- 11/3/12
Inside Nova:
President Barack Obama will make a last-minute campaign stop in Prince William County on Saturday, along with the musician Dave Matthews and former president Bill Clinton, several news outlets reported Wednesday evening.
Fired up! Ready to Go! He’s coming back. Even Hurricane Sandy couldn’t keep President Obama out of Prince William County, even though he had to cancel last Monday night. He will bring Bill Clinton and the Dave Matthews Band with him.
The rally is in the evening and will be at Jiffy Lube Pavilion.
President Obama’s latest accomplishment has been to get FEMA right where help was needed. He was fired up before hand, and ready to go as soon as the storm passed. That is the secret of FEMA’s success….to be fired up and ready to go before the event, rather than trying to play catch up. 78% of those polled were very pleased with how the President handled the aftermath of the storm. I wonder who those other trolls are? That 22%?
Tickets are at Obama Headquarters over in the City of Manassas. You will have to supply information before getting the tickets.
Fired up!! Ready to Go!!! From Sat. Night at Juffy Lube–insidenova.com
- Nov.3, 2012
I think it is entirely appropriate that Obama addresses PWC in a place with the word “lube” in it. That’s as close to truth in advertising as we’re going to get.
He terminated 287 g; he made our community less safe for political purposes. I won’t forget it and he won’t get my vote.
He also implemented Secure Communities and doesn’t charge an arm and a leg like the millions that were spent implementing the original programs. Secure communities is free.
But go ahead, blame Obama. Does he get any credit for the deportations? There have been a lot. How about the fact that there fore many fewer border crossings. Ooops. Didn’t think so.
It will be interesting to see if he campaigns on his “accomplishments” in Libya.
Did Reagan campaign on his accomplishments in Lebanon? I doubt it.
I suppose that not blaming the hurricane on a YouTube video could be considered progress.
It’s Secure Communities, and we’ll see if this turns out to be a misnomer. Watch for those crime statistics. I don’t guess they use Secure Communities in LA for if they did the place wouldn’t be a South of the Border hole.
Sorry, I got it right 50% of the time. Do I get partial credit?
Reagan didn’t try to cover it up and blame his failure on a video. He took responsibility for it, calling it one of his worst decisions.
Cargo, there is no cover up. Please don’t be absurd.
There is nothing to cover up. Secondly, I don’t recall Reagan saying that at all. Why should he say something that stupid? He didnt blow up the barracks. The world is a dangerous place and it is full of people who would do us harm.
You are making up crap again to cover up your hatred. Again, you are looking for binary answers to a complex problem.
Second guessing and sitting around all day criticizing…. 🙄 Would that we all had hindsight. We might have never even had Pearl Harbor. Oh yea, that was a conspiracy also.
This thread is about the rally. All I see on it is the Republican boys on here trying to discredit the President.
You all have never come on here and talked about your candidate’s strengths. Its just all anti Obama.
Maybe it is because you can’t.
I’m sorry….it’s OUR fault that your liberal friends didn’t show up to chant “yes…..we……can?”
There’s one huge difference. Obama has already been the head of this country for nearly four years, and so it is very easy to look back and determine if you want four more of the same, whereas Romney has never been in control of the country. He is somewhat of an unknown, but much less so than Obama was in 2008. Obama was just a completely unknown with one hell of a teleprompter. McCain … not so much.
‘Does he get any credit for the deportations? There have been a lot. ”
Not from me. His position’s pretty clear. He castigates Romney over the idea of encouraging self-deportation, and he makes it a point that we should only deport “criminal” illegal immigrants. And he actively fights Arizona when they attempt to address their problem. He DOES NOT CARE to help with the problem. Romney at least pays it lip service. And perhaps Romney does realize that if we can get 10-15 million or so illegal immigrants out of our job market, it will reduce unemployment.
This is one of the reasons i won’t pull the lever for Obama. HIs relentless negativism, lack of maningful plans forward, and demonstrated inability to lead are others. I’m voting ‘Howard the Duck’ this year. I would not want a vote for Obama (fear-mongering bs artist) or Romney (slick vacuous salesman who will increase our debt) on my conscience. I voted Obama 4 years ago and have felt bad about it since as I watched him flail and flounder and seek to implement Nancy Pelosi’s preferred directions. I won’t do it a second time. He hasn’t lead us anywhere real. On healthcare, he abandoned the larger argument against cost control and played the issue for short-term political gain (not that he got any). He’s not a leader; he doesn’t deserve another 4 years. If he gets 4 more, we can be fairly sure that nothing good will happen and he will continue to lack the stones to do anything real.
I urge my fellow Virginians to vote “neither”.
NOise. Lots of it.
You can’t say one thing positive about your candidate. All you can do is bitch about and belittle the other one.
How sad. Say something positive about someone.
Reagan said that his decision to put Marines into Beirut was the mistake.
As for it not being a cover up?
Where have you been?
