Tonight’s the night. (in the words of Rod Stewart)
Starry predicts a huge arse kicking by Vice President Joe BFD Biden. Marin, in the other corner, had to get clever on us and give us:
I think Biden’s going to do some ass kicking tonight. Jabbin’ Joe needs to throw a 1% jab, a 47% cross, a faux war on women hook and end it off with a Big Bird uppercut!
No hedging out bets on all of that. I think Marin might be pulling our leg.
I haven’t heard much about Ryan. He isn’t Palin, which is a compliment. He at least has substance. I just don’t like his budget policies or his stand on reproductive rights. I believe that unless women can control their own reproduction, they have no finacial equality.
So, feel free to comment or not on the debate. I make no promises about sticking with it. I might just fade off to sleep.