During the past year Elena and I have written a great deal about the war on women. This is a national and state effort, for the most part, that has stripped women of their reproductive rights and their access to full employment. Women have been subjected to legislative railroading as well as other forms of bullying. They have been dismissed and ridiculed.
However, one doesn’t really have to even leave Prince William County to get a full dose of watching the war on women. It is happening right here in the blogosphere and it is happening to our County Executive, Melissa Peacor. First off, it isn’t happening on this blog and it won’t. I would take that crap down faster than greased lightning. I don’t allow personal attacks on county employees. Why? I used to be one and you can’t fight back. Empathy has always stood me in good stead.
The latest attack has been issued by the Sheriff of Nottingham over Ms. Peacor remodeling the office space she now uses since she is the head honcho or honcho-ette. The Sheriff has spent so much time attacking Ms. Peacor that he has lost all credibility with me. I know many of his assertions to be untrue. I don’t like or approve of lying about anyone, especially for political gain.
I don’t believe in the politics of personal character assassination.