The administration blamed it on a video for almost two weeks while they already knew that there was no demonstration. The people in Benghazi were left out to dry. They refuse to answer any questions on why there was no security by Americans and why the “security” that was there was locally hired. Why is it that the former SEALS that died had to disobey orders to go help? Apparently, its now known that the defenders were lasing a target…..awaiting air support…that never came. There was a drone overhead. They were watching in real time. We know that the team in Benghazi was told to stand down and the CIA employed former SEALS disobeyed that order.
People with more knowledge that I have been questioning the events. And no answers are forthcoming. Apparently, the FBI finally investigated. For 3 hours. And left documents there to be found and used by the Arab Press.
If its not a cover up, then its an example of a huge incompetent clusterf### of a mess.
The Embassy requested help. It was denied. And Obama went to Vegas.
You know what….fine. I’ll retract “cover up” so as to not offend.
But I’d like to hear Obama’s answer on why there are so many discrepancies in the admin’s story. As would the Congress
There appears to be a discrepancy between your directive and the actions taken by the Department of Defense. As we are painfully aware, despite the fact that the military had resources in the area, the military did not deploy any assets to secure U.S. personnel in Benghazi during the hours the consulate and the annex were under attack. I find it implausible that the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Commander of U.S. Africa Command, and the Commander of U.S. European Command would have ignored a direct order from the Commander in Chief. Therefore, could you please clarify:
•To whom did you issue this first directive and how was this directive communicated to the military and other agencies – verbally or in writing?
• At any time on September 11, 2012, did you specifically direct the military to move available assets into Libya to ensure the safety of U.S. personnel in Benghazi? If so, which assets did you order to Libya?
• At any time on September 11, 2012, other than ISR assets, did you provide the authority for the military to take any and all necessary measures to secure U.S. personnel, including specifically the authority to enter Libyan airspace?
• Did you have any communication with the Secretary of Defense, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, or any Commanders of regional Combatant Commands regarding military support to U.S. personnel in Benghazi on September 11th? If so, could you please describe any recommendations provided to you regarding available military support and any orders you gave to them?
@Rick Bentley
Well said Rick. The problem for me is that if I vote “neither,” don’t I have to accept some responsibility if Obama wins again – like I do now. I can’t go there–and as for immigration controls; with the unemployment rate coming out today, here’s a statistic that you will not see in the mainstream media to go with it:
@Rick Bentley
Not everyone agrees with you or with AZ about immigration.
Imagine, just wanting to deport all the criminal illegal aliens. Wouldn’t it be far better to go after children? Low hanging fruit?
I think there might be more to this than perhaps you are willing to admit. I doubt seriously that illegal aliens are taking away jobs Americans are lining up to take. Not even close. Afraidn you are giving Americans a little more credit than I am willing to do.
@Second Alamo
I do want 4 more years. I am better off today than I was most of 2008.
I really can’t think of a single thing to bitch at him about. I dont demand perfection.
With the unemployemnt rate going up again – from 7.8 to 7.9 percent, Obama’s goose is cooked. More to the point, according to the government, the overall youth unemployment rate is now at 12 percent. But for younger black voters, the rate is a staggering 21.4 percent. And for Hispanic youth is 13.4 percent. Now, as bad as that is, I cannot imagine what those numbers really are if you consider how many have exited the labor force under the Obama welfare approach and the DOL method of calculating unemployement or if part time work was not treated as the same as full time work by DoL The powder keg is fused, we have to try something and someone else.
No they didnt. Get rid of the word blame. They were doing an investigation. The CIA is very much involved. In fact, this same bunch of Republican clowns breached security right in the middle of their house investigation.
Stop your partisan Spin spin spin.
I have followed the story very closely.
As for this a POS Buck McKeon, how dare he address the President of the United States in such a tone.
No respect here for anyone who would do that to any commander in chief.
Here you go, from here on out, this thread is about the Obama rally.
anything off topic is coming down. I am sick of it, Elena is sick of it.
I like immigrants. I think they have added, and will add, to the success of this nation. We ar a free nation to all who want to work hard and succeed. That has always been our strength. Why can’t people remember that? I think many people are phobic about people who are not like themselves. Fear drives the right and I am tired of it. Fear, fear, fear. I think it is flamed by Fox News. I guess we will see what happens next week.
Tell me now, just what is this Obama welfare approach that you keep talking about? I want to hear it in your own words. but tell me in the open thread.
I think you are right, Watching. No one fans better than Faux News.
I expect there will be lots of immigrants at the rally Saturday night.
Blue seems to think that the unemployment rate will keep blacks and Latinos from the polls. I do not think that. I think they will get fired up and ready to go.
I think the rally is going to be full of energy and lots of people who will vote on Tuesday. I think they will show up for both. I know I will.
How dare he? How dare the President NOT answer the questions!
Why do you continue to treat the President as a monarch that must not be held accountable for his words? He is accountable to the citizens of the US and its representatives. Oh no! We can’t demand accountability of President Obama! He looks gorgeous is that suit….what do you mean he’s naked?
