Wednesday was the big day for those who oppose same sex marriage to show their support for Chick-Fil-A and its president and COO, Dan Cathy. Chick-Fil-A reported that it had landmark sales. Lines stretched outside the door and often around the building at hundreds of Chick-Fil-A stores. The show of support was sponsored by none other than Faux News regular Mike Huckabee who declared that Wednesday was Chick-Fil-A Appreciation Day.
WARNING: Video is suggestive. Some may consider verbage crass and vulgar. (too busy laughing here to arbitrate)
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Today there will be a counter demonstration for those who oppose the” Chicken eating Judas” who supported Chick-Fil-A on Wednesday. Most of the demonstrations will concentrate on same sex kissing. This ought to be a good one. The war of chicken culture warriors.
For those of us who passed on litmus test lunch day and will pass on chicken kisses today, it all seems rather foolish. COO Cathy is entitled to his opinion and those culture warriors who oppose gay marriage are free to buy chicken sandwiches to their hearts content. Same sex marriage supporters are free to never buy another Chick-Fil-A as long as they live. It seems like everyone comes out a winner.
Meanwhile, Dan Cathy will not be addressing Prince William Chamber of Commerce this November 27. He is staying off the lecture circuit for a while until the controversy dies down, according to (Actually other company leaders have him tied up somewhere with duct tape on his mouth.) People will continue eating and loving Chick-Fil-A and life goes on. Meanwhile, the company has released a statement that they serve everyone with dignity, which is as it should be.
WWhat a fuster cluck!
I like the terminology characterizing this as a culture war skirmish. I don’t think I could come up with a better way to put it. So appreciation day went well. Let’s see how “go to Chik-fil-a and smack your pee-pees together day” goes!
Spare us your graphic descriptions. I don’t think pee pees are going to have anything to do with this one.
Are we betting on which “group” will get out the chick…errr vote the best? I think that’s pretty predictable, especially if SA is correct.
I think many people are like me and simply don’t give a rat’s ass. If I get a craving for nuggets and house sauce, its the drive in window for this kiddo.
Ah, the actions of the silent majority are sometimes very revealing. If you watch the media, and listen to the president, you would think that 98% of America is gay when it is more like 2%. Since they can’t reproduce they must promote and influence the young to gain more members (no pun intended). Once again a minority of some ilk is wagging the dog while the majority sits quietly by and shakes it’s head behind closed doors.
Is this SA evolution or what? @SA
Actually statistics tell us between 5-10% of the population is gay, whatever that means.
I don’t care who is gay and who isn’t. Now, does that mean I want to watch people making out? No. I don’t want to watch heteros make out either. And yes, if someone held a gun to my head and told me I had to watch or be blinded, I would probably be more comfortable watching heteros–just because that would be my own kind.
I don’t think 98% of the people shake their heads. I think 50% of the people care and 50% don’t.
I guess those people in line on Wednesday WON’T be voting for our first gay president this November. Lets see the turn out today (from a long distance mind you). It should be named ‘Eat & Barf Day’.
Who cares who they vote for. I would probably just do the drive thru window, SA.
Moon, so the pres comes out (again, no pun intended) in support of gay marriage when only 2% of the nation cares? That is why the lines on Wednesday are important. He didn’t buy many votes for his stance that’s for sure. Drive-through … good point!
A few buffoons will show up at Chik-Fil-A restaurants today and attempt same-sex displays that the vast majority of people (including most heterosexuals over the age of 18) know is inappropriate behavior in public. They will walk farther down the road of alienating most people from what they hope to accomplish. However, if they go to one of the restaurants, they have to buy food. You can’t go to a private place of business just to protest. Thus, they are supporting Chik-Fil-A and Dan Cathy financially. Thanks for your business and your support!
This whole affair is backfiring on those who are attacking Dan Cathy’s First Amendment rights, including those bonehead mayors in San Francisco, Chicago and Boston who proclaimed they will keep Chik-Fil-A out, when they have no authority to anything of the kind. Thinking they have such power is channeling Stalin, Mao, and any other dictators who want such control of the economy and people’s thoughts.
Think of what we’ve seen recently. Polls showed the recall election in Wisconsin too close to call, but Scott Walker won by a healthy 53.1% to Barrett’s 46.3% with solid turnout. The response from the left was that the “wealthy” bought the election. Wednesday’s massive turnout at Chik-Fil-A was another phenomenon of people who are just fed up having a chance to express themselves. The “wealthy” certainly had nothing to do with a massive protest turnout to buy chicken sandwiches.
