SOME GOP delegates promote easy access to birth control


The key word here is SOME.  Not one delegate from Prince William County was a signatory on the letter written to Secretary of Health and Human Services, Kathleen Sebelius.  Granted, the GOP delegates who sent the letter appear to be the more modern of the Republicans in the Delegate Assembly but I still smell a rat…actually, I smell a Trojan Horse.

From the Virginia Pilot:

Several Republicans in the House of Delegates  have urged federal health officials to allow birth control to be sold  without a prescription to adults.

More than two dozen legislators wrote U.S. Health and Human Services  Secretary Kathleen Sebelius seeking a policy change they called “a  reform that makes sense and is something the Obama administration could  quickly move on with bipartisan support.”

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Scare-quester? Gimme a break!

Most people in Washington believe that the Sequestration will happen.  Conservative sources like Fox News are busying the bandwidths by calling President Obama a liar and stating that the Sequester will not be all that bad.  Conservatives like Rand Paul are backing them up by saying the President is fueling the fire and that it won’t affect public safety or travel, despite Secretary of Transportation La Hood saying otherwise.

Meanwhile, Governors like Governor McDonnell of Virginia and Governor O’Malley of Maryland have both implored the President to do all in his power to keep the sequester from happening.  They fear the impact on their states, especially because of hits to the defense contact industry.  The governors fear job losses, unemployment and billions taken out of the economy.  Both states avoided major unemployment  during the financial crash because of  location and business from the federal government.  In particular, in Virginia, both the Hampton Roads area and Northern Virginia remained solidly employed.  Prince William County was hard-hit by foreclosure but that had nothing to do with the federal government.

This Friday, March 1, unless Congress overturns the Budget Control Act of 2011, that authorizes the Sequester, things will start to roll downhill.  Federal employees can expect furloughs, no raises.

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