McKeon is on an oversight committee. His letter was respectful to the office.
Back to the unemployment issue, its going back up and what it is for blacks and youth : did you also see that the unemployment rate in the government sector continued to decline in October, dropping to 4.2 percent, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Holy smokes there is a problem there! Hey, maybe somebody could ask a question about that at the rally.
I treat the person filling the office of the president with respect. There is a certain protocol one is to follow. It doesn’t matter if it is George Washington, George Bush, or Barack Obama.
That nedneck congressman should be punched in the nose.
pssst,,,,that’s why we say Mr. President, regardless. No, he isn’t a monarch but he holds the highest office in this land.
Now…the next comment like that in this thread gets taken down.
Blue, would you like a ticket? I can have Elena run it by.
You can ask him.
Yes, I will — wait, when did he start answering questions about anything? See i fundementally want to know what he would do beginning on day 1 of a second term, that he could not do now – without him sliding into more taxes for the not so rich and above BS.
Darn it! This is what I get for not logging on to Moonhowlings every day for the latest news. I just tried to get a ticket online, but none left. 🙁 Bummer! What a lineup.
Only a completely misinformed person would not give Obama credit for the real change in Libyia. Obama was integral in forcing a real plan of action as opposed to a meaningless no fly zone
Why is it that we saw, for the first time, tens of thousands of muslims march in the streets FOR change, for stopping the violence? Did people here miss the signs of apology to America and love for Ambassador Stephens. I guess its just easier for some people to hate no matter what, to look for evil instead of good.
Why this new development in the the middle east? Because most Libyians were thankful for our help, thankful for the friendship ofAmbassador Christopher Stephens. It is amazing to me that so many republicans are willfully ignoring that amazing development.
Yes, there you go Blue, full of self importance! I guess when you think with such a small mind, its easy to believe there are simple solutions to complicated problems. Obama has been on a steady course and what he has been able to do, IN SPITE of the obstructionist republicans is quite amazing.
We are growing out of this deep hole but it will take time. In fact, for the FIRST time, the housing industry was not the backbone of our recovery. Yeah, I think that Obama has done a good job considering that he had to stop a free fall of the economy and work around a useless House of Reps who wanted to see him fail more than they wanted to help the American people.
Retract it so as to not lie.
You are using all of this as political fodder and I think it is disgusting.
You know as well as I do how difficult it is to sort out all the answers and much of it is still sensitive material.
Spin spin spin
“I really can’t think of a single thing to bitch at him about. I dont demand perfection.” If you can’t find a single fault, then that is the meaning of perfection is it not? Do you feel better off when you fill up your gas tank? Do you feel better off when you check the national debt? Do you feel better off when unemployment isn’t getting any better?
I can’t find a thing for me to personally bitch about. I don’t hold presidents responsible for the gas tank. I hold the oil companies responsible. There is only one way around those greedy bastards and that is to own stock in the company.
I don’t hold Obama responsible for the national debt.
The unemployment rate is getting better or at least not getting significantly worse. So is the jobs report getting better.
I look at a different big picture than what the GOP wants me to look at.
Where have YOU been living. Obama has not raised anyone’s taxes.
The same people bitched about being in Libya to start with.
The middle east is a dangerous place.
Going the other way on Wellington and saw the traffic. Ooph!
If anyone went, please report in! Mr. Twinad’s father passed away today so we have a house full of mourner’s tonight…I wouldn’t have been able to go had I secured a ticket, but am very interested in knowing what the event was like.
Twinad, I am sorry. Please give our regards and condolances to Mr. Twinad and his siblings. It must be difficult not to be able to go be with the rest of the family.
My daughter is at the rally. Obama is supposed to be there at 1030 according to gossip from those texting me. I will let you know. I have a couple pictures but I cant tell who is in them.
I’m sorry for your loss.
I’d like to hear from anyone that went. Especially concerning numbers. My understanding is that the Obama rallys haven’t been pulling in the numbers they’ve hoped for. But, in a battleground state like Virginia it will be very interesting to see how many turned out.
It took my daughter 2 hours to get there. I got word that it was huge.
Elena went to the first one. It was huge.
I am curious what is a good showing. I dont even know how many people jif. lube holds.
10,000 under cover and 15,000 on the lawn.
Thank you, Lyssa.
So I guess when more than 25k show up, they cut it off.
Fired up….ready to go….
Clinton is speaking on MSNBC now.
Well they must have handed out 25K passes in about 36 hours then. I don’t think that sucks!
And thanks for the kind words, MH and marinm.
24,000 at jiffy lube pavilion tonight.
That is a great showing!!!!
Clinton and Obama were just great! Terrific speeches. Kaine was there also but no speech.
You are not welcome on this blog. Next time I put your IP and along with your name and address.
Did you ever retire? We would put up your last job also.
You have been warned.
Consider this a public warning. Think of it as your own personal POSTED sign.
If Obama isn’t responsible for anything, then why re-elect him? re: #39