The Hill:

Rep. Todd Akin (R-Mo.) said on Thursday that Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.) isn’t acting as “ladylike” as when she last ran for Senate because she’s worried he’s going to unseat her.
Specifically, Akin was referring to McCaskill’s demeanor during a debate a week earlier.
“I think we have a very clear path to victory, and apparently Claire McCaskill thinks we do, too, because she was very aggressive at the debate, which was quite different than it was when she ran against Jim Talent,” Akin said at a campaign stop according to the Kansas City Star. “She had a confidence and was much more ladylike (in 2006), but in the debate on Friday she came out swinging, and I think that’s because she feels threatened.”

We aren’t quite sure what Claire McCaskill has done “unladylike” to deserve such upbraiding but it must have been serious for such a liberated renaissance man to comment on her behavior in such terms.

Todd Akin refused to drop out of the Missouri senate race after socially disgracing himself by referring to “legitimate rape.”  His refusal to walk that remark back dealt a blow to Mitt Romney who already suffers from “woman problems” because of the all out assault on women’s reproductive rights by some in the Republican party.

Akin is hoping that many Republicans who disavowed him for his legitimate rape comments will forgive him and come to his rescue as he is short on money.

I think it is quite within Ms. McCaskill’s rights to suggest that Akin is not man-like.  He certainly has no working knowledge of how women’s body’s work.

So what does one do with a Senate candidate who now speaks of his opponent as unladylike?  Is this guy out of touch or what?


25 Thoughts to “Mr. Legitimate Rape Akin finds opponent to be unlady-like”

  1. SlowpokeRodriguez

    Sorry, no sale here. You had something with “legitimate rape”, but this is just another day on the campaign trail.

    1. I am glad he is in Missouri and not here. We have enough oppressors in the Old Dominion–even ones who want to put more clothing on Lady Virtus.

  2. So you are aware that saying that a grown woman is “unladylike” is totally unacceptable, especially by a man?

    No, it isn’t as bad as Legitimate Rape” but its up there with aspirin between the knees in male stupidity.

  3. Censored bybvbl

    Yup! Male stupidity.

  4. kelly_3406

    I don’t understand why you are always trying to limit speech. I would think you would want Todd Akin to speak loudly and clearly. If his words offend moderates and libs as much as you think, then he will be defeated.

    The speech police keep telling us that we cannot offend Muslims in regard to Mohammed even as “Piss Ch**st” is making its way to New York. Whites are told that they cannot discuss certain racial topics because they don’t understand minority culture. Men are told that they cannot speak about reproductive topics because women do the heavy lifting (which of course they do).

    I have just about had it with the speech police. It seems that the movement to limit free speech is growing. I will actively oppose these efforts.

    And, oh by the way, Akin is slightly ahead of McCaskill in their Senate race.

    1. Kelly, I am wondering why you think I am trying to limit his speech? I am calling attention to his speech.

      He is totally free to be an ass and I am totally free to point out the error of his ways.

      Just out of curiosity, why is it we want to offend Muslims? It makes no sense to me.

      Men tell women what to do with reproduction at their own risk. Let’s take Rush Limbaugh and his rude talk abotu Sandra Fluke. Do you think he was justified in what he said? He paid the price for having a big mouth. His advertisers did the dirty work. Serves him right.

      Unfortunately too many people don’t understand the difference in bad manners and free speech.

      As for Akin, that doesn’t actually surprise me. Akin is a pig. Maybe its a good idea to see who crawls in his trough.

      I am waiting for the speech police to take me away…..

  5. marinm

    Agreed. Much like how Senator Deeds got slaughtered for calling a reporter ‘young lady’.

    Or, shut up and let a man do it… (before you get mad, view the link)

    1. Young lady is totally different than a man saying “unladylike.” “Unladylike” carries value judgement. Young Lady is just something older people say. It deals with age only.

      Yes, he did get ripped over that. It was old-fashion speak actually. I can remember the incident but not what got him ripped..was it for the use of young lady or his tone?

    2. That is a good video. It says a lot. Actually I wasn’s sure it was a spoof for a minute, I thought it was just a bad flash back.

      I am thinking about ” young lady”…there is something dismissive about that expression. He shouldn’t have done that. It was political fodder.

      Its a habit …probably we should just erase young lady and young man from our vocabularies.

      I am trying to get get Mr. Howler to stop saying “gal.” He thinks it is female for “guy.” It isn’t. I have been working on this a long time without success. It is just embarrassing.

  6. Lyssa

    I don’t think eliminating words is the solution. How about we bring back good manners! At the rate we’re going we’re eliminating young man and adding a-ight. Here’s a word – stupid. Frank Sinatra made is sound godd.

