WaPo Study: Following the party line

From the Washington Post Study:

1.  The two parties are miles apart on whether it is better to have smaller government with fewer services or bigger government with more services. Republicans overwhelmingly say people should take care of themselves; Democrats overwhelmingly say government should do everything possible to improve living standards.

2.  Republicans see deficit reduction as more important than spending money in an effort to create jobs. Democrats believe the opposite.

3.  Divisions over religious and social issues are equally stark. As a whole, the two parties are mirror images of each other on whether organized religious groups should stay out of politics or stand up for their beliefs in the political arena. They are similarly at odds over whether there should be a high wall of separation between church and state and whether government should more actively protect religious heritage.

Where do you stand on these 3 issues?  Is it cut and dry or do you  feel conflicted?  Do you go along with the party line?  Please respond.

Open Thread……………………………………….Wednesday, August 22

During the Middle East Wars, our national parks fell into decline.  They are our national resource.  We need to prioritize these parks and also help out with private donations, either to all parks or pick a park. The park to the left is Yellowstone, my personal favorite.  A good time to go to the national parks is after the rush of summer and before the snows hit.

Is everyone ready for the Republican Convention?  I think I would rather watch the hurricane other than the main speakers.  Who will be going to the Republican Convention from Prince William County?  Are political conventions becoming a thing of the past?  I am betting not.  Too many people like to go party.  If Hurrican Issac comes, will Rep. Cantor apply for Federal Relief Aid?