- Not the Church-Not the State
From the Washington Post:
RICHMOND — Virginia’s Board of Health offered a surprise reprieve Friday to abortion clinics, voting to exempt existing facilities from new rules that would require extensive renovations.
The board’s decision on imposing stricter building requirements is not the final word. Gov. Robert F. McDonnell (R) still must weigh in on the softened regulations, which had been among the toughest in the nation. His office declined to state an immediate position.
“The Governor will review the final regulations when the board submits them for his review,” McDonnell spokesman Jeff Caldwell said in an e-mail.
The board’s decision came as a shock to people on both sides of the abortion debate.
“It is totally unexpected,” said Rosemary Codding, director of patient services at the Falls Church Healthcare Center, which sent seven staffers to the board’s day-long meeting in Richmond. “I’m so encouraged to think that they’ve done the right thing.”
Many legislators are up in arms. The Board of Health is not the final say-so on this but they were expected to rubber stamp draconian measures through. Pro-choice activists were delighted that the Board of Health showed some surprising gumption. Most of the clinics in Virginia could have been shut down.
Dick Black was perhaps the most outspoken:
“If the purpose of this is to provide protection for women, which I believe it is, then the idea that you would [grandfather in] unsafe conditions seems senseless.”
If his real intent was to protect women then he could start by insisting that all other outpatient surgery facilities meet the same standards. Certainly cosmetic surgery, colonoscopes, and oral surgeries carry most of the same risk that abortion carries. Procedures that involve general anesthesia, rarely used in first trimester abortion, carry more risk. That isn’t going to happen. It is all disingenuous.
Governor McDonnell has yet to comment. Virginia’s new law would be one of the strictest in the United States. Again, strange how Republicans want less government, less intrusive government, and still want to regulate the most personal of decisions. Its very obvious that this move, like the trans-vaginal probe, is just a way to make abortion more costly and less accessible.
Politicians need to leave health care to health care experts and start minding their own business. Today, the health care people brought an unexpected show of sanity to a debate that just needs to go away.
Do you suppose the governor will try to resurrect his shot at VP with tis or is that already over?
I think he might take one more swing at his war on women, actually.
He showed us who he was with that masters thesis. I believed him. Leopards don’t change their spots.
Ah, the fairy-tale “war-on-women”, brought to you buy the left, who fight tooth and nail to ensure a fetus can be destroyed based on the fact that it might one day be a women. Now THAT is a war on women! With killed in action and everything! The Master’s Thesis again? HAHAHAHAHA!!! Maybe you should endorse Creigh Deeds! It’s not too late! Only a fool would spend time thinking McDonnell is a real VP candidate. You lefties are such a crack-up!
Do you know how stupid we think you sound spouting all that crap. You can do better. Seriously, your role here is not to mimic people and belittle them. If you want to disagree, fine. Say something intelligent, not that junk.
Slowpoke–another case of a leopard not changing his spots. Can ALWAYS be relied on to come up eith some smarmy comment. Ooopppsss–there I go again–name calling. Damn, it is such a hard habit to break when presented with such good material!
Bryan Fischer, the conservative preacher turned talk radio blowhard (when he says jump Mitt Romney says “yes, sir – how high?) says women can’t serve as leaders because God says they are subordinate to men. Sounds like a war on women to me.
“unsafe conditions”, what an ignoramous Dick is! unsafe conditions are what happens when desperate women seek to an unwanated pregnancy but access is denied.
Note that the 235K average doesn’t include college.
I like you, I do, but when sound ridiculous, I have to call you out on it. You want to force a woman to have a baby and then be a part of the political party that then wants to wipe their hands of any social responsibilty, like SCHIP, welfare,and child care help so single struggling moms can help. Your position, and people like you, would be laughable if it weren’t so scary to the women that you would force into poverty.
BTW Moon, how well I remember that chante, “not the church, not the state, women will decide their fate!” Wow, its like I can recall that memory as though it were only yesterday that I marched the last big pro choice rally in DC.
I took down the coat hanger…
I’d give anything to be able to post the poster I saw reading Keep Cooch out of my cooch. complete with KennyC’s face between a woman’s legs. The Republicans are full of shit when they say they want less government in our lives. They sure don’t mind more government on a woman’s body.
As far as the regulations go, they were nothing more than a little power trip for the males in Richmond. Moon and I have discussed this many times. Why don’t they seem to care about ALL of the other surgical procedures taking place out of the hospital. If they were truly concerned, they would have enacted a law that addressed the safety of all(men and women) that have numerous procedures done in anoffice. They might care when one of their male counter parts gets a bad snip job and ends up enpregnanting a women. Oh, wait and what if the one empregnated was a mistress. I bet they’d running to the first abortion clinic they could find.
Sorry, for the language in my posts. I’ve been very quiet for a couple of months on politics. Well, the girls have now graduated and my life is mine again. I’ll have plenty to say again.