92 Thoughts to “Open Thread……………………………………………Friday, December 7”

  1. Starryflights

    This came as news to me.

    “Warren has bought more than 80 papers . . . and he’s been waving his arms saying, ‘I’m not done.’ ” (Last month, Buffett announced that he would close one of the Media General papers he bought, the Manassas News & Messenger, at the end of the year.)


  2. Well, Soros has a media empire. You know how all these moguls compete with each other.


  3. I wish Buffet hadn’t closed down the one in Manassas.

  4. David Axelrod will shave off his mustache on Morning Joe this morning. The de-‘staching is a result of a challenge with Joe Scarborough to raise a million dollars for an epilepsy cure.

    Axelrod’s daughter suffers from severe epilepsy. Over 50,000 people a year die from complications of epilepsy.

  5. Axelrod’s stache is off. Not bad!

    His wife, Susan, a lovely lady, was there for the de-stacheing.

    Donald Trump called in. He had made a large donation to the cause of epilepsy.

  6. Lyssa

    Trump was trumped when Mika called him and suggested he donate $5m to epilepsy – the same $5m he offered Obama to produce his passport and college apps.

  7. Censored bybvbl

    If the WaPo puts up a paywall, how many of us will shell out the money? I’ve gotten around the NYTimes paywall several times but would probably end up paying for one of these papers – probably the Post.

  8. Lyssa

    I get around the NYT by googling the headline.

  9. Lyssa


    Absolutely agree with you on that!

  10. Cindy B

    Well, since you asked….Write by the Rails just published New Departures, an anthology of local writers. Available on Amazon.com or Simply Sweet on Main in Old Town Manassas.

    One of the contributors, Carole Bellacera, will be signing her own books at McKay’s Used Books on Sudley Road in Manassas from 11 am to 1 pm on Saturday, Dec. 8.

    Another of the contributors, Dan Verner, sings in the Manassas Chorale’s “Glorious Noel!” Winter Concert on Saturday, December 8 at 5:00 pm and 8:00 pm at the Hylton Performing Arts Center. Dan writes a Biscuit City blog and in the anthology are his poems, “The Cats Are Driving to Work” and “Jane Eyre at the Bowling Alley,” which starts:

    When she showed up, she had the lane
    To herself. Even though it was league
    Night she looked so like an orphan
    And a plain one at that that they let the girl
    Bowl, wearing rental shoes in a child’s size.

    At $7, it’s a bargain – 22 writers and 39 selections. Buy local.

  11. Watching

    Bruce Potter is starting another paper/site that will include PWC. January 2013

  12. Cindy B

    Watching is talking about this:

    I heard this morning that the Times newspapers (Gainesville Times, Fauquier Times)…is considering a Manassas Times. Heard it from someone with a business in Prince William that placed an ad in the Fauquier Times.

  13. Cindy B

    Haven’t heard if these folks are considering western expansion:

  14. Need to Know

    Here’s an observation I made today. Mrs. NTK and I went to the international market in Centreville this morning. We think their fresh produce and fish/seafood sections are great. Needing to take off a few pounds I bought some kimchee to eat as a snack, which they make on the premises. Nothing unusual about any of that.

    The store was playing Christmas music, including some of the religious songs! No non-descript “holiday” music. I was amazed and pleased. The politically-correct crowd mandates that we not play Christmas or religious music because people of different cultures might take offense. Nonsense. That store is probably the most culturally diverse place you can go around here. We even saw Muslims there (apparent from the headwear the women had on). Absolutely no one seemed bothered or to be taking offense. In fact, everyone seemed to be very happy and apparently looking forward to the “holidays.”

    I hosted a party at my office Sunday for a DC-wide organization in which I’m involved (multicultural and multi-faith). One of my friends in the group is Jewish and we talked about “Christmas” parties. I mentioned that I have never had a Jewish friend who objects to “Christmas Parties.” The usual reaction is appreciation for being invited, with no perception that it’s a covert attempt to convert them. My friend agreed completely. One of the other examples we discussed is that if I’m invited to a Passover Seder meal, I don’t want the family to concoct some meaningless, vague name for it to avoid offending me. I won’t be offended. I want to experience the other faith’s tradition and practices.

