Here are Virginia’s most recent voting requirements. Note, you will no longer be allowed to come in without ID and sign an affidavit.
Under the previous Virginia law, voting officials could require identification at the polls, but was it not required. It was a felony to lie. This past year, the General Assembly passed legislation that requires all voters to present one of the following to vote: a voter registration card, social security card, a valid Virginia driver’s license or government ID, passport, valid Virginia student ID, employer photo ID, utility bill, bank statement, government check or paycheck that shows the voters name and address.
DOJ has blocked voter identification changes in several southern states, but cleared Virginia’s voting law changes this week. Our law allows a broader number of documents to establish identity.
Everyone should have their new voter ID card from the State Board of Elections also.
I can’t think of a reason why anyone wouldn’t have one of those forms, regardless of how old or poor they are. Perhaps I have overlooked something.