A special tribute to those who didn’t come home from my parents’ generation in WWII, the Korean War, and my own generation, Vietnam.
The one thing that always hits me when I look at videos of America at war is just how young our troops are. Most of them are little more than boys.
Freedom certainly is not free. It’s also not for the faint of heart.
Will we ever go for more than 20 years without being involved in a war?
Thank you for putting up this beautiful piece.
Can we go more than 20 years without a war? Well depending on how you count how many wars we have been in–one count is 12, another is 67 throwing in all the things like the Indian Wars, Opium Wars, etc. If you count just 12, we have averaged a war every 19.8 years; however, if 67 is the divisor, we’ve been in some kind of war every 3.5 years. I don’t know who said it first but, “Americans seem to love war, we have fought so many.”