Most of us aren’t ready to stop talking about the mass murders of Newtown, Connecticut. I have tried to stop and I can’t. I keep thinking guns and mental illness and their life-threatening intersection. Guns and mental illness become the common denominator for all of our mass murders. However, there is a sub layer to all this violence that we also need to talk about.
Video games, movies and music are also a vital part society that is feeding the violence. God only knows what kind of violence is on video games. I won’t look. I pop bubbles and have frogs spit balls in my video games. No one over the age of three likes my games. However, I know they are out there. Video games are very life-like. The people look pretty much like people. How many video kills do we have to do before we are just desensitized and indifferent? At what point can we not come out of our game mode? Where do we draw the line?