    Anyway, those who make being offended a trait of their personality and want to homogenize everyone into some nonsensical commercial “holiday” need to lighten up. Political correctness is offensive. Let’s all enjoy our traditions as they are meant to be practiced and respect the differences.

    1. No one minds being invited to a private party that is a based on a religious theme. What some people object to is a company Christmas party. Some also object if they work for government.

      Other people think any excuse for a party. Its difficult to generalize this one. Much depends on the individual.

      If I owned a company and anyone was a minority religion, I would probably just have a holiday party.

  15. Lyssa

    Respect being the operative word.

  16. Need to Know


    Including respect for Christians with traditional practices.

  17. Lyssa

    Of course! I attended religious schools all my life. At all levels we were taught comparative religion, studied all major religions, and respect for all religion was drummed into us. Stripping the cultural and ethnic pieces from any holiday simply destroys it.

    This is PWC – everyone should go to NYC this time of year for a great lesson – watching many cultures celebrate the various holidays at the many venues in Midtown.

    Kind of like your visit to the grocery store.

  18. Starryflights

    Unemployment rate falls to lowest level since 2008
    By Annalyn Kurtz @CNNMoney December 7, 2012: 11:41 AM ET

    Modest hiring continued in November and the unemployment rate fell to its lowest level in nearly four years, according to a report released Friday.

    The U.S. economy added 146,000 jobs in November, and the unemployment rate fell to 7.7% from 7.9% in October, the Labor Department said. While that’s the lowest unemployment rate since December 2008, it fell due mainly to workers dropping out of the labor force.


    This is good. Let’s hope the Repugs don’t push us over the cliff.

  19. Need to Know


    I’ve been to NYC many times, including one unusual visit Moon knows all about. I enjoy going for a week or two, but then the crowds start to overwhelm me.

    One of my biggest gripes with the media is that they seem to feel it’s OK to present religious traditions of all religions excect Christianity. Somehow we’re toxic to them. And I don’t agree with O’Reilly that Christianity is just a philosophy. Generally, I like O’Reilly. However, I saw that interview and thought he acted like a jerk.

  20. Need to Know

    What stood out to me was that I had to go to a multicultural business whose patrons are mostly immigrants to hear true Christmas music being played in public. Isn’t that the group the politically-correct crowd is supposedly protecting? Not really. They have more tolerance and respect than the left in the US. The left uses cultural sensitivity as a facade to practice their own bigotry toward Christians and other groups they dislike.

    1. I heard it everywhere I went yesterday….Christmas music that is. I think it is very unfair and inaccurate to say that ‘the left’ is behind taking away your Christmas music. Most people don’t care one way or another.

      I saw the entire Obama Family out lighting the National Christmas tree. They were all singing and this included Grandmother Robinson. They are sending out Christmas card.

      Let’s stop politicizing Christmas and trying to denigrate the left, once again. Many members of “the Left” are Christian so I think it is safe to assume they don’t hate Christianity.

      The fact that I am not willing to shove it down someone else’s throat doesn’t mean I hate it. Perhaps it has to do with respect.

    2. I was at that great international restaurant, Sweet Waters and got blasted away with Christmas music yesterday. Then I went to International Starbucks here in Manassas for some coffee. Damn if those Christians weren’t at it again.

      I cannot tell you how offensive I find the remarks “They have more tolerance and respect than the left in the US. The left uses cultural sensitivity as a facade to practice their own bigotry toward Christians and other groups they dislike..”

  21. Starryflights :
    Unemployment rate falls to lowest level since 2008
    By Annalyn Kurtz @CNNMoney December 7, 2012: 11:41 AM ET
    Modest hiring continued in November and the unemployment rate fell to its lowest level in nearly four years, according to a report released Friday.
    The U.S. economy added 146,000 jobs in November, and the unemployment rate fell to 7.7% from 7.9% in October, the Labor Department said. While that’s the lowest unemployment rate since December 2008, it fell due mainly to workers dropping out of the labor force.
    This is good. Let’s hope the Repugs don’t push us over the cliff.

    This is good? Most of the “job growth” is from people giving up? And the majority of the rest is from gov’t jobs: http://cnsnews.com/news/article/73-new-jobs-created-last-5-months-are-government

    Oh, and Starry, stop being such a squirrel and start talking about the people here with some respect. Your use of “Repugs” is getting tiresome. Some of the readers HERE are Republicans. WE stopped calling you squirrel…so how about you stop acting like it.

