The Great VP Debate: Biden vs Ryan

Tonight’s the night.  (in the words of Rod Stewart)

Starry predicts a huge arse kicking by Vice President Joe BFD Biden.   Marin, in the other corner, had to get clever on us and give us:

 I think Biden’s going to do some ass kicking tonight.  Jabbin’ Joe needs to throw a 1% jab, a 47% cross, a faux war on women hook and end it off with a Big Bird uppercut!

No hedging out bets on all of that.  I think Marin might be pulling our leg.

I haven’t heard much about Ryan.  He isn’t Palin, which is a compliment.  He at least has substance. I just don’t like his budget policies or his stand on reproductive rights.  I believe that unless women can control their own reproduction, they have no finacial equality.

So, feel free to comment or not on the debate.  I make no promises about sticking with it.  I might just fade off to sleep.



Waffling Romney aborts previous abortion remarks 2 hours later

Huffington Post:

Apparently Old Moderate Mitt tried his best to escape from Make-over Mitt.  It didn’t last long:

Mitt Romney said Tuesday he has no plans to push for legislation limiting abortion, a softer stance from a candidate who has said he would “get rid of” funding for Planned Parenthood and appoint Supreme Court who would overturn Roe v. Wade.

“There’s no legislation with regards to abortion that I’m familiar with that would become part of my agenda,” the Republican presidential nominee told The Des Moines Register in an interview.

The Romney campaign walked back the remark within two hours of the Register posting its story. Spokeswoman Andrea Saul told the National Review Online’s Katrina Trinko that Romney “would of course support legislation aimed at providing greater protections for life.”

His statement could put him at odds with congressional Republicans who have made limiting abortion central to their messages. His own running mate, Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.), has introduced bills to restrict access to abortion. And the Republican Party platform toughened its anti-abortion stance earlier this year.

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