointed out these sme kind of aspersions have been cast at other immigrants who came here and did work no one else would do. This past spring Georgis, I believe, couldn’t get young, healthy welfare recipients to pick crops–the work was too hard they said. Georgia, like Virginia and Arizona made it too difficult for undocumented workers to remain so they left and the crops rotted in the fields. The results of unintended consequences.

    Chances are, these young people are better educated than some of the people who are bitching but even at that they will more than likely work at jobs that most of the bitchers wouldn’t do at any price–too hard, too dirty, too hot, too,too,too…

    “Civil discourse”–yes throwing a some at the president is all about “civil discourse”. Accusations of pandering and the o,d voter fraud bugaboo is also listed under “civil discourse”. I think I would rather be a name caller–it’s pretty straight forward.

  22. @Elena
    “Imagine if the dems had used that for Medicare Part D?” That would have been awesome. Not a fan of Bush’s spending. Besides, why would they do that? That program is meat and potatoes to that crowd.

    Again…with the children. These are not CHILDREN. By their own words…..the cut off age is 29 +364 days. If they were 15 when they were “brought” here, then, by the time they are eligible….they are 20 years old.

    Why not return the families to their countries of origin when they are found and prevent these “tragedies” of children spending their entire lives here illegally?

    Shall we just open our borders then? They all want to come here? Open borders for all?

    But again… THIS time the problem is not the details of the rule. Not law…. regulation. The problem is that the DHS and the Obama administration overreached and should be investigated for this usurpation of Congressional prerogative. Defacto amnesty is still amnesty.

  23. “get young, healthy welfare recipients to pick crops–the work was too hard they said.”

    Then cut the welfare…..no money….no food. Bet they work then.

    Or raise the salary offered.

  24. Oh, and if the Democrats believe that the Diebolt vote computers are rigged, I have NO problem going back to paper. Or purple ink on fingers. THAT would cut down on a whole lot of vote fraud.

  25. @Elena
    Yup, definitely let’s blame the Democrats.

    Congress hasn’t done jack. Those kids can apply for social security before this congress does anything.

    Think about what a huge waste of money Congress is. We spend literally millions of dollars on these clowns while they are in office and after they get out of office. All they do is try to legilslate anti abortion bills. Seriously…what do they do?

  26. @Cargosquid

    The people I know about are children or young adults. Where do we draw the line? The point is, they are young people who have a brick on their heads. They are here through no fault of their own, and cannot read and write in the language of their native country. They have contributed to our society. They will contribute furthur.

    You are pulling in outliers to make a rather shallow point.

    How is it going to hurt you to allow good students to stay in the country? I suggest it will help you in the long run.

  27. Elena

    George S. Harris :As has already been pointed out these sme kind of aspersions have been cast at other immigrants who came here and did work no one else would do. This past spring Georgis, I believe, couldn’t get young, healthy welfare recipients to pick crops–the work was too hard they said. Georgia, like Virginia and Arizona made it too difficult for undocumented workers to remain so they left and the crops rotted in the fields. The results of unintended consequences.
    Chances are, these young people are better educated than some of the people who are bitching but even at that they will more than likely work at jobs that most of the bitchers wouldn’t do at any price–too hard, too dirty, too hot, too,too,too…
    “Civil discourse”–yes throwing a some at the president is all about “civil discourse”. Accusations of pandering and the o,d voter fraud bugaboo is also listed under “civil discourse”. I think I would rather be a name caller–it’s pretty straight forward.

    Go get me George!

  28. Elena

    Maybe for once we could focus on the issue this thread is about, a girl brought here when she was four and has acheived real accolades as a student.

  29. SlowpokeRodriguez

    “Go get me George”…do we even want to know what that means?

  30. @Elena

    Actually we’re both off track. the thread is about the President being “heckled” by a reporter, ie, asking questions.


    What outliers? This will effect 800,000 people, according to the gov. You are making the case that all those affected are innocent kids while ignoring that the majority of those affected ARE NOT kids. If this was just about kids, put the cut off line at a younger age.

    But again… if we want to do something like this, its the realm of legislation. Congress doesn’t do anything? Well, that’s democracy for you. Of course, everything would be much easier if we just let “the One” arbitrarily make the rules. He even said that himself. He was going to go around Congress.

    Why is it that when conservatives take the President at his word and then point back to his words when they match his actions…that there is such controversy?

    1. Cargo, it isn’t all conservatives who oppose the Dream Act. It isn’t all conservatives who try to squelch comprehensive immigration reform. Some people are obsessed with illegal immigration which I still maintain is just code for ‘too many Latinos living around here.’

      Sadly most people don’t know jack about immigration policy and rules. They listen to groups like FAIR and believe every word they hear.

      Now let’s get to those outliers…the majority of the kids who this policy change affects are high school and college age kids. I doubt very much if many 29 year olds are going to be paricipating in school type activities. You are just trying to paint as dark a picture as you can while ignoring what really goes on.

      How many of these high schieving kids do you know or have you had any dealings with? I venture to say not many. Its easier to get a lot of bs from FAIR than it is to really put a face of the problem.

      The President isn’t THE ONE. He has a name. Why are you singing the praises of that ineffective congress? Do you mean those same people who bellowed and carried on that they would get in there an fix the economy? Those people who had all the answers for the 2010 elections? Those people who promised they would heal the nation? they haven’t done JACK except tank the stock market last August. Some claim to fame. Taking our economy to the state of brinksmanship…yea…I am not impressed. What are they going to do about a bunch of young Americans, yes, Americans in every way but paperwork, who are kids without a country? Nothing.

  31. SlowpokeRodriguez

    Wow, lots of BS in post #37. I like the “how many of these kids do you know or have had dealings with” garbage. That’s like “I know all about what gays go through because I have a gay friend (George doesn’t count).” or “I don’t have an ounce of racism in me, because I have a black friend!”. Hogwash argument. You’re blaming Congress for crashing the stock market? That’s rich. Congress is doing nothing because we elected them to stop Obama’s relentless destruction of what is left of our representative republic. God knows what moves the stock market. It was up the other day because they THINK a third round of inflationary spending is coming! What?!?!?! I’ll hand you libs this much, you parrot King Obama’s talking points word for word….”Americans in every way but paperwork” You only switched out “paperwork” for “documentation”….practically no original thoughts at all. It is fun to watch the left lose its mind over this, though. You get almost pure argument from emotion, you get instant potty-mouth from the women and defense of potty-mouth from the other women. It’s good stuff!

    1. You know how I know you haven’t worked with immmigrants, Slowpoke? Because if you had you would see them as people rather than being so effen mean and cruel in what you say and do. Call of the superior white man…trumpeting through the hills and dales of Prince William County.

      And yes, I have definitely been in the trenches.

      Want some more potty mouth? Its time for you to take a break. You want to get nasty with me…? Bring it on.

  32. SlowpokeRodriguez

    Yep, pure emotion! Don’t agree with me? I’ll ban you! Pathetic.

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