  22. Starryflights

    Facts the Conservative New Service Fails to mention.

    The 20,559,000 government employees reported in November 2012 is 677,000 less than the number of government employees reported in January 2009 when Barack Obama took office.
    The percentage of employees employed by the government is lower in November 2012 than when Barack Obama took office (14.35% vs. 14.93%.)

    The number of government employees in November 2012 (20,559,000) is slightly lower than the number in December 2012 (20,616,000).

    The government employment numbers dipped for some reason in April-June of this year. Since then, they’ve reverted to the general downward trend seen since Obama’s inauguration. The Conservative News Service takes this reversion to the mean as a huge growth.

    My conclusion? The Conservative News Service is more interested in cherry-picking numbers to support an anti-Obama editorial stance than in figuring out what the numbers mean.

    This is why your party deserves such nicknames.

  23. And yet…your statistics don’t mean anything concerning the CURRENT job numbers. The article that I linked was just pointing out that the current job numbers include large numbers of gov’t hiring. The ratio of gov’t to private was very large.

    So…your premise is wrong as it concerns what I was talking about. Nice strawman.

    And if you want to sling insults about parties, do you really want to to tit for tat with some of the stuff that the Democrats pull….really? Just so you can be rude to people that are on this blog as commenters and readers?


  24. Pat.Herve

    I just love it when a group of people are all complaining about the Government workers, and how there is just too much spending going on, and that taxes should not be raised to pay for all this spending. It makes for very interesting conversation at get togethers. Then, the next morning, the loudest blow hards of the bunch gets up and goes to work – to their government contract employer! But, oh no, government out sourced employment is the private sector, they are not government employees. Too Funny!

    1. Elena and I have often guffawed about that also, Pat.

      One degree of separation….

      We also had someone where in a similar position. Bad Bad govt.

  25. BSinVA

    Some day people will realize that the folks who make a living inside the government are just like the people who make a living in the private sector. There are good ones and bad ones – smart and creative ones and tired and worn out ones. For the most part, everyone comes to work, where ever that may be, and wants and tries to do a good job. They try to make a living, educate their children, and pay their bills. Private sector folks are not a separate species from public sector folks. Can’t we all just get along? (Now retired folks ARE a different and superior species I will admit.)

    1. How about the evils of drunk driving and speeding? He probably should.

  26. TWINAD

    Hi Censored,

    Hope all is well with you. I agree with you…I would probably fork over money to access the Post website. I paid to get it on my Kindle, but then I got an awesome deal for the hard copy 7 days a week from Living Social or one of the daily deals site…one year, 7 days a week for $26, so then I cancelled my Kindle copy…Kindle ended up dying and I haven’t gotten a new one yet. Can’t live without my Carolyn Hax chats among other things!

    1. You can put a kindle on your computer or ipad and then still get your paper. You just cant hold the kindle in your hand.

      You can get the pc one from amazon.com and the ipad one from ipad apps.

  27. Censored bybvbl


    Hi. I hope all is well with you and your family.

    I should break down and buy a Kindle instead of breaking the spines on my books.

    Carolyn Has is the contemporary answer to Ann and Abby!

    1. Oh dear God, why haven’t you bought a kindle yet?

      Do you want to borrow mine to see if you like it?

  28. Censored bybvbl


  29. TWINAD

    If you want a good laugh, click the link below and scroll all the way down to the last letter…actually there are a few good chuckles before that one, too, but the last one was still making me laugh a little in bed last night…


  30. Censored bybvbl


    Those are funny. The well-lit girl should have stuck with saran wrap!

  31. TWINAD

    Picturing her in her “wide stance” and still plugged in is the vision that keeps running through my mind.

  32. Rick Bentley

    On good fiction – I recommend everything that Philip K Dick wrote. I have read 28 novels of his in the past year. His fiction is beyond anyone else’s. My favorites are :

    “Martian Time-Slip” – an intricate Mobius strip of a novel that sheds light on the human condition

    “A Scanner Darkly” – a funny and very dark book that sheds light on the human condition

    “The Penultimate Truth” – a very dark book about a future where elites run the Earth and acquire huge estates by keeping the masses in subterranean living quarters, scaring them with phony war propoganda

  33. punchak

    What a mental picture THAT brough forth!!! Thanks!

