Speaking of mocking……

Things aren’t going all that well with Egypt.  President Obama had to get President Morsi on the phone for some serious dressing down.  It seems that the good Egyptian president equivocated quite a bit rather than renouncing the violence against America.

Egypt is strategic for the United States because of their treaty with Israel.  Meanwhile, Mosri is stranded between having the USA pissed off at him and a while country of irate Muslims who don’t seem to understand that we don’t go pull “offenders” out of their beds in the middle of the night and execute them for being crass pigs.

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Volcan del Fuego: Ready for some climate change?

Volcan del Fuego made September 13th rather memorable for those living around the volcano in Guatemala.  A volcanic eruption can affect air travel and weather around the world.  If the eruption is large enough, it can affect climate for several years.

33,000 inhabitants were evacuated.  The volcano spewed lava nearly 2,000 feet.  The pyroclastic flows are the most dangerous.

Read more:  Volcano Discovery


Cash strapped countries eye wealth of the Catholic Church


Cash-strapped officials in Europe are looking for a way to ease their financial burden by upending centuries of tradition and seeking to tap one of the last untouched sources of wealth: the Catholic Church.

Thousands of public officials who have seen the financial crisis hit their budgets are chipping away at the various tax breaks and privileges the church has enjoyed for centuries.

But the church is facing its own money troubles. Offerings from parishioners have nosedived, and it has been accused of using shady bank accounts and hiding suspect transactions.

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