At what point do we decide that these old men are just oafs? They are commenting in a world they really don’t understand. He wants to be elected so badly he tells the family secrets in the middle of a press conference. He doesn’t get it. His daughter should kill him. Smith is ignorant and speads ignorance like Todd Akin spreads ignorance. Neither know any better and don’t want to learn more. The are flat-earthers and proud of it.
These old men should not have control of anyone’s life situation—much less yours or any other woman’s. Send them packing. They aren’t bad people—just oafs.
For the record, “having a baby out of wedlock” is the most antiquated expression! It belongs somewhere earlier than the lava lamp. There is probably no expression that is more judgemental than that one.
When a reporter asked Smith to clarify what kind of situation was similar to becoming pregnant from rape, the candidate responded, “Having a baby out of wedlock.”
He added, “Put yourself in a father’s position. Yes, it is similar.”
Oh Dear God! Tell me he didn’t just say that! I am putting myself in a father’s position and I can tell him, it isn’t even close to being similar. What is he thinking? Do they just grow dumb old men in Missouri? The Show Me State? Sorry. It would take too long.
“his daughter should kill him” is all anyone needs to read here to see things in a nice, clear light.
@obviously that was an expression. Time to self deport. You are just being a pain in the tail. You have nothing positive to say and are just sniping.
Why would any young woman want her personal business told over national TV?
Translation: “You’re not agreeing with me, and you are making too much sense…it’s very damaging to my efforts to spread the message of divisiveness and hate.” “Please stop making my liberal views look bad, or I will have to censor you, because that is the only way a liberal can win the argument”.
Hey, I’m sorry your guy has nothing to run on but a record of economic disaster. Not my fault!
@Slowpoke, so all you got out of what was said is that I said his daughter should kill him?
If you had a daughter, I dont think she would like her personal business blabbed all over national TV.
Do you not see the difference in rape and being a single mom?
God, no wonder people want to have abortions!
Here we have one of the worst nightmares a woman can go through–RAPE. And her father equates her having a child when unmarried to rape?
Poor woman!
Ignorance on this subject is mind-boggling.
And you want to pick at me for saying ” killed?” Way to go, Mr. Gun Owner.
“You have nothing positive to say” = “You are not agreeing with me”
No, you are attempting to harass me. If it were disagreeing with the content…you would have said that rather than concentrating on the fact I used the idiomatic expression that his daughter should kill him. Obviously I dind’t mean literally and I am not going to walk on egg shells on my own blog. You stupidly tried to make an issue about the use of “kill” rather than discussing any disagreement you had me with. I know exactly what you were doing so don’t try to play innocent.It won’t work and you are now taking advantage of any fondness I have for you.
Why are you being so obstinate, to the point of becoming those people you normally disagree with on extreme anti abortion perspective? Is it a simle case of my enemy’s enemy is my friend?
Until you have spoken with a woman who has been the victim of rape, I would suggest people keep their stupid comments under wraps. As a quick reminder for the ignorant, consensual sex is the opposite of rape. Being pregnant as a result of rape is NOTHING NOTHING NOTHING like “out of wedlock” pregnancy. No more should be said, period, end of discussion.
This candidate for senate should have just kept his mouth shut. Forcing a woman to bear a child that was the product of rape is about as effing unacceptable as I can imagine. Are we in a democracy or a theocracy nation?????!!!!
Shall we just put him in the naughty chair and be done with it?
Please, argue what the senator said, argue his premise, just argue a point for the love of
G-d and stop nitpicking at the “messenger”! Moon didn’t make him the stupid comment, he did that all on his own.
I’ve already made my stand on abortion clear. I’m saying that anyone with half a brain can clearly see through the motives, here. Has little to do with really caring about women’s issues. Has everything to do with the fact that Obama can’t run on his record, so the “war on women” strategy has been endorsed and invested in by the DNC. I’m not even saying that the strategy won’t work! I’ll tell you this, if it does, then we absolutely deserve what we get. But I also know you guys can’t tolerate someone who is pointing out the fact this very recent obsession with women’s issues is a political strategy to win an election. I haven’t changed, I’ve remained steady, but you can’t handle someone pointing out the truth. Ban me if you like, I don’t really care, I’m busy with a new job that is frankly so awesome I can’t believe it. But someone should be around to point out a few simple truths. Like I said before: Good luck with the strategy! Just don’t expect every last person to buy in, that’s all!
My stance on women’s issues predates Obama by decades. Sorry slow, the politicians need to conform to my beliefs, not vice versa.
You are off your mark on that one. My activism goes back to the 80’s and my personal belief system goes back further than that.