  34. Pat.Herve

    here we go again – the staff of Gov Jindal – the great open transparent Government crusader – has been using non state email for state business – directing controversial topics to personal email accounts in an effort to circumvent FOIA requests. Nice. Same as what Palin was doing in Alaska.

    1. You don’t have to leave PWC to see that happening, Pat. [Where is Corey?]

  35. @Pat.Herve
    And the EPA…don’t forget them.

  36. Pat.Herve

    I cannot stand the ‘Job Creators’ line anymore. It is all about the ‘Job Creators’.

    I did not realize that once someone reached the $250K mark in earned salary, that they became a Job Creator. For instance – Dr. Walts (PWCS) earns $260k per year – is he a job creator? Or Jack Dale (FCPS) – $300K – is he a job creator? Or a stock broker making $750K?

    1. Good point. Any jobs creating Walts is doing certainly isn’t on his dime.

      Jack Dale is getting ready to retire. For that money I would go in until I dropped.

  37. Mom

    Hmmm, no video link for today’s BOCS meeting, curious.

  38. FIFTY!

    As in FIFTY STATES. Not the fiftieth comment.

    What am I talking about?

    All fifty states must now allow, in some shape or form, concealed carry. Illinois’s ban was just declared unconstitutional.

  39. Mom

    “Streaming Video Unavailable – Due to technical difficulites, streaming video of the Board of County Supervisors is unavailable.”

    How damned convenient, wonder if Marty tripped over the power cord.

    1. Marty isn’t there.

      I wonder if the streaming video will be fixed.

      I am not sure how appropriate it is for a budget committee to lobby the Board at Citizens Time.

      The Gainesville Budget committee do not represent most the Gainesville District. i oppose the flat tax rate.

  40. Mom

    Hell no, they might take away the BOCS’s pointy scissors that I’m always encouraging them to run around the room with.

  41. Lafayette

    Woohoo….The Reynolds are on the line up for Citizens’ Time. I just rolled by the place. I sur wish I’d stopped by to pay them a visit. It seems as though we have a “camp” just set up in the hood.

    I would like to know why there are so many from outside of the Gainesville District on the budget committee.

    1. Everyone has the same question, Lafayette.

  42. Lafayette

    Let’s see if Corey respons as usual. Gregg sure got right to the point with the county being penny-wise and pound foolish. Maybe, Corey we’ll wish him a “And a Happy Holidays to you too” like he did one gentleman a couple of years ago.

  43. Lafayette

    Naturally Corey’s going to rape Gregg R’s comments.

  44. Corey, shame on your sorry ass!

    You don’t want to hear about over 200 homeless kids, many of whom are sleeping in cars.

    You know, if for no other reason, these kids are showing up on our SOL scores, even if you don’t care about the poor kids who do not have a real home.

    Good for Frank for standing up to the beginning of bullying. He kept pushing.

    Corey dismissed the what Frank said, blowing him off with some remark about being liberal and said that Fairfax is getting out of the housing business.

    It needs to be discussed, for Gods, sake.

    This is why we need our community partners more than ever!

  45. Mom

    Well Moon, how do we square Pete’s comments about the CXO with your comment policy, he called her out, smacked her down and voiced a position of no confidence.

  46. Corey making a pitch to adopt a flat tax budget. Pete made the motion. Wally seconded it.

    Corey is now talking down to Mike May.

    John Jenkins will not support the flat tax budget under any conditions. Neither will Frank. He feels that the flat tax will do irreparable harm to this county. $248 million in cuts, over 100 would lose their jobs. Many of the arts group would close.

    Corey wants to get elected and Pete just doesn’t know any better.

    Now staff is directed to come up with their list of cuts.

    Pete is pontificating about why he wants lower tax bills. He is parading out the pitiful to make his point.

    This entire discussion is making me sick. 9th richest county in the country. 220 children without a home.

    No people, we aren’t going to go with your plan. It is unrealistic.

    His comments need to be in executive session.

    Pete, here is bias. Your plan is horrible.

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