Let the games begin. How nasty will it get? Who knows. We can control a lot of the nasty that goes on around us with our remote and our feet.
How was that first week of school for the kiddlies? Hopefully everyone was fired up and ready to go. One little Howlet is playing soccer. She thinks she is cool.
I am just glad the conventions are over. Now I can turn off the TV.
Oh Dear God, its all up to Ken Cuccinelli whether or not Virgil Goode stays on the presidential ballot. You know the answer already. I am betting on the Lucy trick. Yes, Ken Cuccinelli promises to be fair and unbiased. Watch him snatch the ballot out from under Virgil Goode faster than Lucy snatches the football out from under Charlie Brown.
“Absolutely Objective” and Ken Cuccinelli are just 2 terms that don’t seem to go together. Oil and Water. Fire and Ice. Cuccinelli supports Romney. He was one of his chief cheer leaders at the GOP Convention. I am not sure *I* could be completely objective. Cuccinelli is known for playing loose with political ethics for causes he believe correct. He even tried to change the State Seal of Virginia because Lady Virtue had an exposed breast (such as it was) peeping out from under her tunic.
The State Board of Elections says Virgil Goode stays on the ballot but Ken Cuccinelli owns the power.
Rachel Maddow is right. Ken Cuccinelli and Virgil Goode take on national importance. This isn’t an ordinary year. Mr. Goode could be Mr. BAD for the GOP.
Activists on both sides of the abortion debate are rallying their troops for a Virginia Board of Health meeting next week that could determine the future of many of the state’s 20 abortion clinics.
Abortion-rights advocates packed the board’s meeting in June and cheered when the board stripped from the proposed regulations a hotly contested provision requiring all clinics to meet the same strict architectural standards as newly constructed hospitals. They claimed the provision would require costly renovations that would force most clinics to close.
The following month, Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli refused to certify the regulations. Cuccinelli said the board overstepped its authority because legislation passed by the General Assembly requiring the licensure and regulation of abortion clinics specifically mandated the strict building standards.
Rep. Frank Wolf has long protested the cost of driving on The Greenway and he called it, highway robbery. Angela Petry who lives in West Virginia drives The Greenway daily and is outraged over the price–$5.55 each way. She wrote her protest song. The Greenway is the only privately owned road in Virginia. So much for private ownership of roads. I will just say on my old government own highway.
Does that make me a socialist?
Sorry about the quality of the video. Its a listen not look kinda video. If someone wants to tell me how to fix it, I will.