Smart people don’t get mad, they get even. The same goes for horses.
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Smart people don’t get mad, they get even. The same goes for horses.
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Pete, take your opinon of county personnel in private, in executive session. Did you have your buddy the sheriff write that for you? It looked word for word to me.
That’s telling him, Ms. Caddigan. Wow!! This is entertainement. Unfortunately, it’s at our expense. sigh
Looks like CXO has support from all others. Mrs Caddigan rocks! Despicable. Candland is a puppet. Hope he’s done backgrounds on those that are pulling his strings.
Corey was king of the hypocrites talking about emotions. He has shown more emotion on that board than all the other 7 collectively.
I am so glad that Supervisor Jenkins tried to teach some manners.
He said it so much better than I did,
I don’t feel it was at our expense. It should have been done and probably a long time ago.
Hats off to Marty for being very clear and direct.
I was appalled and embarrased to admit I live in the Gainesville District.
That admonition should have never ever been a public statement.
Any support I have had in the past over Silver Lake has vanished…gone with the wind. He broke a Prince William County rule and exercised very bad manners.
He did not apologize. He upped his insults a notch or two.
I was interested in Candland when he got into the BOCS discretionary fund issue. I think he tripped up badly today – right or wrong those were inappropriate comments for him to make in that venue. Looks like most of the others agreed.
Candland’s ears were turning red he was so mad. Hard to lead when you screw over everyone around you. You get up to the top of the hill and find out you are alone.
I am afraid my ears were turning red right here in my own living room. There was steam coming out of them. I don’t think I have ever seen a supervisor tell a CXO that he/she had no confidence in them in public.
I know now what has been bothering me. Corey had the gavel. He should have put a stop to that nonsense right then and there.
Additionally, he had no right to lecture. I got a very telling email last week from someone who had witnessed his behavior at a conference. I had decided against repeating it here. However, after today and the lecture for everyone to remove emotion from the discussion, perhaps Corey needs his come-uppins:
The story I got basically said Corey Stewart demonstrated totally outrageous behavior at the annual Virginia Association of Counties conference a few weeks ago. The person told me he was rude, bombastic and argumentative, actually making himself the talk of the conference but not in a positive way, even among Republicans. The person said it was embarrassing to witness.
it sounds like Corey was off his leash again.
I think he violated the employment rules of PWC. If he had a problem he should have taken it to executive session. His behavior was unacceptable.
Until today, I had a much higher opinion of him. It took a nose dive.
Thank you for asking, Mom.
I don’t believe I have seen that happen before in the past couple of decades. Perhaps under the 4 horsemen but they had zero class.
I think Candland shot himself in the foot. He started the fight.
Candland is immature and had never seen a board meeting before he was elected. He should probably go back and watch some of the old ones to understand how it is supposed to work. He probably could care less
“We’ve got to get past this whole situation where we manufacture crises because of politics … [that] leads to less certainty, more conflict, and we can’t all focus on coming together to grow,” Obama claimed.
I think Pete is getting some very bad advice. Mike May seemed to be taking him under his wing in the beginning. You can’t come in as one person and fire-bombyour way through the place. Go in, build your alliances, get to know the ropes and then make your changes, slowly but surely.
Mike would be a good mentor. He is well respected by the other supervisors. He is a solid post…he doesn’t stir things up. He would truly act in Pete’s best interests just because that is the kind of guy Mike is.
Pete, start over. It really isn’t too late. Shake loose of those blogs. Everyone with a brain has that figured out anyway and you aren’t winning in the court of public opinion. Most of us don’t like people being bullied and harassed.
Its funny how someone being a scapegoat mends a lot of fences. There are too many scapegoats. What has become obvious is that you are never the scapegoat. That speaks volumes.
Why is it okay for an elected official slander private citizens on public television?
When the video of the 12/11/2012 BOCS meeting is finally posted online, scroll to about 03:31:20 and you can hear Supervisor Maureen Caddigan call the members of Supervisor Peter Candland’s Budget Committee “despicable people.”
As a member of Peter Candland’s budget committee, I can tell you that I was insulted by Maureen Caddigan’s remarks.
Pete Candland offered me the opportunity to join his budget committee because I showed interest. My own supervisor doesn’t have a budget committee so that was not an option.
What I am finding absolutely amazing is that you know the time on the video that isn’t even available yet. I just hope the video gets fixed so i can erase it off my dvr.
I heard what Mrs. Caddigan said. I expect her words came out of the number of times anonymous people have sat behind their computer screens and made slanderous (let’s see that would be libelous, wouldn’t it?) remarks about her and her family members. I cannot speak for her but I believe she meant to speak to the anonymous people who have bashed her and others from behind a screen. I feel certain she didn’t mean you, Janelle. She probably didn’t realize you were on the Candland budget committee. You are working for him now, aren’t you?
I would not have realized it had someone we both know not told me. If you were offended, and I can understand why you felt that way, how do you think Mrs. Caddigan has felt week after week after week while she was being attacked and while her colleagues were being attacked? When you don’t know who your attackers are and you know things are being said that aren’t true, it is very easy to become frustrated.
You have been critical of me for some of my administrative decisions. One of my decisions is that I don’t allow county employees to be attacked on my blog. Why? They can’t fight back. For that reason, I decided I simply couldn’t, in good faith, link to blogs that did allow it on a regular basis. I did it very quietly but if you look around, I think you will see that some of the blogs that do that have disappeared. I haven’t finished yet either.