    1. Young man and young woman are just old fashioned expressions. They carry to connotation that the speaker is above the person in stature, rank or age. I agree there are worse expressions to use. However, maybe it just dates you. Calling women ‘gals’…shouldn’t happen. It isn’t rude, its, ….just shouldn’t be done. I think Mr. Howler is clinging to his old ways to spite me.

      I am not sure manners will ever return. Just listening to network TV in the 10 pm spot makes me think that.

  7. Lyssa

    They only carry that connotation if used that way or interpreted that way. Many are oversensitive yet many more I’m finding are eager to pounce. And there is nothing wrong with gal. Fits well with guy.

    Manners are all about expectation. So is tact. There are PLENTY of places where both are thriving just fine. Seek them out.

  8. Lyssa

    There’s a nice ice cream place in Fauquier where the product is delish, the staff are pleasant and the crowd is NORMAL. No shoving, swearing, glaring, muttering……

    Plus they have a grilled cheese that is fantastic with fancified cheese. So if you’re up for normal….

  9. Elena

    Akin is a fool, so his accusing his opponent of being “unladylike” is ridiculous. Maybe he wants her to sit down and shut up and behave like a proper woman.

    1. It is more like she shouldn’t be running for office at all.

  10. @Lyssa

    I guess if we use that indicator, there is nothing wrong with “broad.”

    I find ‘gal’ almost as bad as I do calling mature women ‘girls.’ Men should not say it.

    Or, let me put it another way, want a 10% tip rather than a 25% tip?

    Its too familiar without permission. I would never go up to a table or group of men I didn’t know well and call them ‘boys.’ What saves ‘guys’ is that it is generic. Both men and women can be guys. It just has a different connotation.

  11. Elena

    when I think of certain words and their “time” periods in history, gal harkens to a 1940’s and 1950’s mentality where women were absolutely treated as inferior citizens. So the connonation for that word is reprenstative of a time when women were treated as complete unequals to men.

  12. Starryflights

    Akin is going to get his butt kicked by McCaskill.

  13. Lyssa

    Sigh…I think broad is a big leap Moon from gal. The definitions say so. But I am tired of all the anger and pushback on everything. I have my opinions but don’t take the hill on everything and I don’t think I’m right about everything. Your blog…

  14. Censored bybvbl

    I’ve found the word “gal” to have different meanings depending on the speaker’s point. When I visited my relatives in NY when I was a kiddo, “gal” or “girl” was used in the same way as “guy” with no ulterior motive – meaning “pal”. In the South where we grew up, the meaning was entirely different. It carried the same connotation as “boy” and was generally aimed at African Americans as a slur. Poor white women also took offense if they were called “gal” not so much for the condescending “little woman” aspect of the term but because it was used to denigrate a group they didn’t want to be lumped in with. It’s all in the speaker’s intention.

  15. Elena

    I don’t think anyone, i.e. Moon or myself, believes they are right about everything either, well, at least not MOST things 🙂

    But, Moon was sharing her view and you actually interjected, or “pushed back” on gal being seen as offensive, claiming differently, thus requiring a more extensive discussion. I well remember having to educate a man or two on why “honey” was offensive, at least men within a decade or two of my age, any older and I give a pass. Akin doesn’t get a pass and for the most part, neither does gal.

    I didn’t sense it was a point being that required falling on the proverbial sword over, just a sharing of another word that can be construed as demeaning in certain circumstances.

  16. marinm

    I think the entire conversation is trivial when you see the pictures posted by the fairer gender and the relationships the new generation engage in.

    Just remember, “SWAG” doesn’t pay the rent.

    So, I chuckle anytime I see a thread about how women shouldn’t be called this and that and pop into facebook and see a chic (yes! i used that word!) leaving nothing to the imagination and talking about how she’s prego, the guy doesn’t have a job and just dumped her.

    Hard not to laugh at someones misfortune when its so easily scripted..

    1. Actually I think you make a very good point, Marin. There are crass people of both genders. However, just because some women want to wallow with hogs doesn’t mean that the rest of us do.

      I won’t just you by how some men deal with their children (like disappearing, not raising them, abusing them) if you don’t judge me by some of my gender contritutes to their own oppression.

      I think it is probably called class.

      So no, it isn’t trivial if you set your sights higher than acting like the lowest common denominator. Perhaps this is the time to differentiate between people of class (which has nothing to do with money) and trash.

      I see nothing wrong with chic or chix in the right environment. It isn’t professional talk however. I wouldn’t refer to my female boss as a chic. Women, female, and even lady are a good substitute.

  17. Bear

    Women, I believe in equal pay for equal work and I believe women can do any job they want. What confuses me is why you want to be equal to men you’re already better

    1. Modesty prevents us from sayiung so. Thanks, Bear.

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