What is Conflict of Interest? Let’s have a lesson, shall we!

Are some people in PWC purposefully obtuse?  One can volunteer for ANY organization they want, however, one cannot then direct taxpayer money, in large sums, to their personal non profit.  It’s called special interest for a reason!
 I am shocked at the level of purposeful denial regarding a very basic principal of what constitutes political financial favoritism.  Having friends with family members connected to the pot of tax payer cash IS what constitutes favoritism and special interest.  THAT relationship is what CREATES the conflict of interest.
 FYI, not such a smart idea to high five each other on Facebook.  It appears EXACLTY as though there is special interest being favored due to “friend” status, one even might say, a conflict of interest.
 As more partnerships are formed with government, PWC should get ahead of the curve and establish clear guidelines.  We all have our issues that we feel are paramount for the good of the community.
I am a firm believer in volunteering for your community, I have volunteered my entire adult life.  However, having a direct connection to the county coffers, creates the impression of  preferential  treatment, how can it not.  To suggest that the wives of politicians should not be singled out is simply not realistic.  What would happen if Mrs. Obama served on the Board of Planned Parenthood, imagine the uproar that would ensue!

Post-Mortum of the BOCS Meeting

Its time to do a post-mortum of the fuster cluck that was the BOCS meeting of August 7, 2012.

I have never seen such a display of bad taste in my entire life.  Things just went from bad to worse.  Parents were encouraged to bring their disabled children out to perform to play on emotions.   A supervisor’s wife addressed the supervisors but she was really talking to the blogosphere.  Her martyred words were biting, direct and angry.  Her husband will have to own that one.  It should not have happened. [posts morphed–remarks removed]

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BOCS: I don’t want my money back

 **UPDATE**  The Sheriff indicates there will probably not be a vote on conflict of interest.  I guess its ok to ignore the people.  More indelible horse manure will stick to more boots. 

**UPDATE 2**  Sheriff thinks there will be a second but it will get voted down. 

Click to here to get to the agenda

Today is the much awaited BOCS meeting where carry over funds are decided and where Pete Candland’s Conflict of Interest Resolution is supposed to be codified.  County attorney Horan, many think at the direction of Chairman Corey Stewart, has advised that his Resolution would violate the law.  Many citizens are crying FOUL over this suggestion.

Conflict of interest discussions have dominated the county landscape ever since Supervisor Wally Covington  attempted to slide $100k to Rainbow riding where his wife served in a leadership capacity until very recently.  Even though Covington pulled back his request after the blogosphere went wild over his audacity, it was like he had stepped in indelible horse manure and he simply has not been able to get it off his boots.  The horsey stuff has also wafted over to the other supervisors and it has been behind most of the discussion about conflict of interest.

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Prince William Franken-County: Waste Behind the scenes in County govt.



People in Prince William County government report that if Prince William County were an actual business, it would have gone bankrupt because of pure inefficiency and refusal to modernize. That sure paints a different picture than El Jefe the chairman paints.

Corey Stewart tried to tell us, in his recent letter to the editor in the News & Messenger, that Prince William County ranks above all others; so much so that the federal government ought to follow our model.  Why is he crowing, blowing and bragging? He wants the supposed county accomplishments on his personal resume for his bid for Lt. Governor. Corey wants us to believe that our taxes haven’t risen and that government is acting responsibly, all while forking over tax payer money to his power broker buds heading up pet projects.  In turn, his war chests are filled.  Deepthroat tells another story.

Corey tries to sell the taxpayers a bill of goods based on tooth fairy money and spending. He tells us rubes what he thinks we want to hear. In the first place, if you lower the tax rate and raise the real estate assessment, you haven’t lowered taxes. Money talks and we know what walks.

We all know what bulls do!


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