Conservatives don’t occupy public buildings, dress up in funny costumes and march around, etc. They post on blogs, use the Internet and social media, listen to talk radio, attend calm meetings, and other things that usually don’t attract the attention of the media. Turning out en masse in a peaceful manner to eat chicken sandwiches was an exception. The media could not ignore that event. They are the silent majority and they will determine the outcome of the election next November.
I never predict, but I would not at all be surprised if the evening of November 7 ends earlier than most people expect, and that the same silent majority has turned out in massive numbers to turn this country around beyond anything the pollsters have told us.
You can sure stand out in front of a Chick-Fil-A and protest. You don’t have to go on the property to make your point. You can also go be such a pain in the tail that before you can be removed, the damage has been done. You can buy something cheap and go stand around and be a pain in the ass to the other customers. I wouldn’t try to turn this thing into a pissing contest.
I don’t know. I think the use of the word “Buffoon” is making me change my entire outlook on this issue. I guess my feeling is, the horse is out of the barn and both sides now have the right to speak their minds. I just think it is a stupid thing to do culture war skirmish over in the first place.
You say conservatives don’t occumpy public buildings dressed up in funny costumes? What do you all all those freaks on nature with tea bags for earrings, wearing three cornered hats and kickers? I would back out of that one as quickly as I could.
I hear a lot of sweeping generalizations being made and much finger pointing and derision of people who aren’t conservative. The Chick-fil-A issue doesn’t have a thing to do with Scott Walker who bullied public employees, in particular teachers. Are you one of the teacher-haters also, NTK? How did we get to from chicken sandwiches to Scott Walker? I thought they did a pretty good job up there in Wisconsin of even getting a recall.
I support Huckabee’s call to arms for chicken sandwiches. I support those who support gay rights to go do their day of protest. Young people are far more acceptant of alternate lifestyles than middle aged people, who made up the bulk of the line I saw.
I find it odd that some of the very people who criticize Rom Emmanual and the other mayors felt perfectly justified to demand that KK’s get out of the City of Manassas because they were “dirty women.” No one was more vocal than the State delegate and at least one of the councilmen. How is that different from Emanual and the Boston Mayor. I don’t support their threat to keep Chick-Fil-A out either. If Chick runs a legal business and follows the rules, then they shouldn’t have to pass any PC litmus test. The chick eaters will vote with their wallets.
I agree. I was talking to my wife about the pictures of the massive lines at CFAs and broke it down to 3 groups.
1. Homophobes – yes they exist but not everyone in line is one. I think this category is by far a MUCH smaller number than GLADD or the lamestreet media wants us to think.
2. Supporters of Christian values OR traditional marriage – This crosses political lines because some may be democrats but they still believe in traditional marriage. They see what GLAAD did as an affront to their religious beliefs and practice.
3. Supporters of the First Amendment. This cuts across all political lines and shows a libertarian backlash from the core of America as to what they saw as corrupt government officials trying to advance an agenda in violation of CFAs 1A rights. You may not agree with Cathy but you want to make that call — not the government.
I personally think that GLADD picked the wrong fight and as NTW mentioned they’ll have to pay to lodge their ‘counter-protest’ so they’ll directly be funding that what they are protesting…
Now, to borrow Slows term. I could care less whos pee pees knock against one another but I do have a dog in this hunt with respect to the 1A rights of a Corporation (and of course an individual).
That reminds me. I bought some extra CFA sandwiches. I’ll have one for breakfast! 🙂
What did GLADD do? I am missing a critical part to this puzzle. I think the whole thing is ridiculous to start with. Its a good excuse to go eat nuggets and house sauce and that’s about it.
I thought they just called for a boycott and Huckabee responded with an Appreciation Day. Has something else happened other than todays whatever that hasn’t happened yet?
I agree with your breakdown. I support same sex common unions but I also accept Mr. Cathy’s right to his own opinion. I also hope he learned a serious lesson about shooting too much from the hip. He is entitled to his own beliefs but when you verbalize them, there are often consequences.
If I ran a Chik-fil-a, and gays came to demonstrate inside the store, I’d pump the Village People over the Muzak system. Probably turn into a party!
I wouldn’t run a chick-fil-a. Mr. Cathy would never accept me. That’s his right.
