Traveling about the blogosphere today, I have read more ignorant horse crap than I even knew existed. Perhaps the worst is that Obama didn’t want to deport anyone so they could vote for him. This absurdity, of course, overlooks the fact that illegal immigrants are NOT citizens and therefore cannot vote. Neither can green card holders. Neither can legal residents.
My fellow bloggers are also not above attempting to scare their readers either. What’s in it for them? At this point, I am not sure. Perhaps a trip down memory lane or a red circle memorabilia meeting? Who knows. Its probably an attempt to stir up more animus against the President also. I figure those folks weren’t going to vote for him anyway.
At any rate, Secure Communities is an attempt to respond to the Arizona SB 1070 component that still allows probable cause. In Prince William County, that hasn’t been an issue because all those arrested were checked for immigration status, regardless of name, race, ethnicity. Still, Secure Communities targets those illegal immigrants who real criminals–those who have broke serious laws and who put our communities at risk. It does not target jay walkers. Jay walkers waste everyone’s time. No one has been deported for jay walking.
In a nation with many illegal immigrants and a finite number of ICE agents and federal judges, it only makes sense to use our resources wisely. We want rid of the worst of the worst. Please note, despite the lies told by some, Elena and I have always supported our 287(g) program. We don’t want real criminals running around any more than you do.
Meanwhile, get the facts. Other information may also be obtained from the ICE website.
From the I.C.E website:.
Secure Communities: Get the Facts
FACT: ICE is focused on smart, effective immigration enforcement that prioritizes efforts to identify and remove criminal aliens and others who pose a potential threat to public safety. Under this administration, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has prioritized the removal of aliens who are in the country illegally who have also broken criminal laws.