Truthfully, most of this has very little to do with Obama. He needs to tow the line also. It has everything to do with anti-choice politicians getting in to office and taking away my rights.
Did you miss our explosions over the situation in Virginia? Tell me what that had to do with Obama.
Congratulations on your new job. I hope you are doing something you like and that it improves your mood. Are you commuting as far?
If you had been paying attention, you would know that Elena and I aren’t just pro-choice for national issues. Do you not recall out outrage last winter? It should be hard to forget it.
I don’t want to ban you. I want you to be respectful. Disagree all you want but don’t ridicule and act dismissive of something I have probably been involved in since before you were born.
Not my strategy. If a conservative were to say anything resembling “his daughter ought to kill him”, liberals would be imploding like Vampires!
No one would say anything here since we all would know what you mean. Please stop with that labels. I am very pro choice and very liberal on reproductive issues without apology. I wear a different hat on different topics. No cookie cutter molds here.
You know, I think it gets under my skin more when abortion is represented as a “reproductive right.” Its not and should not be – its gone beyond that. I also take umbrage to the idea that abortion is the liberal solution to poverty – reduce those populations and ultimately the cost will go down – or somebody will have to pay for them. That does make it something very much different and has been tried before. Gets kind of racial too.
It would ber interesting is there was a clear correlation between the availalblity of contraceptives and the abortion rate. I don’t think there is. Its intuitive but I think the statistical results are counter intuitive.
Skin or not, aborton is a reproductive right or perhaps I should say, it falls under that category. You are aware that restrictions are built in to Roe vs Wade?
I am having trouble with how you are phrasing things. I would never say abortion is a solution to poverty. That is a horrible over-simplification to a very complex issue. If we assume that unwanted or unplanned children disrupt educational plans, I think we can say that the decision to have an abortion might keep these plans from being disrupted. So could preventing the pregnancy in the first place which would desirable, one would think.
The person who owns the problem has to be the one who makes the final decision. women always well, regardless of whether abortion is legal or not legal. Abortion is not a liberal solution. Abortion just is.
People of all races have abortions. I don’t see why it is racial. As for paying, if abortion is outlawed in all 50 states, I guarantee there will be a few cost adjustments. I am not sure the anti choice crowd will get more babes to adopt. Many girls and women keep their babies now.
Arguing what Smith said is pointless, nobody except a few fringe right-wing weirdos, thinks like that or says dummy stuff like that. I’m not even 100% sure I understand what he said. How are the two things alike? Although I have, in my not-too-awful-long-life, seen a girl have a baby out of wedlock, and get kicked out of her Baptist church, and have to stand in front of a congregation and perform some sort of “apology or confession ritual” to be accepted back in. So I guess I’d have to admit that I have actually run into these buffoons. Kick me out of a congregation…see what happens!
Off-topic. No commute with the new job, working from home. Travel to customer sites, but no office to commute to. And I’m in a fine mood, and I’m not really looking for a fight. But it is well known that the DNC, without any record of accomplishment to run on with Obama, has made a conscious decision to instead run a campaign of scorched earth (you’re saying “Axelrod?” “scorched earth?” Noooooooo! I don’t believe it). And just like clockwork, as Akin said his stupid remarks, and the DNC decided to build their campaign and convention around it, so it also became THE topic on the blog. Not criticizing, it’s your blog, post anything you like, I’ve got nothing to say about that. But you should know that some of us know what it’s all about, that’s all!
business first…and you know that Elena and I are pro choice and have been since dirt was forming on the earth. Don’t try to diminish our feelings with Obama. Frankly, he is irrelevant when it comes to how I feel about these things. I am also not going to shut up and take it. That’s how people lose every right they have.
What I find amazing is how many fools there are out there. You said no one in their right minds would listen the dummy stuff. I think what perhaps you aren’t seeing is that more and more people have been embolden to say dummy stuff like this–from Fries and the asperin, to Limbaugh calling someone a slut, to all these old men saying totally stupid things like Smith and Akin have said. It is like a never ending clown parade.
Now fools have been embolden to denounce contraception, I am going to point out their stupidity from the rooftops. those opposed to contraception should not use it. Then they should SDASTFU.
The person you know who was denounced. Churches are weird. I guess I figure she was a fool to go along with what they said. I would just leave. Their are other congregations.
Neat about your job. Do you have to hide away to keep the kids from bugging you while you work? That sure cuts down on wasted time in traffic. Congratulations. It sounds like a great deal.
KNow that I will continue to make fun of those people who want to put their restrictive laws on me and mine. It wouldnt matter who was running for president. I would do the same thing regardless of who was running for president.
As it turns out, Romeny…Obama. I don’t particularly dislike Romney. In fact, I supported him during the Republican primary if you recall. Now I support Obama. He politics are more to my liking. That doesn’t make him perfect though. I realize you don’t.
