Justice Scalia is probably right. He also hasn’t been to the SOTU Address for the past 16 years, regardless of who is president. Scalia says he doesn’t want to give dignity to the event. Salia further adds that the justices can’t clap for much of anything other than when the president says, America is a great country. The rest of the time, they keep their eyes on the Chief Justice to see when clapping is appropriate.
Justice Scalia also told tales out of school. He revealed that on a hunting trip, Justice Elena Kagan is turning into quite the hunter. She dropped a white tail doe with one shot while some of them were on a hunting trip in Wyoming. . She had no hunting experience before joining the court. Scalia quipped that even though they had a license for shooting mule deer and antelope, they never saw any. He said Kagan could have shot the white tail in his driveway without having to go to Wyoming. (yea, Tony, but was it doe season?)