Supreme Court strikes down 3 out of 4 provisions in Arizona Immigraton case

Where is the interview with Jan Brewer? I just want to see her face for a moment. Will she apologize to the President for her rudeness on the tarmac?

There are also civil liberties groups who are suing against this ruling.  This one isn’t over–not by a long shot.

Were there winners and losers?  Probably everyone is going to claim a piece of this pie.

Will this affect the presidential race?  Will it energize Latinos?


Is the Supreme Court too powerful and too political?

Many people have noticed that the Supreme Court, comprised of 9 members, is far too powerful and far too political.  Go back to 2000.  Basically, the Supreme Court decided who was to be  the president of the United States.  9 people chose the President of the United States of America. Today, we are on the brink of perhaps losing health care.  Should 9 people get to make that choice?    Many people are still seething over Eminent Domain and Citizens United.  They feel the High Court has been too far reaching.  There are 100 other examples.

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