I would have preferred not to even get into the election on the blog. However, there have been too many fools saying things totally stupid to ignore.
Actually, there’s an even funnier DNC strategy going on: tying Obama’s economic policies to Bill Clinton. Anyone care to speculate what’s funny about THAT?
Hey Blue, abortion, right up to the day before delivery is a right! It’s right there in the constitution, don’t you see it? What’s more, it’s a right to have YOU pay for it!, along with the contraception to try to prevent it in the first place! (hint: that “you pay for it” part is really what’s important, here). What are your rights? Well, let’s see, you have the right to pay for my abortion, and my contraception…..isn’t that enough rights?
That statement is as stupid as what Akin and Smith said. @pokie
Third trimester abortions are regulated by the state and that reglation can be extremely strict. It is in most places except NY and California. I have no problem with that as long as it includes life of the mother and fetal anomoly. The closer to term the more repugnant abortion becomes.
Moon and I are discussing your attitude regarding abortion. Moon and I have been calling out republicans and their anti choice behavior for several months. Don’t get mad at us that the Republicans have been running an anti choice, fixated on womens bodies for almost three years agenda! NOW suddenly they want to talk about the economy? Really? Where have they been for almost three years, stuck on fighting about the national debt and a womans vagina, neither of which creates jobs. So, don’t get mad at us, get frustrated with your own party.
Where was the republican jobs bill? Where was the republican agenda to create jobs? Tax cuts are NOT a solution when you don’t have a job. The “job creators” have not created the jobs with their tax breaks since 2008. Obama hasn’t raised taxes, and yet, yet, those 1% with all their much needed tax breaks don’t seem to be doing much to propell job growth.
Shoot, Elena, I have been calling them out for 30 years. However, it has gotten very desperately lately as the anti choice forces have been more emboldened since the mid-term win.
I know for a fact that availability of contraceptives DOES cut down on overpopulation, if not abortion. That would make sense though, wouldn’t it. /
Indonesia made a national effort to get out information and contraceptives to all her population with the message that two children was the ideal. They even minted a coin showing a couple with two children on one side. The action has been quite successful in lowering the birthrate in that country.
One quick thought. I’m not convinced that a vagina has never created a job. That being said, stop saying “woman’s vagina”… makes me very uncomfortable. 🙂
Sure it has. it is necessary for the oldest profession in the world.
like I said yesterday, the quality of the comments is getting lower and lower. I might have to go away for a bit to up level my intelligence again.
I rewally hope you won’t go away again. You are very much needed here.
After all this, you STILL think the Paul Ryan “Hey girl, voting for me is the last choice you’ll be allowed to make” thing isn’t funny?
Oh wow, good luck with that!
Where has the republican fascination with jobs been for three years? It has been absent. Lots of talk regarding death panels, lots of talk regarding communism, lots of talk about Obama being from Kenya, etc etc. But a void regarding any new ideas? We had a show down on raising the debt ceiling, a show down on planned parenthood, but NOT one new idea on how to create jobs. Your guys fought to ensure that the Bush tax cuts would not expire on those poor hapless job creators, and yet, where are the jobs being created? This recession is deep, almost a depression. Where would we have been with no government intervention Slow? Take away Tarp, take away the auto bailout, take away the one stimulus package and WHERE do you think this nation would have landed? On its feet? WHAT WAS THE REPUBLICAN IDEA to get us out of the impending Depression?
You’ve been watching too much PMSNBC. Republicans have been talking about jobs almost non-stop for the last 3 years, from the time it became clear Obama couldn’t do anything besides suppress job-growth. Now, what REMAINS to be seen is IF the Republicans win big, will they DO what they SHOULD do to bring back jobs. I’m not convinced they would. Many jobs be created just by Obama and his disgrace of a cabinet leaving office, but it would take a lot more from Republicans to get out of the way and let jobs be created.
They seem void of ideas on Faux News. Lots of bitching about Obama but not ideas about job creation. I keep listening…daily. It isn’t there.
Much as been done by Republicans to protect the wealthy from taxes being raised. I want to know what will be done do keep them from rising on US at the beginning of the new year.
Unfortunately, liberals likely could not recognize new ideas if they heard them.
This ought to make y’all mad.
Doesn’t make me mad. I think I will get my kids to go make a commerical and say they were abortion survivors also. I would have to know a lot more about the circumstances of her mother’s abortion before I even comment. The whole thing sounds absurd and she looked like she was on drugs.
That’s certainly fair. That’s what I usually think of miscreants the Obama administration parades around to push Obamacare, the Dream Act, etc.