Moonhowler recieved very sad news yesterday.  One of our regular posters, “Bear”, passed away from a sudden health complication.  She had a wonderful relationship via internet with Mr. Bear outside of the blog, sharing music weekly and general communications of life and family.

We send our prayers out to his family and we acknowlege the value of his comments and willingess to share his thoughts on the blog.

RIP Bear.




11 Thoughts to “Sudden Loss of Moonhowlings Member”

  1. Elena, thank you for posting this cyber obit. I just wasn’t ready. Bear was a friend of the family back in the mid-70’s when he worked for IBM. He used to come to our house on Friday nights and we would drink a lot of scotch (well, he drank wild Turkey), ply guitars and howl at the moon.

    He got moved (IBM= I’ve Been Moved) and went back to New York state, settling in Wallkill, NY. We reestablished our friendship several years ago. We did some music even but it was not quite the same thing. We sent some music back and forth on Friday nights. It was fun…for a while. Then we discovered our music tastes has gone in very different directions.

    RIP Bear. You were a very good friend and a blog gentleman, perhaps too much of one.

  2. Censored bybvbl

    I’m sorry to hear this news, Moon-howler. Bear was a thoughtful poster who added much to the conversation.

    1. Thanks Censored. I am very sorry also. He will be sorely missed. I should be grateful that he reached out and located me after so many years.

  3. Lafayette

    RIP Bear. Sorry, for you loss, Moon. Ah, the good ole days of IBM’ers.

  4. Lyssa

    Sorry to hear…

  5. Lady Emma

    RIP, Bear. Condolences to his family.

  6. RIP. Bear is in our prayers.

  7. Thinking of you all on this sad day.

  8. Need to Know

    Condolences to Bear, his family and friends, and Moonhowler.

  9. Pat.Herve

    RIP Bear –

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