14 Thoughts to “President Obama named Time Person of the Year”

  1. Elena

    Very cool. I”ll have to read the associated article.

  2. Steve Peterson

    Does this surprise anyone? Just take a look at just how many Time covers he has been on, he is their ‘person’ just about every issue: https://www.google.com/search?q=time+magazine+covers+%2B+obama&hl=en&tbo=u&tbm=isch&source=univ&sa=X&ei=2evRUMjnKfSv0AHjmYDQCQ&ved=0CEgQsAQ&biw=1166&bih=649

  3. Steve Peterson

    I thought that Psy was a sure thing to tell you the truth…

  4. The President makes me think of everyman — an ordinary person, representative of the human race. When I see him, I see each one of us, how we are, flawed, yet striving, and what we can be. What an extraordinary portrait on the cover.

    1. Wasn’t that a fabulous photo of him! I think of him as everyman also. Sort of whats good about everyman but not perfect.,

  5. O.M.G.


    Ooookay then.

  6. Cindy B

    Waiting for everywoman 🙂

  7. @Cindy B
    Sarah Palin couldn’t make it. 😈

  8. middleman

    Man, a transformative young black man re-elected as President and another installed as Redskins quarterback all in one year. D.C.’s a lucky town.

    Come to think of it, how about RG III as “co-Person Of The Year?”

  9. @middleman
    Really? She can’t even make it to Congress to testify. So much for that 3am call. 😉

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