I have never known you to attack from behind the screen. I know your mentor and I know he does not do that either. I doubt that Mrs. Caddigan knew you were on the budget committee. Please try to not be offended. Put yourself in her shoes.Some of her attackers have said despicable things. I hope they are not as dispicable as their words.
One final thing, just to illuminate this issue further–someone kept referring to her putting up a memorial for her dead relative. Words can be very unkind. The memorial was for her son. Only a cruel bastard would say that to a mother.
I stand by Mrs. Caddigan that there are some despicable people out there. I don’t necessarily think they are on the Gainesville budget committee. I can dislike a budget that cuts away the real human, decent part of PWC without thinking the people who want to do it are despicable.
I think Mrs. Caddigan offered a strong opinion. I dont think she slandered anyone. Fine lines of difference.
I will be glad to talk to you about this further. You have my email address and I can send you my phone number.
@Janelle Anderson When I say “elected official” I am referring to Supervisor Maureen Caddigan.
Moon: I agree that Mike May would have been a good mentor for Candland, but Mike clearly was not and is not willing to assume such a role. He was and is a good friend of Ann Wheeler’s; he has shown no interest whatever in helping the guy that beat her. In fact, his interest is quite the opposite.
I know of several times he (Mike) helped him last Spring. I am not going to assume I know anything about the dynamics of their relationship.
I am not going to comment on who is friends with whom and what implication that would have on collegial team spiritedness. I never took Mike for the kind of guy who would be small and petty. Surely that isn’t what you are implying?
Moon, thank you for your response at 23:29.
I know the time on the video because I was watching it live and I take notes.
The morning answer…I tried your method, using your numbers. My dvr didnt capture from the beginning when I hit record. It only went back to the tail end of the housing report. That’s ok. though. I guess it had been going on too long. I got the fireworks though.
Moon, regarding your comment “You are working for him (Supervisor Pete Candland) now, aren’t you?”
I don’t look at it that way. That’s the beauty of being a volunteer. Volunteering on Candland’s budget committee is like taking a graduate course in civics and finance all at once. I could not pay for the education I am getting. Candland is doing me the favor, not the other way around.
I meant as an employee. If you are a county employee you get special moon protection, remember.
That is why I asked.
Nothing against you at all, Janelle, but putting my ear to the ground, there are several problems I hear people grousing about in the Gainesville district. I live “in town” and that part of the Gainesville district is often under represented. I think they forget there is a large group of people up here who live in Westgate, Sudley, Stonington, etc. (The blue part of the district.)
Mr. Candland has 3 people outside of district which has irritated some folks in the district who were not considered. The second issue is that the budget committee is doing Candland’s bidding rather than the budget committee being a group of Gainesville district residents putting forth their ideas from a neutral point of view. There are also a lot of people up in the “in town” part of the district who were very active in community affairs under John Stirrup. Those people have not been included in much of anything.
Perhaps Mr. Candland should have 2 budget groups. One that represents the people and what they want and the other that follows his directive. I would see nothing wrong with that.
As I said, none of that is against you. Just what I pick up on putting my ear to the ground.
Pretty good ones, I would say. Do you think the video will get put up or not.
I can’t even tell on my dvr or maybe I am just too lazy to figure it out. However, I am going to refer to your count on mine and see how it works.
I thought of another analogy…hold on.
Let’s go across the aisle to the school board side for a second.
Let’s pretend for just a minute that in a public meeting, Alyson Satterwhite told Dr. Walts (CXO of the school system) that she had no confidence in him , he had mistakes in his preliminary budget and if she behaved that way on her job she would be fired?
What kind of message would that send to all of his underlings, from employees to those that do business with the school system? Those words can undermine everything Dr. Walts did for the rest of his tenure with the county.
Hopefully someone, like Chairman Johns would quickly grab Mrs. S . and tell her that is the type of discussion that needs to be done in executive session and not in front of everyone in the school system.
I also don’t feel Ms. Satterwhite would ever think of doing something like that. There are rules to play by and procedures to follow.
Furthermore, as CXO, I doubt that Dr. Walts would be working up his own budget. his budget department would do that at this stage of the game.
My apologies to Mr. Johns, Dr. Walts, and Mrs. Satterwhite, for using them as an example. I wanted to keep the analogy but remove the actual players.
@Janelle Anderson
That wasn;t targetted at you Janelle. It was targetted at someone else.
@nova1983 I think Mike would gladly have taken him under his wing. Mike is a conservative and Wheeler is a liberal. Mike sticks to his principles and he did last night.
Western Prince William Town Hall Meeting Thurs Dec 13 at 7:30 pm in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 9027 Center St in Manassas. Let legislators know your concerns for the upcoming 2013 session of the General Assembly. For a look at the 124 bills filed in the last 60 days, including HB1336 -tax credit for employees who telework, go to
I think Candland is taking too many cue’s from one of his biggest – backer, promoter, adviser. Even the Sheriff blog fits in with the style of attack of this backer – I would not be surprised to find out he was behind it.
Candland – be your own person – this is not who you were.
The Senate Intelligence Committee is supposed to vote today on a report on the enhanced interrogation program. Sen John McCain said we got no meaningful information by using torture and he said the report should be made available to the public. (I’d post a link to an article about McCain’s comments, but I don’t want to run afoul of the more than one link rule and end up in moderation … Google it and you’ll find one). Sen Mark Warner is a member of the Intelligence Committee. If you are so inclined, contact him and urge him to stand with Sen McCain on allowing the public to see the report.