Most people are very libertarian about gay people, but they don’t want to have forced down their throats (I can pun too) that the values that they and virtually all of civilized society, and even President Obama (until he got worried about losing the election) have believed in for thousands of years are somehow evil or backward.
I would welcome gay people to my business also. Their money is as good as anyone else’s. Having someone as a client or customer does not mean that you accept everything they believe in or stand for.
I agree. Bring on the Village People music, let the gay people have a nice time also (as long as their behavior does not become offensive – same standard as for heterosexuals), and make money from that clientele also.
What planet are you on NTK? “peaceful” gatherings, that’s is what we saw TEA party activits doing in town hall meetings, yelling down politicians ? Please, don’t EVEN get me started on funny constumes!
What exactly are Romney’s new ideas to “turn this country around” ? Lower taxes, been doing that, HASN’T worked! Cut interest rates? How much effing lower can they get? Where was this magical “conservative” bullet? You know what, there isn’t one.
OH, and yes, we see how conservatives use blogs, been here and done that in PWC, turned out really well didn’t it. If the likes of BVBL are a stellar example of “calm and silent majority” we are all screwed.
How about the fact that a great American like Sally Ride was legally unable to legitimize her relationship. I am SICK of people who want to codify THIER reigious belief in law. Have you read the relationships in the bible lately?
What does gay marriage “stand for” ? What better way to say a relationship isn’t just about sex by legitimizing their relationship. After all, isn’t what people are hung up on, the S-E-X part of gay 🙂
Come on Elena. You know that I’m not as conservative on these issues as Bob Marshall. In fact you know that I rarely pay much attention to them.
Yes, conservatives sometimes dress up like Revoutionary War characters, but I was thinking more in terms of the Occupy Wall Street typepeople.
I am not even sure what those people are….the ows people. They are people who don’t like what the financial industry did to this country. They aren’t the flip side of the tea party. I expect the tea party and they hold similar ideas.
I’m getting as fed up (no pun intended) with this Chicka-filllllllllllllllllll as I am with
Phelps, the swimmer, whose face cannot be avoided any day.
ENOUGH ALREADY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HELP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wonderful story in today’s Post about a male couple adopting three young
black children. Now, THAT takes guts!
Ah, here we have a good example of how the disease of liberalism twists the mind. Elena obviously didn’t see the yahoos gathered in the Wisconsin capital, taking dumps on police cars. Hopefully, Elena, you can at least understand that we DID see it, and we DO understand how liberals act, and we DO see how there were no such incidents during the Tea party exercises. You are projecting liberal manners onto others, and nobody will buy it…..sorry.
Meanwhile, in a happy story, the liberal pile of dung who filmed himself bullying a Chik-fil-a drive-through girl and posted it because, like all liberals, he thinks his actions are important, has been fired from his job as of this morning. Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy! Good luck getting another job, buddy! You’ll be just another liberal in the unemployment line! Go find yourself a cop car!
Slow, post video URI please.
I don’t disagree. He was an bully and a jerk.
Holy nuggets. That is an evil, evil man. I’m glad that his company celebrates diversity and discourages hate speech by terminating him.
His contempt for a young lady because she works in the food industry. Wow. Wish I could give the young lady a hug.
That guy is just evil.
Village people music. Lol. That’s funny.
I have no problem with the kiss in as long as they’re hot lesbians and I can video tape it.
For research purposes of course…
Now THAT post was vulgar, Marin.
I agree, marin, that the dude was a rat bastard to pick a fight with an employee who has no part in company decision making.
I hope there was a dead fly in his water.
The guy in the video said he wasn’t gay, Right! He sure sounded like a recruit to me. He’s going to stop hate by spreading some of his own. Spoken like a true liberal.
SA, what’s wrong with true liberals? You say that like you have stepped in dog doo.
The guy in the video was a rude ignoramous. Why pick on an employee? She obviously does not set the policy of the company. I don’t care if he is straight or gay nor should it matter. He is stupid. He took his fight to some young man who probably makes $7 an hour if she is lucky.
While on this subject, I need to say that Chick-Fil-A has the most courteous and decent employees I have ever encountered. They are always polite. I have never had a screwed up order from Chick-fil-A and no one has ever groused when I asked for extra sauce. They never forget to say thanks you.
At any rate, in the employment department, someone is doing something right.
That dude in the video should be buggy whipped for picking on an employee. Beware of men with short thumbs
Moon, did you really mean thumbs, or was there something else you were referring to?
I was speaking metaphorically.